Merge "Remove support for unsandboxed metalava"
diff --git a/android/Android.bp b/android/Android.bp
index 773aa6a..a32e8f2 100644
--- a/android/Android.bp
+++ b/android/Android.bp
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
+        "sdk_version.go",
diff --git a/android/apex.go b/android/apex.go
index a5ff442..7f9f0f5 100644
--- a/android/apex.go
+++ b/android/apex.go
@@ -453,6 +453,23 @@
+// AvailableToSameApexes returns true if the two modules are apex_available to
+// exactly the same set of APEXes (and platform), i.e. if their apex_available
+// properties have the same elements.
+func AvailableToSameApexes(mod1, mod2 ApexModule) bool {
+	mod1ApexAvail := SortedUniqueStrings(mod1.apexModuleBase().ApexProperties.Apex_available)
+	mod2ApexAvail := SortedUniqueStrings(mod2.apexModuleBase().ApexProperties.Apex_available)
+	if len(mod1ApexAvail) != len(mod2ApexAvail) {
+		return false
+	}
+	for i, v := range mod1ApexAvail {
+		if v != mod2ApexAvail[i] {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
 type byApexName []ApexInfo
 func (a byApexName) Len() int           { return len(a) }
@@ -786,60 +803,73 @@
 	return list
-	"adbd":                           30,
-	"":          30,
-	"apache-commons-compress":        29,
-	"bouncycastle_ike_digests":       30,
-	"brotli-java":                    29,
-	"captiveportal-lib":              28,
-	"flatbuffer_headers":             30,
-	"framework-permission":           30,
-	"gemmlowp_headers":               30,
-	"ike-internals":                  30,
-	"kotlinx-coroutines-android":     28,
-	"kotlinx-coroutines-core":        28,
-	"libadb_crypto":                  30,
-	"libadb_pairing_auth":            30,
-	"libadb_pairing_connection":      30,
-	"libadb_pairing_server":          30,
-	"libadb_protos":                  30,
-	"libadb_tls_connection":          30,
-	"libadbconnection_client":        30,
-	"libadbconnection_server":        30,
-	"libadbd_core":                   30,
-	"libadbd_services":               30,
-	"libadbd":                        30,
-	"libapp_processes_protos_lite":   30,
-	"libasyncio":                     30,
-	"libbrotli":                      30,
-	"libbuildversion":                30,
-	"libcrypto_static":               30,
-	"libcrypto_utils":                30,
-	"libdiagnose_usb":                30,
-	"libeigen":                       30,
-	"liblz4":                         30,
-	"libmdnssd":                      30,
-	"libneuralnetworks_common":       30,
-	"libneuralnetworks_headers":      30,
-	"libneuralnetworks":              30,
-	"libprocpartition":               30,
-	"libprotobuf-java-lite":          30,
-	"libprotoutil":                   30,
-	"libqemu_pipe":                   30,
-	"libsync":                        30,
-	"libtextclassifier_hash_headers": 30,
-	"libtextclassifier_hash_static":  30,
-	"libtflite_kernel_utils":         30,
-	"libwatchdog":                    29,
-	"libzstd":                        30,
-	"metrics-constants-protos":       28,
-	"net-utils-framework-common":     29,
-	"permissioncontroller-statsd":    28,
-	"philox_random_headers":          30,
-	"philox_random":                  30,
-	"service-permission":             30,
-	"tensorflow_headers":             30,
-	"xz-java":                        29,
+	"adbd":                                                     30,
+	"":                                    30,
+	"androidx.annotation_annotation-nodeps":                    29,
+	"androidx.arch.core_core-common-nodeps":                    29,
+	"androidx.collection_collection-nodeps":                    29,
+	"androidx.collection_collection-ktx-nodeps":                30,
+	"androidx.concurrent_concurrent-futures-nodeps":            30,
+	"androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-common-java8-nodeps":         30,
+	"androidx.lifecycle_lifecycle-common-nodeps":               29,
+	"androidx.room_room-common-nodeps":                         30,
+	"androidx-constraintlayout_constraintlayout-solver-nodeps": 29,
+	"apache-commons-compress":                                  29,
+	"bouncycastle_ike_digests":                                 30,
+	"brotli-java":                                              29,
+	"captiveportal-lib":                                        28,
+	"error_prone_annotations":                                  30,
+	"flatbuffer_headers":                                       30,
+	"framework-permission":                                     30,
+	"gemmlowp_headers":                                         30,
+	"guava-listenablefuture-prebuilt-jar":                      30,
+	"ike-internals":                                            30,
+	"kotlinx-coroutines-android":                               28,
+	"kotlinx-coroutines-android-nodeps":                        30,
+	"kotlinx-coroutines-core":                                  28,
+	"kotlinx-coroutines-core-nodeps":                           30,
+	"libadb_crypto":                                            30,
+	"libadb_pairing_auth":                                      30,
+	"libadb_pairing_connection":                                30,
+	"libadb_pairing_server":                                    30,
+	"libadb_protos":                                            30,
+	"libadb_tls_connection":                                    30,
+	"libadbconnection_client":                                  30,
+	"libadbconnection_server":                                  30,
+	"libadbd_core":                                             30,
+	"libadbd_services":                                         30,
+	"libadbd":                                                  30,
+	"libapp_processes_protos_lite":                             30,
+	"libasyncio":                                               30,
+	"libbrotli":                                                30,
+	"libbuildversion":                                          30,
+	"libcrypto_static":                                         30,
+	"libcrypto_utils":                                          30,
+	"libdiagnose_usb":                                          30,
+	"libeigen":                                                 30,
+	"liblz4":                                                   30,
+	"libmdnssd":                                                30,
+	"libneuralnetworks_common":                                 30,
+	"libneuralnetworks_headers":                                30,
+	"libneuralnetworks":                                        30,
+	"libprocpartition":                                         30,
+	"libprotobuf-java-lite":                                    30,
+	"libprotoutil":                                             30,
+	"libqemu_pipe":                                             30,
+	"libsync":                                                  30,
+	"libtextclassifier_hash_headers":                           30,
+	"libtextclassifier_hash_static":                            30,
+	"libtflite_kernel_utils":                                   30,
+	"libwatchdog":                                              29,
+	"libzstd":                                                  30,
+	"metrics-constants-protos":                                 28,
+	"net-utils-framework-common":                               29,
+	"permissioncontroller-statsd":                              28,
+	"philox_random_headers":                                    30,
+	"philox_random":                                            30,
+	"service-permission":                                       30,
+	"tensorflow_headers":                                       30,
+	"xz-java":                                                  29,
 // Function called while walking an APEX's payload dependencies.
diff --git a/android/api_levels.go b/android/api_levels.go
index 2f6a9d2..9bc7e83 100644
--- a/android/api_levels.go
+++ b/android/api_levels.go
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
 // ApiLevelFromUser or ApiLevelOrPanic.
 // The different *types* of API levels are handled separately. Currently only
-// Java has these, and they're managed with the sdkKind enum of the sdkSpec. A
-// future cleanup should be to migrate sdkSpec to using ApiLevel instead of its
-// sdkVersion int, and to move sdkSpec into this package.
+// Java has these, and they're managed with the SdkKind enum of the SdkSpec. A
+// future cleanup should be to migrate SdkSpec to using ApiLevel instead of its
+// SdkVersion int, and to move SdkSpec into this package.
 type ApiLevel struct {
 	// The string representation of the API level.
 	value string
diff --git a/android/arch.go b/android/arch.go
index 20b4ab0..3eff5d5 100644
--- a/android/arch.go
+++ b/android/arch.go
@@ -1709,3 +1709,90 @@
 	return archToProp
+// GetTargetProperties returns a map of OS target (e.g. android, windows) to the
+// values of the properties of the 'dst' struct that are specific to that OS
+// target.
+// For example, passing a struct { Foo bool, Bar string } will return an
+// interface{} that can be type asserted back into the same struct, containing
+// the os-specific property value specified by the module if defined.
+// While this looks similar to GetArchProperties, the internal representation of
+// the properties have a slightly different layout to warrant a standalone
+// lookup function.
+func (m *ModuleBase) GetTargetProperties(dst interface{}) map[OsType]interface{} {
+	// Return value of the arch types to the prop values for that arch.
+	osToProp := map[OsType]interface{}{}
+	// Nothing to do for non-OS/arch-specific modules.
+	if !m.ArchSpecific() {
+		return osToProp
+	}
+	// archProperties has the type of [][]interface{}. Looks complicated, so
+	// let's explain this step by step.
+	//
+	// Loop over the outer index, which determines the property struct that
+	// contains a matching set of properties in dst that we're interested in.
+	// For example, BaseCompilerProperties or BaseLinkerProperties.
+	for i := range m.archProperties {
+		if m.archProperties[i] == nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		// Iterate over the supported OS types
+		for _, os := range OsTypeList {
+			// e.g android, linux_bionic
+			field := os.Field
+			// If it's not nil, loop over the inner index, which determines the arch variant
+			// of the prop type. In an Android.bp file, this is like looping over:
+			//
+			// target: { android: { key: value, ... }, linux_bionic: { key: value, ... } }
+			for _, archProperties := range m.archProperties[i] {
+				archPropValues := reflect.ValueOf(archProperties).Elem()
+				// This is the archPropRoot struct. Traverse into the Targetnested struct.
+				src := archPropValues.FieldByName("Target").Elem()
+				// Step into non-nil pointers to structs in the src value.
+				if src.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+					if src.IsNil() {
+						continue
+					}
+					src = src.Elem()
+				}
+				// Find the requested field (e.g. android, linux_bionic) in the src struct.
+				src = src.FieldByName(field)
+				// Validation steps. We want valid non-nil pointers to structs.
+				if !src.IsValid() || src.IsNil() {
+					continue
+				}
+				if src.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || src.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+					continue
+				}
+				// Clone the destination prop, since we want a unique prop struct per arch.
+				dstClone := reflect.New(reflect.ValueOf(dst).Elem().Type()).Interface()
+				// Copy the located property struct into the cloned destination property struct.
+				err := proptools.ExtendMatchingProperties([]interface{}{dstClone}, src.Interface(), nil, proptools.OrderReplace)
+				if err != nil {
+					// This is fine, it just means the src struct doesn't match.
+					continue
+				}
+				// Found the prop for the os, you have.
+				osToProp[os] = dstClone
+				// Go to the next prop.
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return osToProp
diff --git a/android/bazel.go b/android/bazel.go
index 9a14e70..a08da0e 100644
--- a/android/bazel.go
+++ b/android/bazel.go
@@ -108,6 +108,11 @@
 type BazelConversionConfigEntry int
 const (
+	// A sentinel value to be used as a key in Bp2BuildConfig for modules with
+	// no package path. This is also the module dir for top level Android.bp
+	// modules.
 	// iota + 1 ensures that the int value is not 0 when used in the Bp2buildAllowlist map,
 	// which can also mean that the key doesn't exist in a lookup.
@@ -129,49 +134,60 @@
 	// Per-module denylist to always opt modules out.
-	bp2buildModuleDoNotConvert = map[string]bool{
-		"libBionicBenchmarksUtils":      true,
-		"libbionic_spawn_benchmark":     true,
-		"libc_jemalloc_wrapper":         true,
-		"libc_bootstrap":                true,
-		"libc_init_static":              true,
-		"libc_init_dynamic":             true,
-		"libc_tzcode":                   true,
-		"lib_dns":                       true,
-		"libc_freebsd":                  true,
-		"libc_freebsd_large_stack":      true,
-		"libc_netbsd":                   true,
-		"libc_openbsd_ndk":              true,
-		"libc_openbsd_large_stack":      true,
-		"libc_openbsd":                  true,
-		"libc_gdtoa":                    true,
-		"libc_fortify":                  true,
-		"libc_bionic":                   true,
-		"libc_bionic_ndk":               true,
-		"libc_bionic_systrace":          true,
-		"libc_pthread":                  true,
-		"libc_syscalls":                 true,
-		"libc_aeabi":                    true,
-		"libc_ndk":                      true,
-		"libc_nopthread":                true,
-		"libc_common":                   true,
-		"libc_static_dispatch":          true,
-		"libc_dynamic_dispatch":         true,
-		"libc_common_static":            true,
-		"libc_common_shared":            true,
-		"libc_unwind_static":            true,
-		"libc_nomalloc":                 true,
-		"libasync_safe":                 true,
-		"libc_malloc_debug_backtrace":   true,
-		"libsystemproperties":           true,
-		"libdl_static":                  true,
-		"liblinker_main":                true,
-		"liblinker_malloc":              true,
-		"liblinker_debuggerd_stub":      true,
-		"libbionic_tests_headers_posix": true,
+	bp2buildModuleDoNotConvertList = []string{
+		"libBionicBenchmarksUtils",      // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libbionic_spawn_benchmark",     // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //system/libbase
+		"libc_jemalloc_wrapper",         // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //external/jemalloc_new
+		"libc_bootstrap",                // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_init_static",              // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_init_dynamic",             // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_tzcode",                   // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_freebsd",                  // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_freebsd_large_stack",      // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_netbsd",                   // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_openbsd_ndk",              // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_openbsd_large_stack",      // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_openbsd",                  // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_gdtoa",                    // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_fortify",                  // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_bionic",                   // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_bionic_ndk",               // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //bionic/libc/system_properties
+		"libc_bionic_systrace",          // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_pthread",                  // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_syscalls",                 // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_aeabi",                    // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_ndk",                      // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //bionic/libm:libm
+		"libc_nopthread",                // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //external/arm-optimized-routines
+		"libc_common",                   // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //bionic/libc:libc_nopthread
+		"libc_static_dispatch",          // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_dynamic_dispatch",         // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_common_static",            // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //bionic/libc:libc_common
+		"libc_common_shared",            // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //bionic/libc:libc_common
+		"libc_unwind_static",            // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_nomalloc",                 // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //bionic/libc:libc_common
+		"libasync_safe",                 // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_malloc_debug_backtrace",   // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //system/libbase
+		"libsystemproperties",           // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //system/core/property_service/libpropertyinfoparser
+		"libdl_static",                  // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"liblinker_main",                // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //system/libbase
+		"liblinker_malloc",              // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //system/logging/liblog:liblog
+		"liblinker_debuggerd_stub",      // ruperts@, cc_library_static, depends on //system/libbase
+		"libbionic_tests_headers_posix", // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"libc_dns",                      // ruperts@, cc_library_static
+		"note_memtag_heap_async",        // cparsons@, cc_library_static
+		"note_memtag_heap_sync",         // cparsons@, cc_library_static
+	// Used for quicker lookups
+	bp2buildModuleDoNotConvert = map[string]bool{}
+func init() {
+	for _, moduleName := range bp2buildModuleDoNotConvertList {
+		bp2buildModuleDoNotConvert[moduleName] = true
+	}
 // ConvertWithBp2build returns whether the given BazelModuleBase should be converted with bp2build.
 func (b *BazelModuleBase) ConvertWithBp2build(ctx BazelConversionPathContext) bool {
 	if bp2buildModuleDoNotConvert[ctx.Module().Name()] {
@@ -212,10 +228,15 @@
 func bp2buildDefaultTrueRecursively(packagePath string, config Bp2BuildConfig) bool {
 	ret := false
+	// Return exact matches in the config.
+	if config[packagePath] == Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively {
+		return true
+	}
 	if config[packagePath] == Bp2BuildDefaultFalse {
 		return false
+	// If not, check for the config recursively.
 	packagePrefix := ""
 	// e.g. for x/y/z, iterate over x, x/y, then x/y/z, taking the final value from the allowlist.
 	for _, part := range strings.Split(packagePath, "/") {
diff --git a/android/bazel_handler.go b/android/bazel_handler.go
index 0595d68..04b70d6 100644
--- a/android/bazel_handler.go
+++ b/android/bazel_handler.go
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
@@ -37,7 +38,6 @@
 const (
 	getAllFiles CqueryRequestType = iota
-	getCcObjectFiles
@@ -56,10 +56,6 @@
 	// Returns result files built by building the given bazel target label.
 	GetOutputFiles(label string, archType ArchType) ([]string, bool)
-	// Returns object files produced by compiling the given cc-related target.
-	// Retrieves these files from Bazel's CcInfo provider.
-	GetCcObjectFiles(label string, archType ArchType) ([]string, bool)
 	// TODO(cparsons): Other cquery-related methods should be added here.
 	// Returns the results of GetOutputFiles and GetCcObjectFiles in a single query (in that order).
 	GetOutputFilesAndCcObjectFiles(label string, archType ArchType) ([]string, []string, bool)
@@ -116,11 +112,6 @@
 	return result, ok
-func (m MockBazelContext) GetCcObjectFiles(label string, archType ArchType) ([]string, bool) {
-	result, ok := m.AllFiles[label]
-	return result, ok
 func (m MockBazelContext) GetOutputFilesAndCcObjectFiles(label string, archType ArchType) ([]string, []string, bool) {
 	result, ok := m.AllFiles[label]
 	return result, result, ok
@@ -154,16 +145,6 @@
 	return ret, ok
-func (bazelCtx *bazelContext) GetCcObjectFiles(label string, archType ArchType) ([]string, bool) {
-	rawString, ok := bazelCtx.cquery(label, cquery.GetCcObjectFiles, archType)
-	var returnResult []string
-	if ok {
-		bazelOutput := strings.TrimSpace(rawString)
-		returnResult = cquery.GetCcObjectFiles.ParseResult(bazelOutput).([]string)
-	}
-	return returnResult, ok
 func (bazelCtx *bazelContext) GetOutputFilesAndCcObjectFiles(label string, archType ArchType) ([]string, []string, bool) {
 	var outputFiles []string
 	var ccObjects []string
@@ -183,10 +164,6 @@
-func (n noopBazelContext) GetCcObjectFiles(label string, archType ArchType) ([]string, bool) {
-	panic("unimplemented")
 func (n noopBazelContext) GetOutputFilesAndCcObjectFiles(label string, archType ArchType) ([]string, []string, bool) {
@@ -293,13 +270,23 @@
 	cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, labels...)
 	cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, "--package_path=%workspace%/"+context.intermediatesDir())
 	cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, "--profile="+shared.BazelMetricsFilename(context, runName))
-	// Set default platforms to canonicalized values for mixed builds requests. If these are set
-	// in the bazelrc, they will have values that are non-canonicalized, and thus be invalid.
-	// The actual platform values here may be overridden by configuration transitions from the buildroot.
+	// Set default platforms to canonicalized values for mixed builds requests.
+	// If these are set in the bazelrc, they will have values that are
+	// non-canonicalized to @sourceroot labels, and thus be invalid when
+	// referenced from the buildroot.
+	//
+	// The actual platform values here may be overridden by configuration
+	// transitions from the buildroot.
 	cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags,
-		fmt.Sprintf("--platforms=%s", canonicalizeLabel("//build/bazel/platforms:generic_x86_64")))
+		fmt.Sprintf("--platforms=%s", canonicalizeLabel("//build/bazel/platforms:android_x86_64")))
 	cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags,
 		fmt.Sprintf("--extra_toolchains=%s", canonicalizeLabel("//prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86:all")))
+	// This should be parameterized on the host OS, but let's restrict to linux
+	// to keep things simple for now.
+	cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags,
+		fmt.Sprintf("--host_platform=%s", canonicalizeLabel("//build/bazel/platforms:linux_x86_64")))
 	// Explicitly disable downloading rules (such as canonical C++ and Java rules) from the network.
 	cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, "--experimental_repository_disable_download")
 	cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, extraFlags...)
@@ -332,8 +319,13 @@
     name = "sourceroot",
     path = "%s",
+    name = "rules_cc",
+    path = "%s/build/bazel/rules_cc",
-	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(formatString, context.workspaceDir))
+	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(formatString, context.workspaceDir, context.workspaceDir))
 func (context *bazelContext) mainBzlFileContents() []byte {
@@ -344,73 +336,39 @@
 # This file is generated by soong_build. Do not edit.
-def _x86_64_transition_impl(settings, attr):
+def _config_node_transition_impl(settings, attr):
     return {
-        "//command_line_option:platforms": "@sourceroot//build/bazel/platforms:generic_x86_64",
+        "//command_line_option:platforms": "@sourceroot//build/bazel/platforms:android_%s" % attr.arch,
-def _x86_transition_impl(settings, attr):
-    return {
-        "//command_line_option:platforms": "@sourceroot//build/bazel/platforms:generic_x86",
-    }
-def _arm64_transition_impl(settings, attr):
-    return {
-        "//command_line_option:platforms": "@sourceroot//build/bazel/platforms:generic_arm64",
-    }
-def _arm_transition_impl(settings, attr):
-    return {
-        "//command_line_option:platforms": "@sourceroot//build/bazel/platforms:generic_arm",
-    }
-x86_64_transition = transition(
-    implementation = _x86_64_transition_impl,
+_config_node_transition = transition(
+    implementation = _config_node_transition_impl,
     inputs = [],
     outputs = [
-x86_transition = transition(
-    implementation = _x86_transition_impl,
-    inputs = [],
-    outputs = [
-        "//command_line_option:platforms",
-    ],
+def _passthrough_rule_impl(ctx):
+    return [DefaultInfo(files = depset(ctx.files.deps))]
+config_node = rule(
+    implementation = _passthrough_rule_impl,
+    attrs = {
+        "arch" : attr.string(mandatory = True),
+        "deps" : attr.label_list(cfg = _config_node_transition),
+        "_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist"),
+    },
-arm64_transition = transition(
-    implementation = _arm64_transition_impl,
-    inputs = [],
-    outputs = [
-        "//command_line_option:platforms",
-    ],
-arm_transition = transition(
-    implementation = _arm_transition_impl,
-    inputs = [],
-    outputs = [
-        "//command_line_option:platforms",
-    ],
-def _mixed_build_root_impl(ctx):
-    all_files = ctx.files.deps_x86_64 + ctx.files.deps_x86 + ctx.files.deps_arm64 + ctx.files.deps_arm
-    return [DefaultInfo(files = depset(all_files))]
 # Rule representing the root of the build, to depend on all Bazel targets that
 # are required for the build. Building this target will build the entire Bazel
 # build tree.
 mixed_build_root = rule(
-    implementation = _mixed_build_root_impl,
+    implementation = _passthrough_rule_impl,
     attrs = {
-        "deps_x86_64" : attr.label_list(cfg = x86_64_transition),
-        "deps_x86" : attr.label_list(cfg = x86_transition),
-        "deps_arm64" : attr.label_list(cfg = arm64_transition),
-        "deps_arm" : attr.label_list(cfg = arm_transition),
-        "_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist"),
+        "deps" : attr.label_list(),
@@ -446,44 +404,42 @@
 	// architecture mapping.
 	formatString := `
 # This file is generated by soong_build. Do not edit.
-load(":main.bzl", "mixed_build_root", "phony_root")
+load(":main.bzl", "config_node", "mixed_build_root", "phony_root")
 mixed_build_root(name = "buildroot",
-    deps_x86_64 = [%s],
-    deps_x86 = [%s],
-    deps_arm64 = [%s],
-    deps_arm = [%s],
+    deps = [%s],
 phony_root(name = "phonyroot",
     deps = [":buildroot"],
-	var deps_x86_64 []string = nil
-	var deps_x86 []string = nil
-	var deps_arm64 []string = nil
-	var deps_arm []string = nil
+	configNodeFormatString := `
+config_node(name = "%s",
+    arch = "%s",
+    deps = [%s],
+	configNodesSection := ""
+	labelsByArch := map[string][]string{}
 	for val, _ := range context.requests {
 		labelString := fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", canonicalizeLabel(val.label))
-		switch getArchString(val) {
-		case "x86_64":
-			deps_x86_64 = append(deps_x86_64, labelString)
-		case "x86":
-			deps_x86 = append(deps_x86, labelString)
-		case "arm64":
-			deps_arm64 = append(deps_arm64, labelString)
-		case "arm":
-			deps_arm = append(deps_arm, labelString)
-		default:
-			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled architecture %s for %v", getArchString(val), val))
-		}
+		archString := getArchString(val)
+		labelsByArch[archString] = append(labelsByArch[archString], labelString)
-	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(formatString,
-		strings.Join(deps_x86_64, ",\n            "),
-		strings.Join(deps_x86, ",\n            "),
-		strings.Join(deps_arm64, ",\n            "),
-		strings.Join(deps_arm, ",\n            ")))
+	configNodeLabels := []string{}
+	for archString, labels := range labelsByArch {
+		configNodeLabels = append(configNodeLabels, fmt.Sprintf("\":%s\"", archString))
+		labelsString := strings.Join(labels, ",\n            ")
+		configNodesSection += fmt.Sprintf(configNodeFormatString, archString, archString, labelsString)
+	}
+	return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(formatString, configNodesSection, strings.Join(configNodeLabels, ",\n            ")))
 func indent(original string) string {
@@ -558,10 +514,10 @@
   platform_name = build_options(target)["//command_line_option:platforms"][0].name
   if platform_name == "host":
     return "HOST"
-  elif not platform_name.startswith("generic_"):
-    fail("expected platform name of the form 'generic_<arch>', but was " + str(platforms))
+  elif not platform_name.startswith("android_"):
+    fail("expected platform name of the form 'android_<arch>', but was " + str(platforms))
     return "UNKNOWN"
-  return platform_name[len("generic_"):]
+  return platform_name[len("android_"):]
 def format(target):
   id_string = str(target.label) + "|" + get_arch(target)
@@ -746,6 +702,10 @@
 			cmd.Implicit(PathForBazelOut(ctx, inputPath))
+		if depfile := buildStatement.Depfile; depfile != nil {
+			cmd.ImplicitDepFile(PathForBazelOut(ctx, *depfile))
+		}
 		// This is required to silence warnings pertaining to unexpected timestamps. Particularly,
 		// some Bazel builtins (such as files in the bazel_tools directory) have far-future
 		// timestamps. Without restat, Ninja would emit warnings that the input files of a
diff --git a/android/filegroup.go b/android/filegroup.go
index abbb4d4..2f13ab8 100644
--- a/android/filegroup.go
+++ b/android/filegroup.go
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 type bazelFilegroupAttributes struct {
-	Srcs bazel.LabelList
+	Srcs bazel.LabelListAttribute
 type bazelFilegroup struct {
@@ -57,8 +57,10 @@
+	srcs := bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(
+		BazelLabelForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx,,
 	attrs := &bazelFilegroupAttributes{
-		Srcs: BazelLabelForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx,,,
+		Srcs: srcs,
 	props := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{Rule_class: "filegroup"}
diff --git a/android/fixture.go b/android/fixture.go
index 8d62958..5fc668a 100644
--- a/android/fixture.go
+++ b/android/fixture.go
@@ -26,16 +26,9 @@
 // Fixture
 // =======
 // These determine the environment within which a test can be run. Fixtures are mutable and are
-// created by FixtureFactory instances and mutated by FixturePreparer instances. They are created by
-// first creating a base Fixture (which is essentially empty) and then applying FixturePreparer
-// instances to it to modify the environment.
-// FixtureFactory (deprecated)
-// ===========================
-// These are responsible for creating fixtures. Factories are immutable and are intended to be
-// initialized once and reused to create multiple fixtures. Each factory has a list of fixture
-// preparers that prepare a fixture for running a test. Factories can also be used to create other
-// factories by extending them with additional fixture preparers.
+// created and mutated by FixturePreparer instances. They are created by first creating a base
+// Fixture (which is essentially empty) and then applying FixturePreparer instances to it to modify
+// the environment.
 // FixturePreparer
 // ===============
@@ -169,77 +162,6 @@
 //    PrepareForApex,
 // )
-// // FixtureFactory instances have been deprecated, this remains for informational purposes to
-// // help explain some of the existing code but will be removed along with FixtureFactory.
-// var javaFixtureFactory = android.NewFixtureFactory(
-//    PrepareForIntegrationTestWithJava,
-//    FixtureRegisterWithContext(func(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
-//      ctx.RegisterModuleType("test_module", testModule)
-//    }),
-//    javaMockFS.AddToFixture(),
-//    ...
-// }
-// func TestJavaStuff(t *testing.T) {
-//   result := javaFixtureFactory.RunTest(t,
-//       android.FixtureWithRootAndroidBp(`java_library {....}`),
-//       android.MockFS{...}.AddToFixture(),
-//   )
-//   ... test result ...
-// }
-// package cc
-// var PrepareForTestWithCC = GroupFixturePreparers(
-//    android.PrepareForArchMutator,
-//    android.prepareForPrebuilts,
-//    FixtureRegisterWithContext(RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest),
-//    ...
-// )
-// package apex
-// var PrepareForApex = GroupFixturePreparers(
-//    ...
-// )
-// Use modules and mutators from java, cc and apex. Any duplicate preparers (like
-// android.PrepareForArchMutator) will be automatically deduped.
-// var apexFixtureFactory = android.NewFixtureFactory(
-//    PrepareForJava,
-//    PrepareForCC,
-//    PrepareForApex,
-// )
-// Factory for Fixture objects.
-// This is configured with a set of FixturePreparer objects that are used to
-// initialize each Fixture instance this creates.
-// deprecated: Use FixturePreparer instead.
-type FixtureFactory interface {
-	FixturePreparer
-// Create a new FixtureFactory that will apply the supplied preparers.
-// The buildDirSupplier is a pointer to the package level buildDir variable that is initialized by
-// the package level setUp method. It has to be a pointer to the variable as the variable will not
-// have been initialized at the time the factory is created. If it is nil then a test specific
-// temporary directory will be created instead.
-// deprecated: The functionality provided by FixtureFactory will be merged into FixturePreparer
-func NewFixtureFactory(buildDirSupplier *string, preparers ...FixturePreparer) FixtureFactory {
-	f := &fixtureFactory{
-		buildDirSupplier: buildDirSupplier,
-		compositeFixturePreparer: compositeFixturePreparer{
-			preparers: dedupAndFlattenPreparers(nil, preparers),
-		},
-	}
-	f.initBaseFixturePreparer(f)
-	return f
 // A set of mock files to add to the mock file system.
 type MockFS map[string][]byte
@@ -445,17 +367,8 @@
 	// Return the flattened and deduped list of simpleFixturePreparer pointers.
 	list() []*simpleFixturePreparer
-	// Creates a copy of this instance and adds some additional preparers.
-	//
-	// Before the preparers are used they are combined with the preparers provided when the factory
-	// was created, any groups of preparers are flattened, and the list is deduped so that each
-	// preparer is only used once. See the file documentation in android/fixture.go for more details.
-	//
-	// deprecated: Use GroupFixturePreparers() instead.
-	Extend(preparers ...FixturePreparer) FixturePreparer
 	// Create a Fixture.
-	Fixture(t *testing.T, preparers ...FixturePreparer) Fixture
+	Fixture(t *testing.T) Fixture
 	// ExtendWithErrorHandler creates a new FixturePreparer that will use the supplied error handler
 	// to check the errors (may be 0) reported by the test.
@@ -466,12 +379,13 @@
 	// Run the test, checking any errors reported and returning a TestResult instance.
-	// Shorthand for Fixture(t, preparers...).RunTest()
-	RunTest(t *testing.T, preparers ...FixturePreparer) *TestResult
+	// Shorthand for Fixture(t).RunTest()
+	RunTest(t *testing.T) *TestResult
 	// Run the test with the supplied Android.bp file.
-	// Shorthand for RunTest(t, android.FixtureWithRootAndroidBp(bp))
+	// preparer.RunTestWithBp(t, bp) is shorthand for
+	// android.GroupFixturePreparers(preparer, android.FixtureWithRootAndroidBp(bp)).RunTest(t)
 	RunTestWithBp(t *testing.T, bp string) *TestResult
 	// RunTestWithConfig is a temporary method added to help ease the migration of existing tests to
@@ -705,13 +619,11 @@
 	NinjaDeps []string
-func createFixture(t *testing.T, buildDir string, base []*simpleFixturePreparer, extra []FixturePreparer) Fixture {
-	all := dedupAndFlattenPreparers(base, extra)
+func createFixture(t *testing.T, buildDir string, preparers []*simpleFixturePreparer) Fixture {
 	config := TestConfig(buildDir, nil, "", nil)
 	ctx := NewTestContext(config)
 	fixture := &fixture{
-		preparers: all,
+		preparers: preparers,
 		t:         t,
 		config:    config,
 		ctx:       ctx,
@@ -720,7 +632,7 @@
 		errorHandler: FixtureExpectsNoErrors,
-	for _, preparer := range all {
+	for _, preparer := range preparers {
@@ -735,30 +647,25 @@
 	b.self = self
-func (b *baseFixturePreparer) Extend(preparers ...FixturePreparer) FixturePreparer {
-	all := dedupAndFlattenPreparers(b.self.list(), preparers)
-	return newFixturePreparer(all)
-func (b *baseFixturePreparer) Fixture(t *testing.T, preparers ...FixturePreparer) Fixture {
-	return createFixture(t, t.TempDir(), b.self.list(), preparers)
+func (b *baseFixturePreparer) Fixture(t *testing.T) Fixture {
+	return createFixture(t, t.TempDir(), b.self.list())
 func (b *baseFixturePreparer) ExtendWithErrorHandler(errorHandler FixtureErrorHandler) FixturePreparer {
-	return b.self.Extend(newSimpleFixturePreparer(func(fixture *fixture) {
+	return GroupFixturePreparers(b.self, newSimpleFixturePreparer(func(fixture *fixture) {
 		fixture.errorHandler = errorHandler
-func (b *baseFixturePreparer) RunTest(t *testing.T, preparers ...FixturePreparer) *TestResult {
+func (b *baseFixturePreparer) RunTest(t *testing.T) *TestResult {
-	fixture := b.self.Fixture(t, preparers...)
+	fixture := b.self.Fixture(t)
 	return fixture.RunTest()
 func (b *baseFixturePreparer) RunTestWithBp(t *testing.T, bp string) *TestResult {
-	return b.RunTest(t, FixtureWithRootAndroidBp(bp))
+	return GroupFixturePreparers(b.self, FixtureWithRootAndroidBp(bp)).RunTest(t)
 func (b *baseFixturePreparer) RunTestWithConfig(t *testing.T, config Config) *TestResult {
@@ -783,46 +690,6 @@
 	return fixture.RunTest()
-var _ FixtureFactory = (*fixtureFactory)(nil)
-type fixtureFactory struct {
-	compositeFixturePreparer
-	buildDirSupplier *string
-// Override to preserve the buildDirSupplier.
-func (f *fixtureFactory) Extend(preparers ...FixturePreparer) FixturePreparer {
-	// If there is no buildDirSupplier then just use the default implementation.
-	if f.buildDirSupplier == nil {
-		return f.baseFixturePreparer.Extend(preparers...)
-	}
-	all := dedupAndFlattenPreparers(f.preparers, preparers)
-	// Create a new factory which uses the same buildDirSupplier as the previous one.
-	extendedFactory := &fixtureFactory{
-		buildDirSupplier: f.buildDirSupplier,
-		compositeFixturePreparer: compositeFixturePreparer{
-			preparers: all,
-		},
-	}
-	extendedFactory.initBaseFixturePreparer(extendedFactory)
-	return extendedFactory
-func (f *fixtureFactory) Fixture(t *testing.T, preparers ...FixturePreparer) Fixture {
-	// If there is no buildDirSupplier then just use the default implementation.
-	if f.buildDirSupplier == nil {
-		return f.baseFixturePreparer.Fixture(t, preparers...)
-	}
-	// Retrieve the buildDir from the supplier.
-	buildDir := *f.buildDirSupplier
-	return createFixture(t, buildDir, f.preparers, preparers)
 type fixture struct {
 	// The preparers used to create this fixture.
 	preparers []*simpleFixturePreparer
@@ -937,10 +804,10 @@
 // that produced this result.
 // e.g. assuming that this result was created by running:
-//     factory.Extend(preparer1, preparer2).RunTest(t, preparer3, preparer4)
+//     GroupFixturePreparers(preparer1, preparer2, preparer3).RunTest(t)
 // Then this method will be equivalent to running:
-//     GroupFixturePreparers(preparer1, preparer2, preparer3, preparer4)
+//     GroupFixturePreparers(preparer1, preparer2, preparer3)
 // This is intended for use by tests whose output is Android.bp files to verify that those files
 // are valid, e.g. tests of the snapshots produced by the sdk module type.
diff --git a/android/fixture_test.go b/android/fixture_test.go
index 681a034..5b810e0 100644
--- a/android/fixture_test.go
+++ b/android/fixture_test.go
@@ -41,45 +41,42 @@
 	group := GroupFixturePreparers(preparer1, preparer2, preparer1, preparer1Then2)
-	extension := group.Extend(preparer4, preparer2)
+	extension := GroupFixturePreparers(group, preparer4, preparer2)
-	extension.Fixture(t, preparer1, preparer2, preparer2Then1, preparer3)
+	GroupFixturePreparers(extension, preparer1, preparer2, preparer2Then1, preparer3).Fixture(t)
 	AssertDeepEquals(t, "preparers called in wrong order",
 		[]string{"preparer1", "preparer2", "preparer4", "preparer3"}, list)
 func TestFixtureValidateMockFS(t *testing.T) {
-	buildDir := "<unused>"
-	factory := NewFixtureFactory(&buildDir)
 	t.Run("absolute path", func(t *testing.T) {
 		AssertPanicMessageContains(t, "source path validation failed", "Path is outside directory: /abs/path/Android.bp", func() {
-			factory.Fixture(t, FixtureAddFile("/abs/path/Android.bp", nil))
+			FixtureAddFile("/abs/path/Android.bp", nil).Fixture(t)
 	t.Run("not canonical", func(t *testing.T) {
 		AssertPanicMessageContains(t, "source path validation failed", `path "path/with/../in/it/Android.bp" is not a canonical path, use "path/in/it/Android.bp" instead`, func() {
-			factory.Fixture(t, FixtureAddFile("path/with/../in/it/Android.bp", nil))
+			FixtureAddFile("path/with/../in/it/Android.bp", nil).Fixture(t)
 	t.Run("FixtureAddFile", func(t *testing.T) {
 		AssertPanicMessageContains(t, "source path validation failed", `cannot add output path "out/Android.bp" to the mock file system`, func() {
-			factory.Fixture(t, FixtureAddFile("out/Android.bp", nil))
+			FixtureAddFile("out/Android.bp", nil).Fixture(t)
 	t.Run("FixtureMergeMockFs", func(t *testing.T) {
 		AssertPanicMessageContains(t, "source path validation failed", `cannot add output path "out/Android.bp" to the mock file system`, func() {
-			factory.Fixture(t, FixtureMergeMockFs(MockFS{
+			FixtureMergeMockFs(MockFS{
 				"out/Android.bp": nil,
-			}))
+			}).Fixture(t)
 	t.Run("FixtureModifyMockFS", func(t *testing.T) {
 		AssertPanicMessageContains(t, "source path validation failed", `cannot add output path "out/Android.bp" to the mock file system`, func() {
-			factory.Fixture(t, FixtureModifyMockFS(func(fs MockFS) {
+			FixtureModifyMockFS(func(fs MockFS) {
 				fs["out/Android.bp"] = nil
-			}))
+			}).Fixture(t)
diff --git a/android/mutator.go b/android/mutator.go
index 9e99bee..e25e2e8 100644
--- a/android/mutator.go
+++ b/android/mutator.go
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
-	RegisterNeverallowMutator,
+	registerNeverallowMutator,
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@
 		Name: &name,
-	b := t.CreateModule(factory, &nameProp, attrs).(BazelTargetModule)
+	b := t.createModuleWithoutInheritance(factory, &nameProp, attrs).(BazelTargetModule)
 	return b
@@ -608,6 +608,11 @@
 	return module
+func (t *topDownMutatorContext) createModuleWithoutInheritance(factory ModuleFactory, props ...interface{}) Module {
+	module := t.bp.CreateModule(ModuleFactoryAdaptor(factory), props...).(Module)
+	return module
 func (b *bottomUpMutatorContext) MutatorName() string {
 	return b.bp.MutatorName()
diff --git a/android/neverallow.go b/android/neverallow.go
index 7455e6a..a385bbc 100644
--- a/android/neverallow.go
+++ b/android/neverallow.go
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 //     counts as a match
 // - it has none of the "Without" properties matched (same rules as above)
-func RegisterNeverallowMutator(ctx RegisterMutatorsContext) {
+func registerNeverallowMutator(ctx RegisterMutatorsContext) {
 	ctx.BottomUp("neverallow", neverallowMutator).Parallel()
@@ -661,6 +661,22 @@
 // Overrides the default neverallow rules for the supplied config.
 // For testing only.
-func SetTestNeverallowRules(config Config, testRules []Rule) {
+func setTestNeverallowRules(config Config, testRules []Rule) {
 	config.Once(neverallowRulesKey, func() interface{} { return testRules })
+// Prepares for a test by setting neverallow rules and enabling the mutator.
+// If the supplied rules are nil then the default rules are used.
+func PrepareForTestWithNeverallowRules(testRules []Rule) FixturePreparer {
+	return GroupFixturePreparers(
+		FixtureModifyConfig(func(config Config) {
+			if testRules != nil {
+				setTestNeverallowRules(config, testRules)
+			}
+		}),
+		FixtureRegisterWithContext(func(ctx RegistrationContext) {
+			ctx.PostDepsMutators(registerNeverallowMutator)
+		}),
+	)
diff --git a/android/neverallow_test.go b/android/neverallow_test.go
index de0197a..268346a 100644
--- a/android/neverallow_test.go
+++ b/android/neverallow_test.go
@@ -292,7 +292,6 @@
 		ctx.RegisterModuleType("java_library_host", newMockJavaLibraryModule)
 		ctx.RegisterModuleType("java_device_for_host", newMockJavaLibraryModule)
 		ctx.RegisterModuleType("makefile_goal", newMockMakefileGoalModule)
-		ctx.PostDepsMutators(RegisterNeverallowMutator)
@@ -301,12 +300,7 @@
 		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
-				FixtureModifyConfig(func(config Config) {
-					// If the test has its own rules then use them instead of the default ones.
-					if test.rules != nil {
-						SetTestNeverallowRules(config, test.rules)
-					}
-				}),
+				PrepareForTestWithNeverallowRules(test.rules),
diff --git a/android/paths.go b/android/paths.go
index 1278961..ba1ab11 100644
--- a/android/paths.go
+++ b/android/paths.go
@@ -286,6 +286,16 @@
 	return p.path
+// RelativeToTop returns an OptionalPath with the path that was embedded having been replaced by the
+// result of calling Path.RelativeToTop on it.
+func (p OptionalPath) RelativeToTop() OptionalPath {
+	if !p.valid {
+		return p
+	}
+	p.path = p.path.RelativeToTop()
+	return p
 // String returns the string version of the Path, or "" if it isn't valid.
 func (p OptionalPath) String() string {
 	if p.valid {
@@ -477,6 +487,9 @@
 // already be resolved by either deps mutator or path deps mutator.
 func getOtherModuleLabel(ctx BazelConversionPathContext, dep, tag string) bazel.Label {
 	m, _ := ctx.GetDirectDep(dep)
+	if m == nil {
+		panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot get direct dep %s of %s", dep, ctx.Module().Name()))
+	}
 	otherLabel := bazelModuleLabel(ctx, m, tag)
 	label := bazelModuleLabel(ctx, ctx.Module(), "")
 	if samePackage(label, otherLabel) {
@@ -1642,16 +1655,10 @@
 // Will panic if called from outside a test environment.
 func ensureTestOnly() {
-	// Normal soong test environment
-	if InList("-test.short", os.Args) {
+	if PrefixInList(os.Args, "-test.") {
-	// IntelliJ test environment
-	if InList("-test.v", os.Args) {
-		return
-	}
-	panic(fmt.Errorf("Not in test\n%s", strings.Join(os.Args, "\n")))
+	panic(fmt.Errorf("Not in test. Command line:\n  %s", strings.Join(os.Args, "\n  ")))
 func (p InstallPath) RelativeToTop() Path {
diff --git a/android/prebuilt.go b/android/prebuilt.go
index 04864a1..ebccaa7 100644
--- a/android/prebuilt.go
+++ b/android/prebuilt.go
@@ -272,11 +272,9 @@
-// PrebuiltPostDepsMutator does two operations.  It replace dependencies on the
-// source module with dependencies on the prebuilt when both modules exist and
-// the prebuilt should be used.  When the prebuilt should not be used, disable
-// installing it.  Secondly, it also adds a sourcegroup to any filegroups found
-// in the prebuilt's 'Srcs' property.
+// PrebuiltPostDepsMutator replaces dependencies on the source module with dependencies on the
+// prebuilt when both modules exist and the prebuilt should be used.  When the prebuilt should not
+// be used, disable installing it.
 func PrebuiltPostDepsMutator(ctx BottomUpMutatorContext) {
 	if m, ok := ctx.Module().(PrebuiltInterface); ok && m.Prebuilt() != nil {
 		p := m.Prebuilt()
diff --git a/android/queryview.go b/android/queryview.go
index 12d14df..224652e 100644
--- a/android/queryview.go
+++ b/android/queryview.go
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 			Command: fmt.Sprintf(
 				`rm -rf "${outDir}/"* && `+
 					`mkdir -p "${outDir}" && `+
-					`echo WORKSPACE: cat "%s" > "${outDir}/.queryview-depfile.d" && `+
+					`echo WORKSPACE: $$(cat "%s") > "${outDir}/.queryview-depfile.d" && `+
 					`BUILDER="%s" && `+
 					`echo BUILDER=$$BUILDER && `+
 					`cd "$$(dirname "$$BUILDER")" && `+
diff --git a/android/register.go b/android/register.go
index 35469d4..4c8088d 100644
--- a/android/register.go
+++ b/android/register.go
@@ -192,6 +192,15 @@
+	if ctx.config.BazelContext.BazelEnabled() {
+		// Hydrate the configuration of bp2build-enabled module types. This is
+		// required as a signal to identify which modules should be deferred to
+		// Bazel in mixed builds, if it is enabled.
+		for t, _ := range bp2buildMutators {
+			ctx.config.bp2buildModuleTypeConfig[t] = true
+		}
+	}
 	mutators := collateGloballyRegisteredMutators()
diff --git a/android/rule_builder_test.go b/android/rule_builder_test.go
index 9c5ca41..d2a7d8d 100644
--- a/android/rule_builder_test.go
+++ b/android/rule_builder_test.go
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@
 		rspFile := "out/soong/.intermediates/foo/rsp"
 		rspFile2 := "out/soong/.intermediates/foo/rsp2"
 		module := result.ModuleForTests("foo", "")
-		check(t, module.Rule("rule").RelativeToTop(), module.Output(rspFile2).RelativeToTop(),
+		check(t, module.Rule("rule"), module.Output(rspFile2),
 			"cp bar "+outFile+" @"+rspFile+" @"+rspFile2,
 			outFile, outFile+".d", rspFile, rspFile2, true, nil, nil)
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@
 		cmd := `rm -rf ` + outDir + `/gen && ` +
 			sbox + ` --sandbox-path ` + sandboxPath + ` --manifest ` + manifest
 		module := result.ModuleForTests("foo_sbox", "")
-		check(t, module.Output("gen/foo_sbox").RelativeToTop(), module.Output(rspFile2).RelativeToTop(),
+		check(t, module.Output("gen/foo_sbox"), module.Output(rspFile2),
 			cmd, outFile, depFile, rspFile, rspFile2, false, []string{manifest}, []string{sbox})
 	t.Run("sbox_inputs", func(t *testing.T) {
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@
 			sbox + ` --sandbox-path ` + sandboxPath + ` --manifest ` + manifest
 		module := result.ModuleForTests("foo_sbox_inputs", "")
-		check(t, module.Output("gen/foo_sbox_inputs").RelativeToTop(), module.Output(rspFile2).RelativeToTop(),
+		check(t, module.Output("gen/foo_sbox_inputs"), module.Output(rspFile2),
 			cmd, outFile, depFile, rspFile, rspFile2, false, []string{manifest}, []string{sbox})
 	t.Run("singleton", func(t *testing.T) {
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@
 		rspFile := filepath.Join("out/soong/singleton/rsp")
 		rspFile2 := filepath.Join("out/soong/singleton/rsp2")
 		singleton := result.SingletonForTests("rule_builder_test")
-		check(t, singleton.Rule("rule").RelativeToTop(), singleton.Output(rspFile2).RelativeToTop(),
+		check(t, singleton.Rule("rule"), singleton.Output(rspFile2),
 			"cp bar "+outFile+" @"+rspFile+" @"+rspFile2,
 			outFile, outFile+".d", rspFile, rspFile2, true, nil, nil)
diff --git a/android/sdk_version.go b/android/sdk_version.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce22b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/sdk_version.go
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package android
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+type SdkContext interface {
+	// SdkVersion returns SdkSpec that corresponds to the sdk_version property of the current module
+	SdkVersion() SdkSpec
+	// SystemModules returns the system_modules property of the current module, or an empty string if it is not set.
