Refactor install paths

Explicitly allow installation into the data partition instead of using
"../data" for tests. At the same time, pipe through the information
required for vendor modules.

Change-Id: I6baf9d828c285e1080e43074beef8aebdbb38875
diff --git a/common/paths.go b/common/paths.go
index e0d4914..2bbb72c 100644
--- a/common/paths.go
+++ b/common/paths.go
@@ -601,10 +601,20 @@
 func PathForModuleInstall(ctx AndroidModuleContext, paths ...string) OutputPath {
 	var outPaths []string
 	if ctx.Device() {
-		outPaths = []string{"target", "product", ctx.AConfig().DeviceName(), "system"}
+		partition := "system"
+		if ctx.Proprietary() {
+			partition = "vendor"
+		}
+		if ctx.InstallInData() {
+			partition = "data"
+		}
+		outPaths = []string{"target", "product", ctx.AConfig().DeviceName(), partition}
 	} else {
 		outPaths = []string{"host", ctx.HostType().String() + "-x86"}
+	if ctx.Debug() {
+		outPaths = append([]string{"debug"}, outPaths...)
+	}
 	outPaths = append(outPaths, paths...)
 	return PathForOutput(ctx, outPaths...)