Disable verify_uses_libraries check if dexpreopt is globally disabled.

Without dexpreopt the check is not necessary, and although it is good to
have, it is difficult to maintain on non-linux build platforms where
dexpreopt is generally disabled (the check may fail due to various
unrelated reasons, such as a failure to get manifest from an APK).

Bug: 181570790
Bug: 132357300
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: Ie012690e8f047ae9256e26565d162c19af4e8921
diff --git a/java/app.go b/java/app.go
index 2d918e9..0660aa6 100755
--- a/java/app.go
+++ b/java/app.go
@@ -1280,6 +1280,14 @@
 	outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "manifest_check", "AndroidManifest.xml")
 	statusFile := dexpreopt.UsesLibrariesStatusFile(ctx)
+	// Disable verify_uses_libraries check if dexpreopt is globally disabled. Without dexpreopt the
+	// check is not necessary, and although it is good to have, it is difficult to maintain on
+	// non-linux build platforms where dexpreopt is generally disabled (the check may fail due to
+	// various unrelated reasons, such as a failure to get manifest from an APK).
+	if dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx).DisablePreopt {
+		return manifest
+	}
 	rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
 	cmd := rule.Command().BuiltTool("manifest_check").
@@ -1310,6 +1318,14 @@
 	outputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "verify_uses_libraries", apk.Base())
 	statusFile := dexpreopt.UsesLibrariesStatusFile(ctx)
+	// Disable verify_uses_libraries check if dexpreopt is globally disabled. Without dexpreopt the
+	// check is not necessary, and although it is good to have, it is difficult to maintain on
+	// non-linux build platforms where dexpreopt is generally disabled (the check may fail due to
+	// various unrelated reasons, such as a failure to get manifest from an APK).
+	if dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx).DisablePreopt {
+		return apk
+	}
 	rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
 	aapt := ctx.Config().HostToolPath(ctx, "aapt")