+	SystemModules() string
+	// MinSdkVersion returns SdkSpec that corresponds to the min_sdk_version property of the current module,
+	// or from sdk_version if it is not set.
+	MinSdkVersion() SdkSpec
+	// TargetSdkVersion returns the SdkSpec that corresponds to the target_sdk_version property of the current module,
+	// or from sdk_version if it is not set.
+	TargetSdkVersion() SdkSpec
+// SdkKind represents a particular category of an SDK spec like public, system, test, etc.
+type SdkKind int
+const (
+	SdkInvalid SdkKind = iota
+	SdkNone
+	SdkCore
+	SdkCorePlatform
+	SdkPublic
+	SdkSystem
+	SdkTest
+	SdkModule
+	SdkSystemServer
+	SdkPrivate
+// String returns the string representation of this SdkKind
+func (k SdkKind) String() string {
+	switch k {
+	case SdkPrivate:
+		return "private"
+	case SdkNone:
+		return "none"
+	case SdkPublic:
+		return "public"
+	case SdkSystem:
+		return "system"
+	case SdkTest:
+		return "test"
+	case SdkCore:
+		return "core"
+	case SdkCorePlatform:
+		return "core_platform"
+	case SdkModule:
+		return "module-lib"
+	case SdkSystemServer:
+		return "system-server"
+	default:
+		return "invalid"
+	}
+// SdkVersion represents a specific version number of an SDK spec of a particular kind
+type SdkVersion int
+const (
+	// special version number for a not-yet-frozen SDK
+	SdkVersionCurrent SdkVersion = SdkVersion(FutureApiLevelInt)
+	// special version number to be used for SDK specs where version number doesn't
+	// make sense, e.g. "none", "", etc.
+	SdkVersionNone SdkVersion = SdkVersion(0)
+// IsCurrent checks if the SdkVersion refers to the not-yet-published version of an SdkKind
+func (v SdkVersion) IsCurrent() bool {
+	return v == SdkVersionCurrent
+// IsNumbered checks if the SdkVersion refers to the published (a.k.a numbered) version of an SdkKind
+func (v SdkVersion) IsNumbered() bool {
+	return !v.IsCurrent() && v != SdkVersionNone
+// String returns the string representation of this SdkVersion.
+func (v SdkVersion) String() string {
+	if v.IsCurrent() {
+		return "current"
+	} else if v.IsNumbered() {
+		return strconv.Itoa(int(v))
+	}
+	return "(no version)"
+func (v SdkVersion) ApiLevel(ctx EarlyModuleContext) ApiLevel {
+	return ApiLevelOrPanic(ctx, v.String())
+// AsNumberString directly converts the numeric value of this sdk version as a string.
+// When isNumbered() is true, this method is the same as String(). However, for SdkVersionCurrent
+// and SdkVersionNone, this returns 10000 and 0 while String() returns "current" and "(no version"),
+// respectively.
+func (v SdkVersion) AsNumberString() string {
+	return strconv.Itoa(int(v))
+// SdkSpec represents the kind and the version of an SDK for a module to build against
+type SdkSpec struct {
+	Kind    SdkKind
+	Version SdkVersion
+	Raw     string
+func (s SdkSpec) String() string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", s.Kind, s.Version)
+// Valid checks if this SdkSpec is well-formed. Note however that true doesn't mean that the
+// specified SDK actually exists.
+func (s SdkSpec) Valid() bool {
+	return s.Kind != SdkInvalid
+// Specified checks if this SdkSpec is well-formed and is not "".
+func (s SdkSpec) Specified() bool {
+	return s.Valid() && s.Kind != SdkPrivate
+// whether the API surface is managed and versioned, i.e. has .txt file that
+// get frozen on SDK freeze and changes get reviewed by API council.
+func (s SdkSpec) Stable() bool {
+	if !s.Specified() {
+		return false
+	}
+	switch s.Kind {
+	case SdkNone:
+		// there is nothing to manage and version in this case; de facto stable API.
+		return true
+	case SdkCore, SdkPublic, SdkSystem, SdkModule, SdkSystemServer:
+		return true
+	case SdkCorePlatform, SdkTest, SdkPrivate:
+		return false
+	default:
+		panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown SdkKind=%v", s.Kind))
+	}
+	return false
+// PrebuiltSdkAvailableForUnbundledBuilt tells whether this SdkSpec can have a prebuilt SDK
+// that can be used for unbundled builds.
+func (s SdkSpec) PrebuiltSdkAvailableForUnbundledBuild() bool {
+	// "", "none", and "core_platform" are not available for unbundled build
+	// as we don't/can't have prebuilt stub for the versions
+	return s.Kind != SdkPrivate && s.Kind != SdkNone && s.Kind != SdkCorePlatform
+func (s SdkSpec) ForVendorPartition(ctx EarlyModuleContext) SdkSpec {
+	// use it instead of "current" for the vendor partition.
+	currentSdkVersion := ctx.DeviceConfig().CurrentApiLevelForVendorModules()
+	if currentSdkVersion == "current" {
+		return s
+	}
+	if s.Kind == SdkPublic || s.Kind == SdkSystem {
+		if s.Version.IsCurrent() {
+			if i, err := strconv.Atoi(currentSdkVersion); err == nil {
+				version := SdkVersion(i)
+				return SdkSpec{s.Kind, version, s.Raw}
+			}
+			panic(fmt.Errorf("BOARD_CURRENT_API_LEVEL_FOR_VENDOR_MODULES must be either \"current\" or a number, but was %q", currentSdkVersion))
+		}
+	}
+	return s
+// UsePrebuilt determines whether prebuilt SDK should be used for this SdkSpec with the given context.
+func (s SdkSpec) UsePrebuilt(ctx EarlyModuleContext) bool {
+	if s.Version.IsCurrent() {
+		// "current" can be built from source and be from prebuilt SDK
+		return ctx.Config().AlwaysUsePrebuiltSdks()
+	} else if s.Version.IsNumbered() {
+		// validation check
+		if s.Kind != SdkPublic && s.Kind != SdkSystem && s.Kind != SdkTest && s.Kind != SdkModule {
+			panic(fmt.Errorf("prebuilt SDK is not not available for SdkKind=%q", s.Kind))
+			return false
+		}
+		// numbered SDKs are always from prebuilt
+		return true
+	}
+	// "", "none", "core_platform" fall here
+	return false
+// EffectiveVersion converts an SdkSpec into the concrete SdkVersion that the module
+// should use. For modules targeting an unreleased SDK (meaning it does not yet have a number)
+// it returns FutureApiLevel(10000).
+func (s SdkSpec) EffectiveVersion(ctx EarlyModuleContext) (SdkVersion, error) {
+	if !s.Valid() {
+		return s.Version, fmt.Errorf("invalid sdk version %q", s.Raw)
+	}
+	if ctx.DeviceSpecific() || ctx.SocSpecific() {
+		s = s.ForVendorPartition(ctx)
+	}
+	if s.Version.IsNumbered() {
+		return s.Version, nil
+	}
+	return SdkVersion(ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdk(ctx).FinalOrFutureInt()), nil
+// EffectiveVersionString converts an SdkSpec into the concrete version string that the module
+// should use. For modules targeting an unreleased SDK (meaning it does not yet have a number)
+// it returns the codename (P, Q, R, etc.)
+func (s SdkSpec) EffectiveVersionString(ctx EarlyModuleContext) (string, error) {
+	ver, err := s.EffectiveVersion(ctx)
+	if err == nil && int(ver) == ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdk(ctx).FinalOrFutureInt() {
+		return ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdk(ctx).String(), nil
+	}
+	return ver.String(), err
+func SdkSpecFrom(str string) SdkSpec {
+	switch str {
+	// special cases first
+	case "":
+		return SdkSpec{SdkPrivate, SdkVersionNone, str}
+	case "none":
+		return SdkSpec{SdkNone, SdkVersionNone, str}
+	case "core_platform":
+		return SdkSpec{SdkCorePlatform, SdkVersionNone, str}
+	default:
+		// the syntax is [kind_]version
+		sep := strings.LastIndex(str, "_")
+		var kindString string
+		if sep == 0 {
+			return SdkSpec{SdkInvalid, SdkVersionNone, str}
+		} else if sep == -1 {
+			kindString = ""
+		} else {
+			kindString = str[0:sep]
+		}
+		versionString := str[sep+1 : len(str)]
+		var kind SdkKind
+		switch kindString {
+		case "":
+			kind = SdkPublic
+		case "core":
+			kind = SdkCore
+		case "system":
+			kind = SdkSystem
+		case "test":
+			kind = SdkTest
+		case "module":
+			kind = SdkModule
+		case "system_server":
+			kind = SdkSystemServer
+		default:
+			return SdkSpec{SdkInvalid, SdkVersionNone, str}
+		}
+		var version SdkVersion
+		if versionString == "current" {
+			version = SdkVersionCurrent
+		} else if i, err := strconv.Atoi(versionString); err == nil {
+			version = SdkVersion(i)
+		} else {
+			return SdkSpec{SdkInvalid, SdkVersionNone, str}
+		}
+		return SdkSpec{kind, version, str}
+	}
+func (s SdkSpec) ValidateSystemSdk(ctx EarlyModuleContext) bool {
+	// Ensures that the specified system SDK version is one of BOARD_SYSTEMSDK_VERSIONS (for vendor/product Java module)
+	// Assuming that BOARD_SYSTEMSDK_VERSIONS := 28 29,
+	// sdk_version of the modules in vendor/product that use system sdk must be either system_28, system_29 or system_current
+	if s.Kind != SdkSystem || !s.Version.IsNumbered() {
+		return true
+	}
+	allowedVersions := ctx.DeviceConfig().PlatformSystemSdkVersions()
+	if ctx.DeviceSpecific() || ctx.SocSpecific() || (ctx.ProductSpecific() && ctx.Config().EnforceProductPartitionInterface()) {
+		systemSdkVersions := ctx.DeviceConfig().SystemSdkVersions()
+		if len(systemSdkVersions) > 0 {
+			allowedVersions = systemSdkVersions
+		}
+	}
+	if len(allowedVersions) > 0 && !InList(s.Version.String(), allowedVersions) {
+		ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "incompatible sdk version %q. System SDK version should be one of %q",
+			s.Raw, allowedVersions)
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
diff --git a/android/testing.go b/android/testing.go
index 3f3f769..ce27fca 100644
--- a/android/testing.go
+++ b/android/testing.go
@@ -539,8 +539,7 @@
 // The parts of this structure which are changed are:
 // * BuildParams
 //   * Args
-//   * Path instances are intentionally not modified, use AssertPathRelativeToTopEquals or
-//     AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals instead which do something similar.
+//   * All Path, Paths, WritablePath and WritablePaths fields.
 // * RuleParams
 //   * Command
@@ -552,6 +551,8 @@
 //   * CommandOrderOnly
 // See PathRelativeToTop for more details.
+// deprecated: this is no longer needed as TestingBuildParams are created in this form.
 func (p TestingBuildParams) RelativeToTop() TestingBuildParams {
 	// If this is not a valid params then just return it back. That will make it easy to use with the
 	// Maybe...() methods.
@@ -559,11 +560,25 @@
 		return p
 	if p.config.config == nil {
-		panic("cannot call RelativeToTop() on a TestingBuildParams previously returned by RelativeToTop()")
+		return p
 	// Take a copy of the build params and replace any args that contains test specific temporary
 	// paths with paths relative to the top.
 	bparams := p.BuildParams
+	bparams.Depfile = normalizeWritablePathRelativeToTop(bparams.Depfile)
+	bparams.Output = normalizeWritablePathRelativeToTop(bparams.Output)
+	bparams.Outputs = bparams.Outputs.RelativeToTop()
+	bparams.SymlinkOutput = normalizeWritablePathRelativeToTop(bparams.SymlinkOutput)
+	bparams.SymlinkOutputs = bparams.SymlinkOutputs.RelativeToTop()
+	bparams.ImplicitOutput = normalizeWritablePathRelativeToTop(bparams.ImplicitOutput)
+	bparams.ImplicitOutputs = bparams.ImplicitOutputs.RelativeToTop()
+	bparams.Input = normalizePathRelativeToTop(bparams.Input)
+	bparams.Inputs = bparams.Inputs.RelativeToTop()
+	bparams.Implicit = normalizePathRelativeToTop(bparams.Implicit)
+	bparams.Implicits = bparams.Implicits.RelativeToTop()
+	bparams.OrderOnly = bparams.OrderOnly.RelativeToTop()
+	bparams.Validation = normalizePathRelativeToTop(bparams.Validation)
+	bparams.Validations = bparams.Validations.RelativeToTop()
 	bparams.Args = normalizeStringMapRelativeToTop(p.config, bparams.Args)
 	// Ditto for any fields in the RuleParams.
@@ -582,6 +597,20 @@
+func normalizeWritablePathRelativeToTop(path WritablePath) WritablePath {
+	if path == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return path.RelativeToTop().(WritablePath)
+func normalizePathRelativeToTop(path Path) Path {
+	if path == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return path.RelativeToTop()
 // baseTestingComponent provides functionality common to both TestingModule and TestingSingleton.
 type baseTestingComponent struct {
 	config   Config
@@ -643,7 +672,7 @@
 		config:      b.config,
 		BuildParams: bparams,
 		RuleParams:  b.provider.RuleParamsForTests()[bparams.Rule],
-	}
+	}.RelativeToTop()
 func (b baseTestingComponent) maybeBuildParamsFromRule(rule string) (TestingBuildParams, []string) {
@@ -789,6 +818,22 @@
 	return normalizeStringMapRelativeToTop(m.config, m.module.VariablesForTests())
+// OutputFiles calls OutputFileProducer.OutputFiles on the encapsulated module, exits the test
+// immediately if there is an error and otherwise returns the result of calling Paths.RelativeToTop
+// on the returned Paths.
+func (m TestingModule) OutputFiles(t *testing.T, tag string) Paths {
+	producer, ok := m.module.(OutputFileProducer)
+	if !ok {
+		t.Fatalf("%q must implement OutputFileProducer\n", m.module.Name())
+	}
+	paths, err := producer.OutputFiles(tag)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	return paths.RelativeToTop()
 // TestingSingleton is wrapper around an android.Singleton that provides methods to find information about individual
 // ctx.Build parameters for verification in tests.
 type TestingSingleton struct {
@@ -1013,3 +1058,20 @@
 	return result
+// StringRelativeToTop will normalize a string containing paths, e.g. ninja command, by replacing
+// any references to the test specific temporary build directory that changes with each run to a
+// fixed path relative to a notional top directory.
+// This is similar to StringPathRelativeToTop except that assumes the string is a single path
+// containing at most one instance of the temporary build directory at the start of the path while
+// this assumes that there can be any number at any position.
+func StringRelativeToTop(config Config, command string) string {
+	return normalizeStringRelativeToTop(config, command)
+// StringsRelativeToTop will return a new slice such that each item in the new slice is the result
+// of calling StringRelativeToTop on the corresponding item in the input slice.
+func StringsRelativeToTop(config Config, command []string) []string {
+	return normalizeStringArrayRelativeToTop(config, command)
diff --git a/android/util.go b/android/util.go
index 506f8f7..a0394f6 100644
--- a/android/util.go
+++ b/android/util.go
@@ -193,6 +193,17 @@
+// FilterListPred returns the elements of the given list for which the predicate
+// returns true. Order is kept.
+func FilterListPred(list []string, pred func(s string) bool) (filtered []string) {
+	for _, l := range list {
+		if pred(l) {
+			filtered = append(filtered, l)
+		}
+	}
+	return
 // RemoveListFromList removes the strings belonging to the filter list from the
 // given list and returns the result
 func RemoveListFromList(list []string, filter_out []string) (result []string) {
diff --git a/android/util_test.go b/android/util_test.go
index fa26c77..09bec01 100644
--- a/android/util_test.go
+++ b/android/util_test.go
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+	"strings"
@@ -299,6 +300,14 @@
+func TestFilterListPred(t *testing.T) {
+	pred := func(s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, "a/") }
+	AssertArrayString(t, "filter", FilterListPred([]string{"a/c", "b/a", "a/b"}, pred), []string{"a/c", "a/b"})
+	AssertArrayString(t, "filter", FilterListPred([]string{"b/c", "a/a", "b/b"}, pred), []string{"a/a"})
+	AssertArrayString(t, "filter", FilterListPred([]string{"c/c", "b/a", "c/b"}, pred), []string{})
+	AssertArrayString(t, "filter", FilterListPred([]string{"a/c", "a/a", "a/b"}, pred), []string{"a/c", "a/a", "a/b"})
 func TestRemoveListFromList(t *testing.T) {
 	input := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "a", "c", "d"}
 	filter := []string{"a", "c"}
diff --git a/android/variable.go b/android/variable.go
index 2ab51c7..dff48c2 100644
--- a/android/variable.go
+++ b/android/variable.go
@@ -448,6 +448,63 @@
+// ProductConfigContext requires the access to the Module to get product config properties.
+type ProductConfigContext interface {
+	Module() Module
+// ProductConfigProperty contains the information for a single property (may be a struct) paired
+// with the appropriate ProductConfigVariable.
+type ProductConfigProperty struct {
+	ProductConfigVariable string
+	Property              interface{}
+// ProductConfigProperties is a map of property name to a slice of ProductConfigProperty such that
+// all it all product variable-specific versions of a property are easily accessed together
+type ProductConfigProperties map[string][]ProductConfigProperty
+// ProductVariableProperties returns a ProductConfigProperties containing only the properties which
+// have been set for the module in the given context.
+func ProductVariableProperties(ctx ProductConfigContext) ProductConfigProperties {
+	module := ctx.Module()
+	moduleBase := module.base()
+	productConfigProperties := ProductConfigProperties{}
+	if moduleBase.variableProperties == nil {
+		return productConfigProperties
+	}
+	variableValues := reflect.ValueOf(moduleBase.variableProperties).Elem().FieldByName("Product_variables")
+	for i := 0; i < variableValues.NumField(); i++ {
+		variableValue := variableValues.Field(i)
+		// Check if any properties were set for the module
+		if variableValue.IsZero() {
+			continue
+		}
+		// e.g. Platform_sdk_version, Unbundled_build, Malloc_not_svelte, etc.
+		productVariableName := variableValues.Type().Field(i).Name
+		for j := 0; j < variableValue.NumField(); j++ {
+			property := variableValue.Field(j)
+			// If the property wasn't set, no need to pass it along
+			if property.IsZero() {
+				continue
+			}
+			// e.g. Asflags, Cflags, Enabled, etc.
+			propertyName := variableValue.Type().Field(j).Name
+			productConfigProperties[propertyName] = append(productConfigProperties[propertyName],
+				ProductConfigProperty{
+					ProductConfigVariable: productVariableName,
+					Property:              property.Interface(),
+				})
+		}
+	}
+	return productConfigProperties
 func VariableMutator(mctx BottomUpMutatorContext) {
 	var module Module
 	var ok bool
diff --git a/apex/apex.go b/apex/apex.go
index dca5595..9d06e1c 100644
--- a/apex/apex.go
+++ b/apex/apex.go
@@ -93,8 +93,14 @@
 	Multilib apexMultilibProperties
 	// List of boot images that are embedded inside this APEX bundle.
+	//
+	// deprecated: Use Bootclasspath_fragments
+	// TODO(b/177892522): Remove after has been replaced by Bootclasspath_fragments
 	Boot_images []string
+	// List of bootclasspath fragments that are embedded inside this APEX bundle.
+	Bootclasspath_fragments []string
 	// List of java libraries that are embedded inside this APEX bundle.
 	Java_libs []string
@@ -567,7 +573,7 @@
 	certificateTag  = dependencyTag{name: "certificate"}
 	executableTag   = dependencyTag{name: "executable", payload: true}
 	fsTag           = dependencyTag{name: "filesystem", payload: true}
-	bootImageTag    = dependencyTag{name: "bootImage", payload: true}
+	bootImageTag    = dependencyTag{name: "bootImage", payload: true, sourceOnly: true}
 	compatConfigTag = dependencyTag{name: "compatConfig", payload: true, sourceOnly: true}
 	javaLibTag      = dependencyTag{name: "javaLib", payload: true}
 	jniLibTag       = dependencyTag{name: "jniLib", payload: true}
@@ -748,6 +754,7 @@
 	// Common-arch dependencies come next
 	commonVariation := ctx.Config().AndroidCommonTarget.Variations()
 	ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(commonVariation, bootImageTag,
+	ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(commonVariation, bootImageTag,
 	ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(commonVariation, javaLibTag,
 	ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(commonVariation, bpfTag,
 	ctx.AddFarVariationDependencies(commonVariation, fsTag,
@@ -1695,6 +1702,9 @@
 							filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
+					// Track transitive dependencies.
+					return true
 			case javaLibTag:
 				switch child.(type) {
@@ -1903,6 +1913,21 @@
 						filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
 						return true // track transitive dependencies
+				} else if java.IsbootImageContentDepTag(depTag) {
+					// Add the contents of the boot image to the apex.
+					switch child.(type) {
+					case *java.Library, *java.SdkLibrary:
+						af := apexFileForJavaModule(ctx, child.(javaModule))
+						if !af.ok() {
+							ctx.PropertyErrorf("boot_images", "boot image content %q is not configured to be compiled into dex", depName)
+							return false
+						}
+						filesInfo = append(filesInfo, af)
+						return true // track transitive dependencies
+					default:
+						ctx.PropertyErrorf("boot_images", "boot image content %q of type %q is not supported", depName, ctx.OtherModuleType(child))
+					}
 				} else if _, ok := depTag.(android.CopyDirectlyInAnyApexTag); ok {
 					// nothing
 				} else if am.CanHaveApexVariants() && am.IsInstallableToApex() {
diff --git a/apex/apex_test.go b/apex/apex_test.go
index e0cefa1..98b40fd 100644
--- a/apex/apex_test.go
+++ b/apex/apex_test.go
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
 import (
-	"io/ioutil"
+	"strconv"
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@
-var buildDir string
 // names returns name list from white space separated string
 func names(s string) (ns []string) {
 	for _, n := range strings.Split(s, " ") {
@@ -52,18 +50,28 @@
 func testApexError(t *testing.T, pattern, bp string, preparers {
-	apexFixtureFactory.Extend(preparers...).
+	android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForApexTest,
+		android.GroupFixturePreparers(preparers...),
+	).
 		RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
 func testApex(t *testing.T, bp string, preparers *android.TestContext {
-	factory := apexFixtureFactory.Extend(preparers...)
+	optionalBpPreparer := android.NullFixturePreparer
 	if bp != "" {
-		factory = factory.Extend(android.FixtureWithRootAndroidBp(bp))
+		optionalBpPreparer = android.FixtureWithRootAndroidBp(bp)
-	result := factory.RunTest(t)
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForApexTest,
+		android.GroupFixturePreparers(preparers...),
+		optionalBpPreparer,
+	).RunTest(t)
 	return result.TestContext
@@ -117,8 +125,16 @@
-var apexFixtureFactory = android.NewFixtureFactory(
-	&buildDir,
+// Legacy preparer used for running tests within the apex package.
+// This includes everything that was needed to run any test in the apex package prior to the
+// introduction of the test fixtures. Tests that are being converted to use fixtures directly
+// rather than through the testApex...() methods should avoid using this and instead use the
+// various preparers directly, using android.GroupFixturePreparers(...) to group them when
+// necessary.
+// deprecated
+var prepareForApexTest = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
 	// General preparers in alphabetical order as test infrastructure will enforce correct
 	// registration order.
@@ -140,13 +156,13 @@
+	prepareForTestWithMyapex,
-		"":                                    nil,
-		"PrebuiltAppFoo.apk":                        nil,
-		"PrebuiltAppFooPriv.apk":                    nil,
-		"apex_manifest.json":                        nil,
-		"AndroidManifest.xml":                       nil,
-		"system/sepolicy/apex/myapex-file_contexts": nil,
+		"":                 nil,
+		"PrebuiltAppFoo.apk":     nil,
+		"PrebuiltAppFooPriv.apk": nil,
+		"apex_manifest.json":     nil,
+		"AndroidManifest.xml":    nil,
 		"system/sepolicy/apex/myapex.updatable-file_contexts":         nil,
 		"system/sepolicy/apex/myapex2-file_contexts":                  nil,
 		"system/sepolicy/apex/otherapex-file_contexts":                nil,
@@ -204,17 +220,9 @@
-func setUp() {
-	var err error
-	buildDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "soong_apex_test")
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-func tearDown() {
-	_ = os.RemoveAll(buildDir)
+var prepareForTestWithMyapex = android.FixtureMergeMockFs(android.MockFS{
+	"system/sepolicy/apex/myapex-file_contexts": nil,
 // ensure that 'result' equals 'expected'
 func ensureEquals(t *testing.T, result string, expected string) {
@@ -511,7 +519,7 @@
 	optFlags := apexRule.Args["opt_flags"]
 	ensureContains(t, optFlags, "--pubkey vendor/foo/devkeys/testkey.avbpubkey")
 	// Ensure that the NOTICE output is being packaged as an asset.
-	ensureContains(t, optFlags, "--assets_dir "+buildDir+"/.intermediates/myapex/android_common_myapex_image/NOTICE")
+	ensureContains(t, optFlags, "--assets_dir out/soong/.intermediates/myapex/android_common_myapex_image/NOTICE")
 	copyCmds := apexRule.Args["copy_commands"]
@@ -812,7 +820,7 @@
 	mylibLdFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_apex10000").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
 	// Ensure that mylib is linking with the latest version of stubs for mylib2
-	ensureContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "mylib2/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_3/")
+	ensureContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "mylib2/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_current/")
 	// ... and not linking to the non-stub (impl) variant of mylib2
 	ensureNotContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "mylib2/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
@@ -1290,15 +1298,15 @@
 			name:          "unspecified version links to the latest",
 			minSdkVersion: "",
 			apexVariant:   "apex10000",
-			shouldLink:    "30",
-			shouldNotLink: []string{"29"},
+			shouldLink:    "current",
+			shouldNotLink: []string{"29", "30"},
 			name:          "always use the latest",
 			minSdkVersion: "min_sdk_version: \"29\",",
 			apexVariant:   "apex29",
-			shouldLink:    "30",
-			shouldNotLink: []string{"29"},
+			shouldLink:    "current",
+			shouldNotLink: []string{"29", "30"},
 	for _, tc := range testcases {
@@ -1365,7 +1373,11 @@
 			mylibCFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mylib", "android_vendor.VER_arm64_armv8-a_static_"+tc.apexVariant).Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
-			ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "__LIBBAR_API__="+tc.shouldLink)
+			ver := tc.shouldLink
+			if tc.shouldLink == "current" {
+				ver = strconv.Itoa(android.FutureApiLevelInt)
+			}
+			ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "__LIBBAR_API__="+ver)
@@ -1427,12 +1439,12 @@
 	// For dependency to libc
 	// Ensure that mylib is linking with the latest version of stubs
-	ensureContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libc/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_29/")
+	ensureContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libc/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_current/")
 	// ... and not linking to the non-stub (impl) variant
 	ensureNotContains(t, mylibLdFlags, "libc/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
 	// ... Cflags from stub is correctly exported to mylib
-	ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "__LIBC_API__=29")
-	ensureContains(t, mylibSharedCFlags, "__LIBC_API__=29")
+	ensureContains(t, mylibCFlags, "__LIBC_API__=10000")
+	ensureContains(t, mylibSharedCFlags, "__LIBC_API__=10000")
 	// For dependency to libm
 	// Ensure that mylib is linking with the non-stub (impl) variant
@@ -1538,12 +1550,14 @@
 	// platform liba is linked to non-stub version
 	expectLink("liba", "shared", "libz", "shared")
-	// liba in myapex is linked to #30
-	expectLink("liba", "shared_apex29", "libz", "shared_30")
+	// liba in myapex is linked to current
+	expectLink("liba", "shared_apex29", "libz", "shared_current")
+	expectNoLink("liba", "shared_apex29", "libz", "shared_30")
 	expectNoLink("liba", "shared_apex29", "libz", "shared_28")
 	expectNoLink("liba", "shared_apex29", "libz", "shared")
-	// liba in otherapex is linked to #30
-	expectLink("liba", "shared_apex30", "libz", "shared_30")
+	// liba in otherapex is linked to current
+	expectLink("liba", "shared_apex30", "libz", "shared_current")
+	expectNoLink("liba", "shared_apex30", "libz", "shared_30")
 	expectNoLink("liba", "shared_apex30", "libz", "shared_28")
 	expectNoLink("liba", "shared_apex30", "libz", "shared")
@@ -1594,7 +1608,8 @@
 		ldArgs := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
 		ensureNotContains(t, ldArgs, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
-	expectLink("libx", "shared_apex10000", "libz", "shared_R")
+	expectLink("libx", "shared_apex10000", "libz", "shared_current")
+	expectNoLink("libx", "shared_apex10000", "libz", "shared_R")
 	expectNoLink("libx", "shared_apex10000", "libz", "shared_29")
 	expectNoLink("libx", "shared_apex10000", "libz", "shared")
@@ -1640,8 +1655,9 @@
 		ldArgs := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
 		ensureNotContains(t, ldArgs, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
-	expectLink("libx", "shared_apex10000", "libz", "shared_2")
+	expectLink("libx", "shared_apex10000", "libz", "shared_current")
 	expectNoLink("libx", "shared_apex10000", "libz", "shared_1")
+	expectNoLink("libx", "shared_apex10000", "libz", "shared_2")
 	expectNoLink("libx", "shared_apex10000", "libz", "shared")
@@ -1688,7 +1704,8 @@
 		ldArgs := ctx.ModuleForTests(from, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+from_variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
 		ensureNotContains(t, ldArgs, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
-	expectLink("libz", "shared", "libx", "shared_2")
+	expectLink("libz", "shared", "libx", "shared_current")
+	expectNoLink("libz", "shared", "libx", "shared_2")
 	expectNoLink("libz", "shared", "libz", "shared_1")
 	expectNoLink("libz", "shared", "libz", "shared")
@@ -1735,7 +1752,7 @@
 		libFlags := ld.Args["libFlags"]
 		ensureContains(t, libFlags, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
-	expectLink("libx", "shared_hwasan_apex29", "libbar", "shared_30")
+	expectLink("libx", "shared_hwasan_apex29", "libbar", "shared_current")
 func TestQTargetApexUsesStaticUnwinder(t *testing.T) {
@@ -1819,6 +1836,30 @@
 			min_sdk_version: "30",
+	testApexError(t, `module "libfoo".*: should support min_sdk_version\(29\)`, `
+		apex {
+			name: "myapex",
+			key: "myapex.key",
+			java_libs: ["libfoo"],
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+		}
+		apex_key {
+			name: "myapex.key",
+			public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
+			private_key: "testkey.pem",
+		}
+		java_import {
+			name: "libfoo",
+			jars: ["libfoo.jar"],
+			apex_available: [
+				"myapex",
+			],
+			min_sdk_version: "30",
+		}
+	`)
 func TestApexMinSdkVersion_Okay(t *testing.T) {
@@ -1856,7 +1897,10 @@
 			name: "libbar",
 			sdk_version: "current",
 			srcs: [""],
-			static_libs: ["libbar_dep"],
+			static_libs: [
+				"libbar_dep",
+				"libbar_import_dep",
+			],
 			apex_available: ["myapex"],
 			min_sdk_version: "29",
@@ -1868,6 +1912,13 @@
 			apex_available: ["myapex"],
 			min_sdk_version: "29",
+		java_import {
+			name: "libbar_import_dep",
+			jars: ["libbar.jar"],
+			apex_available: ["myapex"],
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+		}
@@ -2083,7 +2134,7 @@
 			private_key: "testkey.pem",
-		// mylib in myapex will link to mylib2#30
+		// mylib in myapex will link to mylib2#current
 		// mylib in otherapex will link to mylib2(non-stub) in otherapex as well
 		cc_library {
 			name: "mylib",
@@ -2117,7 +2168,7 @@
 		libFlags := ld.Args["libFlags"]
 		ensureContains(t, libFlags, "android_arm64_armv8-a_"+to_variant+"/"+to+".so")
-	expectLink("mylib", "shared_apex29", "mylib2", "shared_30")
+	expectLink("mylib", "shared_apex29", "mylib2", "shared_current")
 	expectLink("mylib", "shared_apex30", "mylib2", "shared_apex30")
@@ -2185,10 +2236,10 @@
 	`, withSAsActiveCodeNames)
-	// ensure libfoo is linked with "S" version of libbar stub
+	// ensure libfoo is linked with current version of libbar stub
 	libfoo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_apex10000")
 	libFlags := libfoo.Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
-	ensureContains(t, libFlags, "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_T/")
+	ensureContains(t, libFlags, "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_current/")
 func TestFilesInSubDir(t *testing.T) {
@@ -2464,8 +2515,8 @@
 	prefix := "TARGET_"
 	var builder strings.Builder
 	data.Custom(&builder, name, prefix, "", data)
-	androidMk := builder.String()
-	installPath := path.Join(buildDir, "../target/product/test_device/vendor/apex")
+	androidMk := android.StringRelativeToTop(ctx.Config(), builder.String())
+	installPath := "out/target/product/test_device/vendor/apex"
 	ensureContains(t, androidMk, "LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := "+installPath)
 	apexManifestRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Rule("apexManifestRule")
@@ -2512,10 +2563,10 @@
 	ldRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("mybin", vendorVariant+"_apex10000").Rule("ld")
 	libs := names(ldRule.Args["libFlags"])
 	// VNDK libs(libvndk/libc++) as they are
-	ensureListContains(t, libs, buildDir+"/.intermediates/libvndk/"+vendorVariant+"_shared/")
-	ensureListContains(t, libs, buildDir+"/.intermediates/"+cc.DefaultCcCommonTestModulesDir+"libc++/"+vendorVariant+"_shared/")
+	ensureListContains(t, libs, "out/soong/.intermediates/libvndk/"+vendorVariant+"_shared/")
+	ensureListContains(t, libs, "out/soong/.intermediates/"+cc.DefaultCcCommonTestModulesDir+"libc++/"+vendorVariant+"_shared/")
 	// non-stable Vendor libs as APEX variants
-	ensureListContains(t, libs, buildDir+"/.intermediates/libvendor/"+vendorVariant+"_shared_apex10000/")
+	ensureListContains(t, libs, "out/soong/.intermediates/libvendor/"+vendorVariant+"_shared_apex10000/")
 	// VNDK libs are not included when use_vndk_as_stable: true
 	ensureExactContents(t, ctx, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
@@ -4088,15 +4139,15 @@
 			apex := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_image").Module().(*apexBundle)
-			expected := buildDir + "/target/product/test_device/" + tc.parition + "/apex"
-			actual := apex.installDir.String()
+			expected := "out/soong/target/product/test_device/" + tc.parition + "/apex"
+			actual := apex.installDir.RelativeToTop().String()
 			if actual != expected {
 				t.Errorf("wrong install path. expected %q. actual %q", expected, actual)
 			flattened := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common_myapex_flattened").Module().(*apexBundle)
-			expected = buildDir + "/target/product/test_device/" + tc.flattenedPartition + "/apex"
-			actual = flattened.installDir.String()
+			expected = "out/soong/target/product/test_device/" + tc.flattenedPartition + "/apex"
+			actual = flattened.installDir.RelativeToTop().String()
 			if actual != expected {
 				t.Errorf("wrong install path. expected %q. actual %q", expected, actual)
@@ -4490,14 +4541,11 @@
 			if filepath.Base(output) == base {
 				foundLibfooJar = true
 				buildRule := s.Output(output)
-				actual := android.NormalizePathForTesting(buildRule.Input)
-				if actual != bootDexJarPath {
-					t.Errorf("Incorrect boot dex jar path '%s', expected '%s'", actual, bootDexJarPath)
-				}
+				android.AssertStringEquals(t, "boot dex jar path", bootDexJarPath, buildRule.Input.String())
 		if !foundLibfooJar {
-			t.Errorf("Rule for libfoo.jar missing in dex_bootjars singleton outputs")
+			t.Errorf("Rule for libfoo.jar missing in dex_bootjars singleton outputs %q", android.StringPathsRelativeToTop(ctx.Config().BuildDir(), s.AllOutputs()))
@@ -4539,8 +4587,8 @@
 		ctx := testDexpreoptWithApexes(t, bp, "", transform)
-		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libfoo", ".intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libfoo.jar")
-		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libbar", ".intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libbar.jar")
+		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libfoo", "out/soong/.intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libfoo.jar")
+		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libbar", "out/soong/.intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libbar.jar")
 		// Make sure that the dex file from the prebuilt_apex contributes to the hiddenapi index file.
 		checkHiddenAPIIndexInputs(t, ctx, `
@@ -4646,8 +4694,8 @@
 		ctx := testDexpreoptWithApexes(t, bp, "", transform)
-		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libfoo", ".intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libfoo.jar")
-		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libbar", ".intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libbar.jar")
+		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libfoo", "out/soong/.intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libfoo.jar")
+		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libbar", "out/soong/.intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libbar.jar")
 		// Make sure that the dex file from the prebuilt_apex contributes to the hiddenapi index file.
 		checkHiddenAPIIndexInputs(t, ctx, `
@@ -4713,8 +4761,8 @@
 		ctx := testDexpreoptWithApexes(t, bp, "", transform)
-		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libfoo", ".intermediates/libfoo/android_common_apex10000/hiddenapi/libfoo.jar")
-		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libbar", ".intermediates/libbar/android_common_myapex/hiddenapi/libbar.jar")
+		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libfoo", "out/soong/.intermediates/libfoo/android_common_apex10000/hiddenapi/libfoo.jar")
+		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libbar", "out/soong/.intermediates/libbar/android_common_myapex/hiddenapi/libbar.jar")
 		// Make sure that the dex file from the prebuilt_apex contributes to the hiddenapi index file.
 		checkHiddenAPIIndexInputs(t, ctx, `
@@ -4782,8 +4830,8 @@
 		ctx := testDexpreoptWithApexes(t, bp, "", transform)
-		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libfoo", ".intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libfoo.jar")
-		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libbar", ".intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libbar.jar")
+		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libfoo", "out/soong/.intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libfoo.jar")
+		checkBootDexJarPath(t, ctx, "libbar", "out/soong/.intermediates/myapex.deapexer/android_common/deapexer/javalib/libbar.jar")
 		// Make sure that the dex file from the prebuilt_apex contributes to the hiddenapi index file.
 		checkHiddenAPIIndexInputs(t, ctx, `
@@ -5077,7 +5125,7 @@
 	// JNI libraries including transitive deps are
 	for _, jni := range []string{"libjni", "libfoo"} {
-		jniOutput := ctx.ModuleForTests(jni, "android_arm64_armv8-a_sdk_shared_apex10000").Module().(*cc.Module).OutputFile()
+		jniOutput := ctx.ModuleForTests(jni, "android_arm64_armv8-a_sdk_shared_apex10000").Module().(*cc.Module).OutputFile().RelativeToTop()
 		// ... embedded inside APK (
 		ensureListContains(t, appZipRule.Implicits.Strings(), jniOutput.String())
 		// ... and not directly inside the APEX
@@ -5715,7 +5763,7 @@
 	// The bar library should depend on the implementation jar.
 	barLibrary := ctx.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common_myapex").Rule("javac")
-	if expected, actual := `^-classpath /[^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.jar$`, barLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
+	if expected, actual := `^-classpath [^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.jar$`, barLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
 		t.Errorf("expected %q, found %#q", expected, actual)
@@ -5766,7 +5814,7 @@
 	// The bar library should depend on the stubs jar.
 	barLibrary := ctx.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common").Rule("javac")
-	if expected, actual := `^-classpath /[^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.stubs\.jar$`, barLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
+	if expected, actual := `^-classpath [^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.stubs\.jar$`, barLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
 		t.Errorf("expected %q, found %#q", expected, actual)
@@ -5856,7 +5904,7 @@
 	// The bar library should depend on the implementation jar.
 	barLibrary := ctx.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common_myapex").Rule("javac")
-	if expected, actual := `^-classpath /[^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.impl\.jar$`, barLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
+	if expected, actual := `^-classpath [^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.impl\.jar$`, barLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
 		t.Errorf("expected %q, found %#q", expected, actual)
@@ -5889,9 +5937,10 @@
 func TestCompatConfig(t *testing.T) {
-	result := apexFixtureFactory.
-		Extend(java.PrepareForTestWithPlatformCompatConfig).
-		RunTestWithBp(t, `
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForApexTest,
+		java.PrepareForTestWithPlatformCompatConfig,
+	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
 		apex {
 			name: "myapex",
 			key: "myapex.key",
@@ -6327,7 +6376,7 @@
 	m := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common")
-	extractedApex := m.Output(buildDir + "/.intermediates/myapex/android_common/foo_v2.apex")
+	extractedApex := m.Output("out/soong/.intermediates/myapex/android_common/foo_v2.apex")
 	actual := extractedApex.Inputs
 	if len(actual) != 1 {
@@ -6434,68 +6483,46 @@
 func testDexpreoptWithApexes(t *testing.T, bp, errmsg string, transformDexpreoptConfig func(*dexpreopt.GlobalConfig)) *android.TestContext {
-	bp += cc.GatherRequiredDepsForTest(android.Android)
-	bp += java.GatherRequiredDepsForTest()
-	fs := map[string][]byte{
-		"":                             nil,
-		"a.jar":                              nil,
-		"build/make/target/product/security": nil,
-		"apex_manifest.json":                 nil,
-		"AndroidManifest.xml":                nil,
+	fs := android.MockFS{
+		"":              nil,
+		"a.jar":               nil,
+		"apex_manifest.json":  nil,
+		"AndroidManifest.xml": nil,
 		"system/sepolicy/apex/myapex-file_contexts":                  nil,
 		"system/sepolicy/apex/some-updatable-apex-file_contexts":     nil,
 		"system/sepolicy/apex/some-non-updatable-apex-file_contexts": nil,
 		"system/sepolicy/apex/":   nil,
 		"framework/aidl/a.aidl":                                      nil,
-	cc.GatherRequiredFilesForTest(fs)
-	for k, v := range filesForSdkLibrary {
-		fs[k] = v
-	}
-	config := android.TestArchConfig(buildDir, nil, bp, fs)
-	ctx := android.NewTestArchContext(config)
-	ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex", BundleFactory)
-	ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex_key", ApexKeyFactory)
-	ctx.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_apex", PrebuiltFactory)
-	ctx.RegisterModuleType("filegroup", android.FileGroupFactory)
-	ctx.PreArchMutators(android.RegisterDefaultsPreArchMutators)
-	ctx.PreArchMutators(android.RegisterComponentsMutator)
-	android.RegisterPrebuiltMutators(ctx)
-	cc.RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx)
-	java.RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx)
-	java.RegisterHiddenApiSingletonComponents(ctx)
-	ctx.PostDepsMutators(android.RegisterOverridePostDepsMutators)
-	ctx.PreDepsMutators(RegisterPreDepsMutators)
-	ctx.PostDepsMutators(RegisterPostDepsMutators)
-	ctx.Register()
-	pathCtx := android.PathContextForTesting(config)
-	dexpreoptConfig := dexpreopt.GlobalConfigForTests(pathCtx)
-	transformDexpreoptConfig(dexpreoptConfig)
-	dexpreopt.SetTestGlobalConfig(config, dexpreoptConfig)
-	// Make sure that any changes to these dexpreopt properties are mirrored in the corresponding
-	// product variables.
-	config.TestProductVariables.BootJars = dexpreoptConfig.BootJars
-	config.TestProductVariables.UpdatableBootJars = dexpreoptConfig.UpdatableBootJars
-	_, errs := ctx.ParseBlueprintsFiles("Android.bp")
-	android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
-	_, errs = ctx.PrepareBuildActions(config)
-	if errmsg == "" {
-		android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
-	} else if len(errs) > 0 {
-		android.FailIfNoMatchingErrors(t, errmsg, errs)
-	} else {
-		t.Fatalf("missing expected error %q (0 errors are returned)", errmsg)
+	errorHandler := android.FixtureExpectsNoErrors
+	if errmsg != "" {
+		errorHandler = android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(errmsg)
-	return ctx
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		cc.PrepareForTestWithCcDefaultModules,
+		java.PrepareForTestWithHiddenApiBuildComponents,
+		java.PrepareForTestWithJavaDefaultModules,
+		java.PrepareForTestWithJavaSdkLibraryFiles,
+		PrepareForTestWithApexBuildComponents,
+		android.FixtureModifyConfig(func(config android.Config) {
+			pathCtx := android.PathContextForTesting(config)
+			dexpreoptConfig := dexpreopt.GlobalConfigForTests(pathCtx)
+			transformDexpreoptConfig(dexpreoptConfig)
+			dexpreopt.SetTestGlobalConfig(config, dexpreoptConfig)
+			// Make sure that any changes to these dexpreopt properties are mirrored in the corresponding
+			// product variables.
+			config.TestProductVariables.BootJars = dexpreoptConfig.BootJars
+			config.TestProductVariables.UpdatableBootJars = dexpreoptConfig.UpdatableBootJars
+		}),
+		fs.AddToFixture(),
+	).
+		ExtendWithErrorHandler(errorHandler).
+		RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
+	return result.TestContext
 func TestUpdatable_should_set_min_sdk_version(t *testing.T) {
@@ -6669,45 +6696,33 @@
 		public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
 		private_key: "testkey.pem",
-	fs := map[string][]byte{
+	fs := android.MockFS{
 		"lib1/src/": nil,
 		"lib2/src/": nil,
 		"system/sepolicy/apex/myapex-file_contexts": nil,
-	config := android.TestArchConfig(buildDir, nil, bp, fs)
-	android.SetTestNeverallowRules(config, rules)
-	updatableBootJars := make([]string, 0, len(apexBootJars))
-	for _, apexBootJar := range apexBootJars {
-		updatableBootJars = append(updatableBootJars, "myapex:"+apexBootJar)
+	errorHandler := android.FixtureExpectsNoErrors
+	if errmsg != "" {
+		errorHandler = android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(errmsg)
-	config.TestProductVariables.UpdatableBootJars = android.CreateTestConfiguredJarList(updatableBootJars)
-	ctx := android.NewTestArchContext(config)
-	ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex", BundleFactory)
-	ctx.RegisterModuleType("apex_key", ApexKeyFactory)
-	ctx.PreArchMutators(android.RegisterDefaultsPreArchMutators)
-	cc.RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx)
-	java.RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx)
-	ctx.PostDepsMutators(android.RegisterOverridePostDepsMutators)
-	ctx.PreDepsMutators(RegisterPreDepsMutators)
-	ctx.PostDepsMutators(RegisterPostDepsMutators)
-	ctx.PostDepsMutators(android.RegisterNeverallowMutator)
-	ctx.Register()
-	_, errs := ctx.ParseBlueprintsFiles("Android.bp")
-	android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
-	_, errs = ctx.PrepareBuildActions(config)
-	if errmsg == "" {
-		android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
-	} else if len(errs) > 0 {
-		android.FailIfNoMatchingErrors(t, errmsg, errs)
-		return
-	} else {
-		t.Fatalf("missing expected error %q (0 errors are returned)", errmsg)
-	}
+	android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		android.PrepareForTestWithAndroidBuildComponents,
+		java.PrepareForTestWithJavaBuildComponents,
+		PrepareForTestWithApexBuildComponents,
+		android.PrepareForTestWithNeverallowRules(rules),
+		android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
+			updatableBootJars := make([]string, 0, len(apexBootJars))
+			for _, apexBootJar := range apexBootJars {
+				updatableBootJars = append(updatableBootJars, "myapex:"+apexBootJar)
+			}
+			variables.UpdatableBootJars = android.CreateTestConfiguredJarList(updatableBootJars)
+		}),
+		fs.AddToFixture(),
+	).
+		ExtendWithErrorHandler(errorHandler).
