Support stripping shared libraries and binaries
Strip all shared libraries and binaries by default. Use a shell script
to wrap the long sequences of commands needed by some strip variants.
Change-Id: I465bf7cc48330913e60e24762fd55fa2a7731c26
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5c43028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# Script to handle the various ways soong may need to strip binaries
+# Inputs:
+# Environment:
+# CROSS_COMPILE: prefix added to readelf, objcopy tools
+# Arguments:
+# -o ${file}: output file (required)
+# -d ${file}: deps file (required)
+# --keep-symbols
+# --keep-mini-debug-info
+# --add-gnu-debuglink
+usage() {
+ cat <<EOF
+Usage: [options] -i in-file -o out-file -d deps-file
+ --keep-symbols Keep symbols in out-file
+ --keep-mini-debug-info Keep compressed debug info in out-file
+ --add-gnu-debuglink Add a gnu-debuglink section to out-file
+ exit 1
+do_strip() {
+ "${CROSS_COMPILE}strip" --strip-all "${infile}" -o "${outfile}.tmp"
+do_strip_keep_symbols() {
+ "${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy" "${infile}" "${outfile}.tmp" \
+ `"${CROSS_COMPILE}readelf" -S "${infile}" | awk '/.debug_/ {print "-R " $2}' | xargs`
+do_strip_keep_mini_debug_info() {
+ "${CROSS_COMPILE}nm" -D "${infile}" --format=posix --defined-only | awk '{ print $$1 }' | sort >"${outfile}.dynsyms"
+ "${CROSS_COMPILE}nm" "${infile}" --format=posix --defined-only | awk '{ if ($$2 == "T" || $$2 == "t" || $$2 == "D") print $$1 }' | sort > "${outfile}.funcsyms"
+ comm -13 "${outfile}.dynsyms" "${outfile}.funcsyms" > "${outfile}.keep_symbols"
+ "${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy" --only-keep-debug "${infile}" "${outfile}.debug"
+ "${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy" --rename-section .debug_frame=saved_debug_frame "${outfile}.debug" "${outfile}.mini_debuginfo"
+ "${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy" -S --remove-section .gdb_index --remove-section .comment --keep-symbols="${outfile}.keep_symbols" "${outfile}.mini_debuginfo"
+ "${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy" --rename-section saved_debug_frame=.debug_frame "${outfile}.mini_debuginfo"
+ "${CROSS_COMPILE}strip" --strip-all -R .comment "${infile}" -o "${outfile}.tmp"
+ rm -f "${outfile}.mini_debuginfo.xz"
+ xz "${outfile}.mini_debuginfo"
+ "${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy" --add-section .gnu_debugdata="${outfile}.mini_debuginfo.xz" "${outfile}.tmp"
+ rm -f "${outfile}.dynsyms" "${outfile}.funcsyms" "${outfile}.keep_symbols" "${outfile}.debug" "${outfile}.mini_debuginfo.xz"
+do_add_gnu_debuglink() {
+ "${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy" --add-gnu-debuglink="${infile}" "${outfile}.tmp"
+while getopts $OPTSTRING opt; do
+ case "$opt" in
+ d) depsfile="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ i) infile="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ o) outfile="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ -)
+ case "${OPTARG}" in
+ keep-symbols) keep_symbols=true ;;
+ keep-mini-debug-info) keep_mini_debug_info=true ;;
+ add-gnu-debuglink) add_gnu_debuglink=true ;;
+ *) echo "Unknown option --${OPTARG}"; usage ;;
+ esac;;
+ ?) usage ;;
+ *) echo "'${opt}' '${OPTARG}'"
+ esac
+if [ -z "${infile}" ]; then
+ echo "-i argument is required"
+ usage
+if [ -z "${outfile}" ]; then
+ echo "-o argument is required"
+ usage
+if [ -z "${depsfile}" ]; then
+ echo "-d argument is required"
+ usage
+if [ ! -z "${keep_symbols}" -a ! -z "${keep_mini_debug_info}" ]; then
+ echo "--keep-symbols and --keep-mini-debug-info cannot be used together"
+ usage
+if [ ! -z "${add_gnu_debuglink}" -a ! -z "${keep_mini_debug_info}" ]; then
+ echo "--add-gnu-debuglink cannot be used with --keep-mini-debug-info"
+ usage
+rm -f "${outfile}.tmp"
+if [ ! -z "${keep_symbols}" ]; then
+ do_strip_keep_symbols
+elif [ ! -z "${keep_mini_debug_info}" ]; then
+ do_strip_keep_mini_debug_info
+ do_strip
+if [ ! -z "${add_gnu_debuglink}" ]; then
+ do_add_gnu_debuglink
+rm -f "${outfile}"
+mv "${outfile}.tmp" "${outfile}"
+cat <<EOF > "${depsfile}"
+${outfile}: \
+ ${infile} \
+ ${CROSS_COMPILE}objcopy \
+ ${CROSS_COMPILE}readelf \