Dexpreopt: use "speed-profile" if a system server jar has a profile.

The motivation is to reduce file size and in-process memory footprint
for "services" (which is currently the only system server jar that has a
profile). For other system server jars that have no profile keep using
"speed", as enabling "speed-profile" for them would completely disable
AOT-compiled code.

Compare .odex file size:
  - before: 44360 services.odex
  - after:  24968 services.odex

Bug: b/237399630
Test: lunch aosp_sargo-userdebug && m
Change-Id: I844b9607c496d3d6e7048dc6bb8cd958ecbaa441
diff --git a/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go b/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go
index de139c4..d8011d6 100644
--- a/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go
+++ b/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go
@@ -394,10 +394,14 @@
 	if !android.PrefixInList(preoptFlags, "--compiler-filter=") {
 		var compilerFilter string
 		if systemServerJars.ContainsJar(module.Name) {
-			// Jars of system server, use the product option if it is set, speed otherwise.
 			if global.SystemServerCompilerFilter != "" {
+				// Use the product option if it is set.
 				compilerFilter = global.SystemServerCompilerFilter
+			} else if profile != nil {
+				// Use "speed-profile" for system server jars that have a profile.
+				compilerFilter = "speed-profile"
 			} else {
+				// Use "speed" for system server jars that do not have a profile.
 				compilerFilter = "speed"
 		} else if contains(global.SpeedApps, module.Name) || contains(global.SystemServerApps, module.Name) {