+		RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
 func TestApexPermittedPackagesRules(t *testing.T) {
@@ -6859,21 +6874,77 @@
-	// the test 'mytest' is a test for the apex, therefore is linked to the
+	ensureLinkedLibIs := func(mod, variant, linkedLib, expectedVariant string) {
+		ldFlags := strings.Split(ctx.ModuleForTests(mod, variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"], " ")
+		mylibLdFlags := android.FilterListPred(ldFlags, func(s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, linkedLib) })
+		android.AssertArrayString(t, "unexpected "+linkedLib+" link library for "+mod, []string{linkedLib + expectedVariant}, mylibLdFlags)
+	}
+	// These modules are tests for the apex, therefore are linked to the
 	// actual implementation of mylib instead of its stub.
-	ldFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("mytest", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
-	ensureContains(t, ldFlags, "mylib/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
-	ensureNotContains(t, ldFlags, "mylib/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_1/")
+	ensureLinkedLibIs("mytest", "android_arm64_armv8-a", "out/soong/.intermediates/mylib/", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
+	ensureLinkedLibIs("mytestlib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "out/soong/.intermediates/mylib/", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
+	ensureLinkedLibIs("mybench", "android_arm64_armv8-a", "out/soong/.intermediates/mylib/", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
-	// The same should be true for cc_library
-	ldFlags = ctx.ModuleForTests("mytestlib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
-	ensureContains(t, ldFlags, "mylib/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
-	ensureNotContains(t, ldFlags, "mylib/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_1/")
+func TestIndirectTestFor(t *testing.T) {
+	ctx := testApex(t, `
+		apex {
+			name: "myapex",
+			key: "myapex.key",
+			native_shared_libs: ["mylib", "myprivlib"],
+			updatable: false,
+		}
-	// ... and for cc_benchmark
-	ldFlags = ctx.ModuleForTests("mybench", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"]
-	ensureContains(t, ldFlags, "mylib/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
-	ensureNotContains(t, ldFlags, "mylib/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_1/")
+		apex_key {
+			name: "myapex.key",
+			public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
+			private_key: "testkey.pem",
+		}
+		cc_library {
+			name: "mylib",
+			srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
+			system_shared_libs: [],
+			stl: "none",
+			stubs: {
+				versions: ["1"],
+			},
+			apex_available: ["myapex"],
+		}
+		cc_library {
+			name: "myprivlib",
+			srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
+			system_shared_libs: [],
+			stl: "none",
+			shared_libs: ["mylib"],
+			apex_available: ["myapex"],
+		}
+		cc_library {
+			name: "mytestlib",
+			srcs: ["mylib.cpp"],
+			system_shared_libs: [],
+			shared_libs: ["myprivlib"],
+			stl: "none",
+			test_for: ["myapex"],
+		}
+	`)
+	ensureLinkedLibIs := func(mod, variant, linkedLib, expectedVariant string) {
+		ldFlags := strings.Split(ctx.ModuleForTests(mod, variant).Rule("ld").Args["libFlags"], " ")
+		mylibLdFlags := android.FilterListPred(ldFlags, func(s string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(s, linkedLib) })
+		android.AssertArrayString(t, "unexpected "+linkedLib+" link library for "+mod, []string{linkedLib + expectedVariant}, mylibLdFlags)
+	}
+	// The platform variant of mytestlib links to the platform variant of the
+	// internal myprivlib.
+	ensureLinkedLibIs("mytestlib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "out/soong/.intermediates/myprivlib/", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
+	// The platform variant of myprivlib links to the platform variant of mylib
+	// and bypasses its stubs.
+	ensureLinkedLibIs("myprivlib", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared", "out/soong/.intermediates/mylib/", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
 // TODO(jungjw): Move this to proptools
@@ -6904,7 +6975,7 @@
 	m := ctx.ModuleForTests("myapex", "android_common")
 	// Check extract_apks tool parameters.
-	extractedApex := m.Output(buildDir + "/.intermediates/myapex/android_common/foo_v2.apex")
+	extractedApex := m.Output("out/soong/.intermediates/myapex/android_common/foo_v2.apex")
 	actual := extractedApex.Args["abis"]
 	expected := "ARMEABI_V7A,ARM64_V8A"
 	if actual != expected {
@@ -7383,7 +7454,7 @@
 							t.Errorf("AndroidMk entry for \"stublib\" has LOCAL_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_PLATFORM set: %+v", entry.mkEntries)
 						cflags := entry.mkEntries.EntryMap["LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS"]
-						expected := "-D__STUBLIB_API__=1"
+						expected := "-D__STUBLIB_API__=10000"
 						if !android.InList(expected, cflags) {
 							t.Errorf("LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS expected to have %q, but got %q", expected, cflags)
@@ -7395,12 +7466,5 @@
 func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
-	run := func() int {
-		setUp()
-		defer tearDown()
-		return m.Run()
-	}
-	os.Exit(run())
+	os.Exit(m.Run())
diff --git a/apex/boot_image_test.go b/apex/boot_image_test.go
index 7e37e42..574166a 100644
--- a/apex/boot_image_test.go
+++ b/apex/boot_image_test.go
@@ -26,23 +26,32 @@
 // Contains tests for boot_image logic from java/boot_image.go as the ART boot image requires
 // modules from the ART apex.
+var prepareForTestWithBootImage = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+	java.PrepareForTestWithDexpreopt,
+	PrepareForTestWithApexBuildComponents,
+// Some additional files needed for the art apex.
+var prepareForTestWithArtApex = android.FixtureMergeMockFs(android.MockFS{
+	"":                          nil,
+	"":                                nil,
+	"system/sepolicy/apex/": nil,
 func TestBootImages(t *testing.T) {
-	result := apexFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForTestWithBootImage,
 		// Configure some libraries in the art and framework boot images.
 		dexpreopt.FixtureSetArtBootJars("", ""),
 		dexpreopt.FixtureSetBootJars("platform:foo", "platform:bar"),
-		filesForSdkLibrary.AddToFixture(),
-		// Some additional files needed for the art apex.
-		android.FixtureMergeMockFs(android.MockFS{
-			"":                          nil,
-			"":                                nil,
-			"system/sepolicy/apex/": nil,
-		}),
+		prepareForTestWithArtApex,
+		java.PrepareForTestWithJavaSdkLibraryFiles,
+		java.FixtureWithLastReleaseApis("foo"),
 	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
 		java_sdk_library {
 			name: "foo",
 			srcs: [""],
-			unsafe_ignore_missing_latest_api: true,
 		java_library {
@@ -86,6 +95,9 @@
 		boot_image {
 			name: "art-boot-image",
 			image_name: "art",
+			apex_available: [
+				"",
+			],
 		boot_image {
@@ -151,10 +163,163 @@
 	android.AssertTrimmedStringEquals(t, "invalid paths for "+moduleName, expectedBootImageFiles, strings.Join(allPaths, "\n"))
-func TestBootImageInApex(t *testing.T) {
-	result := apexFixtureFactory.Extend(
-		// Configure some libraries in the framework boot image.
-		dexpreopt.FixtureSetBootJars("platform:foo", "platform:bar"),
+func TestBootImageInArtApex(t *testing.T) {
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForTestWithBootImage,
+		prepareForTestWithArtApex,
+		// Configure some libraries in the art boot image.
+		dexpreopt.FixtureSetArtBootJars("", ""),
+	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
+		apex {
+			name: "",
+			key: "",
+			boot_images: [
+				"mybootimage",
+			],
+			// bar (like foo) should be transitively included in this apex because it is part of the
+			// mybootimage boot_image. However, it is kept here to ensure that the apex dedups the files
+			// correctly.
+			java_libs: [
+				"bar",
+			],
+			updatable: false,
+		}
+		apex_key {
+			name: "",
+			public_key: "testkey.avbpubkey",
+			private_key: "testkey.pem",
+		}
+		java_library {
+			name: "foo",
+			srcs: [""],
+			installable: true,
+			apex_available: [
+				"",
+			],
+		}
+		java_library {
+			name: "bar",
+			srcs: [""],
+			installable: true,
+			apex_available: [
+				"",
+			],
+		}
+		boot_image {
+			name: "mybootimage",
+			image_name: "art",
+			apex_available: [
+				"",
+			],
+		}
+		// Make sure that a preferred prebuilt doesn't affect the apex.
+		prebuilt_boot_image {
+			name: "mybootimage",
+			image_name: "art",
+			prefer: true,
+			apex_available: [
+				"",
+			],
+		}
+	`)
+	ensureExactContents(t, result.TestContext, "", "", []string{
+		"javalib/arm/",
+		"javalib/arm/boot.oat",
+		"javalib/arm/boot.vdex",
+		"javalib/arm/",
+		"javalib/arm/boot-bar.oat",
+		"javalib/arm/boot-bar.vdex",
+		"javalib/arm64/",
+		"javalib/arm64/boot.oat",
+		"javalib/arm64/boot.vdex",
+		"javalib/arm64/",
+		"javalib/arm64/boot-bar.oat",
+		"javalib/arm64/boot-bar.vdex",
+		"javalib/bar.jar",
+		"javalib/foo.jar",
+	})
+	java.CheckModuleDependencies(t, result.TestContext, "", "", []string{
+		`bar`,
+		``,
+		`mybootimage`,
+	})
+func TestBootImageInPrebuiltArtApex(t *testing.T) {
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForTestWithBootImage,
+		prepareForTestWithArtApex,
+		android.FixtureMergeMockFs(android.MockFS{
+			"": nil,
+			"":   nil,
+		}),
+		// Configure some libraries in the art boot image.
+		dexpreopt.FixtureSetArtBootJars("", ""),
+	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
+		prebuilt_apex {
+			name: "",
+			arch: {
+				arm64: {
+					src: "",
+				},
+				arm: {
+					src: "",
+				},
+			},
+			exported_java_libs: ["foo", "bar"],
+		}
+		java_import {
+			name: "foo",
+			jars: ["foo.jar"],
+			apex_available: [
+				"",
+			],
+		}
+		java_import {
+			name: "bar",
+			jars: ["bar.jar"],
+			apex_available: [
+				"",
+			],
+		}
+		prebuilt_boot_image {
+			name: "mybootimage",
+			image_name: "art",
+			apex_available: [
+				"",
+			],
+		}
+	`)
+	java.CheckModuleDependencies(t, result.TestContext, "", "android_common", []string{
+		`prebuilt_bar`,
+		`prebuilt_foo`,
+	})
+	java.CheckModuleDependencies(t, result.TestContext, "mybootimage", "android_common", []string{
+		`dex2oatd`,
+		`prebuilt_bar`,
+		`prebuilt_foo`,
+	})
+func TestBootImageContentsNoName(t *testing.T) {
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForTestWithBootImage,
+		prepareForTestWithMyapex,
 	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
 		apex {
 			name: "myapex",
@@ -175,17 +340,26 @@
 			name: "foo",
 			srcs: [""],
 			installable: true,
+			apex_available: [
+				"myapex",
+			],
 		java_library {
 			name: "bar",
 			srcs: [""],
 			installable: true,
+			apex_available: [
+				"myapex",
+			],
 		boot_image {
 			name: "mybootimage",
-			image_name: "boot",
+			contents: [
+				"foo",
+				"bar",
+			],
 			apex_available: [
@@ -193,18 +367,15 @@
 	ensureExactContents(t, result.TestContext, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
-		"javalib/arm/",
-		"javalib/arm/boot-bar.oat",
-		"javalib/arm/boot-bar.vdex",
-		"javalib/arm/",
-		"javalib/arm/boot-foo.oat",
-		"javalib/arm/boot-foo.vdex",
-		"javalib/arm64/",
-		"javalib/arm64/boot-bar.oat",
-		"javalib/arm64/boot-bar.vdex",
-		"javalib/arm64/",
-		"javalib/arm64/boot-foo.oat",
-		"javalib/arm64/boot-foo.vdex",
+		// This does not include art, oat or vdex files as they are only included for the art boot
+		// image.
+		"javalib/bar.jar",
+		"javalib/foo.jar",
+	})
+	java.CheckModuleDependencies(t, result.TestContext, "myapex", "android_common_myapex_image", []string{
+		`myapex.key`,
+		`mybootimage`,
diff --git a/apex/builder.go b/apex/builder.go
index da800d4..2df380b 100644
--- a/apex/builder.go
+++ b/apex/builder.go
@@ -950,6 +950,10 @@
 				if v := m.MinSdkVersion(); v != "" {
 					toMinSdkVersion = v
+			} else if m, ok := to.(interface{ MinSdkVersionString() string }); ok {
+				if v := m.MinSdkVersionString(); v != "" {
+					toMinSdkVersion = v
+				}
 			depInfos[to.Name()] = android.ApexModuleDepInfo{
diff --git a/apex/testing.go b/apex/testing.go
index e662cad..926125f 100644
--- a/apex/testing.go
+++ b/apex/testing.go
@@ -19,4 +19,11 @@
 var PrepareForTestWithApexBuildComponents = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+	// Additional files needed in tests that disallow non-existent source files.
+	// This includes files that are needed by all, or at least most, instances of an apex module type.
+	android.MockFS{
+		// Needed by apex.
+		"system/core/rootdir/etc/": nil,
+		"build/soong/scripts/":         nil,
+	}.AddToFixture(),
diff --git a/bazel/aquery.go b/bazel/aquery.go
index c82b464..555f1dc 100644
--- a/bazel/aquery.go
+++ b/bazel/aquery.go
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
 // with a Bazel action from Bazel's action graph.
 type BuildStatement struct {
 	Command     string
+	Depfile     *string
 	OutputPaths []string
 	InputPaths  []string
 	Env         []KeyValuePair
@@ -133,12 +134,22 @@
 		outputPaths := []string{}
+		var depfile *string
 		for _, outputId := range actionEntry.OutputIds {
 			outputPath, exists := artifactIdToPath[outputId]
 			if !exists {
 				return nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined outputId %d", outputId)
-			outputPaths = append(outputPaths, outputPath)
+			ext := filepath.Ext(outputPath)
+			if ext == ".d" {
+				if depfile != nil {
+					return nil, fmt.Errorf("found multiple potential depfiles %q, %q", *depfile, outputPath)
+				} else {
+					depfile = &outputPath
+				}
+			} else {
+				outputPaths = append(outputPaths, outputPath)
+			}
 		inputPaths := []string{}
 		for _, inputDepSetId := range actionEntry.InputDepSetIds {
@@ -161,12 +172,13 @@
 		buildStatement := BuildStatement{
 			Command:     strings.Join(proptools.ShellEscapeList(actionEntry.Arguments), " "),
+			Depfile:     depfile,
 			OutputPaths: outputPaths,
 			InputPaths:  inputPaths,
 			Env:         actionEntry.EnvironmentVariables,
 			Mnemonic:    actionEntry.Mnemonic}
 		if len(actionEntry.Arguments) < 1 {
-			return nil, fmt.Errorf("received action with no command: [%s]", buildStatement)
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("received action with no command: [%v]", buildStatement)
 		buildStatements = append(buildStatements, buildStatement)
diff --git a/bazel/aquery_test.go b/bazel/aquery_test.go
index a48e083..fa8810f 100644
--- a/bazel/aquery_test.go
+++ b/bazel/aquery_test.go
@@ -393,6 +393,109 @@
 	assertError(t, err, "undefined path fragment id 3")
+func TestDepfiles(t *testing.T) {
+	const inputString = `
+  "artifacts": [{
+    "id": 1,
+    "pathFragmentId": 1
+  }, {
+    "id": 2,
+    "pathFragmentId": 2
+  }, {
+    "id": 3,
+    "pathFragmentId": 3
+  }],
+  "actions": [{
+    "targetId": 1,
+    "actionKey": "x",
+    "mnemonic": "x",
+    "arguments": ["touch", "foo"],
+    "inputDepSetIds": [1],
+    "outputIds": [2, 3],
+    "primaryOutputId": 2
+  }],
+  "depSetOfFiles": [{
+    "id": 1,
+    "directArtifactIds": [1, 2, 3]
+  }],
+  "pathFragments": [{
+    "id": 1,
+    "label": "one"
+  }, {
+    "id": 2,
+    "label": "two"
+  }, {
+    "id": 3,
+    "label": "two.d"
+  }]
+	actual, err := AqueryBuildStatements([]byte(inputString))
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("Unexpected error %q", err)
+	}
+	if expected := 1; len(actual) != expected {
+		t.Fatalf("Expected %d build statements, got %d", expected, len(actual))
+	}
+	bs := actual[0]
+	expectedDepfile := "two.d"
+	if bs.Depfile == nil {
+		t.Errorf("Expected depfile %q, but there was none found", expectedDepfile)
+	} else if *bs.Depfile != expectedDepfile {
+		t.Errorf("Expected depfile %q, but got %q", expectedDepfile, *bs.Depfile)
+	}
+func TestMultipleDepfiles(t *testing.T) {
+	const inputString = `
+  "artifacts": [{
+    "id": 1,
+    "pathFragmentId": 1
+  }, {
+    "id": 2,
+    "pathFragmentId": 2
+  }, {
+    "id": 3,
+    "pathFragmentId": 3
+  }, {
+    "id": 4,
+    "pathFragmentId": 4
+  }],
+  "actions": [{
+    "targetId": 1,
+    "actionKey": "x",
+    "mnemonic": "x",
+    "arguments": ["touch", "foo"],
+    "inputDepSetIds": [1],
+    "outputIds": [2,3,4],
+    "primaryOutputId": 2
+  }],
+  "depSetOfFiles": [{
+    "id": 1,
+    "directArtifactIds": [1, 2, 3, 4]
+  }],
+  "pathFragments": [{
+    "id": 1,
+    "label": "one"
+  }, {
+    "id": 2,
+    "label": "two"
+  }, {
+    "id": 3,
+    "label": "two.d"
+  }, {
+    "id": 4,
+    "label": "other.d"
+  }]
+	_, err := AqueryBuildStatements([]byte(inputString))
+	assertError(t, err, `found multiple potential depfiles "two.d", "other.d"`)
 func TestTransitiveInputDepsets(t *testing.T) {
 	// The input aquery for this test comes from a proof-of-concept starlark rule which registers
 	// a single action with many inputs given via a deep depset.
@@ -627,7 +730,7 @@
 // Build statement equivalence is determined using buildStatementEquals.
 func assertBuildStatements(t *testing.T, expected []BuildStatement, actual []BuildStatement) {
 	if len(expected) != len(actual) {
-		t.Errorf("expected %d build statements, but got %d,\n expected: %s,\n actual: %s",
+		t.Errorf("expected %d build statements, but got %d,\n expected: %v,\n actual: %v",
 			len(expected), len(actual), expected, actual)
@@ -638,7 +741,7 @@
 				continue ACTUAL_LOOP
-		t.Errorf("unexpected build statement %s.\n expected: %s",
+		t.Errorf("unexpected build statement %v.\n expected: %v",
 			actualStatement, expected)
diff --git a/bazel/cquery/request_type.go b/bazel/cquery/request_type.go
index 864db3d..bd1ece1 100644
--- a/bazel/cquery/request_type.go
+++ b/bazel/cquery/request_type.go
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 var (
 	GetOutputFiles                 RequestType = &getOutputFilesRequestType{}
-	GetCcObjectFiles               RequestType = &getCcObjectFilesRequestType{}
 	GetOutputFilesAndCcObjectFiles RequestType = &getOutputFilesAndCcObjectFilesType{}
@@ -16,7 +15,9 @@
 var RequestTypes []RequestType = []RequestType{
-	GetOutputFiles, GetCcObjectFiles, GetOutputFilesAndCcObjectFiles}
+	GetOutputFiles,
+	GetOutputFilesAndCcObjectFiles,
 type RequestType interface {
 	// Name returns a string name for this request type. Such request type names must be unique,
@@ -55,28 +56,6 @@
 	return strings.Split(rawString, ", ")
-type getCcObjectFilesRequestType struct{}
-func (g getCcObjectFilesRequestType) Name() string {
-	return "getCcObjectFiles"
-func (g getCcObjectFilesRequestType) StarlarkFunctionBody() string {
-	return `
-result = []
-linker_inputs = providers(target)["CcInfo"].linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list()
-for linker_input in linker_inputs:
-  for library in linker_input.libraries:
-    for object in library.objects:
-      result += [object.path]
-return ', '.join(result)`
-func (g getCcObjectFilesRequestType) ParseResult(rawString string) interface{} {
-	return strings.Split(rawString, ", ")
 type getOutputFilesAndCcObjectFilesType struct{}
 func (g getOutputFilesAndCcObjectFilesType) Name() string {
diff --git a/bazel/properties.go b/bazel/properties.go
index abdc107..250fea4 100644
--- a/bazel/properties.go
+++ b/bazel/properties.go
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 import (
+	"regexp"
@@ -31,6 +32,8 @@
 const BazelTargetModuleNamePrefix = "__bp2build__"
+var productVariableSubstitutionPattern = regexp.MustCompile("%(d|s)")
 // Label is used to represent a Bazel compatible Label. Also stores the original bp text to support
 // string replacement.
 type Label struct {
@@ -76,6 +79,174 @@
 	return uniqueLabelList
+const (
+	// ArchType names in arch.go
+	ARCH_ARM    = "arm"
+	ARCH_ARM64  = "arm64"
+	ARCH_X86    = "x86"
+	ARCH_X86_64 = "x86_64"
+	// OsType names in arch.go
+	OS_ANDROID      = "android"
+	OS_DARWIN       = "darwin"
+	OS_FUCHSIA      = "fuchsia"
+	OS_LINUX        = "linux_glibc"
+	OS_LINUX_BIONIC = "linux_bionic"
+	OS_WINDOWS      = "windows"
+var (
+	// This is the list of architectures with a Bazel config_setting and
+	// constraint value equivalent. is actually android.ArchTypeList, but the
+	// android package depends on the bazel package, so a cyclic dependency
+	// prevents using that here.
+	selectableArchs = []string{ARCH_X86, ARCH_X86_64, ARCH_ARM, ARCH_ARM64}
+	// Likewise, this is the list of target operating systems.
+	selectableTargetOs = []string{
+	}
+	// A map of architectures to the Bazel label of the constraint_value
+	// for the @platforms//cpu:cpu constraint_setting
+	PlatformArchMap = map[string]string{
+		ARCH_ARM:    "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:arm",
+		ARCH_ARM64:  "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:arm64",
+		ARCH_X86:    "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:x86",
+		ARCH_X86_64: "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:x86_64",
+	}
+	// A map of target operating systems to the Bazel label of the
+	// constraint_value for the @platforms//os:os constraint_setting
+	PlatformOsMap = map[string]string{
+		OS_ANDROID:      "//build/bazel/platforms/os:android",
+		OS_DARWIN:       "//build/bazel/platforms/os:darwin",
+		OS_FUCHSIA:      "//build/bazel/platforms/os:fuchsia",
+		OS_LINUX:        "//build/bazel/platforms/os:linux",
+		OS_LINUX_BIONIC: "//build/bazel/platforms/os:linux_bionic",
+		OS_WINDOWS:      "//build/bazel/platforms/os:windows",
+	}
+// Arch-specific label_list typed Bazel attribute values. This should correspond
+// to the types of architectures supported for compilation in arch.go.
+type labelListArchValues struct {
+	X86    LabelList
+	X86_64 LabelList
+	Arm    LabelList
+	Arm64  LabelList
+	Common LabelList
+type labelListOsValues struct {
+	Android     LabelList
+	Darwin      LabelList
+	Fuchsia     LabelList
+	Linux       LabelList
+	LinuxBionic LabelList
+	Windows     LabelList
+// LabelListAttribute is used to represent a list of Bazel labels as an
+// attribute.
+type LabelListAttribute struct {
+	// The non-arch specific attribute label list Value. Required.
+	Value LabelList
+	// The arch-specific attribute label list values. Optional. If used, these
+	// are generated in a select statement and appended to the non-arch specific
+	// label list Value.
+	ArchValues labelListArchValues
+	// The os-specific attribute label list values. Optional. If used, these
+	// are generated in a select statement and appended to the non-os specific
+	// label list Value.
+	OsValues labelListOsValues
+// MakeLabelListAttribute initializes a LabelListAttribute with the non-arch specific value.
+func MakeLabelListAttribute(value LabelList) LabelListAttribute {
+	return LabelListAttribute{Value: UniqueBazelLabelList(value)}
+// HasArchSpecificValues returns true if the attribute contains
+// architecture-specific label_list values.
+func (attrs *LabelListAttribute) HasConfigurableValues() bool {
+	for _, arch := range selectableArchs {
+		if len(attrs.GetValueForArch(arch).Includes) > 0 {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	for _, os := range selectableTargetOs {
+		if len(attrs.GetValueForOS(os).Includes) > 0 {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+func (attrs *LabelListAttribute) archValuePtrs() map[string]*LabelList {
+	return map[string]*LabelList{
+		ARCH_X86:    &attrs.ArchValues.X86,
+		ARCH_X86_64: &attrs.ArchValues.X86_64,
+		ARCH_ARM:    &attrs.ArchValues.Arm,
+		ARCH_ARM64:  &attrs.ArchValues.Arm64,
+	}
+// GetValueForArch returns the label_list attribute value for an architecture.
+func (attrs *LabelListAttribute) GetValueForArch(arch string) LabelList {
+	var v *LabelList
+	if v = attrs.archValuePtrs()[arch]; v == nil {
+		panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown arch: %s", arch))
+	}
+	return *v
+// SetValueForArch sets the label_list attribute value for an architecture.
+func (attrs *LabelListAttribute) SetValueForArch(arch string, value LabelList) {
+	var v *LabelList
+	if v = attrs.archValuePtrs()[arch]; v == nil {
+		panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown arch: %s", arch))
+	}
+	*v = value
+func (attrs *LabelListAttribute) osValuePtrs() map[string]*LabelList {
+	return map[string]*LabelList{
+		OS_ANDROID:      &attrs.OsValues.Android,
+		OS_DARWIN:       &attrs.OsValues.Darwin,
+		OS_FUCHSIA:      &attrs.OsValues.Fuchsia,
+		OS_LINUX:        &attrs.OsValues.Linux,
+		OS_LINUX_BIONIC: &attrs.OsValues.LinuxBionic,
+		OS_WINDOWS:      &attrs.OsValues.Windows,
+	}
+// GetValueForOS returns the label_list attribute value for an OS target.
+func (attrs *LabelListAttribute) GetValueForOS(os string) LabelList {
+	var v *LabelList
+	if v = attrs.osValuePtrs()[os]; v == nil {
+		panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown os: %s", os))
+	}
+	return *v
+// SetValueForArch sets the label_list attribute value for an OS target.
+func (attrs *LabelListAttribute) SetValueForOS(os string, value LabelList) {
+	var v *LabelList
+	if v = attrs.osValuePtrs()[os]; v == nil {
+		panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown os: %s", os))
+	}
+	*v = value
 // StringListAttribute corresponds to the string_list Bazel attribute type with
 // support for additional metadata, like configurations.
 type StringListAttribute struct {
@@ -89,19 +260,17 @@
 // Arch-specific string_list typed Bazel attribute values. This should correspond
 // to the types of architectures supported for compilation in arch.go.
 type stringListArchValues struct {
-	X86     []string
-	X86_64  []string
-	Arm     []string
-	Arm64   []string
-	Default []string
-	// TODO(b/181299724): this is currently missing the "common" arch, which
-	// doesn't have an equivalent platform() definition yet.
+	X86    []string
+	X86_64 []string
+	Arm    []string
+	Arm64  []string
+	Common []string
-// HasArchSpecificValues returns true if the attribute contains
+// HasConfigurableValues returns true if the attribute contains
 // architecture-specific string_list values.
-func (attrs *StringListAttribute) HasArchSpecificValues() bool {
-	for _, arch := range []string{"x86", "x86_64", "arm", "arm64", "default"} {
+func (attrs *StringListAttribute) HasConfigurableValues() bool {
+	for _, arch := range selectableArchs {
 		if len(attrs.GetValueForArch(arch)) > 0 {
 			return true
@@ -109,38 +278,49 @@
 	return false
+func (attrs *StringListAttribute) archValuePtrs() map[string]*[]string {
+	return map[string]*[]string{
+		ARCH_X86:    &attrs.ArchValues.X86,
+		ARCH_X86_64: &attrs.ArchValues.X86_64,
+		ARCH_ARM:    &attrs.ArchValues.Arm,
+		ARCH_ARM64:  &attrs.ArchValues.Arm64,
+	}
 // GetValueForArch returns the string_list attribute value for an architecture.
 func (attrs *StringListAttribute) GetValueForArch(arch string) []string {
-	switch arch {
-	case "x86":
-		return attrs.ArchValues.X86
-	case "x86_64":
-		return attrs.ArchValues.X86_64
-	case "arm":
-		return attrs.ArchValues.Arm
-	case "arm64":
-		return attrs.ArchValues.Arm64
-	case "default":
-		return attrs.ArchValues.Default
-	default:
+	var v *[]string
+	if v = attrs.archValuePtrs()[arch]; v == nil {
 		panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown arch: %s", arch))
+	return *v
 // SetValueForArch sets the string_list attribute value for an architecture.
 func (attrs *StringListAttribute) SetValueForArch(arch string, value []string) {
-	switch arch {
-	case "x86":
-		attrs.ArchValues.X86 = value
-	case "x86_64":
-		attrs.ArchValues.X86_64 = value
-	case "arm":
-		attrs.ArchValues.Arm = value
-	case "arm64":
-		attrs.ArchValues.Arm64 = value
-	case "default":
-		attrs.ArchValues.Default = value
-	default:
+	var v *[]string
+	if v = attrs.archValuePtrs()[arch]; v == nil {
 		panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown arch: %s", arch))
+	*v = value
+// TryVariableSubstitution, replace string substitution formatting within each string in slice with
+// Starlark string.format compatible tag for productVariable.
+func TryVariableSubstitutions(slice []string, productVariable string) ([]string, bool) {
+	ret := make([]string, 0, len(slice))
+	changesMade := false
+	for _, s := range slice {
+		newS, changed := TryVariableSubstitution(s, productVariable)
+		ret = append(ret, newS)
+		changesMade = changesMade || changed
+	}
+	return ret, changesMade
+// TryVariableSubstitution, replace string substitution formatting within s with Starlark
+// string.format compatible tag for productVariable.
+func TryVariableSubstitution(s string, productVariable string) (string, bool) {
+	sub := productVariableSubstitutionPattern.ReplaceAllString(s, "{"+productVariable+"}")
+	return sub, s != sub
diff --git a/bloaty/Android.bp b/bloaty/Android.bp
index b1f1e39..96cc1a5 100644
--- a/bloaty/Android.bp
+++ b/bloaty/Android.bp
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+package {
+    default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
 bootstrap_go_package {
     name: "soong-bloaty",
     pkgPath: "android/soong/bloaty",
diff --git a/bloaty/bloaty.go b/bloaty/bloaty.go
index 21bf4ac..653c489 100644
--- a/bloaty/bloaty.go
+++ b/bloaty/bloaty.go
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-const bloatyDescriptorExt = "bloaty.csv"
+const bloatyDescriptorExt = ".bloaty.csv"
 const protoFilename = "binary_sizes.pb"
 var (
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 		filePath := ctx.ModuleProvider(m, fileSizeMeasurerKey).(android.ModuleOutPath)
-		sizeFile := filePath.ReplaceExtension(ctx, bloatyDescriptorExt)
+		sizeFile := filePath.InSameDir(ctx, filePath.Base()+bloatyDescriptorExt)
 		ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
 			Rule:        bloaty,
 			Description: "bloaty " + filePath.Rel(),
diff --git a/bp2build/Android.bp b/bp2build/Android.bp
index c74f902..cc616f2 100644
--- a/bp2build/Android.bp
+++ b/bp2build/Android.bp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+        "cc_library_static_conversion_test.go",
diff --git a/bp2build/build_conversion.go b/bp2build/build_conversion.go
index 9c98c76..1d254c8 100644
--- a/bp2build/build_conversion.go
+++ b/bp2build/build_conversion.go
@@ -370,9 +370,20 @@
 		// values for unset properties, like system_shared_libs = ["libc", "libm", "libdl"] at
-		// In Bazel-parlance, we would use "attr.<type>(default = <default value>)" to set the default
-		// value of unset attributes.
-		return "", nil
+		// In Bazel-parlance, we would use "attr.<type>(default = <default
+		// value>)" to set the default value of unset attributes. In the cases
+		// where the bp2build converter didn't set the default value within the
+		// mutator when creating the BazelTargetModule, this would be a zero
+		// value. For those cases, we return a non-surprising default value so
+		// generated BUILD files are syntactically correct.
+		switch propertyValue.Kind() {
+		case reflect.Slice:
+			return "[]", nil
+		case reflect.Map:
+			return "{}", nil
+		default:
+			return "", nil
+		}
 	var ret string
@@ -404,40 +415,12 @@
 	case reflect.Struct:
 		// Special cases where the bp2build sends additional information to the codegenerator
 		// by wrapping the attributes in a custom struct type.
-		if labels, ok := propertyValue.Interface().(bazel.LabelList); ok {
-			// TODO(b/165114590): convert glob syntax
-			return prettyPrint(reflect.ValueOf(labels.Includes), indent)
+		if labels, ok := propertyValue.Interface().(bazel.LabelListAttribute); ok {
+			return prettyPrintLabelListAttribute(labels, indent)
 		} else if label, ok := propertyValue.Interface().(bazel.Label); ok {
 			return fmt.Sprintf("%q", label.Label), nil
 		} else if stringList, ok := propertyValue.Interface().(bazel.StringListAttribute); ok {
-			// A Bazel string_list attribute that may contain a select statement.
-			ret, err := prettyPrint(reflect.ValueOf(stringList.Value), indent)
-			if err != nil {
-				return ret, err
-			}
-			if !stringList.HasArchSpecificValues() {
-				// Select statement not needed.
-				return ret, nil
-			}
-			ret += " + " + "select({\n"
-			for _, arch := range android.ArchTypeList() {
-				value := stringList.GetValueForArch(arch.Name)
-				if len(value) > 0 {
-					ret += makeIndent(indent + 1)
-					list, _ := prettyPrint(reflect.ValueOf(value), indent+1)
-					ret += fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\": %s,\n", platformArchMap[arch], list)
-				}
-			}
-			ret += makeIndent(indent + 1)
-			list, _ := prettyPrint(reflect.ValueOf(stringList.GetValueForArch("default")), indent+1)
-			ret += fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\": %s,\n", "//conditions:default", list)
-			ret += makeIndent(indent)
-			ret += "})"
-			return ret, err
+			return prettyPrintStringListAttribute(stringList, indent)
 		ret = "{\n"
@@ -533,6 +516,13 @@
 func escapeString(s string) string {
 	s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\\", "\\\\")
+	// b/184026959: Reverse the application of some common control sequences.
+	// These must be generated literally in the BUILD file.
+	s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\t", "\\t")
+	s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\n", "\\n")
+	s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\r", "\\r")
 	return strings.ReplaceAll(s, "\"", "\\\"")
diff --git a/bp2build/build_conversion_test.go b/bp2build/build_conversion_test.go
index b9b250a..49897b3 100644
--- a/bp2build/build_conversion_test.go
+++ b/bp2build/build_conversion_test.go
@@ -241,6 +241,22 @@
     string_prop = "a",
+		{
+			bp: `custom {
+	name: "control_characters",
+    string_list_prop: ["\t", "\n"],
+    string_prop: "a\t\n\r",
+    bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
+			expectedBazelTarget: `custom(
+    name = "control_characters",
+    string_list_prop = [
+        "\t",
+        "\n",
+    ],
+    string_prop = "a\t\n\r",
+		},
 	dir := "."
@@ -502,8 +518,6 @@
 			expectedBazelTargets: []string{
     name = "fg_foo",
-    srcs = [
-    ],
@@ -1101,8 +1115,8 @@
     srcs = [
-        "srcs-from-3",
+        "srcs-from-3",
 			description: "genrule applies properties from genrule_defaults transitively",
diff --git a/bp2build/cc_library_headers_conversion_test.go b/bp2build/cc_library_headers_conversion_test.go
index 5bf5c80..d828168 100644
--- a/bp2build/cc_library_headers_conversion_test.go
+++ b/bp2build/cc_library_headers_conversion_test.go
@@ -110,21 +110,19 @@
 cc_library_headers {
     name: "lib-1",
     export_include_dirs: ["lib-1"],
-    bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
 cc_library_headers {
     name: "lib-2",
     export_include_dirs: ["lib-2"],
-    bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
 cc_library_headers {
     name: "foo_headers",
     export_include_dirs: ["dir-1", "dir-2"],
     header_libs: ["lib-1", "lib-2"],
-    export_header_lib_headers: ["lib-1", "lib-2"],
-    bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
+    // TODO: Also support export_header_lib_headers
 			expectedBazelTargets: []string{`cc_library_headers(
     name = "foo_headers",
@@ -162,6 +160,106 @@
+		{
+			description:                        "cc_library_headers test with os-specific header_libs props",
+			moduleTypeUnderTest:                "cc_library_headers",
+			moduleTypeUnderTestFactory:         cc.LibraryHeaderFactory,
+			moduleTypeUnderTestBp2BuildMutator: cc.CcLibraryHeadersBp2Build,
+			depsMutators:                       []android.RegisterMutatorFunc{cc.RegisterDepsBp2Build},
+			filesystem:                         map[string]string{},
+			bp: soongCcLibraryPreamble + `
+cc_library_headers { name: "android-lib" }
+cc_library_headers { name: "base-lib" }
+cc_library_headers { name: "darwin-lib" }
+cc_library_headers { name: "fuchsia-lib" }
+cc_library_headers { name: "linux-lib" }
+cc_library_headers { name: "linux_bionic-lib" }
+cc_library_headers { name: "windows-lib" }
+cc_library_headers {
+    name: "foo_headers",
+    header_libs: ["base-lib"],
+    target: {
+        android: { header_libs: ["android-lib"] },
+        darwin: { header_libs: ["darwin-lib"] },
+        fuchsia: { header_libs: ["fuchsia-lib"] },
+        linux_bionic: { header_libs: ["linux_bionic-lib"] },
+        linux_glibc: { header_libs: ["linux-lib"] },
+        windows: { header_libs: ["windows-lib"] },
+    },
+    bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
+			expectedBazelTargets: []string{`cc_library_headers(
+    name = "android-lib",
+)`, `cc_library_headers(
+    name = "base-lib",
+)`, `cc_library_headers(
+    name = "darwin-lib",
+)`, `cc_library_headers(
+    name = "foo_headers",
+    deps = [
+        ":base-lib",
+    ] + select({
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/os:android": [
+            ":android-lib",
+        ],
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/os:darwin": [
+            ":darwin-lib",
+        ],
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/os:fuchsia": [
+            ":fuchsia-lib",
+        ],
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/os:linux": [
+            ":linux-lib",
+        ],
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/os:linux_bionic": [
+            ":linux_bionic-lib",
+        ],
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/os:windows": [
+            ":windows-lib",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [],
+    }),
+)`, `cc_library_headers(
+    name = "fuchsia-lib",
+)`, `cc_library_headers(
+    name = "linux-lib",
+)`, `cc_library_headers(
+    name = "linux_bionic-lib",
+)`, `cc_library_headers(
+    name = "windows-lib",
+		},
+		{
+			description:                        "cc_library_headers test with os-specific header_libs and export_header_lib_headers props",
+			moduleTypeUnderTest:                "cc_library_headers",
+			moduleTypeUnderTestFactory:         cc.LibraryHeaderFactory,
+			moduleTypeUnderTestBp2BuildMutator: cc.CcLibraryHeadersBp2Build,
+			depsMutators:                       []android.RegisterMutatorFunc{cc.RegisterDepsBp2Build},
+			filesystem:                         map[string]string{},
+			bp: soongCcLibraryPreamble + `
+cc_library_headers { name: "android-lib" }
+cc_library_headers { name: "exported-lib" }
+cc_library_headers {
+    name: "foo_headers",
+    target: {
+        android: { header_libs: ["android-lib"], export_header_lib_headers: ["exported-lib"] },
+    },
+			expectedBazelTargets: []string{`cc_library_headers(
+    name = "android-lib",
+)`, `cc_library_headers(
+    name = "exported-lib",
+)`, `cc_library_headers(
+    name = "foo_headers",
+    deps = [] + select({
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/os:android": [
+            ":android-lib",
+            ":exported-lib",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [],
+    }),
+		},
 	dir := "."
@@ -179,6 +277,9 @@
 		config := android.TestConfig(buildDir, nil, testCase.bp, filesystem)
 		ctx := android.NewTestContext(config)
+		// TODO(jingwen): make this default for all bp2build tests
+		ctx.RegisterBp2BuildConfig(bp2buildConfig)
 		ctx.RegisterModuleType("toolchain_library", cc.ToolchainLibraryFactory)
diff --git a/bp2build/cc_library_static_conversion_test.go b/bp2build/cc_library_static_conversion_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bf5fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bp2build/cc_library_static_conversion_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package bp2build
+import (
+	"android/soong/android"
+	"android/soong/cc"
+	"strings"
+	"testing"
+const (
+	// See cc/testing.go for more context
+	soongCcLibraryStaticPreamble = `
+cc_defaults {
+	name: "linux_bionic_supported",
+toolchain_library {
+	name: "libclang_rt.builtins-x86_64-android",
+	defaults: ["linux_bionic_supported"],
+	vendor_available: true,
+	vendor_ramdisk_available: true,
+	product_available: true,
+	recovery_available: true,
+	native_bridge_supported: true,
+	src: "",
+toolchain_library {
+	name: "libatomic",
+	defaults: ["linux_bionic_supported"],
+	vendor_available: true,
+	vendor_ramdisk_available: true,
+	product_available: true,
+	recovery_available: true,
+	native_bridge_supported: true,
+	src: "",
+func TestCcLibraryStaticLoadStatement(t *testing.T) {
+	testCases := []struct {
+		bazelTargets           BazelTargets
+		expectedLoadStatements string
+	}{
+		{
+			bazelTargets: BazelTargets{
+				BazelTarget{
+					name:      "cc_library_static_target",
+					ruleClass: "cc_library_static",
+					// NOTE: No bzlLoadLocation for native rules
+				},
+			},
+			expectedLoadStatements: ``,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, testCase := range testCases {
+		actual := testCase.bazelTargets.LoadStatements()
+		expected := testCase.expectedLoadStatements
+		if actual != expected {
+			t.Fatalf("Expected load statements to be %s, got %s", expected, actual)
+		}
+	}
+func TestCcLibraryStaticBp2Build(t *testing.T) {
+	testCases := []struct {
+		description                        string
+		moduleTypeUnderTest                string
+		moduleTypeUnderTestFactory         android.ModuleFactory
+		moduleTypeUnderTestBp2BuildMutator func(android.TopDownMutatorContext)
+		preArchMutators                    []android.RegisterMutatorFunc
+		depsMutators                       []android.RegisterMutatorFunc
+		bp                                 string
+		expectedBazelTargets               []string
+		filesystem                         map[string]string
+		dir                                string
+	}{
+		{
+			description:                        "cc_library_static test",
+			moduleTypeUnderTest:                "cc_library_static",
+			moduleTypeUnderTestFactory:         cc.LibraryStaticFactory,
+			moduleTypeUnderTestBp2BuildMutator: cc.CcLibraryStaticBp2Build,
+			filesystem: map[string]string{
+				// NOTE: include_dir headers *should not* appear in Bazel hdrs later (?)
+				"include_dir_1/include_dir_1_a.h": "",
+				"include_dir_1/include_dir_1_b.h": "",
+				"include_dir_2/include_dir_2_a.h": "",
+				"include_dir_2/include_dir_2_b.h": "",
+				// NOTE: local_include_dir headers *should not* appear in Bazel hdrs later (?)
+				"local_include_dir_1/local_include_dir_1_a.h": "",
+				"local_include_dir_1/local_include_dir_1_b.h": "",
+				"local_include_dir_2/local_include_dir_2_a.h": "",
+				"local_include_dir_2/local_include_dir_2_b.h": "",
+				// NOTE: export_include_dir headers *should* appear in Bazel hdrs later
+				"export_include_dir_1/export_include_dir_1_a.h": "",
+				"export_include_dir_1/export_include_dir_1_b.h": "",
+				"export_include_dir_2/export_include_dir_2_a.h": "",
+				"export_include_dir_2/export_include_dir_2_b.h": "",
+			},
+			bp: soongCcLibraryStaticPreamble + `
+cc_library_headers {
+    name: "header_lib_1",
+    export_include_dirs: ["header_lib_1"],
+cc_library_headers {
+    name: "header_lib_2",
+    export_include_dirs: ["header_lib_2"],
+cc_library_static {
+    name: "static_lib_1",
+    srcs: [""],
+    bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
+cc_library_static {
+    name: "static_lib_2",
+    srcs: [""],
+    bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
+cc_library_static {
+    name: "whole_static_lib_1",
+    srcs: [""],
+    bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
+cc_library_static {
+    name: "whole_static_lib_2",
+    srcs: [""],
+    bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
+cc_library_static {
+    name: "foo_static",
+    srcs: [
+        "",
+	"",
+    ],
+    cflags: [
+        "-Dflag1",
+	"-Dflag2"
+    ],
+    static_libs: [
+        "static_lib_1",
+	"static_lib_2"
+    ],
+    whole_static_libs: [
+        "whole_static_lib_1",
+	"whole_static_lib_2"
+    ],
+    include_dirs: [
+	"include_dir_1",
+	"include_dir_2",
+    ],
+    local_include_dirs: [
+        "local_include_dir_1",
+	"local_include_dir_2",
+    ],
+    export_include_dirs: [
+	"export_include_dir_1",
+	"export_include_dir_2"
+    ],
+    header_libs: [
+        "header_lib_1",
+	"header_lib_2"
+    ],
+    // TODO: Also support export_header_lib_headers
+    bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
+			expectedBazelTargets: []string{`cc_library_static(
+    name = "foo_static",
+    copts = [
+        "-Dflag1",
+        "-Dflag2",
+    ],
+    deps = [
+        ":header_lib_1",
+        ":header_lib_2",
+        ":static_lib_1",
+        ":static_lib_2",
+        ":whole_static_lib_1",
+        ":whole_static_lib_2",
+    ],
+    hdrs = [
+        "export_include_dir_1/export_include_dir_1_a.h",
+        "export_include_dir_1/export_include_dir_1_b.h",
+        "export_include_dir_2/export_include_dir_2_a.h",
+        "export_include_dir_2/export_include_dir_2_b.h",
+    ],
+    includes = [
+        "export_include_dir_1",
+        "export_include_dir_2",
+        "include_dir_1",
+        "include_dir_2",
+        "local_include_dir_1",
+        "local_include_dir_2",
+    ],
+    linkstatic = True,
+    srcs = [
+        "",
+        "",
+    ],
+)`, `cc_library_static(
+    name = "static_lib_1",
+    linkstatic = True,
+    srcs = [
+        "",
+    ],
+)`, `cc_library_static(
+    name = "static_lib_2",
+    linkstatic = True,
+    srcs = [
+        "",
+    ],
+)`, `cc_library_static(
+    name = "whole_static_lib_1",
+    linkstatic = True,
+    srcs = [
+        "",
+    ],
+)`, `cc_library_static(
+    name = "whole_static_lib_2",
+    linkstatic = True,
+    srcs = [
+        "",
+    ],
+		},
+	}
+	dir := "."
+	for _, testCase := range testCases {
+		filesystem := make(map[string][]byte)
+		toParse := []string{
+			"Android.bp",
+		}
+		for f, content := range testCase.filesystem {
+			if strings.HasSuffix(f, "Android.bp") {
+				toParse = append(toParse, f)
+			}
+			filesystem[f] = []byte(content)
+		}
+		config := android.TestConfig(buildDir, nil, testCase.bp, filesystem)
+		ctx := android.NewTestContext(config)
+		cc.RegisterCCBuildComponents(ctx)
+		ctx.RegisterModuleType("toolchain_library", cc.ToolchainLibraryFactory)
+		ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_library_headers", cc.LibraryHeaderFactory)
+		ctx.RegisterModuleType(testCase.moduleTypeUnderTest, testCase.moduleTypeUnderTestFactory)
+		for _, m := range testCase.depsMutators {
+			ctx.DepsBp2BuildMutators(m)
+		}
+		ctx.RegisterBp2BuildMutator(testCase.moduleTypeUnderTest, testCase.moduleTypeUnderTestBp2BuildMutator)
+		ctx.RegisterForBazelConversion()
+		_, errs := ctx.ParseFileList(dir, toParse)
+		if Errored(t, testCase.description, errs) {
+			continue
+		}
+		_, errs = ctx.ResolveDependencies(config)
+		if Errored(t, testCase.description, errs) {
+			continue
+		}
+		checkDir := dir
+		if testCase.dir != "" {
+			checkDir = testCase.dir
+		}
+		codegenCtx := NewCodegenContext(config, *ctx.Context, Bp2Build)
+		bazelTargets := generateBazelTargetsForDir(codegenCtx, checkDir)
+		if actualCount, expectedCount := len(bazelTargets), len(testCase.expectedBazelTargets); actualCount != expectedCount {
+			t.Errorf("%s: Expected %d bazel target, got %d", testCase.description, expectedCount, actualCount)
+		} else {
+			for i, target := range bazelTargets {
+				if w, g := testCase.expectedBazelTargets[i], target.content; w != g {
+					t.Errorf(
+						"%s: Expected generated Bazel target to be '%s', got '%s'",
+						testCase.description,
+						w,
+						g,
+					)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/bp2build/cc_object_conversion_test.go b/bp2build/cc_object_conversion_test.go
index 1c058ba..fcc3080 100644
--- a/bp2build/cc_object_conversion_test.go
+++ b/bp2build/cc_object_conversion_test.go
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
     srcs = [
-        "a/b/foo.h",
+        "a/b/foo.h",
@@ -209,6 +209,34 @@
+		{
+			description:                        "cc_object with product variable",
+			moduleTypeUnderTest:                "cc_object",
+			moduleTypeUnderTestFactory:         cc.ObjectFactory,
+			moduleTypeUnderTestBp2BuildMutator: cc.ObjectBp2Build,
+			blueprint: `cc_object {
+    name: "foo",
+    include_build_directory: false,
+    product_variables: {
+        platform_sdk_version: {
+            asflags: ["-DPLATFORM_SDK_VERSION=%d"],
+        },
+    },
+    bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
+			expectedBazelTargets: []string{`cc_object(
+    name = "foo",
+    asflags = [
+        "-DPLATFORM_SDK_VERSION={Platform_sdk_version}",
+    ],
+    copts = [
+        "-fno-addrsig",
+    ],
+			},
+		},
 	dir := "."
@@ -278,9 +306,13 @@
 			moduleTypeUnderTestBp2BuildMutator: cc.ObjectBp2Build,
 			blueprint: `cc_object {
     name: "foo",
+    srcs: ["a.cpp"],
     arch: {
         x86: {
-            cflags: ["-fPIC"],
+            cflags: ["-fPIC"], // string list
+        },
+        arm: {
+            srcs: ["arch/arm/file.S"], // label list
     bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true },
@@ -292,15 +324,22 @@
     copts = [
     ] + select({
-        "@bazel_tools//platforms:x86_32": [
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:x86": [
-        "//conditions:default": [
-        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [],
     local_include_dirs = [
+    srcs = [
+        "a.cpp",
+    ] + select({
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:arm": [
+            "arch/arm/file.S",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [],
+    }),
@@ -311,17 +350,22 @@
 			moduleTypeUnderTestBp2BuildMutator: cc.ObjectBp2Build,
 			blueprint: `cc_object {
     name: "foo",
+    srcs: ["base.cpp"],
     arch: {
         x86: {
+            srcs: ["x86.cpp"],
             cflags: ["-fPIC"],
         x86_64: {
+            srcs: ["x86_64.cpp"],
             cflags: ["-fPIC"],
         arm: {
+            srcs: ["arm.cpp"],
             cflags: ["-Wall"],
         arm64: {
+            srcs: ["arm64.cpp"],
             cflags: ["-Wall"],
@@ -334,24 +378,40 @@
     copts = [
     ] + select({
-        "@bazel_tools//platforms:arm": [
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:arm": [
-        "@bazel_tools//platforms:aarch64": [
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:arm64": [
-        "@bazel_tools//platforms:x86_32": [
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:x86": [
-        "@bazel_tools//platforms:x86_64": [
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:x86_64": [
-        "//conditions:default": [
-        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [],
     local_include_dirs = [
+    srcs = [
+        "base.cpp",
+    ] + select({
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:arm": [
+            "arm.cpp",
+        ],
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:arm64": [
+            "arm64.cpp",
+        ],
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:x86": [
+            "x86.cpp",
+        ],
+        "//build/bazel/platforms/arch:x86_64": [
+            "x86_64.cpp",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [],
+    }),
diff --git a/bp2build/configurability.go b/bp2build/configurability.go
index 47cf3c6..6ca0d6d 100644
--- a/bp2build/configurability.go
+++ b/bp2build/configurability.go
@@ -1,15 +1,112 @@
 package bp2build
-import "android/soong/android"
+import (
+	"android/soong/android"
+	"android/soong/bazel"
+	"fmt"
+	"reflect"
 // Configurability support for bp2build.
-var (
-	// A map of architectures to the Bazel label of the constraint_value.
-	platformArchMap = map[android.ArchType]string{
-		android.Arm:    "@bazel_tools//platforms:arm",
-		android.Arm64:  "@bazel_tools//platforms:aarch64",
-		android.X86:    "@bazel_tools//platforms:x86_32",
-		android.X86_64: "@bazel_tools//platforms:x86_64",
+// prettyPrintStringListAttribute converts a StringListAttribute to its Bazel
+// syntax. May contain a select statement.
+func prettyPrintStringListAttribute(stringList bazel.StringListAttribute, indent int) (string, error) {
+	ret, err := prettyPrint(reflect.ValueOf(stringList.Value), indent)
+	if err != nil {
+		return ret, err
+	if !stringList.HasConfigurableValues() {
+		// Select statement not needed.
+		return ret, nil
+	}
+	// Create the selects for arch specific values.
+	selects := map[string]reflect.Value{}
+	for arch, selectKey := range bazel.PlatformArchMap {
+		selects[selectKey] = reflect.ValueOf(stringList.GetValueForArch(arch))
+	}
+	selectMap, err := prettyPrintSelectMap(selects, "[]", indent)
+	return ret + selectMap, err
+// prettyPrintLabelListAttribute converts a LabelListAttribute to its Bazel
+// syntax. May contain select statements.
+func prettyPrintLabelListAttribute(labels bazel.LabelListAttribute, indent int) (string, error) {
+	// TODO(b/165114590): convert glob syntax
+	ret, err := prettyPrint(reflect.ValueOf(labels.Value.Includes), indent)
+	if err != nil {
+		return ret, err
+	}
+	if !labels.HasConfigurableValues() {
+		// Select statements not needed.
+		return ret, nil
+	}
+	// Create the selects for arch specific values.
+	archSelects := map[string]reflect.Value{}
+	for arch, selectKey := range bazel.PlatformArchMap {
+		archSelects[selectKey] = reflect.ValueOf(labels.GetValueForArch(arch).Includes)
+	}
+	selectMap, err := prettyPrintSelectMap(archSelects, "[]", indent)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	ret += selectMap
+	// Create the selects for target os specific values.
+	osSelects := map[string]reflect.Value{}
+	for os, selectKey := range bazel.PlatformOsMap {
+		osSelects[selectKey] = reflect.ValueOf(labels.GetValueForOS(os).Includes)
+	}
+	selectMap, err = prettyPrintSelectMap(osSelects, "[]", indent)
+	return ret + selectMap, err
+// prettyPrintSelectMap converts a map of select keys to reflected Values as a generic way
+// to construct a select map for any kind of attribute type.
+func prettyPrintSelectMap(selectMap map[string]reflect.Value, defaultValue string, indent int) (string, error) {
+	var selects string
+	for _, selectKey := range android.SortedStringKeys(selectMap) {
+		value := selectMap[selectKey]
+		if isZero(value) {
+			// Ignore zero values to not generate empty lists.
+			continue
+		}
+		s, err := prettyPrintSelectEntry(value, selectKey, indent)
+		if err != nil {
+			return "", err
+		}
+		selects += s + ",\n"
+	}
+	if len(selects) == 0 {
+		// No conditions (or all values are empty lists), so no need for a map.
+		return "", nil
+	}
+	// Create the map.
+	ret := " + select({\n"
+	ret += selects
+	// default condition comes last.
+	ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s\"%s\": %s,\n", makeIndent(indent+1), "//conditions:default", defaultValue)
+	ret += makeIndent(indent)
+	ret += "})"
+	return ret, nil
+// prettyPrintSelectEntry converts a reflect.Value into an entry in a select map
+// with a provided key.
+func prettyPrintSelectEntry(value reflect.Value, key string, indent int) (string, error) {
+	s := makeIndent(indent + 1)
+	v, err := prettyPrint(value, indent+1)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	s += fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\": %s", key, v)
+	return s, nil
diff --git a/bp2build/constants.go b/bp2build/constants.go
index 23bca83..70f320e 100644
--- a/bp2build/constants.go
+++ b/bp2build/constants.go
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 	// When both a BUILD and BUILD.bazel file are exist in the same package, the BUILD.bazel file will
 	// be preferred for use within a Bazel build.
-	// The file name used for automatically generated files. Files with this name are ignored by git.
+	// The file name used for automatically generated files.
 	GeneratedBuildFileName = "BUILD"
 	// The file name used for hand-crafted build targets.
 	HandcraftedBuildFileName = "BUILD.bazel"
diff --git a/bp2build/conversion.go b/bp2build/conversion.go
index 787222d..6b47cd1 100644
--- a/bp2build/conversion.go
+++ b/bp2build/conversion.go
@@ -19,12 +19,13 @@
 	ruleShims map[string]RuleShim,
 	buildToTargets map[string]BazelTargets,
 	mode CodegenMode) []BazelFile {
-	files := make([]BazelFile, 0, len(ruleShims)+len(buildToTargets)+numAdditionalFiles)
-	// Write top level files: WORKSPACE. These files are empty.
-	files = append(files, newFile("", "WORKSPACE", ""))
+	var files []BazelFile
 	if mode == QueryView {
+		// Write top level WORKSPACE.
+		files = append(files, newFile("", "WORKSPACE", ""))
 		// Used to denote that the top level directory is a package.
 		files = append(files, newFile("", GeneratedBuildFileName, ""))
diff --git a/bp2build/conversion_test.go b/bp2build/conversion_test.go
index a115ddc..9fd6817 100644
--- a/bp2build/conversion_test.go
+++ b/bp2build/conversion_test.go
@@ -24,36 +24,6 @@
 	basename string
-func assertFilecountsAreEqual(t *testing.T, actual []BazelFile, expected []filepath) {
-	if a, e := len(actual), len(expected); a != e {
-		t.Errorf("Expected %d files, got %d", e, a)
-	}
-func assertFileContent(t *testing.T, actual []BazelFile, expected []filepath) {
-	for i := range actual {
-		if g, w := actual[i], expected[i]; g.Dir != w.dir || g.Basename != w.basename {
-			t.Errorf("Did not find expected file %s/%s", g.Dir, g.Basename)
-		} else if g.Basename == "BUILD" || g.Basename == "WORKSPACE" {
-			if g.Contents != "" {
-				t.Errorf("Expected %s to have no content.", g)
-			}
-		} else if g.Contents == "" {
-			t.Errorf("Contents of %s unexpected empty.", g)
-		}
-	}
-func sortFiles(files []BazelFile) {
-	sort.Slice(files, func(i, j int) bool {
-		if dir1, dir2 := files[i].Dir, files[j].Dir; dir1 == dir2 {
-			return files[i].Basename < files[j].Basename
-		} else {
-			return dir1 < dir2
-		}
-	})
 func TestCreateBazelFiles_QueryView_AddsTopLevelFiles(t *testing.T) {
 	files := CreateBazelFiles(map[string]RuleShim{}, map[string]BazelTargets{}, QueryView)
 	expectedFilePaths := []filepath{
@@ -79,21 +49,39 @@
-	assertFilecountsAreEqual(t, files, expectedFilePaths)
-	sortFiles(files)
-	assertFileContent(t, files, expectedFilePaths)
-func TestCreateBazelFiles_Bp2Build_AddsTopLevelFiles(t *testing.T) {
-	files := CreateBazelFiles(map[string]RuleShim{}, map[string]BazelTargets{}, Bp2Build)
-	expectedFilePaths := []filepath{
-		{
-			dir:      "",
-			basename: "WORKSPACE",
-		},
+	// Compare number of files
+	if a, e := len(files), len(expectedFilePaths); a != e {
+		t.Errorf("Expected %d files, got %d", e, a)
-	assertFilecountsAreEqual(t, files, expectedFilePaths)
-	sortFiles(files)
-	assertFileContent(t, files, expectedFilePaths)
+	// Sort the files to be deterministic
+	sort.Slice(files, func(i, j int) bool {
+		if dir1, dir2 := files[i].Dir, files[j].Dir; dir1 == dir2 {
+			return files[i].Basename < files[j].Basename
+		} else {
+			return dir1 < dir2
+		}
+	})
+	// Compare the file contents
+	for i := range files {
+		actualFile, expectedFile := files[i], expectedFilePaths[i]
+		if actualFile.Dir != expectedFile.dir || actualFile.Basename != expectedFile.basename {
+			t.Errorf("Did not find expected file %s/%s", actualFile.Dir, actualFile.Basename)
+		} else if actualFile.Basename == "BUILD" || actualFile.Basename == "WORKSPACE" {
+			if actualFile.Contents != "" {
+				t.Errorf("Expected %s to have no content.", actualFile)
+			}
+		} else if actualFile.Contents == "" {
+			t.Errorf("Contents of %s unexpected empty.", actualFile)
+		}
+	}
+func TestCreateBazelFiles_Bp2Build_CreatesNoFilesWithNoTargets(t *testing.T) {
+	files := CreateBazelFiles(map[string]RuleShim{}, map[string]BazelTargets{}, Bp2Build)
+	if len(files) != 0 {
+		t.Errorf("Expected no files, got %d", len(files))
+	}
diff --git a/bp2build/testing.go b/bp2build/testing.go
index ede8044..ef3a78f 100644
--- a/bp2build/testing.go
+++ b/bp2build/testing.go
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@
+var (
+	// A default configuration for tests to not have to specify bp2build_available on top level targets.
+	bp2buildConfig = android.Bp2BuildConfig{
+		android.BP2BUILD_TOPLEVEL: android.Bp2BuildDefaultTrueRecursively,
+	}
 type nestedProps struct {
 	Nested_prop string
diff --git a/cc/Android.bp b/cc/Android.bp
index bdbb3c0..cc4d9bc 100644
--- a/cc/Android.bp
+++ b/cc/Android.bp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+        "soong-bazel",
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
+        "bp2build.go",
diff --git a/cc/bp2build.go b/cc/bp2build.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a590eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cc/bp2build.go
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package cc
+import (
+	"android/soong/android"
+	"android/soong/bazel"
+// bp2build functions and helpers for converting cc_* modules to Bazel.
+func init() {
+	android.DepsBp2BuildMutators(RegisterDepsBp2Build)
+func RegisterDepsBp2Build(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
+	ctx.BottomUp("cc_bp2build_deps", depsBp2BuildMutator)
+// A naive deps mutator to add deps on all modules across all combinations of
+// target props for cc modules. This is needed to make module -> bazel label
+// resolution work in the bp2build mutator later. This is probably
+// the wrong way to do it, but it works.
+// TODO(jingwen): can we create a custom os mutator in depsBp2BuildMutator to do this?
+func depsBp2BuildMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
+	module, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module)
+	if !ok {
+		// Not a cc module
+		return
+	}
+	if !module.ConvertWithBp2build(ctx) {
+		return
+	}
+	var allDeps []string
+	for _, p := range module.GetTargetProperties(&BaseLinkerProperties{}) {
+		// arch specific linker props
+		if baseLinkerProps, ok := p.(*BaseLinkerProperties); ok {
+			allDeps = append(allDeps, baseLinkerProps.Header_libs...)
+			allDeps = append(allDeps, baseLinkerProps.Export_header_lib_headers...)
+		}
+	}
+	ctx.AddDependency(module, nil, android.SortedUniqueStrings(allDeps)...)
+// bp2BuildParseHeaderLibs creates a label list attribute containing the header library deps of a module, including
+// configurable attribute values.
+func bp2BuildParseHeaderLibs(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, module *Module) bazel.LabelListAttribute {
+	var ret bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	for _, linkerProps := range module.linker.linkerProps() {
+		if baseLinkerProps, ok := linkerProps.(*BaseLinkerProperties); ok {
+			libs := baseLinkerProps.Header_libs
+			libs = append(libs, baseLinkerProps.Export_header_lib_headers...)
+			ret = bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(
+				android.BazelLabelForModuleDeps(ctx, android.SortedUniqueStrings(libs)))
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	for os, p := range module.GetTargetProperties(&BaseLinkerProperties{}) {
+		if baseLinkerProps, ok := p.(*BaseLinkerProperties); ok {
+			libs := baseLinkerProps.Header_libs
+			libs = append(libs, baseLinkerProps.Export_header_lib_headers...)
+			libs = android.SortedUniqueStrings(libs)
+			ret.SetValueForOS(os.Name, android.BazelLabelForModuleDeps(ctx, libs))
+		}
+	}
+	return ret
+// bp2BuildParseExportedIncludes creates a label list attribute contains the
+// exported included directories of a module.
+func bp2BuildParseExportedIncludes(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext, module *Module) (bazel.LabelListAttribute, bazel.LabelListAttribute) {
+	libraryDecorator := module.linker.(*libraryDecorator)
+	includeDirs := libraryDecorator.flagExporter.Properties.Export_system_include_dirs
+	includeDirs = append(includeDirs, libraryDecorator.flagExporter.Properties.Export_include_dirs...)
+	includeDirsLabels := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, includeDirs)
+	var includeDirGlobs []string
+	for _, includeDir := range includeDirs {
+		includeDirGlobs = append(includeDirGlobs, includeDir+"/**/*.h")
+		includeDirGlobs = append(includeDirGlobs, includeDir+"/**/*.inc")
+		includeDirGlobs = append(includeDirGlobs, includeDir+"/**/*.hpp")
+	}
+	headersLabels := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, includeDirGlobs)
+	return bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(includeDirsLabels), bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(headersLabels)
diff --git a/cc/builder.go b/cc/builder.go
index 4771b89..8c9743f 100644
--- a/cc/builder.go
+++ b/cc/builder.go
@@ -182,11 +182,11 @@
 			Depfile:     "${out}.d",
 			Deps:        blueprint.DepsGCC,
-			Command:     "CROSS_COMPILE=$crossCompile $tocPath $format -i ${in} -o ${out} -d ${out}.d",
+			Command:     "CLANG_BIN=$clangBin $tocPath $format -i ${in} -o ${out} -d ${out}.d",
 			CommandDeps: []string{"$tocPath"},
 			Restat:      true,
-		"crossCompile", "format")
+		"clangBin", "format")
 	// Rule for invoking clang-tidy (a clang-based linter).
 	clangTidy, clangTidyRE = pctx.RemoteStaticRules("clangTidy",
@@ -918,16 +918,12 @@
 	outputFile android.WritablePath, flags builderFlags) {
 	var format string
-	var crossCompile string
 	if ctx.Darwin() {
 		format = "--macho"
-		crossCompile = "${config.MacToolPath}"
 	} else if ctx.Windows() {
 		format = "--pe"
-		crossCompile = gccCmd(flags.toolchain, "")
 	} else {
 		format = "--elf"
-		crossCompile = gccCmd(flags.toolchain, "")
 	ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
@@ -936,8 +932,8 @@
 		Output:      outputFile,
 		Input:       inputFile,
 		Args: map[string]string{
-			"crossCompile": crossCompile,
-			"format":       format,
+			"clangBin": "${config.ClangBin}",
+			"format":   format,
diff --git a/cc/cc.go b/cc/cc.go
index 0c46b24..0f9a556 100644
--- a/cc/cc.go
+++ b/cc/cc.go
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
 	// List of APEXes that this module has private access to for testing purpose. The module
 	// can depend on libraries that are not exported by the APEXes and use private symbols
 	// from the exported libraries.
-	Test_for []string
+	Test_for []string `android:"arch_variant"`
 type VendorProperties struct {
@@ -1363,6 +1363,19 @@
 	if ver == "apex_inherit" || ver == "" {
 		ver = ctx.sdkVersion()
+	// For crt objects, the meaning of min_sdk_version is very different from other types of
+	// module. For them, min_sdk_version defines the oldest version that the build system will
+	// create versioned variants for. For example, if min_sdk_version is 16, then sdk variant of
+	// the crt object has local variants of 16, 17, ..., up to the latest version. sdk_version
+	// and min_sdk_version properties of the variants are set to the corresponding version
+	// numbers. However, the platform (non-sdk) variant of the crt object is left untouched.
+	// min_sdk_version: 16 doesn't actually mean that the platform variant has to support such
+	// an old version. Since the variant is for the platform, it's preferred to target the
+	// latest version.
+	if ctx.mod.SplitPerApiLevel() && !ctx.isSdkVariant() {
+		ver = strconv.Itoa(android.FutureApiLevelInt)
+	}
 	// Also make sure that minSdkVersion is not greater than sdkVersion, if they are both numbers
 	sdkVersionInt, err := strconv.Atoi(ctx.sdkVersion())
 	minSdkVersionInt, err2 := strconv.Atoi(ver)
@@ -1879,8 +1892,8 @@
 	for _, lib := range deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders {
-		if !inList(lib, deps.StaticLibs) {
-			ctx.PropertyErrorf("export_static_lib_headers", "Static library not in static_libs: '%s'", lib)
+		if !inList(lib, deps.StaticLibs) && !inList(lib, deps.WholeStaticLibs) {
+			ctx.PropertyErrorf("export_static_lib_headers", "Static library not in static_libs or whole_static_libs: '%s'", lib)
@@ -1927,9 +1940,14 @@
 		return nil
 	if m.UseSdk() {
+		// Choose the CRT that best satisfies the min_sdk_version requirement of this module
+		minSdkVersion := m.MinSdkVersion()
+		if minSdkVersion == "" || minSdkVersion == "apex_inherit" {
+			minSdkVersion = m.SdkVersion()
+		}
 		return []blueprint.Variation{
 			{Mutator: "sdk", Variation: "sdk"},
-			{Mutator: "version", Variation: m.SdkVersion()},
+			{Mutator: "version", Variation: minSdkVersion},
 	return []blueprint.Variation{
@@ -2613,14 +2631,31 @@
 						// However, for host, ramdisk, vendor_ramdisk, recovery or bootstrap modules,
 						// always link to non-stub variant
 						useStubs = dep.(android.ApexModule).NotInPlatform() && !c.bootstrap()
-						// Another exception: if this module is bundled with an APEX, then
-						// it is linked with the non-stub variant of a module in the APEX
-						// as if this is part of the APEX.
-						testFor := ctx.Provider(android.ApexTestForInfoProvider).(android.ApexTestForInfo)
-						for _, apexContents := range testFor.ApexContents {
-							if apexContents.DirectlyInApex(depName) {
+						if useStubs {
+							// Another exception: if this module is a test for an APEX, then
+							// it is linked with the non-stub variant of a module in the APEX
+							// as if this is part of the APEX.
+							testFor := ctx.Provider(android.ApexTestForInfoProvider).(android.ApexTestForInfo)
+							for _, apexContents := range testFor.ApexContents {
+								if apexContents.DirectlyInApex(depName) {
+									useStubs = false
+									break
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						if useStubs {
+							// Yet another exception: If this module and the dependency are
+							// available to the same APEXes then skip stubs between their
+							// platform variants. This complements the test_for case above,
+							// which avoids the stubs on a direct APEX library dependency, by
+							// avoiding stubs for indirect test dependencies as well.
+							//
+							// TODO(b/183882457): This doesn't work if the two libraries have
+							// only partially overlapping apex_available. For that test_for
+							// modules would need to be split into APEX variants and resolved
+							// separately for each APEX they have access to.
+							if android.AvailableToSameApexes(c, dep.(android.ApexModule)) {
 								useStubs = false
-								break
 					} else {
@@ -3249,6 +3284,10 @@
 type Defaults struct {
+	// Included to support setting bazel_module.label for multiple Soong modules to the same Bazel
+	// target. This is primarily useful for modules that were architecture specific and instead are
+	// handled in Bazel as a select().
+	android.BazelModuleBase
@@ -3295,6 +3334,8 @@
+	// Bazel module must be initialized _before_ Defaults to be included in cc_defaults module.
+	android.InitBazelModule(module)
 	return module
diff --git a/cc/cc_test.go b/cc/cc_test.go
index 7196615..675c020 100644
--- a/cc/cc_test.go
+++ b/cc/cc_test.go
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 import (
-	"io/ioutil"
@@ -27,33 +26,11 @@
-var buildDir string
-func setUp() {
-	var err error
-	buildDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "soong_cc_test")
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-func tearDown() {
-	os.RemoveAll(buildDir)
 func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
-	run := func() int {
-		setUp()
-		defer tearDown()
-		return m.Run()
-	}
-	os.Exit(run())
+	os.Exit(m.Run())
-var ccFixtureFactory = android.NewFixtureFactory(
-	&buildDir,
+var prepareForCcTest = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
 	android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
 		variables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
@@ -62,62 +39,62 @@
-// testCcWithConfig runs tests using the ccFixtureFactory
+// testCcWithConfig runs tests using the prepareForCcTest
 // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method.
 // deprecated
 func testCcWithConfig(t *testing.T, config android.Config) *android.TestContext {
-	result := ccFixtureFactory.RunTestWithConfig(t, config)
+	result := prepareForCcTest.RunTestWithConfig(t, config)
 	return result.TestContext
-// testCc runs tests using the ccFixtureFactory
+// testCc runs tests using the prepareForCcTest
-// Do not add any new usages of this, instead use the ccFixtureFactory directly as it makes it much
+// Do not add any new usages of this, instead use the prepareForCcTest directly as it makes it much
 // easier to customize the test behavior.
 // If it is necessary to customize the behavior of an existing test that uses this then please first
-// convert the test to using ccFixtureFactory first and then in a following change add the
+// convert the test to using prepareForCcTest first and then in a following change add the
 // appropriate fixture preparers. Keeping the conversion change separate makes it easy to verify
 // that it did not change the test behavior unexpectedly.
 // deprecated
 func testCc(t *testing.T, bp string) *android.TestContext {
-	result := ccFixtureFactory.RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
+	result := prepareForCcTest.RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
 	return result.TestContext
-// testCcNoVndk runs tests using the ccFixtureFactory
+// testCcNoVndk runs tests using the prepareForCcTest
 // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method.
 // deprecated
 func testCcNoVndk(t *testing.T, bp string) *android.TestContext {
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	return testCcWithConfig(t, config)
-// testCcNoProductVndk runs tests using the ccFixtureFactory
+// testCcNoProductVndk runs tests using the prepareForCcTest
 // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method.
 // deprecated
 func testCcNoProductVndk(t *testing.T, bp string) *android.TestContext {
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	return testCcWithConfig(t, config)
-// testCcErrorWithConfig runs tests using the ccFixtureFactory
+// testCcErrorWithConfig runs tests using the prepareForCcTest
 // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method.
@@ -125,33 +102,33 @@
 func testCcErrorWithConfig(t *testing.T, pattern string, config android.Config) {
-	ccFixtureFactory.Extend().
+	prepareForCcTest.
 		RunTestWithConfig(t, config)
-// testCcError runs tests using the ccFixtureFactory
+// testCcError runs tests using the prepareForCcTest
 // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method.
 // deprecated
 func testCcError(t *testing.T, pattern string, bp string) {
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	testCcErrorWithConfig(t, pattern, config)
-// testCcErrorProductVndk runs tests using the ccFixtureFactory
+// testCcErrorProductVndk runs tests using the prepareForCcTest
 // See testCc for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method.
 // deprecated
 func testCcErrorProductVndk(t *testing.T, pattern string, bp string) {
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.ProductVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
@@ -166,6 +143,15 @@
 	recoveryVariant = "android_recovery_arm64_armv8-a_shared"
+// Test that the PrepareForTestWithCcDefaultModules provides all the files that it uses by
+// running it in a fixture that requires all source files to exist.
+func TestPrepareForTestWithCcDefaultModules(t *testing.T) {
+	android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		PrepareForTestWithCcDefaultModules,
+		android.PrepareForTestDisallowNonExistentPaths,
+	).RunTest(t)
 func TestFuchsiaDeps(t *testing.T) {
@@ -180,7 +166,10 @@
-	result := ccFixtureFactory.Extend(PrepareForTestOnFuchsia).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForCcTest,
+		PrepareForTestOnFuchsia,
+	).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
 	rt := false
 	fb := false
@@ -216,7 +205,10 @@
-	result := ccFixtureFactory.Extend(PrepareForTestOnFuchsia).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForCcTest,
+		PrepareForTestOnFuchsia,
+	).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
 	ld := result.ModuleForTests("libTest", "fuchsia_arm64_shared").Rule("ld")
 	var objs []string
 	for _, o := range ld.Inputs {
@@ -292,13 +284,9 @@
 func checkSnapshotIncludeExclude(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, singleton android.TestingSingleton, moduleName, snapshotFilename, subDir, variant string, include bool, fake bool) {
-	mod, ok := ctx.ModuleForTests(moduleName, variant).Module().(android.OutputFileProducer)
-	if !ok {
-		t.Errorf("%q must have output\n", moduleName)
-		return
-	}
-	outputFiles, err := mod.OutputFiles("")
-	if err != nil || len(outputFiles) != 1 {
+	mod := ctx.ModuleForTests(moduleName, variant)
+	outputFiles := mod.OutputFiles(t, "")
+	if len(outputFiles) != 1 {
 		t.Errorf("%q must have single output\n", moduleName)
@@ -324,14 +312,17 @@
 func checkSnapshot(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, singleton android.TestingSingleton, moduleName, snapshotFilename, subDir, variant string) {
+	t.Helper()
 	checkSnapshotIncludeExclude(t, ctx, singleton, moduleName, snapshotFilename, subDir, variant, true, false)
 func checkSnapshotExclude(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, singleton android.TestingSingleton, moduleName, snapshotFilename, subDir, variant string) {
+	t.Helper()
 	checkSnapshotIncludeExclude(t, ctx, singleton, moduleName, snapshotFilename, subDir, variant, false, false)
 func checkSnapshotRule(t *testing.T, ctx *android.TestContext, singleton android.TestingSingleton, moduleName, snapshotFilename, subDir, variant string) {
+	t.Helper()
 	checkSnapshotIncludeExclude(t, ctx, singleton, moduleName, snapshotFilename, subDir, variant, true, true)
@@ -462,7 +453,7 @@
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.ProductVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
@@ -483,7 +474,7 @@
 	// Check VNDK snapshot output.
 	snapshotDir := "vndk-snapshot"
-	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join(buildDir, snapshotDir, "arm64")
+	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join("out/soong", snapshotDir, "arm64")
 	vndkLibPath := filepath.Join(snapshotVariantPath, fmt.Sprintf("arch-%s-%s",
 		"arm64", "armv8-a"))
@@ -584,7 +575,7 @@
 			name: "llndk.libraries.txt",
 			insert_vndk_version: true,
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config)
@@ -634,7 +625,7 @@
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	config.TestProductVariables.VndkUseCoreVariant = BoolPtr(true)
@@ -661,7 +652,7 @@
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	config.TestProductVariables.VndkUseCoreVariant = BoolPtr(true)
@@ -712,7 +703,7 @@
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	config.TestProductVariables.VndkUseCoreVariant = BoolPtr(true)
@@ -1337,7 +1328,7 @@
 			nocrt: true,
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.ProductVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
@@ -1782,7 +1773,7 @@
 			nocrt: true,
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.ProductVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
@@ -2109,7 +2100,7 @@
-	ctx := ccFixtureFactory.RunTestWithBp(t, bp).TestContext
+	ctx := prepareForCcTest.RunTestWithBp(t, bp).TestContext
 	checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk", "", false, "", productVariant)
 	checkVndkModule(t, ctx, "libvndk_sp", "", true, "", productVariant)
@@ -2337,7 +2328,7 @@
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	// native:vndk
@@ -2543,7 +2534,7 @@
 func getOutputPaths(ctx *android.TestContext, variant string, moduleNames []string) (paths android.Paths) {
 	for _, moduleName := range moduleNames {
 		module := ctx.ModuleForTests(moduleName, variant).Module().(*Module)
-		output := module.outputFile.Path()
+		output := module.outputFile.Path().RelativeToTop()
 		paths = append(paths, output)
 	return paths
@@ -2574,7 +2565,8 @@
 	variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_static"
 	moduleA := ctx.ModuleForTests("a", variant).Module().(*Module)
-	actual := ctx.ModuleProvider(moduleA, StaticLibraryInfoProvider).(StaticLibraryInfo).TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering.ToList()
+	actual := ctx.ModuleProvider(moduleA, StaticLibraryInfoProvider).(StaticLibraryInfo).
+		TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering.ToList().RelativeToTop()
 	expected := getOutputPaths(ctx, variant, []string{"a", "c", "b", "d"})
 	if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) {
@@ -2608,7 +2600,8 @@
 	variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_static"
 	moduleA := ctx.ModuleForTests("a", variant).Module().(*Module)
-	actual := ctx.ModuleProvider(moduleA, StaticLibraryInfoProvider).(StaticLibraryInfo).TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering.ToList()
+	actual := ctx.ModuleProvider(moduleA, StaticLibraryInfoProvider).(StaticLibraryInfo).
+		TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering.ToList().RelativeToTop()
 	expected := getOutputPaths(ctx, variant, []string{"a", "c", "b"})
 	if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) {
@@ -2679,9 +2672,11 @@
 	expected := []string{
+		"android_vendor.VER_arm64_armv8-a_shared_current",
+		"android_vendor.VER_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared_current",
 	checkEquals(t, "variants for llndk stubs", expected, actual)
@@ -3127,7 +3122,7 @@
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	config.TestProductVariables.VndkUseCoreVariant = BoolPtr(true)
@@ -3181,10 +3176,12 @@
+		"android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_current",
+		"android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared_current",
 	variantsMismatch := false
 	if len(variants) != len(expectedVariants) {
@@ -3371,6 +3368,9 @@
 			shared: {
 				srcs: ["baz.c"],
+			bazel_module: {
+				bp2build_available: true,
+			},
 		cc_library_static {
@@ -3443,7 +3443,8 @@
-	result := ccFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForCcTest,
 		android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
@@ -3470,7 +3471,8 @@
-	result := ccFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForCcTest,
 	).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
@@ -3522,7 +3524,7 @@
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config)
 	hostBin := ctx.ModuleForTests("bin", config.BuildOSTarget.String()).Description("install")
@@ -3628,6 +3630,71 @@
+func TestMinSdkVersionInClangTriple(t *testing.T) {
+	ctx := testCc(t, `
+		cc_library_shared {
+			name: "libfoo",
+			srcs: ["foo.c"],
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+		}`)
+	cFlags := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
+	android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "min sdk version", cFlags, "-target aarch64-linux-android29")
+func TestMinSdkVersionsOfCrtObjects(t *testing.T) {
+	ctx := testCc(t, `
+		cc_object {
+			name: "crt_foo",
+			srcs: ["foo.c"],
+			crt: true,
+			stl: "none",
+			min_sdk_version: "28",
+		}`)
+	arch := "android_arm64_armv8-a"
+	for _, v := range []string{"", "28", "29", "30", "current"} {
+		var variant string
+		if v == "" {
+			variant = arch
+		} else {
+			variant = arch + "_sdk_" + v
+		}
+		cflags := ctx.ModuleForTests("crt_foo", variant).Rule("cc").Args["cFlags"]
+		vNum := v
+		if v == "current" || v == "" {
+			vNum = "10000"
+		}
+		expected := "-target aarch64-linux-android" + vNum + " "
+		android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "cflag", cflags, expected)
+	}
+func TestUseCrtObjectOfCorrectVersion(t *testing.T) {
+	ctx := testCc(t, `
+		cc_binary {
+			name: "bin",
+			srcs: ["foo.c"],
+			stl: "none",
+			min_sdk_version: "29",
+			sdk_version: "current",
+		}
+		`)
+	// Sdk variant uses the crt object of the matching min_sdk_version
+	variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a_sdk"
+	crt := ctx.ModuleForTests("bin", variant).Rule("ld").Args["crtBegin"]
+	android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "crt dep of sdk variant", crt,
+		variant+"_29/crtbegin_dynamic.o")
+	// platform variant uses the crt object built for platform
+	variant = "android_arm64_armv8-a"
+	crt = ctx.ModuleForTests("bin", variant).Rule("ld").Args["crtBegin"]
+	android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "crt dep of platform variant", crt,
+		variant+"/crtbegin_dynamic.o")
 type MemtagNoteType int
 const (
@@ -3748,7 +3815,10 @@
 func TestSanitizeMemtagHeap(t *testing.T) {
 	variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a"
-	result := ccFixtureFactory.Extend(prepareForTestWithMemtagHeap).RunTest(t)
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForCcTest,
+		prepareForTestWithMemtagHeap,
+	).RunTest(t)
 	ctx := result.TestContext
 	checkHasMemtagNote(t, ctx.ModuleForTests("default_test", variant), Sync)
@@ -3803,7 +3873,8 @@
 func TestSanitizeMemtagHeapWithSanitizeDevice(t *testing.T) {
 	variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a"
-	result := ccFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForCcTest,
 		android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
 			variables.SanitizeDevice = []string{"memtag_heap"}
@@ -3863,7 +3934,8 @@
 func TestSanitizeMemtagHeapWithSanitizeDeviceDiag(t *testing.T) {
 	variant := "android_arm64_armv8-a"
-	result := ccFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForCcTest,
 		android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
 			variables.SanitizeDevice = []string{"memtag_heap"}
diff --git a/cc/compiler.go b/cc/compiler.go
index b09b58e..78a5a5d 100644
--- a/cc/compiler.go
+++ b/cc/compiler.go
@@ -414,12 +414,7 @@
 	target := "-target " + tc.ClangTriple()
 	if ctx.Os().Class == android.Device {
-		// When built for the non-updateble part of platform, minSdkVersion doesn't matter.
-		// It matters only when building we are building for modules that can be unbundled.
-		version := "current"
-		if !ctx.isForPlatform() || ctx.isSdkVariant() {
-			version = ctx.minSdkVersion()
-		}
+		version := ctx.minSdkVersion()
 		if version == "" || version == "current" {
 			target += strconv.Itoa(android.FutureApiLevelInt)
 		} else {
diff --git a/cc/gen_test.go b/cc/gen_test.go
index 41ef95c..40a5716 100644
--- a/cc/gen_test.go
+++ b/cc/gen_test.go
@@ -36,8 +36,10 @@
 		aidl := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared").Rule("aidl")
 		libfoo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared").Module().(*Module)
-		if !inList("-I"+filepath.Dir(aidl.Output.String()), libfoo.flags.Local.CommonFlags) {
-			t.Errorf("missing aidl includes in global flags")
+		expected := "-I" + filepath.Dir(aidl.Output.String())
+		actual := android.StringsRelativeToTop(ctx.Config(), libfoo.flags.Local.CommonFlags)
+		if !inList(expected, actual) {
+			t.Errorf("missing aidl includes in global flags, expected %q, actual %q", expected, actual)
@@ -61,7 +63,7 @@
 		aidlManifest := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared").Output("aidl.sbox.textproto")
 		libfoo := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared").Module().(*Module)
-		if !inList("-I"+filepath.Dir(aidl.Output.String()), libfoo.flags.Local.CommonFlags) {
+		if !inList("-I"+filepath.Dir(aidl.Output.String()), android.StringsRelativeToTop(ctx.Config(), libfoo.flags.Local.CommonFlags)) {
 			t.Errorf("missing aidl includes in global flags")
diff --git a/cc/genrule_test.go b/cc/genrule_test.go
index fa0c6f2..45b343b 100644
--- a/cc/genrule_test.go
+++ b/cc/genrule_test.go
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
-	config := android.TestArchConfig(buildDir, nil, bp, fs)
+	config := android.TestArchConfig(t.TempDir(), nil, bp, fs)
 	ctx := testGenruleContext(config)
diff --git a/cc/library.go b/cc/library.go
index 22a36c6..50fff7f 100644
--- a/cc/library.go
+++ b/cc/library.go
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+	"android/soong/bazel"
@@ -64,7 +65,8 @@
 		// symbols that are exported for stubs variant of this library.
 		Symbol_file *string `android:"path"`
-		// List versions to generate stubs libs for.
+		// List versions to generate stubs libs for. The version name "current" is always
+		// implicitly added.
 		Versions []string
@@ -170,6 +172,8 @@
 	// This variant is a stubs lib
 	BuildStubs bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
+	// This variant is the latest version
+	IsLatestVersion bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
 	// Version of the stubs lib
 	StubsVersion string `blueprint:"mutated"`
 	// List of all stubs versions associated with an implementation lib
@@ -200,6 +204,8 @@
 func init() {
+	android.RegisterBp2BuildMutator("cc_library_static", CcLibraryStaticBp2Build)
 func RegisterLibraryBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
@@ -501,12 +507,11 @@
 		isLibcxx := strings.HasPrefix(dir, "external/libcxx/include")
-		j := 0
-		for i, header := range glob {
+		for _, header := range glob {
 			if isLibcxx {
 				// Glob all files under this special directory, because of C++ headers with no
 				// extension.
-				if !strings.HasSuffix(header, "/") {
+				if strings.HasSuffix(header, "/") {
 			} else {
@@ -522,12 +527,8 @@
-			if i != j {
-				glob[j] = glob[i]
-			}
-			j++
+			ret = append(ret, android.PathForSource(ctx, header))
-		glob = glob[:j]
 	// Collect generated headers
@@ -777,7 +778,7 @@
 type versionedInterface interface {
 	buildStubs() bool
-	setBuildStubs()
+	setBuildStubs(isLatest bool)
 	hasStubsVariants() bool
 	stubsVersion() string
@@ -1495,7 +1496,7 @@
 			if ctx.isVndk() && !ctx.IsVndkExt() {
-		} else if len(library.Properties.Stubs.Versions) > 0 && !ctx.Host() && ctx.directlyInAnyApex() {
+		} else if library.hasStubsVariants() && !ctx.Host() && ctx.directlyInAnyApex() {
 			// Bionic libraries (e.g. is installed to the bootstrap subdirectory.
 			// The original path becomes a symlink to the corresponding file in the
 			// runtime APEX.
@@ -1611,11 +1612,29 @@
 func (library *libraryDecorator) hasStubsVariants() bool {
-	return len(library.Properties.Stubs.Versions) > 0
+	// Just having stubs.symbol_file is enough to create a stub variant. In that case
+	// the stub for the future API level is created.
+	return library.Properties.Stubs.Symbol_file != nil ||
+		len(library.Properties.Stubs.Versions) > 0
 func (library *libraryDecorator) stubsVersions(ctx android.BaseMutatorContext) []string {
-	return library.Properties.Stubs.Versions
+	if !library.hasStubsVariants() {
+		return nil
+	}
+	// Future API level is implicitly added if there isn't
+	vers := library.Properties.Stubs.Versions
+	if inList(android.FutureApiLevel.String(), vers) {
+		return vers
+	}
+	// In some cases, people use the raw value "10000" in the versions property.
+	// We shouldn't add the future API level in that case, otherwise there will
+	// be two identical versions.
+	if inList(strconv.Itoa(android.FutureApiLevel.FinalOrFutureInt()), vers) {
+		return vers
+	}
+	return append(vers, android.FutureApiLevel.String())
 func (library *libraryDecorator) setStubsVersion(version string) {
@@ -1626,8 +1645,9 @@
 	return library.MutatedProperties.StubsVersion
-func (library *libraryDecorator) setBuildStubs() {
+func (library *libraryDecorator) setBuildStubs(isLatest bool) {
 	library.MutatedProperties.BuildStubs = true
+	library.MutatedProperties.IsLatestVersion = isLatest
 func (library *libraryDecorator) setAllStubsVersions(versions []string) {
@@ -1639,8 +1659,7 @@
 func (library *libraryDecorator) isLatestStubVersion() bool {
-	versions := library.Properties.Stubs.Versions
-	return versions[len(versions)-1] == library.stubsVersion()
+	return library.MutatedProperties.IsLatestVersion
 func (library *libraryDecorator) availableFor(what string) bool {
@@ -1883,7 +1902,8 @@
 			c.stl = nil
 			c.Properties.PreventInstall = true
 			lib := moduleLibraryInterface(m)
-			lib.setBuildStubs()
+			isLatest := i == (len(versions) - 1)
+			lib.setBuildStubs(isLatest)
 			if variants[i] != "" {
 				// A non-LLNDK stubs module is hidden from make and has a dependency from the
@@ -1914,6 +1934,7 @@
 	for i, module := range modules {
 		module.(*Module).Properties.Sdk_version = StringPtr(versionStrs[i])
+		module.(*Module).Properties.Min_sdk_version = StringPtr(versionStrs[i])
@@ -2024,3 +2045,103 @@
 	return outputFile
+type bazelCcLibraryStaticAttributes struct {
+	Copts      []string
+	Srcs       bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Deps       bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Linkstatic bool
+	Includes   bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Hdrs       bazel.LabelListAttribute
+type bazelCcLibraryStatic struct {
+	android.BazelTargetModuleBase
+	bazelCcLibraryStaticAttributes
+func BazelCcLibraryStaticFactory() android.Module {
+	module := &bazelCcLibraryStatic{}
+	module.AddProperties(&module.bazelCcLibraryStaticAttributes)
+	android.InitBazelTargetModule(module)
+	return module
+func CcLibraryStaticBp2Build(ctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
+	module, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module)
+	if !ok {
+		// Not a cc module
+		return
+	}
+	if !module.ConvertWithBp2build(ctx) {
+		return
+	}
+	if ctx.ModuleType() != "cc_library_static" {
+		return
+	}
+	var copts []string
+	var srcs []string
+	var includeDirs []string
+	var localIncludeDirs []string
+	for _, props := range module.compiler.compilerProps() {
+		if baseCompilerProps, ok := props.(*BaseCompilerProperties); ok {
+			copts = baseCompilerProps.Cflags
+			srcs = baseCompilerProps.Srcs
+			includeDirs = baseCompilerProps.Include_dirs
+			localIncludeDirs = baseCompilerProps.Local_include_dirs
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	srcsLabels := bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, srcs))
+	var staticLibs []string
+	var wholeStaticLibs []string
+	for _, props := range module.linker.linkerProps() {
+		if baseLinkerProperties, ok := props.(*BaseLinkerProperties); ok {
+			staticLibs = baseLinkerProperties.Static_libs
+			wholeStaticLibs = baseLinkerProperties.Whole_static_libs
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	// FIXME: Treat Static_libs and Whole_static_libs differently?
+	allDeps := staticLibs
+	allDeps = append(allDeps, wholeStaticLibs...)
+	depsLabels := android.BazelLabelForModuleDeps(ctx, allDeps)
+	// FIXME: Unify absolute vs relative paths
+	// FIXME: Use -I copts instead of setting includes= ?
+	allIncludes := includeDirs
+	allIncludes = append(allIncludes, localIncludeDirs...)
+	includesLabels := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, allIncludes)
+	exportedIncludesLabels, exportedIncludesHeadersLabels := bp2BuildParseExportedIncludes(ctx, module)
+	includesLabels.Append(exportedIncludesLabels.Value)
+	headerLibsLabels := bp2BuildParseHeaderLibs(ctx, module)
+	depsLabels.Append(headerLibsLabels.Value)
+	attrs := &bazelCcLibraryStaticAttributes{
+		Copts:      copts,
+		Srcs:       srcsLabels,
+		Deps:       bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(depsLabels),
+		Linkstatic: true,
+		Includes:   bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(includesLabels),
+		Hdrs:       exportedIncludesHeadersLabels,
+	}
+	props := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{
+		Rule_class:        "cc_library_static",
+		Bzl_load_location: "//build/bazel/rules:cc_library_static.bzl",
+	}
+	ctx.CreateBazelTargetModule(BazelCcLibraryStaticFactory, module.Name(), props, attrs)
+func (m *bazelCcLibraryStatic) Name() string {
+	return m.BaseModuleName()
+func (m *bazelCcLibraryStatic) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {}
diff --git a/cc/library_headers.go b/cc/library_headers.go
index 0f4d8a6..c8dd2c2 100644
--- a/cc/library_headers.go
+++ b/cc/library_headers.go
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@
 type bazelCcLibraryHeadersAttributes struct {
-	Hdrs     bazel.LabelList
-	Includes bazel.LabelList
-	Deps     bazel.LabelList
+	Hdrs     bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Includes bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Deps     bazel.LabelListAttribute
 type bazelCcLibraryHeaders struct {
@@ -94,35 +94,14 @@
-	lib, _ := module.linker.(*libraryDecorator)
+	exportedIncludesLabels, exportedIncludesHeadersLabels := bp2BuildParseExportedIncludes(ctx, module)
-	// list of directories that will be added to the include path (using -I) for this
-	// module and any module that links against this module.
-	includeDirs := lib.flagExporter.Properties.Export_system_include_dirs
-	includeDirs = append(includeDirs, lib.flagExporter.Properties.Export_include_dirs...)
-	includeDirLabels := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, includeDirs)
-	var includeDirGlobs []string
-	for _, includeDir := range includeDirs {
-		includeDirGlobs = append(includeDirGlobs, includeDir+"/**/*.h")
-	}
-	headerLabels := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, includeDirGlobs)
-	// list of modules that should only provide headers for this module.
-	var headerLibs []string
-	for _, linkerProps := range lib.linkerProps() {
-		if baseLinkerProps, ok := linkerProps.(*BaseLinkerProperties); ok {
-			headerLibs = baseLinkerProps.Export_header_lib_headers
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	headerLibLabels := android.BazelLabelForModuleDeps(ctx, headerLibs)
+	headerLibsLabels := bp2BuildParseHeaderLibs(ctx, module)
 	attrs := &bazelCcLibraryHeadersAttributes{
-		Includes: includeDirLabels,
-		Hdrs:     headerLabels,
-		Deps:     headerLibLabels,
+		Includes: exportedIncludesLabels,
+		Hdrs:     exportedIncludesHeadersLabels,
+		Deps:     headerLibsLabels,
 	props := bazel.BazelTargetModuleProperties{
diff --git a/cc/library_test.go b/cc/library_test.go
index 49838b4..7975275 100644
--- a/cc/library_test.go
+++ b/cc/library_test.go
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_version_active_codenames = []string{"R"}
 	ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config)
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_version_active_codenames = []string{"R"}
 	testCcErrorWithConfig(t, `"libfoo" .*: versions: not sorted`, config)
diff --git a/cc/linkable.go b/cc/linkable.go
index 58919a0..6aa238b 100644
--- a/cc/linkable.go
+++ b/cc/linkable.go
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
 	InProduct() bool
 	SdkVersion() string
+	MinSdkVersion() string
 	AlwaysSdk() bool
 	IsSdkVariant() bool
@@ -157,8 +158,16 @@
 // StaticDepTag returns the dependency tag for any C++ static libraries.
-func StaticDepTag() blueprint.DependencyTag {
-	return libraryDependencyTag{Kind: staticLibraryDependency}
+func StaticDepTag(wholeStatic bool) blueprint.DependencyTag {
+	return libraryDependencyTag{Kind: staticLibraryDependency, wholeStatic: wholeStatic}
+// IsWholeStaticLib whether a dependency tag is a whole static library dependency.
+func IsWholeStaticLib(depTag blueprint.DependencyTag) bool {
+	if tag, ok := depTag.(libraryDependencyTag); ok {
+		return tag.wholeStatic
+	}
+	return false
 // HeaderDepTag returns the dependency tag for any C++ "header-only" libraries.
diff --git a/cc/linker.go b/cc/linker.go
index 6d0d416..21281d2 100644
--- a/cc/linker.go
+++ b/cc/linker.go
@@ -599,21 +599,20 @@
 	_                   = pctx.SourcePathVariable("genSortedBssSymbolsPath", "build/soong/scripts/")
 	genSortedBssSymbols = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("gen_sorted_bss_symbols",
-			Command:     "CROSS_COMPILE=$crossCompile $genSortedBssSymbolsPath ${in} ${out}",
-			CommandDeps: []string{"$genSortedBssSymbolsPath", "${crossCompile}nm"},
+			Command:     "CLANG_BIN=${clangBin} $genSortedBssSymbolsPath ${in} ${out}",
+			CommandDeps: []string{"$genSortedBssSymbolsPath", "${clangBin}/llvm-nm"},
-		"crossCompile")
+		"clangBin")
 func (linker *baseLinker) sortBssSymbolsBySize(ctx ModuleContext, in android.Path, symbolOrderingFile android.ModuleOutPath, flags builderFlags) string {
-	crossCompile := gccCmd(flags.toolchain, "")
 	ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
 		Rule:        genSortedBssSymbols,
 		Description: "generate bss symbol order " + symbolOrderingFile.Base(),
 		Output:      symbolOrderingFile,
 		Input:       in,
 		Args: map[string]string{
-			"crossCompile": crossCompile,
+			"clangBin": "${config.ClangBin}",
 	return "-Wl,--symbol-ordering-file," + symbolOrderingFile.String()
diff --git a/cc/object.go b/cc/object.go
index 664be8d..ea8d7d3 100644
--- a/cc/object.go
+++ b/cc/object.go
@@ -53,8 +53,17 @@
 func (handler *objectBazelHandler) generateBazelBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext, label string) bool {
-	// TODO(b/181794963): restore mixed builds once cc_object incompatibility resolved
-	return false
+	bazelCtx := ctx.Config().BazelContext
+	objPaths, ok := bazelCtx.GetOutputFiles(label, ctx.Arch().ArchType)
+	if ok {
+		if len(objPaths) != 1 {
+			ctx.ModuleErrorf("expected exactly one object file for '%s', but got %s", label, objPaths)
+			return false
+		}
+		handler.module.outputFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, objPaths[0]))
+	}
+	return ok
 type ObjectLinkerProperties struct {
@@ -103,9 +112,10 @@
 // For bp2build conversion.
 type bazelObjectAttributes struct {
-	Srcs               bazel.LabelList
-	Deps               bazel.LabelList
+	Srcs               bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Deps               bazel.LabelListAttribute
 	Copts              bazel.StringListAttribute
+	Asflags            []string
 	Local_include_dirs []string
@@ -147,14 +157,17 @@
 	// Set arch-specific configurable attributes
 	var copts bazel.StringListAttribute
-	var srcs []string
-	var excludeSrcs []string
+	var srcs bazel.LabelListAttribute
 	var localIncludeDirs []string
+	var asFlags []string
 	for _, props := range m.compiler.compilerProps() {
 		if baseCompilerProps, ok := props.(*BaseCompilerProperties); ok {
 			copts.Value = baseCompilerProps.Cflags
-			srcs = baseCompilerProps.Srcs
-			excludeSrcs = baseCompilerProps.Exclude_srcs
+			srcs = bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(
+				android.BazelLabelForModuleSrcExcludes(
+					ctx,
+					baseCompilerProps.Srcs,
+					baseCompilerProps.Exclude_srcs))
 			localIncludeDirs = baseCompilerProps.Local_include_dirs
@@ -164,24 +177,43 @@
 		localIncludeDirs = append(localIncludeDirs, ".")
-	var deps bazel.LabelList
+	var deps bazel.LabelListAttribute
 	for _, props := range m.linker.linkerProps() {
 		if objectLinkerProps, ok := props.(*ObjectLinkerProperties); ok {
-			deps = android.BazelLabelForModuleDeps(ctx, objectLinkerProps.Objs)
+			deps = bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(
+				android.BazelLabelForModuleDeps(ctx, objectLinkerProps.Objs))
+	productVariableProps := android.ProductVariableProperties(ctx)
+	if props, exists := productVariableProps["Asflags"]; exists {
+		// TODO(b/183595873): consider deduplicating handling of product variable properties
+		for _, prop := range props {
+			flags, ok := prop.Property.([]string)
+			if !ok {
+				ctx.ModuleErrorf("Could not convert product variable asflag property")
+				return
+			}
+			// TODO(b/183595873) handle other product variable usages -- as selects?
+			if newFlags, subbed := bazel.TryVariableSubstitutions(flags, prop.ProductConfigVariable); subbed {
+				asFlags = append(asFlags, newFlags...)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// TODO(b/183595872) warn/error if we're not handling product variables
 	for arch, p := range m.GetArchProperties(&BaseCompilerProperties{}) {
 		if cProps, ok := p.(*BaseCompilerProperties); ok {
+			srcs.SetValueForArch(arch.Name, android.BazelLabelForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx, cProps.Srcs, cProps.Exclude_srcs))
 			copts.SetValueForArch(arch.Name, cProps.Cflags)
-	copts.SetValueForArch("default", []string{})
 	attrs := &bazelObjectAttributes{
-		Srcs:               android.BazelLabelForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx, srcs, excludeSrcs),
+		Srcs:               srcs,
 		Deps:               deps,
 		Copts:              copts,
+		Asflags:            asFlags,
 		Local_include_dirs: localIncludeDirs,
diff --git a/cc/prebuilt_test.go b/cc/prebuilt_test.go
index 20274b2..fa6dd87 100644
--- a/cc/prebuilt_test.go
+++ b/cc/prebuilt_test.go
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 package cc
 import (
-	"path/filepath"
@@ -23,14 +22,17 @@
-var prebuiltFixtureFactory = ccFixtureFactory.Extend(
+var prepareForPrebuiltTest = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+	prepareForCcTest,
 func testPrebuilt(t *testing.T, bp string, fs android.MockFS, handlers *android.TestContext {
-	result := prebuiltFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForPrebuiltTest,
-	).Extend(handlers...).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
+		android.GroupFixturePreparers(handlers...),
+	).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
 	return result.TestContext
@@ -302,8 +304,7 @@
 	fooRule := ctx.ModuleForTests("foo", "linux_glibc_x86_64").Rule("Symlink")
-	assertString(t, fooRule.Output.String(),
-		filepath.Join(buildDir, ".intermediates/foo/linux_glibc_x86_64/foo"))
+	assertString(t, fooRule.Output.String(), "out/soong/.intermediates/foo/linux_glibc_x86_64/foo")
 	assertString(t, fooRule.Args["fromPath"], "$$PWD/linux_glibc_x86_64/bin/foo")
 	var libfooDep android.Path
@@ -313,8 +314,7 @@
-	assertString(t, libfooDep.String(),
-		filepath.Join(buildDir, ".intermediates/libfoo/linux_glibc_x86_64_shared/"))
+	assertString(t, libfooDep.String(), "out/soong/.intermediates/libfoo/linux_glibc_x86_64_shared/")
 func TestPrebuiltLibrarySanitized(t *testing.T) {
diff --git a/cc/proto_test.go b/cc/proto_test.go
index f8bbd26..b9c89c7 100644
--- a/cc/proto_test.go
+++ b/cc/proto_test.go
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 			t.Errorf("expected %q in %q", w, cmd)
-		foobarPath := foobar.Module().(android.HostToolProvider).HostToolPath().String()
+		foobarPath := foobar.Module().(android.HostToolProvider).HostToolPath().RelativeToTop().String()
 		if w := "--plugin=protoc-gen-foobar=" + foobarPath; !strings.Contains(cmd, w) {
 			t.Errorf("expected %q in %q", w, cmd)
diff --git a/cc/sanitize.go b/cc/sanitize.go
index cd09e6e..e1ac9f0 100644
--- a/cc/sanitize.go
+++ b/cc/sanitize.go
@@ -1129,6 +1129,9 @@
 			Bool(c.sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.Undefined) ||
 			Bool(c.sanitize.Properties.Sanitize.All_undefined) {
 			runtimeLibrary = config.UndefinedBehaviorSanitizerRuntimeLibrary(toolchain)
+			if c.staticBinary() {
+				runtimeLibrary += ".static"
+			}
 		if runtimeLibrary != "" && (toolchain.Bionic() || c.sanitize.Properties.UbsanRuntimeDep) {
diff --git a/cc/sdk_test.go b/cc/sdk_test.go
index 5a3c181..61925e3 100644
--- a/cc/sdk_test.go
+++ b/cc/sdk_test.go
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 		} else {
 			toFile = m.outputFile.Path()
+		toFile = toFile.RelativeToTop()
 		rule := from.Description("link")
 		for _, dep := range rule.Implicits {
diff --git a/cc/stl.go b/cc/stl.go
index 75fab17..594231d 100644
--- a/cc/stl.go
+++ b/cc/stl.go
@@ -188,12 +188,7 @@
 		if needsLibAndroidSupport(ctx) {
 			deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, "ndk_libandroid_support")
-		// TODO: Switch the NDK over to the LLVM unwinder for non-arm32 architectures.
-		if ctx.Arch().ArchType == android.Arm {
-			deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, "ndk_libunwind")
-		} else {
-			deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, "libgcc_stripped")
-		}
+		deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, "ndk_libunwind")
 		panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown stl: %q", stl.Properties.SelectedStl))
diff --git a/cc/testing.go b/cc/testing.go
index d8adc61..6e35655 100644
--- a/cc/testing.go
+++ b/cc/testing.go
@@ -619,11 +619,26 @@
+	// Additional files needed in tests that disallow non-existent source files.
+	// This includes files that are needed by all, or at least most, instances of a cc module type.
+	android.MockFS{
+		// Needed for ndk_prebuilt_(shared|static)_stl.
+		"prebuilts/ndk/current/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs": nil,
+	}.AddToFixture(),
 // Preparer that will define default cc modules, e.g. standard prebuilt modules.
 var PrepareForTestWithCcDefaultModules = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+	// Additional files needed in tests that disallow non-existent source.
+	android.MockFS{
+		"defaults/cc/common/":  nil,
+		"defaults/cc/common/": nil,
+		"defaults/cc/common/":  nil,
+	}.AddToFixture(),
 	// Place the default cc test modules that are common to all platforms in a location that will not
 	// conflict with default test modules defined by other packages.
 	android.FixtureAddTextFile(DefaultCcCommonTestModulesDir+"Android.bp", commonDefaultModules()),
diff --git a/cc/vendor_snapshot_test.go b/cc/vendor_snapshot_test.go
index 0833277..8d13ceb 100644
--- a/cc/vendor_snapshot_test.go
+++ b/cc/vendor_snapshot_test.go
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 		symbol_file: "",
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 	// Check Vendor snapshot output.
 	snapshotDir := "vendor-snapshot"
-	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join(buildDir, snapshotDir, "arm64")
+	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join("out/soong", snapshotDir, "arm64")
 	snapshotSingleton := ctx.SingletonForTests("vendor-snapshot")
 	var jsonFiles []string
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
 		nocrt: true,
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	config.TestProductVariables.DirectedVendorSnapshot = true
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
 	// Check Vendor snapshot output.
 	snapshotDir := "vendor-snapshot"
-	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join(buildDir, snapshotDir, "arm64")
+	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join("out/soong", snapshotDir, "arm64")
 	snapshotSingleton := ctx.SingletonForTests("vendor-snapshot")
 	var includeJsonFiles []string
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
 		"vndk/":              nil,
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, "", mockFS)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, "", mockFS)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("BOARD")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	ctx := CreateTestContext(config)
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("BOARD")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config)
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@
 		"device/vendor.cpp":     nil,
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, "", mockFS)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, "", mockFS)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	ctx := CreateTestContext(config)
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@
 	// Verify the content of the vendor snapshot.
 	snapshotDir := "vendor-snapshot"
-	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join(buildDir, snapshotDir, "arm64")
+	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join("out/soong", snapshotDir, "arm64")
 	snapshotSingleton := ctx.SingletonForTests("vendor-snapshot")
 	var includeJsonFiles []string
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@
 		"device/vendor.cpp": nil,
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, "", mockFS)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, "", mockFS)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	ctx := CreateTestContext(config)
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@
 		recovery_available: true,
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.RecoverySnapshotVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	ctx := testCcWithConfig(t, config)
@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@
 	// Check Recovery snapshot output.
 	snapshotDir := "recovery-snapshot"
-	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join(buildDir, snapshotDir, "arm64")
+	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join("out/soong", snapshotDir, "arm64")
 	snapshotSingleton := ctx.SingletonForTests("recovery-snapshot")
 	var jsonFiles []string
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@
 		"device/recovery.cpp":   nil,
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, "", mockFS)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, "", mockFS)
 	config.TestProductVariables.RecoverySnapshotVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
 	ctx := CreateTestContext(config)
@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@
 	// Verify the content of the recovery snapshot.
 	snapshotDir := "recovery-snapshot"
-	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join(buildDir, snapshotDir, "arm64")
+	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join("out/soong", snapshotDir, "arm64")
 	snapshotSingleton := ctx.SingletonForTests("recovery-snapshot")
 	var includeJsonFiles []string
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@
 		nocrt: true,
-	config := TestConfig(buildDir, android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
+	config := TestConfig(t.TempDir(), android.Android, nil, bp, nil)
 	config.TestProductVariables.DeviceVndkVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.RecoverySnapshotVersion = StringPtr("current")
 	config.TestProductVariables.Platform_vndk_version = StringPtr("VER")
@@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@
 	// Check recovery snapshot output.
 	snapshotDir := "recovery-snapshot"
-	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join(buildDir, snapshotDir, "arm64")
+	snapshotVariantPath := filepath.Join("out/soong", snapshotDir, "arm64")
 	snapshotSingleton := ctx.SingletonForTests("recovery-snapshot")
 	var includeJsonFiles []string
diff --git a/cmd/pom2bp/pom2bp.go b/cmd/pom2bp/pom2bp.go
index d341b8c..d9116b0 100644
--- a/cmd/pom2bp/pom2bp.go
+++ b/cmd/pom2bp/pom2bp.go
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@
 var hostAndDeviceModuleNames = HostAndDeviceModuleNames{}
 var sdkVersion string
+var defaultMinSdkVersion string
 var useVersion string
 var staticDeps bool
 var jetifier bool
@@ -286,6 +287,10 @@
 	return sdkVersion
+func (p Pom) DefaultMinSdkVersion() string {
+	return defaultMinSdkVersion
 func (p Pom) Jetifier() bool {
 	return jetifier
@@ -457,7 +462,7 @@
     min_sdk_version: "{{.MinSdkVersion}}",
     manifest: "manifests/{{.BpName}}/AndroidManifest.xml",
     {{- else if not .IsHostOnly}}
-    min_sdk_version: "24",
+    min_sdk_version: "{{.DefaultMinSdkVersion}}",
     {{- end}}
     {{- end}}
     static_libs: [
@@ -598,6 +603,8 @@
      This may be specified multiple times to declare these dependencies.
   -sdk-version <version>
      Sets sdk_version: "<version>" for all modules.
+  -default-min-sdk-version
+     The default min_sdk_version to use for a module if one cannot be mined from AndroidManifest.xml
   -use-version <version>
      If the maven directory contains multiple versions of artifacts and their pom files,
      -use-version can be used to only write Android.bp files for a specific version of those artifacts.
@@ -622,6 +629,7 @@
 	flag.Var(&hostModuleNames, "host", "Specifies that the corresponding module (specified in the form '') is a host module")
 	flag.Var(&hostAndDeviceModuleNames, "host-and-device", "Specifies that the corresponding module (specified in the form '') is both a host and device module.")
 	flag.StringVar(&sdkVersion, "sdk-version", "", "What to write to sdk_version")
+	flag.StringVar(&defaultMinSdkVersion, "default-min-sdk-version", "24", "Default min_sdk_version to use, if one is not available from AndroidManifest.xml. Default: 24")
 	flag.StringVar(&useVersion, "use-version", "", "Only read artifacts of a specific version")
 	flag.BoolVar(&staticDeps, "static-deps", false, "Statically include direct dependencies")
 	flag.BoolVar(&jetifier, "jetifier", false, "Sets jetifier: true on all modules")
diff --git a/cmd/soong_build/main.go b/cmd/soong_build/main.go
index e2fc78c..3abf978 100644
--- a/cmd/soong_build/main.go
+++ b/cmd/soong_build/main.go
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
@@ -65,16 +64,10 @@
 	return android.NewNameResolver(exportFilter)
-// bazelConversionRequested checks that the user is intending to convert
-// Blueprint to Bazel BUILD files.
-func bazelConversionRequested(configuration android.Config) bool {
-	return configuration.IsEnvTrue("GENERATE_BAZEL_FILES")
-func newContext(configuration android.Config) *android.Context {
+func newContext(configuration android.Config, prepareBuildActions bool) *android.Context {
 	ctx := android.NewContext(configuration)
-	if !shouldPrepareBuildActions(configuration) {
+	if !prepareBuildActions {
@@ -91,6 +84,84 @@
 	return configuration
+// Bazel-enabled mode. Soong runs in two passes.
+// First pass: Analyze the build tree, but only store all bazel commands
+// needed to correctly evaluate the tree in the second pass.
+// TODO(cparsons): Don't output any ninja file, as the second pass will overwrite
+// the incorrect results from the first pass, and file I/O is expensive.
+func runMixedModeBuild(configuration android.Config, firstCtx *android.Context, extraNinjaDeps []string) {
+	configuration.SetStopBefore(bootstrap.StopBeforeWriteNinja)
+	bootstrap.Main(firstCtx.Context, configuration, false, extraNinjaDeps...)
+	// Invoke bazel commands and save results for second pass.
+	if err := configuration.BazelContext.InvokeBazel(); err != nil {
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
+		os.Exit(1)
+	}
+	// Second pass: Full analysis, using the bazel command results. Output ninja file.
+	secondPassConfig, err := android.ConfigForAdditionalRun(configuration)
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
+		os.Exit(1)
+	}
+	secondCtx := newContext(secondPassConfig, true)
+	bootstrap.Main(secondCtx.Context, secondPassConfig, false, extraNinjaDeps...)
+// Run the code-generation phase to convert BazelTargetModules to BUILD files.
+func runQueryView(configuration android.Config, ctx *android.Context) {
+	codegenContext := bp2build.NewCodegenContext(configuration, *ctx, bp2build.QueryView)
+	absoluteQueryViewDir := shared.JoinPath(topDir, bazelQueryViewDir)
+	if err := createBazelQueryView(codegenContext, absoluteQueryViewDir); err != nil {
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
+		os.Exit(1)
+	}
+func runSoongDocs(configuration android.Config, extraNinjaDeps []string) {
+	ctx := newContext(configuration, false)
+	bootstrap.Main(ctx.Context, configuration, false, extraNinjaDeps...)
+	if err := writeDocs(ctx, configuration, docFile); err != nil {
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
+		os.Exit(1)
+	}
+func writeMetrics(configuration android.Config) {
+	metricsFile := filepath.Join(bootstrap.CmdlineBuildDir(), "soong_build_metrics.pb")
+	err := android.WriteMetrics(configuration, metricsFile)
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error writing soong_build metrics %s: %s", metricsFile, err)
+		os.Exit(1)
+	}
+func doChosenActivity(configuration android.Config, extraNinjaDeps []string) {
+	bazelConversionRequested := configuration.IsEnvTrue("GENERATE_BAZEL_FILES")
+	mixedModeBuild := configuration.BazelContext.BazelEnabled()
+	generateQueryView := bazelQueryViewDir != ""
+	if bazelConversionRequested {
+		// Run the alternate pipeline of bp2build mutators and singleton to convert
+		// Blueprint to BUILD files before everything else.
+		runBp2Build(configuration, extraNinjaDeps)
+		return
+	}
+	ctx := newContext(configuration, !generateQueryView)
+	if mixedModeBuild {
+		runMixedModeBuild(configuration, ctx, extraNinjaDeps)
+	} else {
+		bootstrap.Main(ctx.Context, configuration, false, extraNinjaDeps...)
+	}
+	// Convert the Soong module graph into Bazel BUILD files.
+	if generateQueryView {
+		runQueryView(configuration, ctx)
+		return
+	}
+	writeMetrics(configuration)
 func main() {
@@ -101,7 +172,6 @@
 	usedVariablesFile := shared.JoinPath(outDir, "soong.environment.used")
 	// The top-level Blueprints file is passed as the first argument.
 	srcDir := filepath.Dir(flag.Arg(0))
-	var ctx *android.Context
 	configuration := newConfig(srcDir)
 	extraNinjaDeps := []string{
@@ -122,72 +192,17 @@
 		extraNinjaDeps = append(extraNinjaDeps, filepath.Join(configuration.BuildDir(), "always_rerun_for_delve"))
-	bazelConversionRequested := bazelConversionRequested(configuration)
-	if bazelConversionRequested {
-		// Run the alternate pipeline of bp2build mutators and singleton to convert Blueprint to BUILD files
-		// before everything else.
-		runBp2Build(srcDir, configuration, extraNinjaDeps)
-	} else if configuration.BazelContext.BazelEnabled() {
-		// Bazel-enabled mode. Soong runs in two passes.
-		// First pass: Analyze the build tree, but only store all bazel commands
-		// needed to correctly evaluate the tree in the second pass.
-		// TODO(cparsons): Don't output any ninja file, as the second pass will overwrite
-		// the incorrect results from the first pass, and file I/O is expensive.
-		firstCtx := newContext(configuration)
-		configuration.SetStopBefore(bootstrap.StopBeforeWriteNinja)
-		bootstrap.Main(firstCtx.Context, configuration, false, extraNinjaDeps...)
-		// Invoke bazel commands and save results for second pass.
-		if err := configuration.BazelContext.InvokeBazel(); err != nil {
-			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
-			os.Exit(1)
-		}
-		// Second pass: Full analysis, using the bazel command results. Output ninja file.
-		secondPassConfig, err := android.ConfigForAdditionalRun(configuration)
-		if err != nil {
-			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
-			os.Exit(1)
-		}
-		ctx = newContext(secondPassConfig)
-		bootstrap.Main(ctx.Context, secondPassConfig, false, extraNinjaDeps...)
-	} else {
-		ctx = newContext(configuration)
-		bootstrap.Main(ctx.Context, configuration, false, extraNinjaDeps...)
+	if docFile != "" {
+		// We don't write an used variables file when generating documentation
+		// because that is done from within the actual builds as a Ninja action and
+		// thus it would overwrite the actual used variables file so this is
+		// special-cased.
+		runSoongDocs(configuration, extraNinjaDeps)
+		return
-	// Convert the Soong module graph into Bazel BUILD files.
-	if !bazelConversionRequested && bazelQueryViewDir != "" {
-		// Run the code-generation phase to convert BazelTargetModules to BUILD files.
-		codegenContext := bp2build.NewCodegenContext(configuration, *ctx, bp2build.QueryView)
-		absoluteQueryViewDir := shared.JoinPath(topDir, bazelQueryViewDir)
-		if err := createBazelQueryView(codegenContext, absoluteQueryViewDir); err != nil {
-			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
-			os.Exit(1)
-		}
-	}
-	if !bazelConversionRequested && docFile != "" {
-		if err := writeDocs(ctx, configuration, docFile); err != nil {
-			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err)
-			os.Exit(1)
-		}
-	}
-	// TODO(ccross): make this a command line argument.  Requires plumbing through blueprint
-	//  to affect the command line of the primary builder.
-	if !bazelConversionRequested && shouldPrepareBuildActions(configuration) {
-		metricsFile := filepath.Join(bootstrap.CmdlineBuildDir(), "soong_build_metrics.pb")
-		err := android.WriteMetrics(configuration, metricsFile)
-		if err != nil {
-			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error writing soong_build metrics %s: %s", metricsFile, err)
-			os.Exit(1)
-		}
-	}
-	if docFile == "" {
-		// Let's not overwrite the used variables file when generating
-		// documentation
-		writeUsedVariablesFile(shared.JoinPath(topDir, usedVariablesFile), configuration)
-	}
+	doChosenActivity(configuration, extraNinjaDeps)
+	writeUsedVariablesFile(shared.JoinPath(topDir, usedVariablesFile), configuration)
 func writeUsedVariablesFile(path string, configuration android.Config) {
@@ -218,7 +233,7 @@
 // Run Soong in the bp2build mode. This creates a standalone context that registers
 // an alternate pipeline of mutators and singletons specifically for generating
 // Bazel BUILD files instead of Ninja files.
-func runBp2Build(srcDir string, configuration android.Config, extraNinjaDeps []string) {
+func runBp2Build(configuration android.Config, extraNinjaDeps []string) {
 	// Register an alternate set of singletons and mutators for bazel
 	// conversion for Bazel conversion.
 	bp2buildCtx := android.NewContext(configuration)
@@ -233,7 +248,7 @@
 	// configurations or variables, since those will generate different BUILD
 	// files based on how the user has configured their tree.
-	modulePaths, err := bp2buildCtx.ListModulePaths(srcDir)
+	modulePaths, err := bp2buildCtx.ListModulePaths(configuration.SrcDir())
 	if err != nil {
@@ -283,20 +298,3 @@
 		[]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s: \\\n %s\n", ninjaFileName, extraNinjaDepsString)),
-// shouldPrepareBuildActions reads configuration and flags if build actions
-// should be generated.
-func shouldPrepareBuildActions(configuration android.Config) bool {
-	// Generating Soong docs
-	if docFile != "" {
-		return false
-	}
-	// Generating a directory for Soong query (queryview)
-	if bazelQueryViewDir != "" {
-		return false
-	}
-	// Generating a directory for converted Bazel BUILD files
-	return !bazelConversionRequested(configuration)
diff --git a/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go b/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go
index 4999bc7..81a63b0 100644
--- a/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go
+++ b/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go
@@ -259,35 +259,53 @@
 			Text("stored_class_loader_context_arg=--stored-class-loader-context=PCL[" + strings.Join(clcTarget, ":") + "]")
-	} else if module.EnforceUsesLibraries {
-		// Generate command that saves target SDK version in a shell variable.
-		manifestOrApk := module.ManifestPath
-		if manifestOrApk == nil {
-			// No manifest to extract targetSdkVersion from, hope that dexjar is an APK.
+	} else {
+		// There are three categories of Java modules handled here:
+		//
+		// - Modules that have passed verify_uses_libraries check. They are AOT-compiled and
+		//   expected to be loaded on device without CLC mismatch errors.
+		//
+		// - Modules that have failed the check in relaxed mode, so it didn't cause a build error.
+		//   They are dexpreopted with "verify" filter and not AOT-compiled.
+		//   TODO(b/132357300): ensure that CLC mismatch errors are ignored with "verify" filter.
+		//
+		// - Modules that didn't run the check. They are AOT-compiled, but it's unknown if they
+		//   will have CLC mismatch errors on device (the check is disabled by default).
+		//
+		// TODO(b/132357300): enable the check by default and eliminate the last category, so that
+		// no time/space is wasted on AOT-compiling modules that will fail CLC check on device.
+		var manifestOrApk android.Path
+		if module.ManifestPath != nil {
+			// Ok, there is an XML manifest.
+			manifestOrApk = module.ManifestPath
+		} else if filepath.Ext(base) == ".apk" {
+			// Ok, there is is an APK with the manifest inside.
 			manifestOrApk = module.DexPath
-		rule.Command().Text(`target_sdk_version="$(`).
-			Tool(globalSoong.ManifestCheck).
-			Flag("--extract-target-sdk-version").
-			Input(manifestOrApk).
-			FlagWithInput("--aapt ", ctx.Config().HostToolPath(ctx, "aapt")).
-			Text(`)"`)
+		// Generate command that saves target SDK version in a shell variable.
+		if manifestOrApk == nil {
+			// There is neither an XML manifest nor APK => nowhere to extract targetSdkVersion from.
+			// Set the latest ("any") version: then construct_context will not add any compatibility
+			// libraries (if this is incorrect, there will be a CLC mismatch and dexopt on device).
+			rule.Command().Textf(`target_sdk_version=%d`, AnySdkVersion)
+		} else {
+			rule.Command().Text(`target_sdk_version="$(`).
+				Tool(globalSoong.ManifestCheck).
+				Flag("--extract-target-sdk-version").
+				Input(manifestOrApk).
+				FlagWithInput("--aapt ", globalSoong.Aapt).
+				Text(`)"`)
+		}
 		// Generate command that saves host and target class loader context in shell variables.
 		clc, paths := ComputeClassLoaderContext(module.ClassLoaderContexts)
-			Text("if ! test -s ").Input(module.EnforceUsesLibrariesStatusFile).
-			Text(` ; then eval "$(`).Tool(globalSoong.ConstructContext).
+			Text(`eval "$(`).Tool(globalSoong.ConstructContext).
 			Text(` --target-sdk-version ${target_sdk_version}`).
-			Text(`)" ; fi`)
-	} else {
-		// Other libraries or APKs for which the exact <uses-library> list is unknown.
-		// We assume the class loader context is empty.
-		rule.Command().
-			Text(`class_loader_context_arg=--class-loader-context=PCL[]`).
-			Text(`stored_class_loader_context_arg=""`)
+			Text(`)"`)
 	// Devices that do not have a product partition use a symlink from /product to /system/product.
diff --git a/filesystem/logical_partition.go b/filesystem/logical_partition.go
index 20d9622..739e609 100644
--- a/filesystem/logical_partition.go
+++ b/filesystem/logical_partition.go
@@ -40,9 +40,14 @@
 	// Set the name of the output. Defaults to <module_name>.img.
 	Stem *string
-	// Total size of the logical partition
+	// Total size of the logical partition. If set to "auto", total size is automatically
+	// calcaulted as minimum.
 	Size *string
+	// List of partitions for default group. Default group has no size limit and automatically
+	// minimized when creating an image.
+	Default_group []partitionProperties
 	// List of groups. A group defines a fixed sized region. It can host one or more logical
 	// partitions and their total size is limited by the size of the group they are in.
 	Groups []groupProperties
@@ -52,7 +57,7 @@
 type groupProperties struct {
-	// Name of the partition group
+	// Name of the partition group. Can't be "default"; use default_group instead.
 	Name *string
 	// Size of the partition group
@@ -92,8 +97,9 @@
 	// Sparse the filesystem images and calculate their sizes
 	sparseImages := make(map[string]android.OutputPath)
 	sparseImageSizes := make(map[string]android.OutputPath)
-	for _, group := range {
-		for _, part := range group.Partitions {
+	sparsePartitions := func(partitions []partitionProperties) {
+		for _, part := range partitions {
 			sparseImg, sizeTxt := sparseFilesystem(ctx, part, builder)
 			pName := proptools.String(part.Name)
 			sparseImages[pName] = sparseImg
@@ -101,14 +107,19 @@
+	for _, group := range {
+		sparsePartitions(group.Partitions)
+	}
+	sparsePartitions(
 	cmd := builder.Command().BuiltTool("lpmake")
 	size := proptools.String(
 	if size == "" {
 		ctx.PropertyErrorf("size", "must be set")
-	}
-	if _, err := strconv.Atoi(size); err != nil {
-		ctx.PropertyErrorf("size", "must be a number")
+	} else if _, err := strconv.Atoi(size); err != nil && size != "auto" {
+		ctx.PropertyErrorf("size", `must be a number or "auto"`)
 	cmd.FlagWithArg("--device-size=", size)
@@ -123,10 +134,32 @@
 	groupNames := make(map[string]bool)
 	partitionNames := make(map[string]bool)
+	addPartitionsToGroup := func(partitions []partitionProperties, gName string) {
+		for _, part := range partitions {
+			pName := proptools.String(part.Name)
+			if pName == "" {
+				ctx.PropertyErrorf("", "must be set")
+			}
+			if _, ok := partitionNames[pName]; ok {
+				ctx.PropertyErrorf("", "already exists")
+			} else {
+				partitionNames[pName] = true
+			}
+			// Get size of the partition by reading the -size.txt file
+			pSize := fmt.Sprintf("$(cat %s)", sparseImageSizes[pName])
+			cmd.FlagWithArg("--partition=", fmt.Sprintf("%s:readonly:%s:%s", pName, pSize, gName))
+			cmd.FlagWithInput("--image="+pName+"=", sparseImages[pName])
+		}
+	}
+	addPartitionsToGroup(, "default")
 	for _, group := range {
 		gName := proptools.String(group.Name)
 		if gName == "" {
 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("", "must be set")
+		} else if gName == "default" {
+			ctx.PropertyErrorf("", `can't use "default" as a group name. Use default_group instead`)
 		if _, ok := groupNames[gName]; ok {
 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("", "already exists")
@@ -142,21 +175,7 @@
 		cmd.FlagWithArg("--group=", gName+":"+gSize)
-		for _, part := range group.Partitions {
-			pName := proptools.String(part.Name)
-			if pName == "" {
-				ctx.PropertyErrorf("", "must be set")
-			}
-			if _, ok := partitionNames[pName]; ok {
-				ctx.PropertyErrorf("", "already exists")
-			} else {
-				partitionNames[pName] = true
-			}
-			// Get size of the partition by reading the -size.txt file
-			pSize := fmt.Sprintf("$(cat %s)", sparseImageSizes[pName])
-			cmd.FlagWithArg("--partition=", fmt.Sprintf("%s:readonly:%s:%s", pName, pSize, gName))
-			cmd.FlagWithInput("--image="+pName+"=", sparseImages[pName])
-		}
+		addPartitionsToGroup(group.Partitions, gName)
 	l.output = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, l.installFileName()).OutputPath
diff --git a/genrule/genrule.go b/genrule/genrule.go
index 9019a83..d07b002 100644
--- a/genrule/genrule.go
+++ b/genrule/genrule.go
@@ -229,11 +229,16 @@
 	filePaths, ok := bazelCtx.GetOutputFiles(label, ctx.Arch().ArchType)
 	if ok {
 		var bazelOutputFiles android.Paths
+		exportIncludeDirs := map[string]bool{}
 		for _, bazelOutputFile := range filePaths {
 			bazelOutputFiles = append(bazelOutputFiles, android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, bazelOutputFile))
+			exportIncludeDirs[filepath.Dir(bazelOutputFile)] = true
 		c.outputFiles = bazelOutputFiles
 		c.outputDeps = bazelOutputFiles
+		for includePath, _ := range exportIncludeDirs {
+			c.exportedIncludeDirs = append(c.exportedIncludeDirs, android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, includePath))
+		}
 	return ok
@@ -798,9 +803,9 @@
 type bazelGenruleAttributes struct {
-	Srcs  bazel.LabelList
+	Srcs  bazel.LabelListAttribute
 	Outs  []string
-	Tools bazel.LabelList
+	Tools bazel.LabelListAttribute
 	Cmd   string
@@ -828,15 +833,16 @@
 	// Bazel only has the "tools" attribute.
-	tools := android.BazelLabelForModuleDeps(ctx,
-	tool_files := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx,
-	tools.Append(tool_files)
+	tools_prop := android.BazelLabelForModuleDeps(ctx,
+	tool_files_prop := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx,
+	tools_prop.Append(tool_files_prop)
-	srcs := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx,
+	tools := bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(tools_prop)
+	srcs := bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx,
 	var allReplacements bazel.LabelList
-	allReplacements.Append(tools)
-	allReplacements.Append(srcs)
+	allReplacements.Append(tools.Value)
+	allReplacements.Append(srcs.Value)
 	// Replace in and out variables with $< and $@
 	var cmd string
@@ -844,9 +850,9 @@
 		cmd = strings.Replace(*, "$(in)", "$(SRCS)", -1)
 		cmd = strings.Replace(cmd, "$(out)", "$(OUTS)", -1)
 		cmd = strings.Replace(cmd, "$(genDir)", "$(GENDIR)", -1)
-		if len(tools.Includes) > 0 {
-			cmd = strings.Replace(cmd, "$(location)", fmt.Sprintf("$(location %s)", tools.Includes[0].Label), -1)
-			cmd = strings.Replace(cmd, "$(locations)", fmt.Sprintf("$(locations %s)", tools.Includes[0].Label), -1)
+		if len(tools.Value.Includes) > 0 {
+			cmd = strings.Replace(cmd, "$(location)", fmt.Sprintf("$(location %s)", tools.Value.Includes[0].Label), -1)
+			cmd = strings.Replace(cmd, "$(locations)", fmt.Sprintf("$(locations %s)", tools.Value.Includes[0].Label), -1)
 		for _, l := range allReplacements.Includes {
 			bpLoc := fmt.Sprintf("$(location %s)", l.Bp_text)
diff --git a/genrule/genrule_test.go b/genrule/genrule_test.go
index 2ee456d..3f1e9f3 100644
--- a/genrule/genrule_test.go
+++ b/genrule/genrule_test.go
@@ -670,7 +670,8 @@
 			cmd: "cat $(in) > $(out)",
-	result := prepareForGenRuleTest.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForGenRuleTest,
 			func(config android.Config, ctx *android.TestContext) {
 				config.TestProductVariables.Allow_missing_dependencies = proptools.BoolPtr(true)
diff --git a/java/Android.bp b/java/Android.bp
index b6c14ac..8334b85 100644
--- a/java/Android.bp
+++ b/java/Android.bp
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
+        "platform_bootclasspath.go",
@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@
+        "platform_bootclasspath_test.go",
diff --git a/java/aar.go b/java/aar.go
index 67b9ef0..a122a94 100644
--- a/java/aar.go
+++ b/java/aar.go
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
-func (a *aapt) aapt2Flags(ctx android.ModuleContext, sdkContext sdkContext,
+func (a *aapt) aapt2Flags(ctx android.ModuleContext, sdkContext android.SdkContext,
 	manifestPath android.Path) (compileFlags, linkFlags []string, linkDeps android.Paths,
 	resDirs, overlayDirs []globbedResourceDir, rroDirs []rroDir, resZips android.Paths) {
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
 	linkDeps = append(linkDeps, assetDeps...)
 	// SDK version flags
-	minSdkVersion, err := sdkContext.minSdkVersion().effectiveVersionString(ctx)
+	minSdkVersion, err := sdkContext.MinSdkVersion().EffectiveVersionString(ctx)
 	if err != nil {
 		ctx.ModuleErrorf("invalid minSdkVersion: %s", err)
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
 		CommandDeps: []string{"${config.Zip2ZipCmd}"},
-func (a *aapt) buildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext, sdkContext sdkContext,
+func (a *aapt) buildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext, sdkContext android.SdkContext,
 	classLoaderContexts dexpreopt.ClassLoaderContextMap, extraLinkFlags ...string) {
 	transitiveStaticLibs, transitiveStaticLibManifests, staticRRODirs, assetPackages, libDeps, libFlags :=
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
 // aaptLibs collects libraries from dependencies and sdk_version and converts them into paths
-func aaptLibs(ctx android.ModuleContext, sdkContext sdkContext, classLoaderContexts dexpreopt.ClassLoaderContextMap) (
+func aaptLibs(ctx android.ModuleContext, sdkContext android.SdkContext, classLoaderContexts dexpreopt.ClassLoaderContextMap) (
 	transitiveStaticLibs, transitiveStaticLibManifests android.Paths, staticRRODirs []rroDir, assets, deps android.Paths, flags []string) {
 	var sharedLibs android.Paths
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
 func (a *AndroidLibrary) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
-	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(a))
+	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, android.SdkContext(a))
 	if sdkDep.hasFrameworkLibs() {
 		a.aapt.deps(ctx, sdkDep)
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
 func (a *AndroidLibrary) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
 	a.aapt.isLibrary = true
 	a.classLoaderContexts = make(dexpreopt.ClassLoaderContextMap)
-	a.aapt.buildActions(ctx, sdkContext(a), a.classLoaderContexts)
+	a.aapt.buildActions(ctx, android.SdkContext(a), a.classLoaderContexts)
 	a.hideApexVariantFromMake = !ctx.Provider(android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo).IsForPlatform()
@@ -625,23 +625,23 @@
-func (a *AARImport) sdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return sdkSpecFrom(String(
+func (a *AARImport) SdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return android.SdkSpecFrom(String(
-func (a *AARImport) systemModules() string {
+func (a *AARImport) SystemModules() string {
 	return ""
-func (a *AARImport) minSdkVersion() sdkSpec {
+func (a *AARImport) MinSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
 	if != nil {
-		return sdkSpecFrom(*
+		return android.SdkSpecFrom(*
-	return a.sdkVersion()
+	return a.SdkVersion()
-func (a *AARImport) targetSdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return a.sdkVersion()
+func (a *AARImport) TargetSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return a.SdkVersion()
 func (a *AARImport) javaVersion() string {
@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@
 func (a *AARImport) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
 	if !ctx.Config().AlwaysUsePrebuiltSdks() {
-		sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(a))
+		sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, android.SdkContext(a))
 		if sdkDep.useModule && sdkDep.frameworkResModule != "" {
 			ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, frameworkResTag, sdkDep.frameworkResModule)
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@
 	linkDeps = append(linkDeps, a.manifest)
 	transitiveStaticLibs, staticLibManifests, staticRRODirs, transitiveAssets, libDeps, libFlags :=
-		aaptLibs(ctx, sdkContext(a), nil)
+		aaptLibs(ctx, android.SdkContext(a), nil)
 	_ = staticLibManifests
 	_ = staticRRODirs
diff --git a/java/android_manifest.go b/java/android_manifest.go
index b30f3d2..6b7395b 100644
--- a/java/android_manifest.go
+++ b/java/android_manifest.go
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 	"args", "libs")
 // Uses to inject minSdkVersion, etc. into an AndroidManifest.xml
-func manifestFixer(ctx android.ModuleContext, manifest android.Path, sdkContext sdkContext,
+func manifestFixer(ctx android.ModuleContext, manifest android.Path, sdkContext android.SdkContext,
 	classLoaderContexts dexpreopt.ClassLoaderContextMap, isLibrary, useEmbeddedNativeLibs, usesNonSdkApis,
 	useEmbeddedDex, hasNoCode bool, loggingParent string) android.Path {
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 	if isLibrary {
 		args = append(args, "--library")
 	} else {
-		minSdkVersion, err := sdkContext.minSdkVersion().effectiveVersion(ctx)
+		minSdkVersion, err := sdkContext.MinSdkVersion().EffectiveVersion(ctx)
 		if err != nil {
 			ctx.ModuleErrorf("invalid minSdkVersion: %s", err)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 		args = append(args, "--logging-parent", loggingParent)
 	var deps android.Paths
-	targetSdkVersion, err := sdkContext.targetSdkVersion().effectiveVersionString(ctx)
+	targetSdkVersion, err := sdkContext.TargetSdkVersion().EffectiveVersionString(ctx)
 	if err != nil {
 		ctx.ModuleErrorf("invalid targetSdkVersion: %s", err)
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 		deps = append(deps, ApiFingerprintPath(ctx))
-	minSdkVersion, err := sdkContext.minSdkVersion().effectiveVersionString(ctx)
+	minSdkVersion, err := sdkContext.MinSdkVersion().EffectiveVersionString(ctx)
 	if err != nil {
 		ctx.ModuleErrorf("invalid minSdkVersion: %s", err)
diff --git a/java/androidmk.go b/java/androidmk.go
index 3d3eae5..75661a7 100644
--- a/java/androidmk.go
+++ b/java/androidmk.go
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 					if len(library.dexpreopter.builtInstalled) > 0 {
 						entries.SetString("LOCAL_SOONG_BUILT_INSTALLED", library.dexpreopter.builtInstalled)
-					entries.SetString("LOCAL_SDK_VERSION", library.sdkVersion().raw)
+					entries.SetString("LOCAL_SDK_VERSION", library.SdkVersion().Raw)
 					entries.SetPath("LOCAL_SOONG_CLASSES_JAR", library.implementationAndResourcesJar)
 					entries.SetPath("LOCAL_SOONG_HEADER_JAR", library.headerJarFile)
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
 				entries.SetPath("LOCAL_SOONG_EXPORT_PROGUARD_FLAGS", prebuilt.proguardFlags)
 				entries.SetPath("LOCAL_SOONG_STATIC_LIBRARY_EXTRA_PACKAGES", prebuilt.extraAaptPackagesFile)
 				entries.SetPath("LOCAL_FULL_MANIFEST_FILE", prebuilt.manifest)
-				entries.SetString("LOCAL_SDK_VERSION", prebuilt.sdkVersion().raw)
+				entries.SetString("LOCAL_SDK_VERSION", prebuilt.SdkVersion().Raw)
diff --git a/java/app.go b/java/app.go
index 1b6e0e3..ec30b49 100755
--- a/java/app.go
+++ b/java/app.go
@@ -213,16 +213,16 @@
 func (a *AndroidApp) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
-	if String(a.appProperties.Stl) == "c++_shared" && !a.sdkVersion().specified() {
+	if String(a.appProperties.Stl) == "c++_shared" && !a.SdkVersion().Specified() {
 		ctx.PropertyErrorf("stl", "sdk_version must be set in order to use c++_shared")
-	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(a))
+	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, android.SdkContext(a))
 	if sdkDep.hasFrameworkLibs() {
 		a.aapt.deps(ctx, sdkDep)
-	usesSDK := a.sdkVersion().specified() && a.sdkVersion().kind != sdkCorePlatform
+	usesSDK := a.SdkVersion().Specified() && a.SdkVersion().Kind != android.SdkCorePlatform
 	if usesSDK && Bool(a.appProperties.Jni_uses_sdk_apis) {
@@ -279,14 +279,14 @@
 func (a *AndroidApp) checkAppSdkVersions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
 	if a.Updatable() {
-		if !a.sdkVersion().stable() {
-			ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "Updatable apps must use stable SDKs, found %v", a.sdkVersion())
+		if !a.SdkVersion().Stable() {
+			ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "Updatable apps must use stable SDKs, found %v", a.SdkVersion())
 		if String(a.deviceProperties.Min_sdk_version) == "" {
 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("updatable", "updatable apps must set min_sdk_version.")
-		if minSdkVersion, err := a.minSdkVersion().effectiveVersion(ctx); err == nil {
+		if minSdkVersion, err := a.MinSdkVersion().EffectiveVersion(ctx); err == nil {
 			a.checkJniLibsSdkVersion(ctx, minSdkVersion)
 			android.CheckMinSdkVersion(a, ctx, minSdkVersion.ApiLevel(ctx))
 		} else {
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
 // because, sdk_version is overridden by min_sdk_version (if set as smaller)
 // and sdkLinkType is checked with dependencies so we can be sure that the whole dependency tree
 // will meet the requirements.
-func (a *AndroidApp) checkJniLibsSdkVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext, minSdkVersion sdkVersion) {
+func (a *AndroidApp) checkJniLibsSdkVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext, minSdkVersion android.SdkVersion) {
 	// It's enough to check direct JNI deps' sdk_version because all transitive deps from JNI deps are checked in cc.checkLinkType()
 	ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(m android.Module) {
 		if !IsJniDepTag(ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(m)) {
@@ -312,9 +312,9 @@
 		dep, _ := m.(*cc.Module)
 		// The domain of cc.sdk_version is "current" and <number>
-		// We can rely on sdkSpec to convert it to <number> so that "current" is handled
-		// properly regardless of sdk finalization.
-		jniSdkVersion, err := sdkSpecFrom(dep.SdkVersion()).effectiveVersion(ctx)
+		// We can rely on android.SdkSpec to convert it to <number> so that "current" is
+		// handled properly regardless of sdk finalization.
+		jniSdkVersion, err := android.SdkSpecFrom(dep.SdkVersion()).EffectiveVersion(ctx)
 		if err != nil || minSdkVersion < jniSdkVersion {
 			ctx.OtherModuleErrorf(dep, "sdk_version(%v) is higher than min_sdk_version(%v) of the containing android_app(%v)",
 				dep.SdkVersion(), minSdkVersion, ctx.ModuleName())
@@ -327,9 +327,9 @@
 // Returns true if the native libraries should be stored in the APK uncompressed and the
 // extractNativeLibs application flag should be set to false in the manifest.
 func (a *AndroidApp) useEmbeddedNativeLibs(ctx android.ModuleContext) bool {
-	minSdkVersion, err := a.minSdkVersion().effectiveVersion(ctx)
+	minSdkVersion, err := a.MinSdkVersion().EffectiveVersion(ctx)
 	if err != nil {
-		ctx.PropertyErrorf("min_sdk_version", "invalid value %q: %s", a.minSdkVersion(), err)
+		ctx.PropertyErrorf("min_sdk_version", "invalid value %q: %s", a.MinSdkVersion(), err)
 	apexInfo := ctx.Provider(android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo)
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
 	a.aapt.splitNames = a.appProperties.Package_splits
 	a.aapt.LoggingParent = String(a.overridableAppProperties.Logging_parent)
-	a.aapt.buildActions(ctx, sdkContext(a), a.classLoaderContexts, aaptLinkFlags...)
+	a.aapt.buildActions(ctx, android.SdkContext(a), a.classLoaderContexts, aaptLinkFlags...)
 	// apps manifests are handled by aapt, don't let Module see them = nil
@@ -720,8 +720,8 @@
 type appDepsInterface interface {
-	sdkVersion() sdkSpec
-	minSdkVersion() sdkSpec
+	SdkVersion() android.SdkSpec
+	MinSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec
 	RequiresStableAPIs(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool
@@ -734,8 +734,8 @@
 	seenModulePaths := make(map[string]bool)
 	if checkNativeSdkVersion {
-		checkNativeSdkVersion = app.sdkVersion().specified() &&
-			app.sdkVersion().kind != sdkCorePlatform && !app.RequiresStableAPIs(ctx)
+		checkNativeSdkVersion = app.SdkVersion().Specified() &&
+			app.SdkVersion().Kind != android.SdkCorePlatform && !app.RequiresStableAPIs(ctx)
 	ctx.WalkDeps(func(module android.Module, parent android.Module) bool {
@@ -829,6 +829,10 @@
 				if v := m.MinSdkVersion(); v != "" {
 					toMinSdkVersion = v
+			} else if m, ok := to.(interface{ MinSdkVersionString() string }); ok {
+				if v := m.MinSdkVersionString(); v != "" {
+					toMinSdkVersion = v
+				}
 			depsInfo[depName] = android.ApexModuleDepInfo{
 				To:            depName,
@@ -840,7 +844,7 @@
 		return true
-	a.ApexBundleDepsInfo.BuildDepsInfoLists(ctx, a.MinSdkVersion(), depsInfo)
+	a.ApexBundleDepsInfo.BuildDepsInfoLists(ctx, a.MinSdkVersionString(), depsInfo)
 func (a *AndroidApp) Updatable() bool {
@@ -1294,7 +1298,8 @@
 	// check is not necessary, and although it is good to have, it is difficult to maintain on
 	// non-linux build platforms where dexpreopt is generally disabled (the check may fail due to
 	// various unrelated reasons, such as a failure to get manifest from an APK).
-	if dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx).DisablePreopt {
+	global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
+	if global.DisablePreopt || global.OnlyPreoptBootImageAndSystemServer {
 		return inputFile
diff --git a/java/app_import.go b/java/app_import.go
index d4da64d..32cec23 100644
--- a/java/app_import.go
+++ b/java/app_import.go
@@ -394,12 +394,12 @@
 	return false
-func (a *AndroidAppImport) sdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return sdkSpecFrom("")
+func (a *AndroidAppImport) SdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return android.SdkSpecFrom("")
-func (a *AndroidAppImport) minSdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return sdkSpecFrom("")
+func (a *AndroidAppImport) MinSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return android.SdkSpecFrom("")
 var _ android.ApexModule = (*AndroidAppImport)(nil)
diff --git a/java/app_test.go b/java/app_test.go
index 825ad20..a99ac62 100644
--- a/java/app_test.go
+++ b/java/app_test.go
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@
 			} else {
 				aapt2link = m.Output("package-res.apk")
-			aapt2link = aapt2link.RelativeToTop()
+			aapt2link = aapt2link
 			aapt2Flags := aapt2link.Args["flags"]
 			if test.assetFlag != "" {
 				android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "asset flag", aapt2Flags, test.assetFlag)
@@ -1993,14 +1993,14 @@
 	// Verify baz, which depends on the overridden module foo, has the correct classpath javac arg.
-	javac := ctx.ModuleForTests("baz", "android_common").Rule("javac").RelativeToTop()
+	javac := ctx.ModuleForTests("baz", "android_common").Rule("javac")
 	fooTurbine := "out/soong/.intermediates/foo/android_common/turbine-combined/foo.jar"
 	if !strings.Contains(javac.Args["classpath"], fooTurbine) {
 		t.Errorf("baz classpath %v does not contain %q", javac.Args["classpath"], fooTurbine)
 	// Verify qux, which depends on the overriding module bar, has the correct classpath javac arg.
-	javac = ctx.ModuleForTests("qux", "android_common").Rule("javac").RelativeToTop()
+	javac = ctx.ModuleForTests("qux", "android_common").Rule("javac")
 	barTurbine := "out/soong/.intermediates/foo/android_common_bar/turbine-combined/foo.jar"
 	if !strings.Contains(javac.Args["classpath"], barTurbine) {
 		t.Errorf("qux classpath %v does not contain %q", javac.Args["classpath"], barTurbine)
@@ -2077,7 +2077,7 @@
 		// Check if javac classpath has the correct jar file path. This checks instrumentation_for overrides.
-		javac := variant.Rule("javac").RelativeToTop()
+		javac := variant.Rule("javac")
 		turbine := filepath.Join("out", "soong", ".intermediates", "foo", expected.targetVariant, "turbine-combined", "foo.jar")
 		if !strings.Contains(javac.Args["classpath"], turbine) {
 			t.Errorf("classpath %q does not contain %q", javac.Args["classpath"], turbine)
@@ -2151,7 +2151,7 @@
 	for _, test := range testCases {
 		variant := ctx.ModuleForTests(test.moduleName, test.variantName)
-		params := variant.MaybeOutput("test_config_fixer/AndroidTest.xml").RelativeToTop()
+		params := variant.MaybeOutput("test_config_fixer/AndroidTest.xml")
 		if len(test.expectedFlags) > 0 {
 			if params.Rule == nil {
@@ -2647,14 +2647,14 @@
 		t.Errorf("GENRULE_NOTICE is missing from notice files, %q", noticeInputs)
 	// aapt2 flags should include -A <NOTICE dir> so that its contents are put in the APK's /assets.
-	res := foo.Output("package-res.apk").RelativeToTop()
+	res := foo.Output("package-res.apk")
 	aapt2Flags := res.Args["flags"]
 	e := "-A out/soong/.intermediates/foo/android_common/NOTICE"
 	android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "expected.apkPath", aapt2Flags, e)
 	// bar has NOTICE files to process, but embed_notices is not set.
 	bar := result.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common")
-	res = bar.Output("package-res.apk").RelativeToTop()
+	res = bar.Output("package-res.apk")
 	aapt2Flags = res.Args["flags"]
 	e = "-A out/soong/.intermediates/bar/android_common/NOTICE"
 	android.AssertStringDoesNotContain(t, "bar shouldn't have the asset dir flag for NOTICE", aapt2Flags, e)
diff --git a/java/base.go b/java/base.go
index bd394af..73e5352 100644
--- a/java/base.go
+++ b/java/base.go
@@ -373,11 +373,11 @@
 func (j *Module) CheckStableSdkVersion() error {
-	sdkVersion := j.sdkVersion()
-	if sdkVersion.stable() {
+	sdkVersion := j.SdkVersion()
+	if sdkVersion.Stable() {
 		return nil
-	if sdkVersion.kind == sdkCorePlatform {
+	if sdkVersion.Kind == android.SdkCorePlatform {
 		if useLegacyCorePlatformApiByName(j.BaseModuleName()) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("non stable SDK %v - uses legacy core platform", sdkVersion)
 		} else {
@@ -392,8 +392,8 @@
 // checkSdkVersions enforces restrictions around SDK dependencies.
 func (j *Module) checkSdkVersions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
 	if j.RequiresStableAPIs(ctx) {
-		if sc, ok := ctx.Module().(sdkContext); ok {
-			if !sc.sdkVersion().specified() {
+		if sc, ok := ctx.Module().(android.SdkContext); ok {
+			if !sc.SdkVersion().Specified() {
 					"sdk_version must have a value when the module is located at vendor or product(only if PRODUCT_ENFORCE_PRODUCT_PARTITION_INTERFACE is set).")
@@ -416,9 +416,9 @@
 func (j *Module) checkPlatformAPI(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
-	if sc, ok := ctx.Module().(sdkContext); ok {
+	if sc, ok := ctx.Module().(android.SdkContext); ok {
 		usePlatformAPI := proptools.Bool(j.deviceProperties.Platform_apis)
-		sdkVersionSpecified := sc.sdkVersion().specified()
+		sdkVersionSpecified := sc.SdkVersion().Specified()
 		if usePlatformAPI && sdkVersionSpecified {
 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("platform_apis", "platform_apis must be false when sdk_version is not empty.")
 		} else if !usePlatformAPI && !sdkVersionSpecified {
@@ -512,30 +512,30 @@
 	return false
-func (j *Module) sdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return sdkSpecFrom(String(j.deviceProperties.Sdk_version))
+func (j *Module) SdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return android.SdkSpecFrom(String(j.deviceProperties.Sdk_version))
-func (j *Module) systemModules() string {
+func (j *Module) SystemModules() string {
 	return proptools.String(j.deviceProperties.System_modules)
-func (j *Module) minSdkVersion() sdkSpec {
+func (j *Module) MinSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
 	if j.deviceProperties.Min_sdk_version != nil {
-		return sdkSpecFrom(*j.deviceProperties.Min_sdk_version)
+		return android.SdkSpecFrom(*j.deviceProperties.Min_sdk_version)
-	return j.sdkVersion()
+	return j.SdkVersion()
-func (j *Module) targetSdkVersion() sdkSpec {
+func (j *Module) TargetSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
 	if j.deviceProperties.Target_sdk_version != nil {
-		return sdkSpecFrom(*j.deviceProperties.Target_sdk_version)
+		return android.SdkSpecFrom(*j.deviceProperties.Target_sdk_version)
-	return j.sdkVersion()
+	return j.SdkVersion()
-func (j *Module) MinSdkVersion() string {
-	return j.minSdkVersion().version.String()
+func (j *Module) MinSdkVersionString() string {
+	return j.MinSdkVersion().Version.String()
 func (j *Module) AvailableFor(what string) bool {
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@
 	if ctx.Device() {
-		sdkDeps(ctx, sdkContext(j), j.dexer)
+		sdkDeps(ctx, android.SdkContext(j), j.dexer)
 		if j.deviceProperties.SyspropPublicStub != "" {
 			// This is a sysprop implementation library that has a corresponding sysprop public
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@
 	var flags javaBuilderFlags
 	// javaVersion flag.
-	flags.javaVersion = getJavaVersion(ctx, String(, sdkContext(j))
+	flags.javaVersion = getJavaVersion(ctx, String(, android.SdkContext(j))
 	if ctx.Config().RunErrorProne() {
 		if config.ErrorProneClasspath == nil && ctx.Config().TestProductVariables == nil {
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@
 	flags.processors = android.FirstUniqueStrings(flags.processors)
 	if len(flags.bootClasspath) == 0 && ctx.Host() && !flags.javaVersion.usesJavaModules() &&
-		decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j)).hasStandardLibs() {
+		decodeSdkDep(ctx, android.SdkContext(j)).hasStandardLibs() {
 		// Give host-side tools a version of OpenJDK's standard libraries
 		// close to what they're targeting. As of Dec 2017, AOSP is only
 		// bundling OpenJDK 8 and 9, so nothing < 8 is available.
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@
 			// Dex compilation
 			var dexOutputFile android.OutputPath
-			dexOutputFile = j.dexer.compileDex(ctx, flags, j.minSdkVersion(), outputFile, jarName)
+			dexOutputFile = j.dexer.compileDex(ctx, flags, j.MinSdkVersion(), outputFile, jarName)
 			if ctx.Failed() {
@@ -1254,8 +1254,8 @@
 	if ctx.Device() {
-		lintSDKVersionString := func(sdkSpec sdkSpec) string {
-			if v := sdkSpec.version; v.isNumbered() {
+		lintSDKVersionString := func(sdkSpec android.SdkSpec) string {
+			if v := sdkSpec.Version; v.IsNumbered() {
 				return v.String()
 			} else {
 				return ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdk(ctx).String()
@@ -1267,9 +1267,9 @@
 		j.linter.srcJars = srcJars
 		j.linter.classpath = append(append(android.Paths(nil), flags.bootClasspath...), flags.classpath...)
 		j.linter.classes = j.implementationJarFile
-		j.linter.minSdkVersion = lintSDKVersionString(j.minSdkVersion())
-		j.linter.targetSdkVersion = lintSDKVersionString(j.targetSdkVersion())
-		j.linter.compileSdkVersion = lintSDKVersionString(j.sdkVersion())
+		j.linter.minSdkVersion = lintSDKVersionString(j.MinSdkVersion())
+		j.linter.targetSdkVersion = lintSDKVersionString(j.TargetSdkVersion())
+		j.linter.compileSdkVersion = lintSDKVersionString(j.SdkVersion())
 		j.linter.javaLanguageLevel = flags.javaVersion.String()
 		j.linter.kotlinLanguageLevel = "1.3"
 		if !apexInfo.IsForPlatform() && ctx.Config().UnbundledBuildApps() {
@@ -1471,14 +1471,14 @@
 // Implements android.ApexModule
 func (j *Module) ShouldSupportSdkVersion(ctx android.BaseModuleContext,
 	sdkVersion android.ApiLevel) error {
-	sdkSpec := j.minSdkVersion()
-	if !sdkSpec.specified() {
+	sdkSpec := j.MinSdkVersion()
+	if !sdkSpec.Specified() {
 		return fmt.Errorf("min_sdk_version is not specified")
-	if sdkSpec.kind == sdkCore {
+	if sdkSpec.Kind == android.SdkCore {
 		return nil
-	ver, err := sdkSpec.effectiveVersion(ctx)
+	ver, err := sdkSpec.EffectiveVersion(ctx)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -1576,24 +1576,24 @@
 		return linkType, true
-	ver := m.sdkVersion()
-	switch ver.kind {
-	case sdkCore:
+	ver := m.SdkVersion()
+	switch ver.Kind {
+	case android.SdkCore:
 		return javaCore, false
-	case sdkSystem:
+	case android.SdkSystem:
 		return javaSystem, false
-	case sdkPublic:
+	case android.SdkPublic:
 		return javaSdk, false
-	case sdkModule:
+	case android.SdkModule:
 		return javaModule, false
-	case sdkSystemServer:
+	case android.SdkSystemServer:
 		return javaSystemServer, false
-	case sdkPrivate, sdkNone, sdkCorePlatform, sdkTest:
+	case android.SdkPrivate, android.SdkNone, android.SdkCorePlatform, android.SdkTest:
 		return javaPlatform, false
-	if !ver.valid() {
-		panic(fmt.Errorf("sdk_version is invalid. got %q", ver.raw))
+	if !ver.Valid() {
+		panic(fmt.Errorf("sdk_version is invalid. got %q", ver.Raw))
 	return javaSdk, false
@@ -1625,7 +1625,7 @@
 	var deps deps
 	if ctx.Device() {
-		sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j))
+		sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, android.SdkContext(j))
 		if sdkDep.invalidVersion {
@@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@
 		if dep, ok := module.(SdkLibraryDependency); ok {
 			switch tag {
 			case libTag:
-				deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.SdkHeaderJars(ctx, j.sdkVersion())...)
+				deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.SdkHeaderJars(ctx, j.SdkVersion())...)
 			case staticLibTag:
 				ctx.ModuleErrorf("dependency on java_sdk_library %q can only be in libs", otherName)
diff --git a/java/boot_image.go b/java/boot_image.go
index a14940d..0c47976 100644
--- a/java/boot_image.go
+++ b/java/boot_image.go
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+	""
@@ -27,24 +28,62 @@
 func init() {
+	// TODO(b/177892522): Remove after has been replaced by bootclasspath_fragments
 		SdkMemberTypeBase: android.SdkMemberTypeBase{
 			PropertyName: "boot_images",
 			SupportsSdk:  true,
+	android.RegisterSdkMemberType(&bootImageMemberType{
+		SdkMemberTypeBase: android.SdkMemberTypeBase{
+			PropertyName: "bootclasspath_fragments",
+			SupportsSdk:  true,
+		},
+	})
 func RegisterBootImageBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
+	// TODO(b/177892522): Remove after has been replaced by bootclasspath_fragment
 	ctx.RegisterModuleType("boot_image", bootImageFactory)
 	ctx.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_boot_image", prebuiltBootImageFactory)
+	ctx.RegisterModuleType("bootclasspath_fragment", bootImageFactory)
+	ctx.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_bootclasspath_fragment", prebuiltBootImageFactory)
+type bootImageContentDependencyTag struct {
+	blueprint.BaseDependencyTag
+// Avoid having to make boot image content visible to the boot image.
+// This is a temporary workaround to make it easier to migrate to boot image modules with proper
+// dependencies.
+// TODO(b/177892522): Remove this and add needed visibility.
+func (b bootImageContentDependencyTag) ExcludeFromVisibilityEnforcement() {
+// The tag used for the dependency between the boot image module and its contents.
+var bootImageContentDepTag = bootImageContentDependencyTag{}
+var _ android.ExcludeFromVisibilityEnforcementTag = bootImageContentDepTag
+func IsbootImageContentDepTag(tag blueprint.DependencyTag) bool {
+	return tag == bootImageContentDepTag
 type bootImageProperties struct {
 	// The name of the image this represents.
-	// Must be one of "art" or "boot".
-	Image_name string
+	// If specified then it must be one of "art" or "boot".
+	Image_name *string
+	// The contents of this boot image, could be either java_library, java_sdk_library, or boot_image.
+	//
+	// The order of this list matters as it is the order that is used in the bootclasspath.
+	Contents []string
 type BootImageModule struct {
@@ -60,9 +99,59 @@
 	android.InitAndroidArchModule(m, android.HostAndDeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon)
+	// Perform some consistency checking to ensure that the configuration is correct.
+	android.AddLoadHook(m, func(ctx android.LoadHookContext) {
+		bootImageConsistencyCheck(ctx, m)
+	})
 	return m
+func bootImageConsistencyCheck(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext, m *BootImageModule) {
+	contents :=
+	if == nil && len(contents) == 0 {
+		ctx.ModuleErrorf(`neither of the "image_name" and "contents" properties have been supplied, please supply exactly one`)
+	}
+	if != nil && len(contents) != 0 {
+		ctx.ModuleErrorf(`both of the "image_name" and "contents" properties have been supplied, please supply exactly one`)
+	}
+	imageName := proptools.String(
+	if imageName == "art" {
+		// Get the configuration for the art apex jars. Do not use getImageConfig(ctx) here as this is
+		// too early in the Soong processing for that to work.
+		global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
+		modules := global.ArtApexJars
+		// Make sure that the apex specified in the configuration is consistent and is one for which
+		// this boot image is available.
+		jars := []string{}
+		commonApex := ""
+		for i := 0; i < modules.Len(); i++ {
+			apex := modules.Apex(i)
+			jar := modules.Jar(i)
+			if apex == "platform" {
+				ctx.ModuleErrorf("ArtApexJars is invalid as it requests a platform variant of %q", jar)
+				continue
+			}
+			if !m.AvailableFor(apex) {
+				ctx.ModuleErrorf("incompatible with ArtApexJars which expects this to be in apex %q but this is only in apexes %q",
+					apex, m.ApexAvailable())
+				continue
+			}
+			if commonApex == "" {
+				commonApex = apex
+			} else if commonApex != apex {
+				ctx.ModuleErrorf("ArtApexJars configuration is inconsistent, expected all jars to be in the same apex but it specifies apex %q and %q",
+					commonApex, apex)
+			}
+			jars = append(jars, jar)
+		}
+		// Store the jars in the Contents property so that they can be used to add dependencies.
+ = jars
+	}
 var BootImageInfoProvider = blueprint.NewProvider(BootImageInfo{})
 type BootImageInfo struct {
@@ -96,6 +185,10 @@
 func (b *BootImageModule) DepIsInSameApex(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, dep android.Module) bool {
 	tag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(dep)
+	if tag == bootImageContentDepTag {
+		// Boot image contents are automatically added to apex.
+		return true
+	}
 	if android.IsMetaDependencyTag(tag) {
 		// Cross-cutting metadata dependencies are metadata.
 		return false
@@ -108,6 +201,8 @@
 func (b *BootImageModule) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
+	ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), bootImageContentDepTag,
 	if SkipDexpreoptBootJars(ctx) {
@@ -127,14 +222,8 @@
 	// GenerateSingletonBuildActions method as it cannot create it for itself.
-	// Get a map of the image configs that are supported.
-	imageConfigs := genBootImageConfigs(ctx)
-	// Retrieve the config for this image.
-	imageName :=
-	imageConfig := imageConfigs[imageName]
+	imageConfig := b.getImageConfig(ctx)
 	if imageConfig == nil {
-		ctx.PropertyErrorf("image_name", "Unknown image name %q, expected one of %s", imageName, strings.Join(android.SortedStringKeys(imageConfigs), ", "))
@@ -145,6 +234,25 @@
 	ctx.SetProvider(BootImageInfoProvider, info)
+func (b *BootImageModule) getImageConfig(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) *bootImageConfig {
+	// Get a map of the image configs that are supported.
+	imageConfigs := genBootImageConfigs(ctx)
+	// Retrieve the config for this image.
+	imageNamePtr :=
+	if imageNamePtr == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	imageName := *imageNamePtr
+	imageConfig := imageConfigs[imageName]
+	if imageConfig == nil {
+		ctx.PropertyErrorf("image_name", "Unknown image name %q, expected one of %s", imageName, strings.Join(android.SortedStringKeys(imageConfigs), ", "))
+		return nil
+	}
+	return imageConfig
 type bootImageMemberType struct {
@@ -159,7 +267,11 @@
 func (b *bootImageMemberType) AddPrebuiltModule(ctx android.SdkMemberContext, member android.SdkMember) android.BpModule {
-	return ctx.SnapshotBuilder().AddPrebuiltModule(member, "prebuilt_boot_image")
+	if b.PropertyName == "boot_images" {
+		return ctx.SnapshotBuilder().AddPrebuiltModule(member, "prebuilt_boot_image")
+	} else {
+		return ctx.SnapshotBuilder().AddPrebuiltModule(member, "prebuilt_bootclasspath_fragment")
+	}
 func (b *bootImageMemberType) CreateVariantPropertiesStruct() android.SdkMemberProperties {
@@ -169,7 +281,7 @@
 type bootImageSdkMemberProperties struct {
-	Image_name string
+	Image_name *string
 func (b *bootImageSdkMemberProperties) PopulateFromVariant(ctx android.SdkMemberContext, variant android.Module) {
@@ -179,8 +291,8 @@
 func (b *bootImageSdkMemberProperties) AddToPropertySet(ctx android.SdkMemberContext, propertySet android.BpPropertySet) {
-	if b.Image_name != "" {
-		propertySet.AddProperty("image_name", b.Image_name)
+	if b.Image_name != nil {
+		propertySet.AddProperty("image_name", *b.Image_name)
@@ -213,5 +325,10 @@
 	android.InitAndroidArchModule(m, android.HostAndDeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon)
+	// Perform some consistency checking to ensure that the configuration is correct.
+	android.AddLoadHook(m, func(ctx android.LoadHookContext) {
+		bootImageConsistencyCheck(ctx, &m.BootImageModule)
+	})
 	return m
diff --git a/java/boot_image_test.go b/java/boot_image_test.go
index 65e590d..e1866de 100644
--- a/java/boot_image_test.go
+++ b/java/boot_image_test.go
@@ -16,25 +16,112 @@
 import (
+	"android/soong/android"
+	"android/soong/dexpreopt"
 // Contains some simple tests for boot_image logic, additional tests can be found in
 // apex/boot_image_test.go as the ART boot image requires modules from the ART apex.
+var prepareForTestWithBootImage = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+	PrepareForTestWithJavaDefaultModules,
+	dexpreopt.PrepareForTestByEnablingDexpreopt,
 func TestUnknownBootImage(t *testing.T) {
-	testJavaError(t, "image_name: Unknown image name \\\"unknown\\\", expected one of art, boot", `
-		boot_image {
-			name: "unknown-boot-image",
-			image_name: "unknown",
-		}
+	prepareForTestWithBootImage.
+		ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(
+			`\Qimage_name: Unknown image name "unknown", expected one of art, boot\E`)).
+		RunTestWithBp(t, `
+			boot_image {
+				name: "unknown-boot-image",
+				image_name: "unknown",
+			}
+		`)
+func TestUnknownBootclasspathFragmentImageName(t *testing.T) {
+	prepareForTestWithBootImage.
+		ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(
+			`\Qimage_name: Unknown image name "unknown", expected one of art, boot\E`)).
+		RunTestWithBp(t, `
+			bootclasspath_fragment {
+				name: "unknown-boot-image",
+				image_name: "unknown",
+			}
+		`)
 func TestUnknownPrebuiltBootImage(t *testing.T) {
-	testJavaError(t, "image_name: Unknown image name \\\"unknown\\\", expected one of art, boot", `
-		prebuilt_boot_image {
-			name: "unknown-boot-image",
-			image_name: "unknown",
-		}
+	prepareForTestWithBootImage.
+		ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(
+			`\Qimage_name: Unknown image name "unknown", expected one of art, boot\E`)).
+		RunTestWithBp(t, `
+			prebuilt_boot_image {
+				name: "unknown-boot-image",
+				image_name: "unknown",
+			}
+		`)
+func TestBootImageInconsistentArtConfiguration_Platform(t *testing.T) {
+	android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForTestWithBootImage,
+		dexpreopt.FixtureSetArtBootJars("platform:foo", "apex:bar"),
+	).
+		ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(
+			`\QArtApexJars is invalid as it requests a platform variant of "foo"\E`)).
+		RunTestWithBp(t, `
+			boot_image {
+				name: "boot-image",
+				image_name: "art",
+				apex_available: [
+					"apex",
+				],
+			}
+		`)
+func TestBootImageInconsistentArtConfiguration_ApexMixture(t *testing.T) {
+	android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForTestWithBootImage,
+		dexpreopt.FixtureSetArtBootJars("apex1:foo", "apex2:bar"),
+	).
+		ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(
+			`\QArtApexJars configuration is inconsistent, expected all jars to be in the same apex but it specifies apex "apex1" and "apex2"\E`)).
+		RunTestWithBp(t, `
+			boot_image {
+				name: "boot-image",
+				image_name: "art",
+				apex_available: [
+					"apex1",
+					"apex2",
+				],
+			}
+		`)
+func TestBootImageWithoutImageNameOrContents(t *testing.T) {
+	prepareForTestWithBootImage.
+		ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(
+			`\Qneither of the "image_name" and "contents" properties\E`)).
+		RunTestWithBp(t, `
+			boot_image {
+				name: "boot-image",
+			}
+		`)
+func TestBootImageWithImageNameAndContents(t *testing.T) {
+	prepareForTestWithBootImage.
+		ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(
+			`\Qboth of the "image_name" and "contents" properties\E`)).
+		RunTestWithBp(t, `
+			boot_image {
+				name: "boot-image",
+				image_name: "boot",
+				contents: ["other"],
+			}
+		`)
diff --git a/java/dex.go b/java/dex.go
index b042f13..5c6d41d 100644
--- a/java/dex.go
+++ b/java/dex.go
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 	}, []string{"outDir", "outDict", "outUsage", "outUsageZip", "outUsageDir",
 		"r8Flags", "zipFlags"}, []string{"implicits"})
-func (d *dexer) dexCommonFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, minSdkVersion sdkSpec) []string {
+func (d *dexer) dexCommonFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, minSdkVersion android.SdkSpec) []string {
 	flags := d.dexProperties.Dxflags
 	// Translate all the DX flags to D8 ones until all the build files have been migrated
 	// to D8 flags. See: b/69377755
@@ -174,12 +174,12 @@
-	effectiveVersion, err := minSdkVersion.effectiveVersion(ctx)
+	effectiveVersion, err := minSdkVersion.EffectiveVersion(ctx)
 	if err != nil {
 		ctx.PropertyErrorf("min_sdk_version", "%s", err)
-	flags = append(flags, "--min-api "+effectiveVersion.asNumberString())
+	flags = append(flags, "--min-api "+effectiveVersion.AsNumberString())
 	return flags
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
 	return r8Flags, r8Deps
-func (d *dexer) compileDex(ctx android.ModuleContext, flags javaBuilderFlags, minSdkVersion sdkSpec,
+func (d *dexer) compileDex(ctx android.ModuleContext, flags javaBuilderFlags, minSdkVersion android.SdkSpec,
 	classesJar android.Path, jarName string) android.OutputPath {
 	// Compile classes.jar into classes.dex and then javalib.jar
diff --git a/java/droiddoc.go b/java/droiddoc.go
index 44308d9..e527d59 100644
--- a/java/droiddoc.go
+++ b/java/droiddoc.go
@@ -261,25 +261,25 @@
 var _ android.OutputFileProducer = (*Javadoc)(nil)
-func (j *Javadoc) sdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return sdkSpecFrom(String(
+func (j *Javadoc) SdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return android.SdkSpecFrom(String(
-func (j *Javadoc) systemModules() string {
+func (j *Javadoc) SystemModules() string {
 	return proptools.String(
-func (j *Javadoc) minSdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return j.sdkVersion()
+func (j *Javadoc) MinSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return j.SdkVersion()
-func (j *Javadoc) targetSdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return j.sdkVersion()
+func (j *Javadoc) TargetSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return j.SdkVersion()
 func (j *Javadoc) addDeps(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
 	if ctx.Device() {
-		sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j))
+		sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, android.SdkContext(j))
 		if sdkDep.useModule {
 			ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, sdkDep.bootclasspath...)
 			ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, sdkDep.systemModules)
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
 func (j *Javadoc) collectDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) deps {
 	var deps deps
-	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j))
+	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, android.SdkContext(j))
 	if sdkDep.invalidVersion {
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
 		case libTag:
 			if dep, ok := module.(SdkLibraryDependency); ok {
-				deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.SdkHeaderJars(ctx, j.sdkVersion())...)
+				deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.SdkHeaderJars(ctx, j.SdkVersion())...)
 			} else if ctx.OtherModuleHasProvider(module, JavaInfoProvider) {
 				dep := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(module, JavaInfoProvider).(JavaInfo)
 				deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.HeaderJars...)
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
 	srcJarList := zipSyncCmd(ctx, rule, srcJarDir, j.srcJars)
-	javaVersion := getJavaVersion(ctx, String(, sdkContext(j))
+	javaVersion := getJavaVersion(ctx, String(, android.SdkContext(j))
 	cmd := javadocSystemModulesCmd(ctx, rule, j.srcFiles, outDir, srcJarDir, srcJarList,
 		deps.systemModules, deps.classpath, j.sourcepaths)
diff --git a/java/droiddoc_test.go b/java/droiddoc_test.go
index 2b324ae..8d1f591 100644
--- a/java/droiddoc_test.go
+++ b/java/droiddoc_test.go
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 	barStubsOutput := barStubsOutputs[0]
 	barDoc := ctx.ModuleForTests("bar-doc", "android_common")
-	javaDoc := barDoc.Rule("javadoc").RelativeToTop()
+	javaDoc := barDoc.Rule("javadoc")
 	if g, w := android.PathsRelativeToTop(javaDoc.Implicits), android.PathRelativeToTop(barStubsOutput); !inList(w, g) {
 		t.Errorf("implicits of bar-doc must contain %q, but was %q.", w, g)
diff --git a/java/droidstubs.go b/java/droidstubs.go
index 9644a35..a9e2749 100644
--- a/java/droidstubs.go
+++ b/java/droidstubs.go
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
 func (d *Droidstubs) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
 	deps := d.Javadoc.collectDeps(ctx)
-	javaVersion := getJavaVersion(ctx, String(, sdkContext(d))
+	javaVersion := getJavaVersion(ctx, String(, android.SdkContext(d))
 	// Create rule for metalava
diff --git a/java/hiddenapi_singleton_test.go b/java/hiddenapi_singleton_test.go
index d6c6a2d..5c449e5 100644
--- a/java/hiddenapi_singleton_test.go
+++ b/java/hiddenapi_singleton_test.go
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
 	prepareForJavaTest, PrepareForTestWithHiddenApiBuildComponents)
 func TestHiddenAPISingleton(t *testing.T) {
-	result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		hiddenApiFixtureFactory,
 	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
 		java_library {
@@ -50,13 +51,14 @@
 	hiddenAPI := result.SingletonForTests("hiddenapi")
-	hiddenapiRule := hiddenAPI.Rule("hiddenapi").RelativeToTop()
+	hiddenapiRule := hiddenAPI.Rule("hiddenapi")
 	want := "--boot-dex=out/soong/.intermediates/foo/android_common/aligned/foo.jar"
 	android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "hiddenapi command", hiddenapiRule.RuleParams.Command, want)
 func TestHiddenAPIIndexSingleton(t *testing.T) {
-	result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		hiddenApiFixtureFactory,
 		fixtureSetBootJarsProductVariable("platform:foo", "platform:bar"),
@@ -115,7 +117,8 @@
 			" replaced by the prebuilt module \"prebuilt_foo\" but unfortunately it does not provide a" +
 			" suitable boot dex jar"
-	hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		hiddenApiFixtureFactory,
 		RunTestWithBp(t, `
@@ -134,7 +137,8 @@
 func TestHiddenAPISingletonWithPrebuilt(t *testing.T) {
-	result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		hiddenApiFixtureFactory,
 	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
 		java_import {
@@ -145,13 +149,14 @@
 	hiddenAPI := result.SingletonForTests("hiddenapi")
-	hiddenapiRule := hiddenAPI.Rule("hiddenapi").RelativeToTop()
+	hiddenapiRule := hiddenAPI.Rule("hiddenapi")
 	want := "--boot-dex=out/soong/.intermediates/foo/android_common/aligned/foo.jar"
 	android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "hiddenapi command", hiddenapiRule.RuleParams.Command, want)
 func TestHiddenAPISingletonWithPrebuiltUseSource(t *testing.T) {
-	result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		hiddenApiFixtureFactory,
 	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
 		java_library {
@@ -169,7 +174,7 @@
 	hiddenAPI := result.SingletonForTests("hiddenapi")
-	hiddenapiRule := hiddenAPI.Rule("hiddenapi").RelativeToTop()
+	hiddenapiRule := hiddenAPI.Rule("hiddenapi")
 	fromSourceJarArg := "--boot-dex=out/soong/.intermediates/foo/android_common/aligned/foo.jar"
 	android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "hiddenapi command", hiddenapiRule.RuleParams.Command, fromSourceJarArg)
@@ -178,7 +183,8 @@
 func TestHiddenAPISingletonWithPrebuiltOverrideSource(t *testing.T) {
-	result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		hiddenApiFixtureFactory,
 	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
 		java_library {
@@ -196,7 +202,7 @@
 	hiddenAPI := result.SingletonForTests("hiddenapi")
-	hiddenapiRule := hiddenAPI.Rule("hiddenapi").RelativeToTop()
+	hiddenapiRule := hiddenAPI.Rule("hiddenapi")
 	prebuiltJarArg := "--boot-dex=out/soong/.intermediates/prebuilt_foo/android_common/dex/foo.jar"
 	android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "hiddenapi command", hiddenapiRule.RuleParams.Command, prebuiltJarArg)
@@ -236,7 +242,8 @@
 	for _, tc := range testCases {
 		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
-			result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
+			result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+				hiddenApiFixtureFactory,
 				android.FixtureModifyProductVariables(func(variables android.FixtureProductVariables) {
 					variables.Always_use_prebuilt_sdks = proptools.BoolPtr(tc.unbundledBuild)
@@ -244,7 +251,7 @@
 			hiddenAPI := result.SingletonForTests("hiddenapi")
-			hiddenapiRule := hiddenAPI.Rule("hiddenapi").RelativeToTop()
+			hiddenapiRule := hiddenAPI.Rule("hiddenapi")
 			wantPublicStubs := "--public-stub-classpath=" + generateSdkDexPath(tc.publicStub, tc.unbundledBuild)
 			android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "hiddenapi command", hiddenapiRule.RuleParams.Command, wantPublicStubs)
@@ -286,7 +293,8 @@
 	// Where to find the prebuilt hiddenapi files:
 	prebuiltHiddenApiDir := "path/to/prebuilt/hiddenapi"
-	result := hiddenApiFixtureFactory.Extend(
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		hiddenApiFixtureFactory,
 	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
@@ -307,7 +315,7 @@
 	cpRule := hiddenAPI.Rule("Cp")
 	actualCpInput := cpRule.BuildParams.Input
 	actualCpOutput := cpRule.BuildParams.Output
-	encodeDexRule := foo.Rule("hiddenAPIEncodeDex").RelativeToTop()
+	encodeDexRule := foo.Rule("hiddenAPIEncodeDex")
 	actualFlagsCsv := encodeDexRule.BuildParams.Args["flagsCsv"]
 	android.AssertPathRelativeToTopEquals(t, "hiddenapi cp rule input", expectedCpInput, actualCpInput)
diff --git a/java/java.go b/java/java.go
index 9786947..5fe8814 100644
--- a/java/java.go
+++ b/java/java.go
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@
 func init() {
-	RegisterJavaBuildComponents(android.InitRegistrationContext)
+	registerJavaBuildComponents(android.InitRegistrationContext)
-func RegisterJavaBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
+func registerJavaBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
 	ctx.RegisterModuleType("java_defaults", DefaultsFactory)
 	ctx.RegisterModuleType("java_library", LibraryFactory)
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
 	unstrippedFile android.Path
-func sdkDeps(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, sdkContext sdkContext, d dexer) {
+func sdkDeps(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, sdkContext android.SdkContext, d dexer) {
 	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext)
 	if sdkDep.useModule {
 		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, sdkDep.bootclasspath...)
@@ -352,11 +352,11 @@
-func getJavaVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext, javaVersion string, sdkContext sdkContext) javaVersion {
+func getJavaVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext, javaVersion string, sdkContext android.SdkContext) javaVersion {
 	if javaVersion != "" {
 		return normalizeJavaVersion(ctx, javaVersion)
 	} else if ctx.Device() {
-		return sdkContext.sdkVersion().defaultJavaLanguageVersion(ctx)
+		return defaultJavaLanguageVersion(ctx, sdkContext.SdkVersion())
 	} else {
 		return JAVA_VERSION_9
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
 func (j *Test) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
 	if j.testProperties.Test_options.Unit_test == nil && ctx.Host() {
 		// TODO(b/): Clean temporary heuristic to avoid unexpected onboarding.
-		defaultUnitTest := !inList("tradefed", && !inList("tradefed", && !inList("cts", j.testProperties.Test_suites)
+		defaultUnitTest := !inList("tradefed", && !inList("cts", j.testProperties.Test_suites)
 		j.testProperties.Test_options.Unit_test = proptools.BoolPtr(defaultUnitTest)
 	j.testConfig = tradefed.AutoGenJavaTestConfig(ctx, j.testProperties.Test_config, j.testProperties.Test_config_template,
@@ -1074,8 +1074,14 @@
 type ImportProperties struct {
 	Jars []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
+	// The version of the SDK that the source prebuilt file was built against. Defaults to the
+	// current version if not specified.
 	Sdk_version *string
+	// The minimum version of the SDK that this module supports. Defaults to sdk_version if not
+	// specified.
+	Min_sdk_version *string
 	Installable *bool
 	// List of shared java libs that this module has dependencies to
@@ -1126,28 +1132,31 @@
 	hideApexVariantFromMake bool
-func (j *Import) sdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return sdkSpecFrom(String(
+func (j *Import) SdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return android.SdkSpecFrom(String(
 func (j *Import) makeSdkVersion() string {
-	return j.sdkVersion().raw
+	return j.SdkVersion().Raw
-func (j *Import) systemModules() string {
+func (j *Import) SystemModules() string {
 	return "none"
-func (j *Import) minSdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return j.sdkVersion()
+func (j *Import) MinSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	if != nil {
+		return android.SdkSpecFrom(*
+	}
+	return j.SdkVersion()
-func (j *Import) targetSdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return j.sdkVersion()
+func (j *Import) TargetSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return j.SdkVersion()
-func (j *Import) MinSdkVersion() string {
-	return j.minSdkVersion().version.String()
+func (j *Import) MinSdkVersionString() string {
+	return j.MinSdkVersion().Version.String()
 func (j *Import) Prebuilt() *android.Prebuilt {
@@ -1178,7 +1187,7 @@
 	ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, libTag,
 	if ctx.Device() && Bool(j.dexProperties.Compile_dex) {
-		sdkDeps(ctx, sdkContext(j), j.dexer)
+		sdkDeps(ctx, android.SdkContext(j), j.dexer)
@@ -1221,7 +1230,7 @@
 		} else if dep, ok := module.(SdkLibraryDependency); ok {
 			switch tag {
 			case libTag:
-				flags.classpath = append(flags.classpath, dep.SdkHeaderJars(ctx, j.sdkVersion())...)
+				flags.classpath = append(flags.classpath, dep.SdkHeaderJars(ctx, j.SdkVersion())...)
@@ -1263,7 +1272,7 @@
 				ctx.ModuleErrorf("internal error: no dex implementation jar available from prebuilt_apex %q", deapexerModule.Name())
 		} else if Bool(j.dexProperties.Compile_dex) {
-			sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(j))
+			sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, android.SdkContext(j))
 			if sdkDep.invalidVersion {
@@ -1282,7 +1291,7 @@
 			j.dexpreopter.uncompressedDex = *j.dexProperties.Uncompress_dex
 			var dexOutputFile android.OutputPath
-			dexOutputFile = j.dexer.compileDex(ctx, flags, j.minSdkVersion(), outputFile, jarName)
+			dexOutputFile = j.dexer.compileDex(ctx, flags, j.MinSdkVersion(), outputFile, jarName)
 			if ctx.Failed() {
@@ -1350,7 +1359,20 @@
 // Implements android.ApexModule
 func (j *Import) ShouldSupportSdkVersion(ctx android.BaseModuleContext,
 	sdkVersion android.ApiLevel) error {
-	// Do not check for prebuilts against the min_sdk_version of enclosing APEX
+	sdkSpec := j.MinSdkVersion()
+	if !sdkSpec.Specified() {
+		return fmt.Errorf("min_sdk_version is not specified")
+	}
+	if sdkSpec.Kind == android.SdkCore {
+		return nil
+	}
+	ver, err := sdkSpec.EffectiveVersion(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if ver.ApiLevel(ctx).GreaterThan(sdkVersion) {
+		return fmt.Errorf("newer SDK(%v)", ver)
+	}
 	return nil
diff --git a/java/java_test.go b/java/java_test.go
index 2ade0fe..fdf7579 100644
--- a/java/java_test.go
+++ b/java/java_test.go
@@ -74,23 +74,6 @@
 	return result.TestContext, result.Config
-// testJavaErrorWithConfig is a legacy way of running tests of java modules that expect errors.
-// See testJava for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method.
-// deprecated
-func testJavaErrorWithConfig(t *testing.T, pattern string, config android.Config) (*android.TestContext, android.Config) {
-	t.Helper()
-	// This must be done on the supplied config and not as part of the fixture because any changes to
-	// the fixture's config will be ignored when RunTestWithConfig replaces it.
-	pathCtx := android.PathContextForTesting(config)
-	dexpreopt.SetTestGlobalConfig(config, dexpreopt.GlobalConfigForTests(pathCtx))
-	result := prepareForJavaTest.
-		ExtendWithErrorHandler(android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(pattern)).
-		RunTestWithConfig(t, config)
-	return result.TestContext, result.Config
 // testJavaWithFS runs tests using the prepareForJavaTest
 // See testJava for an explanation as to how to stop using this deprecated method.
@@ -250,7 +233,7 @@
-	javac := ctx.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common").Rule("javac").RelativeToTop()
+	javac := ctx.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common").Rule("javac")
 	combineJar := ctx.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common").Description("for javac")
 	if len(javac.Inputs) != 1 || javac.Inputs[0].String() != "" {
@@ -845,7 +828,12 @@
 			if expectedErrorPattern != "" {
 				errorHandler = android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(expectedErrorPattern)
-			prepareForJavaTest.ExtendWithErrorHandler(errorHandler).RunTest(t, createPreparer(info))
+			android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+				prepareForJavaTest,
+				createPreparer(info),
+			).
+				ExtendWithErrorHandler(errorHandler).
+				RunTest(t)
@@ -976,7 +964,7 @@
-	javac := ctx.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common").Rule("javac").RelativeToTop()
+	javac := ctx.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common").Rule("javac")
 	combineJar := ctx.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common").Description("for javac")
 	if len(javac.Inputs) != 1 || javac.Inputs[0].String() != "" {
@@ -1336,11 +1324,11 @@
-	fooTurbine := result.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common").Rule("turbine").RelativeToTop()
-	barTurbine := result.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common").Rule("turbine").RelativeToTop()
-	barJavac := result.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common").Rule("javac").RelativeToTop()
-	barTurbineCombined := result.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common").Description("for turbine").RelativeToTop()
-	bazJavac := result.ModuleForTests("baz", "android_common").Rule("javac").RelativeToTop()
+	fooTurbine := result.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common").Rule("turbine")
+	barTurbine := result.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common").Rule("turbine")
+	barJavac := result.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common").Rule("javac")
+	barTurbineCombined := result.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common").Description("for turbine")
+	bazJavac := result.ModuleForTests("baz", "android_common").Rule("javac")
 	android.AssertPathsRelativeToTopEquals(t, "foo inputs", []string{""}, fooTurbine.Inputs)
@@ -1363,7 +1351,7 @@
 	barHeaderJar := filepath.Join("out", "soong", ".intermediates", "bar", "android_common", "turbine-combined", "bar.jar")
 	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
-		barJavac := ctx.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common").Description("javac" + strconv.Itoa(i)).RelativeToTop()
+		barJavac := ctx.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common").Description("javac" + strconv.Itoa(i))
 		if !strings.Contains(barJavac.Args["classpath"], barHeaderJar) {
 			t.Errorf("bar javac classpath %v does not contain %q", barJavac.Args["classpath"], barHeaderJar)
@@ -1670,7 +1658,7 @@
 	// The bar library should depend on the stubs jar.
 	barLibrary := result.ModuleForTests("bar", "android_common").Rule("javac")
-	if expected, actual := `^-classpath .*:/[^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.stubs\.jar$`, barLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
+	if expected, actual := `^-classpath .*:out/soong/[^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.stubs\.jar$`, barLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
 		t.Errorf("expected %q, found %#q", expected, actual)
@@ -1973,7 +1961,7 @@
 	// The baz library should depend on the system stubs jar.
 	bazLibrary := result.ModuleForTests("baz", "android_common").Rule("javac")
-	if expected, actual := `^-classpath .*:/[^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.stubs.system\.jar$`, bazLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
+	if expected, actual := `^-classpath .*:out/soong/[^:]*/turbine-combined/foo\.stubs.system\.jar$`, bazLibrary.Args["classpath"]; !regexp.MustCompile(expected).MatchString(actual) {
 		t.Errorf("expected %q, found %#q", expected, actual)
diff --git a/java/platform_bootclasspath.go b/java/platform_bootclasspath.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5507077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/platform_bootclasspath.go
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package java
+import (
+	"android/soong/android"
+	"android/soong/dexpreopt"
+func init() {
+	registerPlatformBootclasspathBuildComponents(android.InitRegistrationContext)
+func registerPlatformBootclasspathBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
+	ctx.RegisterModuleType("platform_bootclasspath", platformBootclasspathFactory)
+type platformBootclasspathModule struct {
+	android.ModuleBase
+func platformBootclasspathFactory() android.Module {
+	m := &platformBootclasspathModule{}
+	android.InitAndroidArchModule(m, android.DeviceSupported, android.MultilibCommon)
+	return m
+func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
+	if SkipDexpreoptBootJars(ctx) {
+		return
+	}
+	// Add a dependency onto the dex2oat tool which is needed for creating the boot image. The
+	// path is retrieved from the dependency by GetGlobalSoongConfig(ctx).
+	dexpreopt.RegisterToolDeps(ctx)
+func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+	// Nothing to do if skipping the dexpreopt of boot image jars.
+	if SkipDexpreoptBootJars(ctx) {
+		return
+	}
+	// Force the GlobalSoongConfig to be created and cached for use by the dex_bootjars
+	// GenerateSingletonBuildActions method as it cannot create it for itself.
+	dexpreopt.GetGlobalSoongConfig(ctx)
+	imageConfig := b.getImageConfig(ctx)
+	if imageConfig == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	// Construct the boot image info from the config.
+	info := BootImageInfo{imageConfig: imageConfig}
+	// Make it available for other modules.
+	ctx.SetProvider(BootImageInfoProvider, info)
+func (b *platformBootclasspathModule) getImageConfig(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) *bootImageConfig {
+	return defaultBootImageConfig(ctx)
diff --git a/java/platform_bootclasspath_test.go b/java/platform_bootclasspath_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c81cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/platform_bootclasspath_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package java
+import (
+	"testing"
+	"android/soong/android"
+	"android/soong/dexpreopt"
+// Contains some simple tests for platform_bootclasspath.
+var prepareForTestWithPlatformBootclasspath = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+	PrepareForTestWithJavaDefaultModules,
+	dexpreopt.PrepareForTestByEnablingDexpreopt,
+func TestPlatformBootclasspath(t *testing.T) {
+	prepareForTestWithPlatformBootclasspath.
+		RunTestWithBp(t, `
+			platform_bootclasspath {
+				name: "platform-bootclasspath",
+			}
+		`)
diff --git a/java/platform_compat_config.go b/java/platform_compat_config.go
index 03e82c2..c3d13ae 100644
--- a/java/platform_compat_config.go
+++ b/java/platform_compat_config.go
@@ -221,12 +221,40 @@
 	metadata android.Path
+// isModulePreferredByCompatConfig checks to see whether the module is preferred for use by
+// platform compat config.
+func isModulePreferredByCompatConfig(module android.Module) bool {
+	// A versioned prebuilt_platform_compat_config, i.e. foo-platform-compat-config@current should be
+	// ignored.
+	if s, ok := module.(android.SdkAware); ok {
+		if !s.ContainingSdk().Unversioned() {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	// A prebuilt module should only be used when it is preferred.
+	if pi, ok := module.(android.PrebuiltInterface); ok {
+		if p := pi.Prebuilt(); p != nil {
+			return p.UsePrebuilt()
+		}
+	}
+	// Otherwise, a module should only be used if it has not been replaced by a prebuilt.
+	return !module.IsReplacedByPrebuilt()
 func (p *platformCompatConfigSingleton) GenerateBuildActions(ctx android.SingletonContext) {
 	var compatConfigMetadata android.Paths
 	ctx.VisitAllModules(func(module android.Module) {
+		if !module.Enabled() {
+			return
+		}
 		if c, ok := module.(platformCompatConfigMetadataProvider); ok {
+			if !isModulePreferredByCompatConfig(module) {
+				return
+			}
 			metadata := c.compatConfigMetadata()
 			compatConfigMetadata = append(compatConfigMetadata, metadata)
diff --git a/java/rro.go b/java/rro.go
index aafa88e..4ae0014 100644
--- a/java/rro.go
+++ b/java/rro.go
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 func (r *RuntimeResourceOverlay) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
-	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, sdkContext(r))
+	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, android.SdkContext(r))
 	if sdkDep.hasFrameworkLibs() {
 		r.aapt.deps(ctx, sdkDep)
@@ -141,23 +141,23 @@
 	ctx.InstallFile(r.installDir, r.outputFile.Base(), r.outputFile)
-func (r *RuntimeResourceOverlay) sdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return sdkSpecFrom(String(
+func (r *RuntimeResourceOverlay) SdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return android.SdkSpecFrom(String(
-func (r *RuntimeResourceOverlay) systemModules() string {
+func (r *RuntimeResourceOverlay) SystemModules() string {
 	return ""
-func (r *RuntimeResourceOverlay) minSdkVersion() sdkSpec {
+func (r *RuntimeResourceOverlay) MinSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
 	if != nil {
-		return sdkSpecFrom(*
+		return android.SdkSpecFrom(*
-	return r.sdkVersion()
+	return r.SdkVersion()
-func (r *RuntimeResourceOverlay) targetSdkVersion() sdkSpec {
-	return r.sdkVersion()
+func (r *RuntimeResourceOverlay) TargetSdkVersion() android.SdkSpec {
+	return r.SdkVersion()
 func (r *RuntimeResourceOverlay) Certificate() Certificate {
diff --git a/java/rro_test.go b/java/rro_test.go
index 0a10d93..bad60bc 100644
--- a/java/rro_test.go
+++ b/java/rro_test.go
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 	m := result.ModuleForTests("foo", "android_common")
 	// Check AAPT2 link flags.
-	aapt2Flags := m.Output("package-res.apk").RelativeToTop().Args["flags"]
+	aapt2Flags := m.Output("package-res.apk").Args["flags"]
 	expectedFlags := []string{"--keep-raw-values", "--no-resource-deduping", "--no-resource-removal"}
 	absentFlags := android.RemoveListFromList(expectedFlags, strings.Split(aapt2Flags, " "))
 	if len(absentFlags) > 0 {
diff --git a/java/sdk.go b/java/sdk.go
index 74d5a81..b546ca0 100644
--- a/java/sdk.go
+++ b/java/sdk.go
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
-	"strings"
@@ -38,19 +37,6 @@
 var nonUpdatableFrameworkAidlPathKey = android.NewOnceKey("nonUpdatableFrameworkAidlPathKey")
 var apiFingerprintPathKey = android.NewOnceKey("apiFingerprintPathKey")
-type sdkContext interface {
-	// sdkVersion returns sdkSpec that corresponds to the sdk_version property of the current module
-	sdkVersion() sdkSpec
-	// systemModules returns the system_modules property of the current module, or an empty string if it is not set.
-	systemModules() string
-	// minSdkVersion returns sdkSpec that corresponds to the min_sdk_version property of the current module,
-	// or from sdk_version if it is not set.
-	minSdkVersion() sdkSpec
-	// targetSdkVersion returns the sdkSpec that corresponds to the target_sdk_version property of the current module,
-	// or from sdk_version if it is not set.
-	targetSdkVersion() sdkSpec
 func UseApiFingerprint(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool {
 	if ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() &&
 		!ctx.Config().AlwaysUsePrebuiltSdks() &&
@@ -60,209 +46,8 @@
 	return false
-// sdkKind represents a particular category of an SDK spec like public, system, test, etc.
-type sdkKind int
-const (
-	sdkInvalid sdkKind = iota
-	sdkNone
-	sdkCore
-	sdkCorePlatform
-	sdkPublic
-	sdkSystem
-	sdkTest
-	sdkModule
-	sdkSystemServer
-	sdkPrivate
-// String returns the string representation of this sdkKind
-func (k sdkKind) String() string {
-	switch k {
-	case sdkPrivate:
-		return "private"
-	case sdkNone:
-		return "none"
-	case sdkPublic:
-		return "public"
-	case sdkSystem:
-		return "system"
-	case sdkTest:
-		return "test"
-	case sdkCore:
-		return "core"
-	case sdkCorePlatform:
-		return "core_platform"
-	case sdkModule:
-		return "module-lib"
-	case sdkSystemServer:
-		return "system-server"
-	default:
-		return "invalid"
-	}
-// sdkVersion represents a specific version number of an SDK spec of a particular kind
-type sdkVersion int
-const (
-	// special version number for a not-yet-frozen SDK
-	sdkVersionCurrent sdkVersion = sdkVersion(android.FutureApiLevelInt)
-	// special version number to be used for SDK specs where version number doesn't
-	// make sense, e.g. "none", "", etc.
-	sdkVersionNone sdkVersion = sdkVersion(0)
-// isCurrent checks if the sdkVersion refers to the not-yet-published version of an sdkKind
-func (v sdkVersion) isCurrent() bool {
-	return v == sdkVersionCurrent
-// isNumbered checks if the sdkVersion refers to the published (a.k.a numbered) version of an sdkKind
-func (v sdkVersion) isNumbered() bool {
-	return !v.isCurrent() && v != sdkVersionNone
-// String returns the string representation of this sdkVersion.
-func (v sdkVersion) String() string {
-	if v.isCurrent() {
-		return "current"
-	} else if v.isNumbered() {
-		return strconv.Itoa(int(v))
-	}
-	return "(no version)"
-func (v sdkVersion) ApiLevel(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) android.ApiLevel {
-	return android.ApiLevelOrPanic(ctx, v.String())
-// asNumberString directly converts the numeric value of this sdk version as a string.
-// When isNumbered() is true, this method is the same as String(). However, for sdkVersionCurrent
-// and sdkVersionNone, this returns 10000 and 0 while String() returns "current" and "(no version"),
-// respectively.
-func (v sdkVersion) asNumberString() string {
-	return strconv.Itoa(int(v))
-// sdkSpec represents the kind and the version of an SDK for a module to build against
-type sdkSpec struct {
-	kind    sdkKind
-	version sdkVersion
-	raw     string
-func (s sdkSpec) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", s.kind, s.version)
-// valid checks if this sdkSpec is well-formed. Note however that true doesn't mean that the
-// specified SDK actually exists.
-func (s sdkSpec) valid() bool {
-	return s.kind != sdkInvalid
-// specified checks if this sdkSpec is well-formed and is not "".
-func (s sdkSpec) specified() bool {
-	return s.valid() && s.kind != sdkPrivate
-// whether the API surface is managed and versioned, i.e. has .txt file that
-// get frozen on SDK freeze and changes get reviewed by API council.
-func (s sdkSpec) stable() bool {
-	if !s.specified() {
-		return false
-	}
-	switch s.kind {
-	case sdkNone:
-		// there is nothing to manage and version in this case; de facto stable API.
-		return true
-	case sdkCore, sdkPublic, sdkSystem, sdkModule, sdkSystemServer:
-		return true
-	case sdkCorePlatform, sdkTest, sdkPrivate:
-		return false
-	default:
-		panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown sdkKind=%v", s.kind))
-	}
-	return false
-// prebuiltSdkAvailableForUnbundledBuilt tells whether this sdkSpec can have a prebuilt SDK
-// that can be used for unbundled builds.
-func (s sdkSpec) prebuiltSdkAvailableForUnbundledBuild() bool {
-	// "", "none", and "core_platform" are not available for unbundled build
-	// as we don't/can't have prebuilt stub for the versions
-	return s.kind != sdkPrivate && s.kind != sdkNone && s.kind != sdkCorePlatform
-func (s sdkSpec) forVendorPartition(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) sdkSpec {
-	// use it instead of "current" for the vendor partition.
-	currentSdkVersion := ctx.DeviceConfig().CurrentApiLevelForVendorModules()
-	if currentSdkVersion == "current" {
-		return s
-	}
-	if s.kind == sdkPublic || s.kind == sdkSystem {
-		if s.version.isCurrent() {
-			if i, err := strconv.Atoi(currentSdkVersion); err == nil {
-				version := sdkVersion(i)
-				return sdkSpec{s.kind, version, s.raw}
-			}
-			panic(fmt.Errorf("BOARD_CURRENT_API_LEVEL_FOR_VENDOR_MODULES must be either \"current\" or a number, but was %q", currentSdkVersion))
-		}
-	}
-	return s
-// usePrebuilt determines whether prebuilt SDK should be used for this sdkSpec with the given context.
-func (s sdkSpec) usePrebuilt(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) bool {
-	if s.version.isCurrent() {
-		// "current" can be built from source and be from prebuilt SDK
-		return ctx.Config().AlwaysUsePrebuiltSdks()
-	} else if s.version.isNumbered() {
-		// validation check
-		if s.kind != sdkPublic && s.kind != sdkSystem && s.kind != sdkTest && s.kind != sdkModule {
-			panic(fmt.Errorf("prebuilt SDK is not not available for sdkKind=%q", s.kind))
-			return false
-		}
-		// numbered SDKs are always from prebuilt
-		return true
-	}
-	// "", "none", "core_platform" fall here
-	return false
-// effectiveVersion converts an sdkSpec into the concrete sdkVersion that the module
-// should use. For modules targeting an unreleased SDK (meaning it does not yet have a number)
-// it returns android.FutureApiLevel(10000).
-func (s sdkSpec) effectiveVersion(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) (sdkVersion, error) {
-	if !s.valid() {
-		return s.version, fmt.Errorf("invalid sdk version %q", s.raw)
-	}
-	if ctx.DeviceSpecific() || ctx.SocSpecific() {
-		s = s.forVendorPartition(ctx)
-	}
-	if s.version.isNumbered() {
-		return s.version, nil
-	}
-	return sdkVersion(ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdk(ctx).FinalOrFutureInt()), nil
-// effectiveVersionString converts an sdkSpec into the concrete version string that the module
-// should use. For modules targeting an unreleased SDK (meaning it does not yet have a number)
-// it returns the codename (P, Q, R, etc.)
-func (s sdkSpec) effectiveVersionString(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) (string, error) {
-	ver, err := s.effectiveVersion(ctx)
-	if err == nil && int(ver) == ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdk(ctx).FinalOrFutureInt() {
-		return ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdk(ctx).String(), nil
-	}
-	return ver.String(), err
-func (s sdkSpec) defaultJavaLanguageVersion(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) javaVersion {
-	sdk, err := s.effectiveVersion(ctx)
+func defaultJavaLanguageVersion(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext, s android.SdkSpec) javaVersion {
+	sdk, err := s.EffectiveVersion(ctx)
 	if err != nil {
 		ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "%s", err)
@@ -275,103 +60,27 @@
-func sdkSpecFrom(str string) sdkSpec {
-	switch str {
-	// special cases first
-	case "":
-		return sdkSpec{sdkPrivate, sdkVersionNone, str}
-	case "none":
-		return sdkSpec{sdkNone, sdkVersionNone, str}
-	case "core_platform":
-		return sdkSpec{sdkCorePlatform, sdkVersionNone, str}
-	default:
-		// the syntax is [kind_]version
-		sep := strings.LastIndex(str, "_")
-		var kindString string
-		if sep == 0 {
-			return sdkSpec{sdkInvalid, sdkVersionNone, str}
-		} else if sep == -1 {
-			kindString = ""
-		} else {
-			kindString = str[0:sep]
-		}
-		versionString := str[sep+1 : len(str)]
-		var kind sdkKind
-		switch kindString {
-		case "":
-			kind = sdkPublic
-		case "core":
-			kind = sdkCore
-		case "system":
-			kind = sdkSystem
-		case "test":
-			kind = sdkTest
-		case "module":
-			kind = sdkModule
-		case "system_server":
-			kind = sdkSystemServer
-		default:
-			return sdkSpec{sdkInvalid, sdkVersionNone, str}
-		}
-		var version sdkVersion
-		if versionString == "current" {
-			version = sdkVersionCurrent
-		} else if i, err := strconv.Atoi(versionString); err == nil {
-			version = sdkVersion(i)
-		} else {
-			return sdkSpec{sdkInvalid, sdkVersionNone, str}
-		}
-		return sdkSpec{kind, version, str}
-	}
-func (s sdkSpec) validateSystemSdk(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) bool {
-	// Ensures that the specified system SDK version is one of BOARD_SYSTEMSDK_VERSIONS (for vendor/product Java module)
-	// Assuming that BOARD_SYSTEMSDK_VERSIONS := 28 29,
-	// sdk_version of the modules in vendor/product that use system sdk must be either system_28, system_29 or system_current
-	if s.kind != sdkSystem || !s.version.isNumbered() {
-		return true
-	}
-	allowedVersions := ctx.DeviceConfig().PlatformSystemSdkVersions()
-	if ctx.DeviceSpecific() || ctx.SocSpecific() || (ctx.ProductSpecific() && ctx.Config().EnforceProductPartitionInterface()) {
-		systemSdkVersions := ctx.DeviceConfig().SystemSdkVersions()
-		if len(systemSdkVersions) > 0 {
-			allowedVersions = systemSdkVersions
-		}
-	}
-	if len(allowedVersions) > 0 && !android.InList(s.version.String(), allowedVersions) {
-		ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "incompatible sdk version %q. System SDK version should be one of %q",
-			s.raw, allowedVersions)
-		return false
-	}
-	return true
-func decodeSdkDep(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext, sdkContext sdkContext) sdkDep {
-	sdkVersion := sdkContext.sdkVersion()
-	if !sdkVersion.valid() {
-		ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "invalid version %q", sdkVersion.raw)
+func decodeSdkDep(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext, sdkContext android.SdkContext) sdkDep {
+	sdkVersion := sdkContext.SdkVersion()
+	if !sdkVersion.Valid() {
+		ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "invalid version %q", sdkVersion.Raw)
 		return sdkDep{}
 	if ctx.DeviceSpecific() || ctx.SocSpecific() {
-		sdkVersion = sdkVersion.forVendorPartition(ctx)
+		sdkVersion = sdkVersion.ForVendorPartition(ctx)
-	if !sdkVersion.validateSystemSdk(ctx) {
+	if !sdkVersion.ValidateSystemSdk(ctx) {
 		return sdkDep{}
-	if sdkVersion.usePrebuilt(ctx) {
-		dir := filepath.Join("prebuilts", "sdk", sdkVersion.version.String(), sdkVersion.kind.String())
+	if sdkVersion.UsePrebuilt(ctx) {
+		dir := filepath.Join("prebuilts", "sdk", sdkVersion.Version.String(), sdkVersion.Kind.String())
 		jar := filepath.Join(dir, "android.jar")
 		// There's no aidl for other SDKs yet.
 		// TODO(77525052): Add aidl files for other SDKs too.
-		publicDir := filepath.Join("prebuilts", "sdk", sdkVersion.version.String(), "public")
+		publicDir := filepath.Join("prebuilts", "sdk", sdkVersion.Version.String(), "public")
 		aidl := filepath.Join(publicDir, "framework.aidl")
 		jarPath := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, jar)
 		aidlPath := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, aidl)
@@ -380,23 +89,23 @@
 		if (!jarPath.Valid() || !aidlPath.Valid()) && ctx.Config().AllowMissingDependencies() {
 			return sdkDep{
 				invalidVersion: true,
-				bootclasspath:  []string{fmt.Sprintf("sdk_%s_%s_android", sdkVersion.kind, sdkVersion.version.String())},
+				bootclasspath:  []string{fmt.Sprintf("sdk_%s_%s_android", sdkVersion.Kind, sdkVersion.Version.String())},
 		if !jarPath.Valid() {
-			ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "invalid sdk version %q, %q does not exist", sdkVersion.raw, jar)
+			ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "invalid sdk version %q, %q does not exist", sdkVersion.Raw, jar)
 			return sdkDep{}
 		if !aidlPath.Valid() {
-			ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "invalid sdk version %q, %q does not exist", sdkVersion.raw, aidl)
+			ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", "invalid sdk version %q, %q does not exist", sdkVersion.Raw, aidl)
 			return sdkDep{}
 		var systemModules string
-		if sdkVersion.defaultJavaLanguageVersion(ctx).usesJavaModules() {
-			systemModules = "sdk_public_" + sdkVersion.version.String() + "_system_modules"
+		if defaultJavaLanguageVersion(ctx, sdkVersion).usesJavaModules() {
+			systemModules = "sdk_public_" + sdkVersion.Version.String() + "_system_modules"
 		return sdkDep{
@@ -418,8 +127,8 @@
-	switch sdkVersion.kind {
-	case sdkPrivate:
+	switch sdkVersion.Kind {
+	case android.SdkPrivate:
 		return sdkDep{
 			useModule:          true,
 			systemModules:      corePlatformSystemModules(ctx),
@@ -427,8 +136,8 @@
 			classpath:          config.FrameworkLibraries,
 			frameworkResModule: "framework-res",
-	case sdkNone:
-		systemModules := sdkContext.systemModules()
+	case android.SdkNone:
+		systemModules := sdkContext.SystemModules()
 		if systemModules == "" {
 				`system_modules is required to be set to a non-empty value when sdk_version is "none", did you mean sdk_version: "core_platform"?`)
@@ -444,34 +153,34 @@
 			systemModules:  systemModules,
 			bootclasspath:  []string{systemModules},
-	case sdkCorePlatform:
+	case android.SdkCorePlatform:
 		return sdkDep{
 			useModule:        true,
 			systemModules:    corePlatformSystemModules(ctx),
 			bootclasspath:    corePlatformBootclasspathLibraries(ctx),
 			noFrameworksLibs: true,
-	case sdkPublic:
+	case android.SdkPublic:
 		return toModule([]string{"android_stubs_current"}, "framework-res", sdkFrameworkAidlPath(ctx))
-	case sdkSystem:
+	case android.SdkSystem:
 		return toModule([]string{"android_system_stubs_current"}, "framework-res", sdkFrameworkAidlPath(ctx))
-	case sdkTest:
+	case android.SdkTest:
 		return toModule([]string{"android_test_stubs_current"}, "framework-res", sdkFrameworkAidlPath(ctx))
-	case sdkCore:
+	case android.SdkCore:
 		return sdkDep{
 			useModule:        true,
 			bootclasspath:    []string{"core.current.stubs", config.DefaultLambdaStubsLibrary},
 			systemModules:    "core-current-stubs-system-modules",
 			noFrameworksLibs: true,
-	case sdkModule:
+	case android.SdkModule:
 		// TODO(146757305): provide .apk and .aidl that have more APIs for modules
 		return toModule([]string{"android_module_lib_stubs_current"}, "framework-res", nonUpdatableFrameworkAidlPath(ctx))
-	case sdkSystemServer:
+	case android.SdkSystemServer:
 		// TODO(146757305): provide .apk and .aidl that have more APIs for modules
 		return toModule([]string{"android_system_server_stubs_current"}, "framework-res", sdkFrameworkAidlPath(ctx))
-		panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid sdk %q", sdkVersion.raw))
+		panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid sdk %q", sdkVersion.Raw))
diff --git a/java/sdk_library.go b/java/sdk_library.go
index e1ca77d..ebb2154 100644
--- a/java/sdk_library.go
+++ b/java/sdk_library.go
@@ -814,22 +814,22 @@
 	return nil
-func (c *commonToSdkLibraryAndImport) selectHeaderJarsForSdkVersion(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion sdkSpec) android.Paths {
+func (c *commonToSdkLibraryAndImport) selectHeaderJarsForSdkVersion(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion android.SdkSpec) android.Paths {
 	// If a specific numeric version has been requested then use prebuilt versions of the sdk.
-	if sdkVersion.version.isNumbered() {
+	if sdkVersion.Version.IsNumbered() {
 		return PrebuiltJars(ctx, c.moduleBase.BaseModuleName(), sdkVersion)
 	var apiScope *apiScope
-	switch sdkVersion.kind {
-	case sdkSystem:
+	switch sdkVersion.Kind {
+	case android.SdkSystem:
 		apiScope = apiScopeSystem
-	case sdkModule:
+	case android.SdkModule:
 		apiScope = apiScopeModuleLib
-	case sdkTest:
+	case android.SdkTest:
 		apiScope = apiScopeTest
-	case sdkSystemServer:
+	case android.SdkSystemServer:
 		apiScope = apiScopeSystemServer
 		apiScope = apiScopePublic
@@ -932,14 +932,14 @@
 	// These are turbine generated jars so they only change if the externals of the
 	// class changes but it does not contain and implementation or JavaDoc.
-	SdkHeaderJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion sdkSpec) android.Paths
+	SdkHeaderJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion android.SdkSpec) android.Paths
 	// Get the implementation jars appropriate for the supplied sdk version.
 	// These are either the implementation jar for the whole sdk library or the implementation
 	// jars for the stubs. The latter should only be needed when generating JavaDoc as otherwise
 	// they are identical to the corresponding header jars.
-	SdkImplementationJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion sdkSpec) android.Paths
+	SdkImplementationJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion android.SdkSpec) android.Paths
 type SdkLibrary struct {
@@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@
 		return proptools.String(scopeProperties.Sdk_version)
-	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(mctx, sdkContext(&module.Library))
+	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(mctx, android.SdkContext(&module.Library))
 	if sdkDep.hasStandardLibs() {
 		// If building against a standard sdk then use the sdk version appropriate for the scope.
 		return apiScope.sdkVersion
@@ -1465,17 +1465,17 @@
 	mctx.CreateModule(sdkLibraryXmlFactory, &props)
-func PrebuiltJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, baseName string, s sdkSpec) android.Paths {
-	var ver sdkVersion
-	var kind sdkKind
-	if s.usePrebuilt(ctx) {
-		ver = s.version
-		kind = s.kind
+func PrebuiltJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, baseName string, s android.SdkSpec) android.Paths {
+	var ver android.SdkVersion
+	var kind android.SdkKind
+	if s.UsePrebuilt(ctx) {
+		ver = s.Version
+		kind = s.Kind
 	} else {
 		// We don't have prebuilt SDK for the specific sdkVersion.
 		// Instead of breaking the build, fallback to use "system_current"
-		ver = sdkVersionCurrent
-		kind = sdkSystem
+		ver = android.SdkVersionCurrent
+		kind = android.SdkSystem
 	dir := filepath.Join("prebuilts", "sdk", ver.String(), kind.String())
@@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@
 		if ctx.Config().AllowMissingDependencies() {
 			return android.Paths{android.PathForSource(ctx, jar)}
 		} else {
-			ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_library", "invalid sdk version %q, %q does not exist", s.raw, jar)
+			ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_library", "invalid sdk version %q, %q does not exist", s.Raw, jar)
 		return nil
@@ -1502,13 +1502,13 @@
 	return len(otherApexInfo.InApexes) > 0 && reflect.DeepEqual(apexInfo.InApexes, otherApexInfo.InApexes)
-func (module *SdkLibrary) sdkJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion sdkSpec, headerJars bool) android.Paths {
+func (module *SdkLibrary) sdkJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion android.SdkSpec, headerJars bool) android.Paths {
 	// If the client doesn't set sdk_version, but if this library prefers stubs over
 	// the impl library, let's provide the widest API surface possible. To do so,
 	// force override sdk_version to module_current so that the closest possible API
 	// surface could be found in selectHeaderJarsForSdkVersion
-	if module.defaultsToStubs() && !sdkVersion.specified() {
-		sdkVersion = sdkSpecFrom("module_current")
+	if module.defaultsToStubs() && !sdkVersion.Specified() {
+		sdkVersion = android.SdkSpecFrom("module_current")
 	// Only provide access to the implementation library if it is actually built.
@@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@
 		// Only allow access to the implementation library in the following condition:
 		// * No sdk_version specified on the referencing module.
 		// * The referencing module is in the same apex as this.
-		if sdkVersion.kind == sdkPrivate || withinSameApexesAs(ctx, module) {
+		if sdkVersion.Kind == android.SdkPrivate || withinSameApexesAs(ctx, module) {
 			if headerJars {
 				return module.HeaderJars()
 			} else {
@@ -1531,12 +1531,12 @@
 // to satisfy SdkLibraryDependency interface
-func (module *SdkLibrary) SdkHeaderJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion sdkSpec) android.Paths {
+func (module *SdkLibrary) SdkHeaderJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion android.SdkSpec) android.Paths {
 	return module.sdkJars(ctx, sdkVersion, true /*headerJars*/)
 // to satisfy SdkLibraryDependency interface
-func (module *SdkLibrary) SdkImplementationJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion sdkSpec) android.Paths {
+func (module *SdkLibrary) SdkImplementationJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion android.SdkSpec) android.Paths {
 	return module.sdkJars(ctx, sdkVersion, false /*headerJars*/)
@@ -1568,7 +1568,7 @@
 	// If this builds against standard libraries (i.e. is not part of the core libraries)
 	// then assume it provides both system and test apis.
-	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(mctx, sdkContext(&module.Library))
+	sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(mctx, android.SdkContext(&module.Library))
 	hasSystemAndTestApis := sdkDep.hasStandardLibs()
 	module.sdkLibraryProperties.Generate_system_and_test_apis = hasSystemAndTestApis
@@ -2069,7 +2069,7 @@
-func (module *SdkLibraryImport) sdkJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion sdkSpec, headerJars bool) android.Paths {
+func (module *SdkLibraryImport) sdkJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion android.SdkSpec, headerJars bool) android.Paths {
 	// For consistency with SdkLibrary make the implementation jar available to libraries that
 	// are within the same APEX.
@@ -2086,13 +2086,13 @@
 // to satisfy SdkLibraryDependency interface
-func (module *SdkLibraryImport) SdkHeaderJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion sdkSpec) android.Paths {
+func (module *SdkLibraryImport) SdkHeaderJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion android.SdkSpec) android.Paths {
 	// This module is just a wrapper for the prebuilt stubs.
 	return module.sdkJars(ctx, sdkVersion, true)
 // to satisfy SdkLibraryDependency interface
-func (module *SdkLibraryImport) SdkImplementationJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion sdkSpec) android.Paths {
+func (module *SdkLibraryImport) SdkImplementationJars(ctx android.BaseModuleContext, sdkVersion android.SdkSpec) android.Paths {
 	// This module is just a wrapper for the stubs.
 	return module.sdkJars(ctx, sdkVersion, false)
diff --git a/java/sdk_test.go b/java/sdk_test.go
index 028c4fe..2b18465 100644
--- a/java/sdk_test.go
+++ b/java/sdk_test.go
@@ -313,10 +313,10 @@
 			checkClasspath := func(t *testing.T, result *android.TestResult, isJava8 bool) {
 				foo := result.ModuleForTests("foo", variant)
-				javac := foo.Rule("javac").RelativeToTop()
+				javac := foo.Rule("javac")
 				var deps []string
-				aidl := foo.MaybeRule("aidl").RelativeToTop()
+				aidl := foo.MaybeRule("aidl")
 				if aidl.Rule != nil {
 					deps = append(deps, android.PathRelativeToTop(aidl.Output))
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
 				checkClasspath(t, result, true /* isJava8 */)
 				if != android.Host {
-					aidl := result.ModuleForTests("foo", variant).Rule("aidl").RelativeToTop()
+					aidl := result.ModuleForTests("foo", variant).Rule("aidl")
 					android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "aidl command", aidl.RuleParams.Command, testcase.aidl+" -I.")
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
 				checkClasspath(t, result, false /* isJava8 */)
 				if != android.Host {
-					aidl := result.ModuleForTests("foo", variant).Rule("aidl").RelativeToTop()
+					aidl := result.ModuleForTests("foo", variant).Rule("aidl")
 					android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "aidl command", aidl.RuleParams.Command, testcase.aidl+" -I.")
@@ -402,14 +402,16 @@
 			// Test again with PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL, javac -source 8 -target 8
 			t.Run("REL + Java language level 8", func(t *testing.T) {
-				result := fixtureFactory.Extend(prepareWithPlatformVersionRel).RunTestWithBp(t, bpJava8)
+				result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+					fixtureFactory, prepareWithPlatformVersionRel).RunTestWithBp(t, bpJava8)
 				checkClasspath(t, result, true /* isJava8 */)
 			// Test again with PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL, javac -source 9 -target 9
 			t.Run("REL + Java language level 9", func(t *testing.T) {
-				result := fixtureFactory.Extend(prepareWithPlatformVersionRel).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
+				result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+					fixtureFactory, prepareWithPlatformVersionRel).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
 				checkClasspath(t, result, false /* isJava8 */)
diff --git a/java/system_modules_test.go b/java/system_modules_test.go
index 7d8935a..7b5a386 100644
--- a/java/system_modules_test.go
+++ b/java/system_modules_test.go
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
-func getModuleHeaderJarsAsNormalizedPaths(result *android.TestResult, moduleNames ...string) []string {
+func getModuleHeaderJarsAsRelativeToTopPaths(result *android.TestResult, moduleNames ...string) []string {
 	paths := []string{}
 	for _, moduleName := range moduleNames {
 		module := result.Module(moduleName, "android_common")
 		info := result.ModuleProvider(module, JavaInfoProvider).(JavaInfo)
-		paths = append(paths, result.NormalizePathsForTesting(info.HeaderJars)...)
+		paths = append(paths, info.HeaderJars.RelativeToTop().Strings()...)
 	return paths
@@ -50,15 +50,15 @@
 func TestJavaSystemModules(t *testing.T) {
-	result := prepareForJavaTest.RunTest(t, addSourceSystemModules)
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(prepareForJavaTest, addSourceSystemModules).RunTest(t)
 	// check the existence of the source module
 	sourceSystemModules := result.ModuleForTests("system-modules", "android_common")
 	sourceInputs := sourceSystemModules.Rule("jarsTosystemModules").Inputs
 	// The expected paths are the header jars from the source input modules.
-	expectedSourcePaths := getModuleHeaderJarsAsNormalizedPaths(result, "system-module1", "system-module2")
-	android.AssertArrayString(t, "source system modules inputs", expectedSourcePaths, result.NormalizePathsForTesting(sourceInputs))
+	expectedSourcePaths := getModuleHeaderJarsAsRelativeToTopPaths(result, "system-module1", "system-module2")
+	android.AssertArrayString(t, "source system modules inputs", expectedSourcePaths, sourceInputs.RelativeToTop().Strings())
 var addPrebuiltSystemModules = android.FixtureAddTextFile("prebuilts/Android.bp", `
@@ -77,36 +77,37 @@
 func TestJavaSystemModulesImport(t *testing.T) {
-	result := prepareForJavaTest.RunTest(t, addPrebuiltSystemModules)
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(prepareForJavaTest, addPrebuiltSystemModules).RunTest(t)
 	// check the existence of the renamed prebuilt module
 	prebuiltSystemModules := result.ModuleForTests("system-modules", "android_common")
 	prebuiltInputs := prebuiltSystemModules.Rule("jarsTosystemModules").Inputs
 	// The expected paths are the header jars from the renamed prebuilt input modules.
-	expectedPrebuiltPaths := getModuleHeaderJarsAsNormalizedPaths(result, "system-module1", "system-module2")
-	android.AssertArrayString(t, "renamed prebuilt system modules inputs", expectedPrebuiltPaths, result.NormalizePathsForTesting(prebuiltInputs))
+	expectedPrebuiltPaths := getModuleHeaderJarsAsRelativeToTopPaths(result, "system-module1", "system-module2")
+	android.AssertArrayString(t, "renamed prebuilt system modules inputs", expectedPrebuiltPaths, prebuiltInputs.RelativeToTop().Strings())
 func TestJavaSystemModulesMixSourceAndPrebuilt(t *testing.T) {
-	result := prepareForJavaTest.RunTest(t,
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForJavaTest,
-	)
+	).RunTest(t)
 	// check the existence of the source module
 	sourceSystemModules := result.ModuleForTests("system-modules", "android_common")
 	sourceInputs := sourceSystemModules.Rule("jarsTosystemModules").Inputs
 	// The expected paths are the header jars from the source input modules.
-	expectedSourcePaths := getModuleHeaderJarsAsNormalizedPaths(result, "system-module1", "system-module2")
-	android.AssertArrayString(t, "source system modules inputs", expectedSourcePaths, result.NormalizePathsForTesting(sourceInputs))
+	expectedSourcePaths := getModuleHeaderJarsAsRelativeToTopPaths(result, "system-module1", "system-module2")
+	android.AssertArrayString(t, "source system modules inputs", expectedSourcePaths, sourceInputs.RelativeToTop().Strings())
 	// check the existence of the renamed prebuilt module
 	prebuiltSystemModules := result.ModuleForTests("prebuilt_system-modules", "android_common")
 	prebuiltInputs := prebuiltSystemModules.Rule("jarsTosystemModules").Inputs
 	// The expected paths are the header jars from the renamed prebuilt input modules.
-	expectedPrebuiltPaths := getModuleHeaderJarsAsNormalizedPaths(result, "prebuilt_system-module1", "prebuilt_system-module2")
-	android.AssertArrayString(t, "prebuilt system modules inputs", expectedPrebuiltPaths, result.NormalizePathsForTesting(prebuiltInputs))
+	expectedPrebuiltPaths := getModuleHeaderJarsAsRelativeToTopPaths(result, "prebuilt_system-module1", "prebuilt_system-module2")
+	android.AssertArrayString(t, "prebuilt system modules inputs", expectedPrebuiltPaths, prebuiltInputs.RelativeToTop().Strings())
diff --git a/java/testing.go b/java/testing.go
index 221ceb1..80c107d 100644
--- a/java/testing.go
+++ b/java/testing.go
@@ -160,28 +160,6 @@
-func TestConfig(buildDir string, env map[string]string, bp string, fs map[string][]byte) android.Config {
-	bp += GatherRequiredDepsForTest()
-	mockFS := android.MockFS{}
-	cc.GatherRequiredFilesForTest(mockFS)
-	for k, v := range fs {
-		mockFS[k] = v
-	}
-	if env == nil {
-		env = make(map[string]string)
-	}
-	if env["ANDROID_JAVA8_HOME"] == "" {
-		env["ANDROID_JAVA8_HOME"] = "jdk8"
-	}
-	config := android.TestArchConfig(buildDir, env, bp, mockFS)
-	return config
 func prebuiltApisFilesForLibs(apiLevels []string, sdkLibs []string) map[string][]byte {
 	fs := make(map[string][]byte)
 	for _, level := range apiLevels {
@@ -200,19 +178,6 @@
 	return fs
-// Register build components provided by this package that are needed by tests.
-// In particular this must register all the components that are used in the `Android.bp` snippet
-// returned by GatherRequiredDepsForTest()
-// deprecated: Use test fixtures instead, e.g. PrepareForTestWithJavaBuildComponents
-func RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
-	registerRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx)
-	// Make sure that any tool related module types needed by dexpreopt have been registered.
-	dexpreopt.RegisterToolModulesForTest(ctx)
 // registerRequiredBuildComponentsForTest registers the build components used by
 // PrepareForTestWithJavaDefaultModules.
@@ -228,7 +193,8 @@
-	RegisterJavaBuildComponents(ctx)
+	registerJavaBuildComponents(ctx)
+	registerPlatformBootclasspathBuildComponents(ctx)
@@ -236,23 +202,6 @@
-// Gather the module definitions needed by tests that depend upon code from this package.
-// Returns an `Android.bp` snippet that defines the modules that are needed by this package.
-// deprecated: Use test fixtures instead, e.g. PrepareForTestWithJavaDefaultModules
-func GatherRequiredDepsForTest() string {
-	bp := gatherRequiredDepsForTest()
-	// For class loader context and <uses-library> tests.
-	bp += dexpreopt.CompatLibDefinitionsForTest()
-	// Make sure that any tools needed for dexpreopting are defined.
-	bp += dexpreopt.BpToolModulesForTest()
-	return bp
 // gatherRequiredDepsForTest gathers the module definitions used by
 // PrepareForTestWithJavaDefaultModules.
diff --git a/kernel/prebuilt_kernel_modules.go b/kernel/prebuilt_kernel_modules.go
index 14ac021..5bcca04 100644
--- a/kernel/prebuilt_kernel_modules.go
+++ b/kernel/prebuilt_kernel_modules.go
@@ -27,8 +27,12 @@
 func init() {
-	android.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_kernel_modules", prebuiltKernelModulesFactory)
+	registerKernelBuildComponents(android.InitRegistrationContext)
+func registerKernelBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
+	ctx.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_kernel_modules", prebuiltKernelModulesFactory)
 type prebuiltKernelModules struct {
diff --git a/kernel/prebuilt_kernel_modules_test.go b/kernel/prebuilt_kernel_modules_test.go
index 433548b..90b9886 100644
--- a/kernel/prebuilt_kernel_modules_test.go
+++ b/kernel/prebuilt_kernel_modules_test.go
@@ -15,73 +15,29 @@
 package kernel
 import (
-	"io/ioutil"
-	"reflect"
-	"strings"
-func testKernelModules(t *testing.T, bp string, fs map[string][]byte) (*android.TestContext, android.Config) {
-	bp = bp + `
-		cc_binary_host {
-			name: "depmod",
-			srcs: ["depmod.cpp"],
-			stl: "none",
-			static_executable: true,
-			system_shared_libs: [],
-		}
-	`
-	bp = bp + cc.GatherRequiredDepsForTest(android.Android)
-	fs["depmod.cpp"] = nil
-	cc.GatherRequiredFilesForTest(fs)
-	config := android.TestArchConfig(buildDir, nil, bp, fs)
-	ctx := android.NewTestArchContext(config)
-	ctx.RegisterModuleType("prebuilt_kernel_modules", prebuiltKernelModulesFactory)
-	ctx.PreArchMutators(android.RegisterDefaultsPreArchMutators)
-	cc.RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx)
-	ctx.Register()
-	_, errs := ctx.ParseFileList(".", []string{"Android.bp"})
-	android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
-	_, errs = ctx.PrepareBuildActions(config)
-	android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
-	return ctx, config
-func ensureListContains(t *testing.T, result []string, expected string) {
-	t.Helper()
-	if !android.InList(expected, result) {
-		t.Errorf("%q is not found in %v", expected, result)
-	}
-func ensureContains(t *testing.T, result string, expected string) {
-	t.Helper()
-	if !strings.Contains(result, expected) {
-		t.Errorf("%q is not found in %q", expected, result)
-	}
 func TestKernelModulesFilelist(t *testing.T) {
-	ctx, _ := testKernelModules(t, `
+	ctx := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		cc.PrepareForTestWithCcDefaultModules,
+		android.FixtureRegisterWithContext(registerKernelBuildComponents),
+		android.MockFS{
+			"depmod.cpp": nil,
+			"mod1.ko":    nil,
+			"mod2.ko":    nil,
+		}.AddToFixture(),
+	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
 		prebuilt_kernel_modules {
 			name: "foo",
 			srcs: ["*.ko"],
 			kernel_version: "5.10",
-	`,
-		map[string][]byte{
-			"mod1.ko": nil,
-			"mod2.ko": nil,
-		})
+	`)
 	expected := []string{
@@ -98,32 +54,9 @@
 	actual = android.SortedUniqueStrings(actual)
 	expected = android.SortedUniqueStrings(expected)
-	if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) {
-		t.Errorf("\ngot: %v\nexpected: %v\n", actual, expected)
-	}
-var buildDir string
-func setUp() {
-	var err error
-	buildDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "soong_kernel_test")
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-func tearDown() {
-	os.RemoveAll(buildDir)
+	android.AssertDeepEquals(t, "foo packaging specs", expected, actual)
 func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
-	run := func() int {
-		setUp()
-		defer tearDown()
-		return m.Run()
-	}
-	os.Exit(run())
+	os.Exit(m.Run())
diff --git a/linkerconfig/linkerconfig.go b/linkerconfig/linkerconfig.go
index ff548e5..da80a47 100644
--- a/linkerconfig/linkerconfig.go
+++ b/linkerconfig/linkerconfig.go
@@ -27,7 +27,11 @@
 func init() {
 	pctx.HostBinToolVariable("conv_linker_config", "conv_linker_config")
-	android.RegisterModuleType("linker_config", linkerConfigFactory)
+	registerLinkerConfigBuildComponent(android.InitRegistrationContext)
+func registerLinkerConfigBuildComponent(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
+	ctx.RegisterModuleType("linker_config", linkerConfigFactory)
 type linkerConfigProperties struct {
diff --git a/linkerconfig/linkerconfig_test.go b/linkerconfig/linkerconfig_test.go
index 8eed4b5..939e4bb 100644
--- a/linkerconfig/linkerconfig_test.go
+++ b/linkerconfig/linkerconfig_test.go
@@ -15,65 +15,29 @@
 package linkerconfig
 import (
-	"android/soong/android"
-	"io/ioutil"
+	"android/soong/android"
-var buildDir string
-func setUp() {
-	var err error
-	buildDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "soong_etc_test")
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-func tearDown() {
-	os.RemoveAll(buildDir)
 func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
-	run := func() int {
-		setUp()
-		defer tearDown()
-		return m.Run()
-	}
-	os.Exit(run())
+	os.Exit(m.Run())
-func testContext(t *testing.T, bp string) *android.TestContext {
-	t.Helper()
-	fs := map[string][]byte{
-		"linker.config.json": nil,
-	}
-	config := android.TestArchConfig(buildDir, nil, bp, fs)
-	ctx := android.NewTestArchContext(config)
-	ctx.RegisterModuleType("linker_config", linkerConfigFactory)
-	ctx.Register()
-	_, errs := ctx.ParseFileList(".", []string{"Android.bp"})
-	android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
-	_, errs = ctx.PrepareBuildActions(config)
-	android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
-	return ctx
+var prepareForLinkerConfigTest = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+	android.PrepareForTestWithAndroidBuildComponents,
+	android.FixtureRegisterWithContext(registerLinkerConfigBuildComponent),
+	android.FixtureAddFile("linker.config.json", nil),
 func TestBaseLinkerConfig(t *testing.T) {
-	ctx := testContext(t, `
-	linker_config {
-		name: "linker-config-base",
-		src: "linker.config.json",
-	}
+	result := prepareForLinkerConfigTest.RunTestWithBp(t, `
+		linker_config {
+			name: "linker-config-base",
+			src: "linker.config.json",
+		}
 	expected := map[string][]string{
@@ -82,13 +46,13 @@
 		"LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE_STEM": {"linker.config.pb"},
-	p := ctx.ModuleForTests("linker-config-base", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Module().(*linkerConfig)
+	p := result.ModuleForTests("linker-config-base", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Module().(*linkerConfig)
 	if p.outputFilePath.Base() != "linker.config.pb" {
 		t.Errorf("expected linker.config.pb, got %q", p.outputFilePath.Base())
-	entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, ctx, p)[0]
+	entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, result.TestContext, p)[0]
 	for k, expectedValue := range expected {
 		if value, ok := entries.EntryMap[k]; ok {
 			if !reflect.DeepEqual(value, expectedValue) {
@@ -105,18 +69,18 @@
 func TestUninstallableLinkerConfig(t *testing.T) {
-	ctx := testContext(t, `
-	linker_config {
-		name: "linker-config-base",
-		src: "linker.config.json",
-		installable: false,
-	}
+	result := prepareForLinkerConfigTest.RunTestWithBp(t, `
+		linker_config {
+			name: "linker-config-base",
+			src: "linker.config.json",
+			installable: false,
+		}
 	expected := []string{"true"}
-	p := ctx.ModuleForTests("linker-config-base", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Module().(*linkerConfig)
-	entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, ctx, p)[0]
+	p := result.ModuleForTests("linker-config-base", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Module().(*linkerConfig)
+	entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, result.TestContext, p)[0]
 	if value, ok := entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE"]; ok {
 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(value, expected) {
 			t.Errorf("LOCAL_UNINSTALLABLE_MODULE is expected to be true but %s", value)
diff --git a/python/binary.go b/python/binary.go
index 5b0f080..e955492 100644
--- a/python/binary.go
+++ b/python/binary.go
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
 type bazelPythonBinaryAttributes struct {
 	Main           string
-	Srcs           bazel.LabelList
-	Data           bazel.LabelList
+	Srcs           bazel.LabelListAttribute
+	Data           bazel.LabelListAttribute
 	Python_version string
@@ -97,10 +97,13 @@
 		// do nothing, since python_version defaults to PY3.
+	srcs := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx,,
+	data := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx,
 	attrs := &bazelPythonBinaryAttributes{
 		Main:           main,
-		Srcs:           android.BazelLabelForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx,,,
-		Data:           android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx,,
+		Srcs:           bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(srcs),
+		Data:           bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(data),
 		Python_version: python_version,
diff --git a/rust/clippy_test.go b/rust/clippy_test.go
index e90564f..bd3bfb1 100644
--- a/rust/clippy_test.go
+++ b/rust/clippy_test.go
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
-	"android/soong/cc"
 func TestClippy(t *testing.T) {
@@ -45,15 +44,6 @@
 			clippy_lints: "none",
-	bp = bp + GatherRequiredDepsForTest()
-	bp = bp + cc.GatherRequiredDepsForTest(android.NoOsType)
-	fs := map[string][]byte{
-		// Reuse the same blueprint file for subdirectories.
-		"external/Android.bp": []byte(bp),
-		"hardware/Android.bp": []byte(bp),
-	}
 	var clippyLintTests = []struct {
 		modulePath string
 		fooFlags   string
@@ -66,29 +56,22 @@
 	for _, tc := range clippyLintTests {
 		t.Run("path="+tc.modulePath, func(t *testing.T) {
-			config := android.TestArchConfig(t.TempDir(), nil, bp, fs)
-			ctx := CreateTestContext(config)
-			ctx.Register()
-			_, errs := ctx.ParseFileList(".", []string{tc.modulePath + "Android.bp"})
-			android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
-			_, errs = ctx.PrepareBuildActions(config)
-			android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
+			result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+				prepareForRustTest,
+				// Test with the blueprint file in different directories.
+				android.FixtureAddTextFile(tc.modulePath+"Android.bp", bp),
+			).RunTest(t)
-			r := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("clippy")
-			if r.Args["clippyFlags"] != tc.fooFlags {
-				t.Errorf("Incorrect flags for libfoo: %q, want %q", r.Args["clippyFlags"], tc.fooFlags)
-			}
+			r := result.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("clippy")
+			android.AssertStringEquals(t, "libfoo flags", tc.fooFlags, r.Args["clippyFlags"])
-			r = ctx.ModuleForTests("libbar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("clippy")
-			if r.Args["clippyFlags"] != "${config.ClippyDefaultLints}" {
-				t.Errorf("Incorrect flags for libbar: %q, want %q", r.Args["clippyFlags"], "${config.ClippyDefaultLints}")
-			}
+			r = result.ModuleForTests("libbar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("clippy")
+			android.AssertStringEquals(t, "libbar flags", "${config.ClippyDefaultLints}", r.Args["clippyFlags"])
-			r = ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoobar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("clippy")
+			r = result.ModuleForTests("libfoobar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("clippy")
 			if r.Rule != nil {
 				t.Errorf("libfoobar is setup to use clippy when explicitly disabled: clippyFlags=%q", r.Args["clippyFlags"])
diff --git a/rust/compiler.go b/rust/compiler.go
index 200af90..41b7371 100644
--- a/rust/compiler.go
+++ b/rust/compiler.go
@@ -97,13 +97,25 @@
 	// list of C shared library dependencies
 	Shared_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
-	// list of C static library dependencies. Note, static libraries prefixed by "lib" will be passed to rustc
-	// along with "-lstatic=<name>". This will bundle the static library into rlib/static libraries so dependents do
-	// not need to also declare the static library as a dependency. Static libraries which are not prefixed by "lib"
-	// cannot be passed to rustc with this flag and will not be bundled into rlib/static libraries, and thus must
-	// be redeclared in dependents.
+	// list of C static library dependencies. These dependencies do not normally propagate to dependents
+	// and may need to be redeclared. See whole_static_libs for bundling static dependencies into a library.
 	Static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
+	// Similar to static_libs, but will bundle the static library dependency into a library. This is helpful
+	// to avoid having to redeclare the dependency for dependents of this library, but in some cases may also
+	// result in bloat if multiple dependencies all include the same static library whole.
+	//
+	// The common use case for this is when the static library is unlikely to be a dependency of other modules to avoid
+	// having to redeclare the static library dependency for every dependent module.
+	// If you are not sure what to, for rust_library modules most static dependencies should go in static_libraries,
+	// and for rust_ffi modules most static dependencies should go into whole_static_libraries.
+	//
+	// For rust_ffi static variants, these libraries will be included in the resulting static library archive.
+	//
+	// For rust_library rlib variants, these libraries will be bundled into the resulting rlib library. This will
+	// include all of the static libraries symbols in any dylibs or binaries which use this rlib as well.
+	Whole_static_libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
 	// crate name, required for modules which produce Rust libraries: rust_library, rust_ffi and SourceProvider
 	// modules which create library variants (rust_bindgen). This must be the expected extern crate name used in
 	// source, and is required to conform to an enforced format matching library output files (if the output file is
@@ -266,6 +278,7 @@
 	deps.Rustlibs = append(deps.Rustlibs, compiler.Properties.Rustlibs...)
 	deps.ProcMacros = append(deps.ProcMacros, compiler.Properties.Proc_macros...)
 	deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, compiler.Properties.Static_libs...)
+	deps.WholeStaticLibs = append(deps.WholeStaticLibs, compiler.Properties.Whole_static_libs...)
 	deps.SharedLibs = append(deps.SharedLibs, compiler.Properties.Shared_libs...)
 	if !Bool(compiler.Properties.No_stdlibs) {
diff --git a/rust/compiler_test.go b/rust/compiler_test.go
index 3ed086f..c752762 100644
--- a/rust/compiler_test.go
+++ b/rust/compiler_test.go
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
-	"android/soong/cc"
 // Test that feature flags are being correctly generated.
@@ -132,15 +131,6 @@
 			lints: "none",
-	bp = bp + GatherRequiredDepsForTest()
-	bp = bp + cc.GatherRequiredDepsForTest(android.NoOsType)
-	fs := map[string][]byte{
-		// Reuse the same blueprint file for subdirectories.
-		"external/Android.bp": []byte(bp),
-		"hardware/Android.bp": []byte(bp),
-	}
 	var lintTests = []struct {
 		modulePath string
 		fooFlags   string
@@ -153,29 +143,20 @@
 	for _, tc := range lintTests {
 		t.Run("path="+tc.modulePath, func(t *testing.T) {
-			config := android.TestArchConfig(t.TempDir(), nil, bp, fs)
-			ctx := CreateTestContext(config)
-			ctx.Register()
-			_, errs := ctx.ParseFileList(".", []string{tc.modulePath + "Android.bp"})
-			android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
-			_, errs = ctx.PrepareBuildActions(config)
-			android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
+			result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+				prepareForRustTest,
+				// Test with the blueprint file in different directories.
+				android.FixtureAddTextFile(tc.modulePath+"Android.bp", bp),
+			).RunTest(t)
-			r := ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("rustc")
-			if !strings.Contains(r.Args["rustcFlags"], tc.fooFlags) {
-				t.Errorf("Incorrect flags for libfoo: %q, want %q", r.Args["rustcFlags"], tc.fooFlags)
-			}
+			r := result.ModuleForTests("libfoo", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("rustc")
+			android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "libfoo flags", r.Args["rustcFlags"], tc.fooFlags)
-			r = ctx.ModuleForTests("libbar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("rustc")
-			if !strings.Contains(r.Args["rustcFlags"], "${config.RustDefaultLints}") {
-				t.Errorf("Incorrect flags for libbar: %q, want %q", r.Args["rustcFlags"], "${config.RustDefaultLints}")
-			}
+			r = result.ModuleForTests("libbar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("rustc")
+			android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "libbar flags", r.Args["rustcFlags"], "${config.RustDefaultLints}")
-			r = ctx.ModuleForTests("libfoobar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("rustc")
-			if !strings.Contains(r.Args["rustcFlags"], "${config.RustAllowAllLints}") {
-				t.Errorf("Incorrect flags for libfoobar: %q, want %q", r.Args["rustcFlags"], "${config.RustAllowAllLints}")
-			}
+			r = result.ModuleForTests("libfoobar", "android_arm64_armv8-a_dylib").MaybeRule("rustc")
+			android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "libfoobar flags", r.Args["rustcFlags"], "${config.RustAllowAllLints}")
diff --git a/rust/config/allowed_list.go b/rust/config/allowed_list.go
index 408d433..1c8e43e 100644
--- a/rust/config/allowed_list.go
+++ b/rust/config/allowed_list.go
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+		"system/core/libstats/pull_rust",
diff --git a/rust/project_json.go b/rust/project_json.go
index 8d3d250..c28bc7b 100644
--- a/rust/project_json.go
+++ b/rust/project_json.go
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 	RootModule  string            `json:"root_module"`
 	Edition     string            `json:"edition,omitempty"`
 	Deps        []rustProjectDep  `json:"deps"`
-	Cfgs        []string          `json:"cfgs"`
+	Cfg         []string          `json:"cfg"`
 	Env         map[string]string `json:"env"`
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
 		RootModule:  rootModule,
 		Edition:     comp.edition(),
 		Deps:        make([]rustProjectDep, 0),
-		Cfgs:        make([]string, 0),
+		Cfg:         make([]string, 0),
 		Env:         make(map[string]string),
@@ -238,6 +238,10 @@
 		crate.Env["OUT_DIR"] = comp.CargoOutDir().String()
+	for _, feature := range comp.Properties.Features {
+		crate.Cfg = append(crate.Cfg, "feature=\""+feature+"\"")
+	}
 	deps := make(map[string]int)
 	singleton.mergeDependencies(ctx, rModule, &crate, deps)
diff --git a/rust/project_json_test.go b/rust/project_json_test.go
index 8f64f56..09d30db 100644
--- a/rust/project_json_test.go
+++ b/rust/project_json_test.go
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+	"sort"
@@ -27,9 +28,10 @@
 // testProjectJson run the generation of rust-project.json. It returns the raw
 // content of the generated file.
 func testProjectJson(t *testing.T, bp string) []byte {
-	result := prepareForRustTest.
-		Extend(android.FixtureMergeEnv(map[string]string{"SOONG_GEN_RUST_PROJECT": "1"})).
-		RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForRustTest,
+		android.FixtureMergeEnv(map[string]string{"SOONG_GEN_RUST_PROJECT": "1"}),
+	).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
 	// The JSON file is generated via WriteFileToOutputDir. Therefore, it
 	// won't appear in the Output of the TestingSingleton. Manually verify
@@ -115,6 +117,41 @@
 	validateJsonCrates(t, jsonContent)
+func TestProjectJsonFeature(t *testing.T) {
+	bp := `
+	rust_library {
+		name: "liba",
+		srcs: ["a/src/"],
+		crate_name: "a",
+		features: ["f1", "f2"]
+	}
+	`
+	jsonContent := testProjectJson(t, bp)
+	crates := validateJsonCrates(t, jsonContent)
+	for _, c := range crates {
+		crate := validateCrate(t, c)
+		cfgs, ok := crate["cfg"].([]interface{})
+		if !ok {
+			t.Fatalf("Unexpected type for cfgs: %v", crate)
+		}
+		expectedCfgs := []string{"feature=\"f1\"", "feature=\"f2\""}
+		foundCfgs := []string{}
+		for _, cfg := range cfgs {
+			cfg, ok := cfg.(string)
+			if !ok {
+				t.Fatalf("Unexpected type for cfg: %v", cfg)
+			}
+			foundCfgs = append(foundCfgs, cfg)
+		}
+		sort.Strings(foundCfgs)
+		for i, foundCfg := range foundCfgs {
+			if foundCfg != expectedCfgs[i] {
+				t.Errorf("Incorrect features: got %v; want %v", foundCfg, expectedCfgs[i])
+			}
+		}
+	}
 func TestProjectJsonBinary(t *testing.T) {
 	bp := `
 	rust_binary {
diff --git a/rust/rust.go b/rust/rust.go
index 8ebdb72..f0d0e36 100644
--- a/rust/rust.go
+++ b/rust/rust.go
@@ -256,6 +256,10 @@
 	return ""
+func (mod *Module) MinSdkVersion() string {
+	return ""
 func (mod *Module) AlwaysSdk() bool {
 	return false
@@ -269,14 +273,15 @@
 type Deps struct {
-	Dylibs     []string
-	Rlibs      []string
-	Rustlibs   []string
-	Stdlibs    []string
-	ProcMacros []string
-	SharedLibs []string
-	StaticLibs []string
-	HeaderLibs []string
+	Dylibs          []string
+	Rlibs           []string
+	Rustlibs        []string
+	Stdlibs         []string
+	ProcMacros      []string
+	SharedLibs      []string
+	StaticLibs      []string
+	WholeStaticLibs []string
+	HeaderLibs      []string
 	CrtBegin, CrtEnd string
@@ -751,7 +756,7 @@
 	deps.ProcMacros = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.ProcMacros)
 	deps.SharedLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.SharedLibs)
 	deps.StaticLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.StaticLibs)
+	deps.WholeStaticLibs = android.LastUniqueStrings(deps.WholeStaticLibs)
 	return deps
@@ -911,16 +916,13 @@
 			exportDep := false
 			switch {
 			case cc.IsStaticDepTag(depTag):
-				// Only pass -lstatic for rlibs as it results in dylib bloat.
-				if lib, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module).compiler.(libraryInterface); ok && lib.rlib() {
-					// Link cc static libraries using "-lstatic" so rustc can reason about how to handle these
-					// (for example, bundling them into rlibs).
-					//
-					// rustc does not support linking libraries with the "-l" flag unless they are prefixed by "lib".
-					// If we need to link a library that isn't prefixed by "lib", we'll just link to it directly through
-					// linkObjects; such a library may need to be redeclared by static dependents.
+				if cc.IsWholeStaticLib(depTag) {
+					// rustc will bundle static libraries when they're passed with "-lstatic=<lib>". This will fail
+					// if the library is not prefixed by "lib".
 					if libName, ok := libNameFromFilePath(linkObject.Path()); ok {
 						depPaths.depFlags = append(depPaths.depFlags, "-lstatic="+libName)
+					} else {
+						ctx.ModuleErrorf("'%q' cannot be listed as a whole_static_library in Rust modules unless the output is prefixed by 'lib'", depName, ctx.ModuleName())
@@ -1099,7 +1101,10 @@
 		cc.SharedDepTag(), deps.SharedLibs...)
 		blueprint.Variation{Mutator: "link", Variation: "static"}),
-		cc.StaticDepTag(), deps.StaticLibs...)
+		cc.StaticDepTag(false), deps.StaticLibs...)
+	actx.AddVariationDependencies(append(commonDepVariations,
+		blueprint.Variation{Mutator: "link", Variation: "static"}),
+		cc.StaticDepTag(true), deps.WholeStaticLibs...)
 	actx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, cc.HeaderDepTag(), deps.HeaderLibs...)
diff --git a/rust/rust_test.go b/rust/rust_test.go
index bed28ec..418bd93 100644
--- a/rust/rust_test.go
+++ b/rust/rust_test.go
@@ -149,6 +149,11 @@
 			srcs: [""],
 			crate_name: "static",
+		rust_ffi_host_static {
+			name: "libwholestatic",
+			srcs: [""],
+			crate_name: "wholestatic",
+		}
 		rust_ffi_host_shared {
 			name: "libshared",
 			srcs: [""],
@@ -164,6 +169,7 @@
 			srcs: [""],
 			crate_name: "rlib",
 			static_libs: ["libstatic"],
+			whole_static_libs: ["libwholestatic"],
 		rust_proc_macro {
 			name: "libpm",
@@ -204,8 +210,8 @@
 		t.Errorf("Static library dependency not detected (dependency missing from AndroidMkStaticLibs)")
-	if !strings.Contains(rustc.Args["rustcFlags"], "-lstatic=static") {
-		t.Errorf("-lstatic flag not being passed to rustc for static library")
+	if !strings.Contains(rustc.Args["rustcFlags"], "-lstatic=wholestatic") {
+		t.Errorf("-lstatic flag not being passed to rustc for static library %#v", rustc.Args["rustcFlags"])
diff --git a/rust/sanitize.go b/rust/sanitize.go
index 2f44b20..2498aa1 100644
--- a/rust/sanitize.go
+++ b/rust/sanitize.go
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@
 	"-C passes='sancov'",
 	"--cfg fuzzing",
-	"-C llvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-level=4",
+	"-C llvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-level=3",
 	"-C llvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-trace-compares",
 	"-C llvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-inline-8bit-counters",
+	"-C llvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-stack-depth",
 	"-C llvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-trace-geps",
 	"-C llvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-prune-blocks=0",
-	"-C llvm-args=-sanitizer-coverage-pc-table",
 	"-Z sanitizer=address",
 	// Sancov breaks with lto
diff --git a/rust/testing.go b/rust/testing.go
index 5be71c9..75adcfc 100644
--- a/rust/testing.go
+++ b/rust/testing.go
@@ -17,13 +17,12 @@
 import (
-	"android/soong/genrule"
 // Preparer that will define all cc module types and a limited set of mutators and singletons that
 // make those module types usable.
 var PrepareForTestWithRustBuildComponents = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
-	android.FixtureRegisterWithContext(RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest),
+	android.FixtureRegisterWithContext(registerRequiredBuildComponentsForTest),
 // The directory in which rust test default modules will be defined.
@@ -197,7 +196,7 @@
 	return bp
-func RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
+func registerRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
 	ctx.RegisterModuleType("rust_binary", RustBinaryFactory)
 	ctx.RegisterModuleType("rust_binary_host", RustBinaryHostFactory)
 	ctx.RegisterModuleType("rust_bindgen", RustBindgenFactory)
@@ -231,14 +230,3 @@
 	ctx.RegisterSingletonType("rust_project_generator", rustProjectGeneratorSingleton)
-func CreateTestContext(config android.Config) *android.TestContext {
-	ctx := android.NewTestArchContext(config)
-	android.RegisterPrebuiltMutators(ctx)
-	ctx.PreArchMutators(android.RegisterDefaultsPreArchMutators)
-	genrule.RegisterGenruleBuildComponents(ctx)
-	cc.RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx)
-	RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx)
-	return ctx
diff --git a/scripts/OWNERS b/scripts/OWNERS
index 8198083..2b9c2de 100644
--- a/scripts/OWNERS
+++ b/scripts/OWNERS
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
 per-file =,,
 per-file =,,,
 per-file =,,
+per-file gen_ndk*.sh =,
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 18174a4..30cb937 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
-  stats-log-api-gen-exports
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 6f9edc4..f0658ba 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@
     if not args.sdk:
       raise SystemExit('target sdk version is not set')
     if not args.host_contexts:
-      raise SystemExit('host context is not set')
+      args.host_contexts = []
     if not args.target_contexts:
-      raise SystemExit('target context is not set')
+      args.target_contexts = []
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index f143161..0d3ed5a 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
       if [[ $line = *FUNC*GLOBAL*UND*@* ]] ;
-          echo "$line" | sed -r 's/.*UND (.*)@.*/\1/g' >> "$2"
+          echo "$line" | sed -r 's/.*UND (.*@.*)/\1/g' >> "$2"
   done < "$1"
   echo "" >> "$2"
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 244ed0d..a9b61a1 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
 # their sizes.
 # Inputs:
 #  Environment:
-#   CROSS_COMPILE: prefix added to nm tools
+#   CLANG_BIN: path to the clang bin directory
 #  Arguments:
 #   $1: Input ELF file
 #   $2: Output symbol ordering file
 set -o pipefail
-${CROSS_COMPILE}nm --size-sort $1 | awk '{if ($2 == "b" || $2 == "B") print $3}' > $2
+${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-nm --size-sort $1 | awk '{if ($2 == "b" || $2 == "B") print $3}' > $2
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 1343f35..8168fbf 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
   return parser.parse_args()
-def enforce_uses_libraries(manifest, required, optional, relax, is_apk = False):
+def enforce_uses_libraries(manifest, required, optional, relax, is_apk, path):
   """Verify that the <uses-library> tags in the manifest match those provided
   by the build system.
@@ -86,26 +86,36 @@
     is_apk:   if the manifest comes from an APK or an XML file
   if is_apk:
-    manifest_required, manifest_optional = extract_uses_libs_apk(manifest)
+    manifest_required, manifest_optional, tags = extract_uses_libs_apk(manifest)
-    manifest_required, manifest_optional = extract_uses_libs_xml(manifest)
+    manifest_required, manifest_optional, tags = extract_uses_libs_xml(manifest)
-  err = []
-  if manifest_required != required:
-    err.append('Expected required <uses-library> tags "%s", got "%s"' %
-               (', '.join(required), ', '.join(manifest_required)))
+  if manifest_required == required and manifest_optional == optional:
+    return None
-  if manifest_optional != optional:
-    err.append('Expected optional <uses-library> tags "%s", got "%s"' %
-               (', '.join(optional), ', '.join(manifest_optional)))
+  errmsg = ''.join([
+    'mismatch in the <uses-library> tags between the build system and the '
+      'manifest:\n',
+    '\t- required libraries in build system: [%s]\n' % ', '.join(required),
+    '\t                 vs. in the manifest: [%s]\n' % ', '.join(manifest_required),
+    '\t- optional libraries in build system: [%s]\n' % ', '.join(optional),
+    '\t                 vs. in the manifest: [%s]\n' % ', '.join(manifest_optional),
+    '\t- tags in the manifest (%s):\n' % path,
+    '\t\t%s\n' % '\t\t'.join(tags),
+      'note: the following options are available:\n',
+    '\t- to temporarily disable the check on command line, rebuild with ',
+      'RELAX_USES_LIBRARY_CHECK=true (this will set compiler filter "verify" ',
+      'and disable AOT-compilation in dexpreopt)\n',
+    '\t- to temporarily disable the check for the whole product, set ',
+      'PRODUCT_BROKEN_VERIFY_USES_LIBRARIES := true in the product makefiles\n',
+    '\t- to fix the check, make build system properties coherent with the '
+      'manifest\n',
+    '\t- see build/make/ for details\n'])
-  if err:
-    errmsg = '\n'.join(err)
-    if not relax:
-      raise ManifestMismatchError(errmsg)
-    return errmsg
+  if not relax:
+    raise ManifestMismatchError(errmsg)
-  return None
+  return errmsg
 def extract_uses_libs_apk(badging):
@@ -115,14 +125,19 @@
   required = []
   optional = []
+  lines = []
   for match in re.finditer(pattern, badging):
+    lines.append(
     libname =
     if == None:
-  return first_unique_elements(required), first_unique_elements(optional)
+  required = first_unique_elements(required)
+  optional = first_unique_elements(optional)
+  tags = first_unique_elements(lines)
+  return required, optional, tags
 def extract_uses_libs_xml(xml):
@@ -143,7 +158,15 @@
   required = [uses_library_name(x) for x in libs if uses_library_required(x)]
   optional = [uses_library_name(x) for x in libs if not uses_library_required(x)]
-  return first_unique_elements(required), first_unique_elements(optional)
+  # render <uses-library> tags as XML for a pretty error message
+  tags = []
+  for lib in libs:
+    tags.append(lib.toprettyxml())
+  required = first_unique_elements(required)
+  optional = first_unique_elements(optional)
+  tags = first_unique_elements(tags)
+  return required, optional, tags
 def first_unique_elements(l):
@@ -278,7 +301,7 @@
       # in the manifest. Raise an exception on mismatch, unless the script was
       # passed a special parameter to suppress exceptions.
       errmsg = enforce_uses_libraries(manifest, required, optional,
-        args.enforce_uses_libraries_relax, is_apk)
+        args.enforce_uses_libraries_relax, is_apk, args.input)
       # Create a status file that is empty on success, or contains an error
       # message on failure. When exceptions are suppressed, dexpreopt command
@@ -289,7 +312,12 @@
             f.write("%s\n" % errmsg)
     if args.extract_target_sdk_version:
-      print(extract_target_sdk_version(manifest, is_apk))
+      try:
+        print(extract_target_sdk_version(manifest, is_apk))
+      except:
+        # Failed; don't crash, return "any" SDK version. This will result in
+        # dexpreopt not adding any compatibility libraries.
+        print(10000)
     if args.output:
       # XML output is supposed to be written only when this script is invoked
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 635ba9d..7159bdd 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
       relax = False
       manifest_check.enforce_uses_libraries(doc, uses_libraries,
-        optional_uses_libraries, relax, is_apk=False)
+        optional_uses_libraries, relax, False, 'path/to/X/AndroidManifest.xml')
       manifest_check.enforce_uses_libraries(apk, uses_libraries,
-        optional_uses_libraries, relax, is_apk=True)
+        optional_uses_libraries, relax, True, 'path/to/X/X.apk')
       return True
     except manifest_check.ManifestMismatchError:
       return False
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 8b1d25f..c6b7866 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 # Script to handle generating a .toc file from a .so file
 # Inputs:
 #  Environment:
-#   CROSS_COMPILE: prefix added to readelf tool
+#   CLANG_BIN: path to the clang bin directory
 #  Arguments:
 #   -i ${file}: input file (required)
 #   -o ${file}: output file (required)
@@ -35,34 +35,34 @@
 do_elf() {
-    ("${CROSS_COMPILE}readelf" -d "${infile}" | grep SONAME || echo "No SONAME for ${infile}") > "${outfile}.tmp"
-    "${CROSS_COMPILE}readelf" --dyn-syms "${infile}" | awk '{$2=""; $3=""; print}' >> "${outfile}.tmp"
+    ("${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-readelf" -d "${infile}" | grep SONAME || echo "No SONAME for ${infile}") > "${outfile}.tmp"
+    "${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-readelf" --dyn-syms "${infile}" | awk '{$2=""; $3=""; print}' >> "${outfile}.tmp"
     cat <<EOF > "${depsfile}"
 ${outfile}: \\
-  ${CROSS_COMPILE}readelf \\
+  ${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-readelf \\
 do_macho() {
-    "${CROSS_COMPILE}/otool" -l "${infile}" | grep LC_ID_DYLIB -A 5 > "${outfile}.tmp"
-    "${CROSS_COMPILE}/nm" -gP "${infile}" | cut -f1-2 -d" " | (grep -v 'U$' >> "${outfile}.tmp" || true)
+    "${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-objdump" -p "${infile}" | grep LC_ID_DYLIB -A 5 > "${outfile}.tmp"
+    "${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-nm" -gP "${infile}" | cut -f1-2 -d" " | (grep -v 'U$' >> "${outfile}.tmp" || true)
     cat <<EOF > "${depsfile}"
 ${outfile}: \\
-  ${CROSS_COMPILE}/otool \\
-  ${CROSS_COMPILE}/nm \\
+  ${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-objdump \\
+  ${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-nm \\
 do_pe() {
-    "${CROSS_COMPILE}objdump" -x "${infile}" | grep "^Name" | cut -f3 -d" " > "${outfile}.tmp"
-    "${CROSS_COMPILE}nm" -g -f p "${infile}" | cut -f1-2 -d" " >> "${outfile}.tmp"
+    "${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-objdump" -x "${infile}" | grep "^Name" | cut -f3 -d" " > "${outfile}.tmp"
+    "${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-nm" -gP "${infile}" | cut -f1-2 -d" " >> "${outfile}.tmp"
     cat <<EOF > "${depsfile}"
 ${outfile}: \\
-  ${CROSS_COMPILE}objdump \\
-  ${CROSS_COMPILE}nm \\
+  ${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-objdump \\
+  ${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-nm \\
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
-if [ -z "${CROSS_COMPILE:-}" ]; then
-    echo "CROSS_COMPILE environment variable must be set"
+if [ -z "${CLANG_BIN:-}" ]; then
+    echo "CLANG_BIN environment variable must be set"
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 cat <<EOF > "${depsfile}"
 ${outfile}: \\
-  ${CROSS_COMPILE}readelf \\
+  ${CLANG_BIN}/llvm-readelf \\
 if [ -n "${elf:-}" ]; then
diff --git a/sdk/cc_sdk_test.go b/sdk/cc_sdk_test.go
index 9626a04..b19fcc5 100644
--- a/sdk/cc_sdk_test.go
+++ b/sdk/cc_sdk_test.go
@@ -486,6 +486,9 @@
+	// TODO(b/183322862): Remove this and fix the issue.
+	errorHandler := android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(`module source path "snapshot/include_gen/generated_foo/gen/protos" does not exist`)
 	CheckSnapshot(t, result, "mysdk", "",
 // This is auto-generated. DO NOT EDIT.
@@ -518,6 +521,9 @@
 .intermediates/mynativelib/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/ -> arm64/lib/
 .intermediates/mynativelib/android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared/ -> arm/lib/
+		snapshotTestErrorHandler(checkSnapshotWithoutSource, errorHandler),
+		snapshotTestErrorHandler(checkSnapshotWithSourcePreferred, errorHandler),
+		snapshotTestErrorHandler(checkSnapshotPreferredWithSource, errorHandler),
@@ -1816,7 +1822,10 @@
 .intermediates/mynativelib/android_arm64_armv8-a_static/mynativelib.a -> arm64/lib/mynativelib.a
 .intermediates/mynativelib/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/ -> arm64/lib/
 .intermediates/mynativelib/android_arm_armv7-a-neon_static/mynativelib.a -> arm/lib/mynativelib.a
-.intermediates/mynativelib/android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared/ -> arm/lib/`),
+.intermediates/mynativelib/android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared/ -> arm/lib/
+		// TODO(b/183315522): Remove this and fix the issue.
+		snapshotTestErrorHandler(checkSnapshotPreferredWithSource, android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(`\Qunrecognized property "arch.arm.shared.export_include_dirs"\E`)),
@@ -2398,6 +2407,7 @@
+            "current",
     arch: {
@@ -2452,6 +2462,7 @@
+            "current",
     target: {
@@ -2491,6 +2502,7 @@
+            "current",
     target: {
@@ -2664,6 +2676,11 @@
+	// Mixing the snapshot with the source (irrespective of which one is preferred) causes a problem
+	// due to missing variants.
+	// TODO(b/183204176): Remove this and fix the cause.
+	snapshotWithSourceErrorHandler := android.FixtureExpectsAtLeastOneErrorMatchingPattern(`\QReplaceDependencies could not find identical variant {os:android,image:,arch:arm64_armv8-a,sdk:,link:shared,version:} for module mynativelib\E`)
 	CheckSnapshot(t, result, "mysdk", "",
 // This is auto-generated. DO NOT EDIT.
@@ -2688,6 +2705,9 @@
 myinclude/Test.h -> include/myinclude/Test.h
 arm64/include/Arm64Test.h -> arm64/include/arm64/include/Arm64Test.h
-.intermediates/mynativelib/android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared/ -> arm/lib/`),
+.intermediates/mynativelib/android_arm_armv7-a-neon_shared/ -> arm/lib/
+		snapshotTestErrorHandler(checkSnapshotWithSourcePreferred, snapshotWithSourceErrorHandler),
+		snapshotTestErrorHandler(checkSnapshotPreferredWithSource, snapshotWithSourceErrorHandler),
diff --git a/sdk/compat_config_sdk_test.go b/sdk/compat_config_sdk_test.go
index dffc02a..00073c2 100644
--- a/sdk/compat_config_sdk_test.go
+++ b/sdk/compat_config_sdk_test.go
@@ -66,5 +66,26 @@
 .intermediates/myconfig/android_common/myconfig_meta.xml -> compat_configs/myconfig/myconfig_meta.xml
+		snapshotTestChecker(checkSnapshotWithoutSource,
+			func(t *testing.T, result *android.TestResult) {
+				// Make sure that the snapshot metadata is collated by the platform compat config singleton.
+				java.CheckMergedCompatConfigInputs(t, result, "snapshot module", "snapshot/compat_configs/myconfig/myconfig_meta.xml")
+			}),
+		snapshotTestChecker(checkSnapshotWithSourcePreferred,
+			func(t *testing.T, result *android.TestResult) {
+				// Make sure that the snapshot metadata is collated by the platform compat config singleton.
+				java.CheckMergedCompatConfigInputs(t, result, "snapshot module",
+					"out/soong/.intermediates/myconfig/android_common/myconfig_meta.xml",
+				)
+			}),
+		snapshotTestChecker(checkSnapshotPreferredWithSource,
+			func(t *testing.T, result *android.TestResult) {
+				// Make sure that the snapshot metadata is collated by the platform compat config singleton.
+				java.CheckMergedCompatConfigInputs(t, result, "snapshot module",
+					"snapshot/compat_configs/myconfig/myconfig_meta.xml",
+				)
+			}),
diff --git a/sdk/java_sdk_test.go b/sdk/java_sdk_test.go
index ad45131..208cd58 100644
--- a/sdk/java_sdk_test.go
+++ b/sdk/java_sdk_test.go
@@ -24,6 +24,16 @@
 var prepareForSdkTestWithJava = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+	// Ensure that all source paths are provided. This helps ensure that the snapshot generation is
+	// consistent and all files referenced from the snapshot's Android.bp file have actually been
+	// copied into the snapshot.
+	android.PrepareForTestDisallowNonExistentPaths,
+	// Files needs by most of the tests.
+	android.MockFS{
+		"": nil,
+	}.AddToFixture(),
 var prepareForSdkTestWithJavaSdkLibrary = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
@@ -48,42 +58,17 @@
 			system_modules: "none",
 			sdk_version: "none",
-		java_import {
-			name: "sdkmember",
-			prefer: true,
-			jars: ["prebuilt.jar"],
-		}
 	// Make sure that the mysdk module depends on "sdkmember" and not "prebuilt_sdkmember".
-	java.CheckModuleDependencies(t, result.TestContext, "mysdk", "android_common", []string{"sdkmember"})
+	sdkChecker := func(t *testing.T, result *android.TestResult) {
+		java.CheckModuleDependencies(t, result.TestContext, "mysdk", "android_common", []string{"sdkmember"})
+	}
 	CheckSnapshot(t, result, "mysdk", "",
-		checkAndroidBpContents(`// This is auto-generated. DO NOT EDIT.
-java_import {
-    name: "mysdk_sdkmember@current",
-    sdk_member_name: "sdkmember",
-    visibility: ["//visibility:public"],
-    apex_available: ["//apex_available:platform"],
-    jars: ["java/sdkmember.jar"],
-java_import {
-    name: "sdkmember",
-    prefer: false,
-    visibility: ["//visibility:public"],
-    apex_available: ["//apex_available:platform"],
-    jars: ["java/sdkmember.jar"],
-sdk_snapshot {
-    name: "mysdk@current",
-    visibility: ["//visibility:public"],
-    java_header_libs: ["mysdk_sdkmember@current"],
+		snapshotTestChecker(checkSnapshotWithSourcePreferred, sdkChecker),
+		snapshotTestChecker(checkSnapshotPreferredWithSource, sdkChecker),
+	)
 func TestBasicSdkWithJavaLibrary(t *testing.T) {
@@ -364,6 +349,7 @@
 	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
 		android.FixtureAddFile("aidl/foo/bar/Test.aidl", nil),
+		android.FixtureAddFile("resource.txt", nil),
 	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
 		module_exports {
 			name: "myexports",
@@ -419,7 +405,11 @@
 func TestSnapshotWithJavaBootLibrary(t *testing.T) {
-	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(prepareForSdkTestWithJava).RunTestWithBp(t, `
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForSdkTestWithJava,
+		android.FixtureAddFile("aidl", nil),
+		android.FixtureAddFile("resource.txt", nil),
+	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
 		module_exports {
 			name: "myexports",
 			java_boot_libs: ["myjavalib"],
@@ -1564,7 +1554,10 @@
 func TestSnapshotWithJavaSdkLibrary_DoctagFiles(t *testing.T) {
-	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(prepareForSdkTestWithJavaSdkLibrary).RunTestWithBp(t, `
+	result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForSdkTestWithJavaSdkLibrary,
+		android.FixtureAddFile("docs/known_doctags", nil),
+	).RunTestWithBp(t, `
 		sdk {
 			name: "mysdk",
 			java_sdk_libs: ["myjavalib"],
diff --git a/sdk/sdk.go b/sdk/sdk.go
index e561529..b60fb18 100644
--- a/sdk/sdk.go
+++ b/sdk/sdk.go
@@ -486,6 +486,15 @@
 			// sdk containing sdkmember.
 			memberName := versionedSdkMember.MemberName()
+			// Convert a panic into a normal error to allow it to be more easily tested for. This is a
+			// temporary workaround, once http://b/183204176 has been fixed this can be removed.
+			// TODO(b/183204176): Remove this after fixing.
+			defer func() {
+				if r := recover(); r != nil {
+					mctx.ModuleErrorf("%s", r)
+				}
+			}()
 			// Replace dependencies on sdkmember with a dependency on the current module which
 			// is a versioned prebuilt of the sdkmember if required.
 			mctx.ReplaceDependenciesIf(memberName, func(from blueprint.Module, tag blueprint.DependencyTag, to blueprint.Module) bool {
diff --git a/sdk/testing.go b/sdk/testing.go
index ba40f67..9465e13 100644
--- a/sdk/testing.go
+++ b/sdk/testing.go
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
 		"system/sepolicy/apex/myapex-file_contexts":    nil,
 		"system/sepolicy/apex/myapex2-file_contexts":   nil,
 		"system/sepolicy/apex/mysdkapex-file_contexts": nil,
-		"myapex.avbpubkey":                             nil,
-		"myapex.pem":                                   nil,
-		"myapex.x509.pem":                              nil,
-		"myapex.pk8":                                   nil,
+		"sdk/tests/myapex.avbpubkey":                   nil,
+		"sdk/tests/myapex.pem":                         nil,
+		"sdk/tests/myapex.x509.pem":                    nil,
+		"sdk/tests/myapex.pk8":                         nil,
@@ -80,6 +80,12 @@
 			{android.Windows, android.Arch{ArchType: android.X86_64}, android.NativeBridgeDisabled, "", "", true},
+	// Make sure that every test provides all the source files.
+	android.PrepareForTestDisallowNonExistentPaths,
+	android.MockFS{
+		"": nil,
+	}.AddToFixture(),
 var PrepareForTestWithSdkBuildComponents = android.GroupFixturePreparers(
@@ -89,7 +95,10 @@
 func testSdkWithFs(t *testing.T, bp string, fs android.MockFS) *android.TestResult {
-	return prepareForSdkTest.RunTest(t, fs.AddToFixture(), android.FixtureWithRootAndroidBp(bp))
+	return android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForSdkTest,
+		fs.AddToFixture(),
+	).RunTestWithBp(t, bp)
 func testSdkError(t *testing.T, pattern, bp string) {
@@ -125,6 +134,7 @@
 		androidBpContents:            sdk.GetAndroidBpContentsForTests(),
 		androidUnversionedBpContents: sdk.GetUnversionedAndroidBpContentsForTests(),
 		androidVersionedBpContents:   sdk.GetVersionedAndroidBpContentsForTests(),
+		snapshotTestCustomizations:   map[snapshotTest]*snapshotTestCustomization{},
 	buildParams := sdk.BuildParamsForTests()
@@ -183,6 +193,24 @@
 	return info
+// The enum of different sdk snapshot tests performed by CheckSnapshot.
+type snapshotTest int
+const (
+	// The enumeration of the different test configurations.
+	// A test with the snapshot/Android.bp file but without the original Android.bp file.
+	checkSnapshotWithoutSource snapshotTest = iota
+	// A test with both the original source and the snapshot, with the source preferred.
+	checkSnapshotWithSourcePreferred
+	// A test with both the original source and the snapshot, with the snapshot preferred.
+	checkSnapshotPreferredWithSource
+	// The directory into which the snapshot will be 'unpacked'.
+	snapshotSubDir = "snapshot"
 // Check the snapshot build rules.
 // Takes a list of functions which check different facets of the snapshot build rules.
@@ -214,31 +242,58 @@
 	// Populate a mock filesystem with the files that would have been copied by
 	// the rules.
 	fs := android.MockFS{}
-	snapshotSubDir := "snapshot"
 	for _, dest := range snapshotBuildInfo.snapshotContents {
 		fs[filepath.Join(snapshotSubDir, dest)] = nil
 	fs[filepath.Join(snapshotSubDir, "Android.bp")] = []byte(snapshotBuildInfo.androidBpContents)
-	preparer := result.Preparer()
+	// The preparers from the original source fixture.
+	sourcePreparers := result.Preparer()
-	// Process the generated bp file to make sure it is valid. Use the same preparer as was used to
-	// produce this result.
+	// Preparer to combine the snapshot and the source.
+	snapshotPreparer := android.GroupFixturePreparers(sourcePreparers, fs.AddToFixture())
+	var runSnapshotTestWithCheckers = func(t *testing.T, testConfig snapshotTest, extraPreparer android.FixturePreparer) {
+		customization := snapshotBuildInfo.snapshotTestCustomization(testConfig)
+		// TODO(b/183184375): Set Config.TestAllowNonExistentPaths = false to verify that all the
+		//  files the snapshot needs are actually copied into the snapshot.
+		// Run the snapshot with the snapshot preparer and the extra preparer, which must come after as
+		// it may need to modify parts of the MockFS populated by the snapshot preparer.
+		result := android.GroupFixturePreparers(snapshotPreparer, extraPreparer).
+			ExtendWithErrorHandler(customization.errorHandler).
+			RunTest(t)
+		// Perform any additional checks the test need on the result of processing the snapshot.
+		for _, checker := range customization.checkers {
+			checker(t, result)
+		}
+	}
 	t.Run("snapshot without source", func(t *testing.T) {
-		android.GroupFixturePreparers(
-			preparer,
-			// TODO(b/183184375): Set Config.TestAllowNonExistentPaths = false to verify that all the
-			//  files the snapshot needs are actually copied into the snapshot.
+		// Remove the source Android.bp file to make sure it works without.
+		removeSourceAndroidBp := android.FixtureModifyMockFS(func(fs android.MockFS) {
+			delete(fs, "Android.bp")
+		})
-			// Add the files (including bp) created for this snapshot to the test fixture.
-			fs.AddToFixture(),
+		runSnapshotTestWithCheckers(t, checkSnapshotWithoutSource, removeSourceAndroidBp)
+	})
-			// Remove the source Android.bp file to make sure it works without.
-			// TODO(b/183184375): Add a test with the source.
-			android.FixtureModifyMockFS(func(fs android.MockFS) {
-				delete(fs, "Android.bp")
-			}),
-		).RunTest(t)
+	t.Run("snapshot with source preferred", func(t *testing.T) {
+		runSnapshotTestWithCheckers(t, checkSnapshotWithSourcePreferred, android.NullFixturePreparer)
+	})
+	t.Run("snapshot preferred with source", func(t *testing.T) {
+		// Replace the snapshot/Android.bp file with one where "prefer: false," has been replaced with
+		// "prefer: true,"
+		preferPrebuilts := android.FixtureModifyMockFS(func(fs android.MockFS) {
+			snapshotBpFile := filepath.Join(snapshotSubDir, "Android.bp")
+			unpreferred := string(fs[snapshotBpFile])
+			fs[snapshotBpFile] = []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(unpreferred, "prefer: false,", "prefer: true,"))
+		})
+		runSnapshotTestWithCheckers(t, checkSnapshotPreferredWithSource, preferPrebuilts)
@@ -312,6 +367,46 @@
+type resultChecker func(t *testing.T, result *android.TestResult)
+// snapshotTestChecker registers a checker that will be run against the result of processing the
+// generated snapshot for the specified snapshotTest.
+func snapshotTestChecker(snapshotTest snapshotTest, checker resultChecker) snapshotBuildInfoChecker {
+	return func(info *snapshotBuildInfo) {
+		customization := info.snapshotTestCustomization(snapshotTest)
+		customization.checkers = append(customization.checkers, checker)
+	}
+// snapshotTestErrorHandler registers an error handler to use when processing the snapshot
+// in the specific test case.
+// Generally, the snapshot should work with all the test cases but some do not and just in case
+// there are a lot of issues to resolve, or it will take a lot of time this is a
+// get-out-of-jail-free card that allows progress to be made.
+// deprecated: should only be used as a temporary workaround with an attached to do and bug.
+func snapshotTestErrorHandler(snapshotTest snapshotTest, handler android.FixtureErrorHandler) snapshotBuildInfoChecker {
+	return func(info *snapshotBuildInfo) {
+		customization := info.snapshotTestCustomization(snapshotTest)
+		customization.errorHandler = handler
+	}
+// Encapsulates information provided by each test to customize a specific snapshotTest.
+type snapshotTestCustomization struct {
+	// Checkers that are run on the result of processing the preferred snapshot in a specific test
+	// case.
+	checkers []resultChecker
+	// Specify an error handler for when processing a specific test case.
+	//
+	// In some cases the generated snapshot cannot be used in a test configuration. Those cases are
+	// invariably bugs that need to be resolved but sometimes that can take a while. This provides a
+	// mechanism to temporarily ignore that error.
+	errorHandler android.FixtureErrorHandler
 // Encapsulates information about the snapshot build structure in order to insulate tests from
 // knowing too much about internal structures.
@@ -355,4 +450,21 @@
 	// The final output zip.
 	outputZip string
+	// The test specific customizations for each snapshot test.
+	snapshotTestCustomizations map[snapshotTest]*snapshotTestCustomization
+// snapshotTestCustomization gets the test specific customization for the specified snapshotTest.
+// If no customization was created previously then it creates a default customization.
+func (i *snapshotBuildInfo) snapshotTestCustomization(snapshotTest snapshotTest) *snapshotTestCustomization {
+	customization := i.snapshotTestCustomizations[snapshotTest]
+	if customization == nil {
+		customization = &snapshotTestCustomization{
+			errorHandler: android.FixtureExpectsNoErrors,
+		}
+		i.snapshotTestCustomizations[snapshotTest] = customization
+	}
+	return customization
diff --git a/sh/sh_binary.go b/sh/sh_binary.go
index 1ae557a..6623381 100644
--- a/sh/sh_binary.go
+++ b/sh/sh_binary.go
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@
 type bazelShBinaryAttributes struct {
-	Srcs bazel.LabelList
+	Srcs bazel.LabelListAttribute
 	// Bazel also supports the attributes below, but (so far) these are not required for Bionic
 	// deps
 	// data
@@ -525,7 +525,8 @@
-	srcs := android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{*})
+	srcs := bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(
+		android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{*}))
 	attrs := &bazelShBinaryAttributes{
 		Srcs: srcs,
diff --git a/sysprop/sysprop_test.go b/sysprop/sysprop_test.go
index e9d9051..f42f9e9 100644
--- a/sysprop/sysprop_test.go
+++ b/sysprop/sysprop_test.go
@@ -371,6 +371,6 @@
 	android.AssertStringEquals(t, "min_sdk_version forwarding to cc module", "29", propFromCc)
 	javaModule := result.ModuleForTests("sysprop-platform", "android_common").Module().(*java.Library)
-	propFromJava := javaModule.MinSdkVersion()
+	propFromJava := javaModule.MinSdkVersionString()
 	android.AssertStringEquals(t, "min_sdk_version forwarding to java module", "30", propFromJava)
diff --git a/ui/build/bazel.go b/ui/build/bazel.go
index ec561d5..0ebfcd8 100644
--- a/ui/build/bazel.go
+++ b/ui/build/bazel.go
@@ -149,6 +149,9 @@
 		cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "--action_env=PATH="+pathEnvValue)
+	// Allow Bazel actions to see the SHELL variable (passed to Bazel above)
+	cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "--action_env=SHELL")
 	// Append custom build flags to the Bazel command. Changes to these flags
 	// may invalidate Bazel's analysis cache.
 	// These should be appended as the final args, so that they take precedence.