Pass filename mappings to C++ and Java extractors.
Android builds by default put artifacts into out/ subdirectory of
the source tree, causing the extractor to record their names as
relative. The indexer considers such files as sources, which is wrong.
Fortunately, the extractor can be fed a set of filename rewriting
rules (see build/tools/vnames.json).
Also, undo previous unsuccessful attempt use to absolute path for the
output directory to distinguish between source code and artifacts.
Bug: 141385476
Test: run the build, inspect compilation units of the kzip file
Change-Id: I89ec3aed8fd14f43ea6e0b226d54f643346f6125
diff --git a/build_kzip.bash b/build_kzip.bash
index 607654b..1e0d48f 100755
--- a/build_kzip.bash
+++ b/build_kzip.bash
@@ -1,33 +1,27 @@
-# /bin/bash -uv
+#! /bin/bash -uv
# Build kzip files (source files for the indexing pipeline) for the given configuration,
# merge them and place the resulting all.kzip into $DIST_DIR.
# It is assumed that the current directory is the top of the source tree.
# The following environment variables affect the result:
-# TARGET_PRODUCT target device name, e.g., 'aosp_blueline'
-# TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT variant, e.g., `userdebug`
-# OUT_DIR absolute path where the build is happening ($PWD/out if not specified})
-# DIST_DIR where the resulting all.kzip will be placed
-# XREF_CORPUS source code repository URI, e.g., ''
# BUILD_NUMBER build number, used to generate unique ID (will use UUID if not set)
+# DIST_DIR where the resulting all.kzip will be placed
+# OUT_DIR output directory (out if not specified})
+# TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT variant, e.g., `userdebug`
+# TARGET_PRODUCT target device name, e.g., 'aosp_blueline'
+# XREF_CORPUS source code repository URI, e.g., ''
-# If OUT_DIR is not set, the build will use out/ as output directory, which is
-# a relative path. Make it absolute, otherwise the indexer will not know that it
-# contains only generated files.
-: ${OUT_DIR:=$PWD/out}
-[[ "$OUT_DIR" =~ ^/ ]] || { echo "$OUT_DIR is not an absolute path"; exit 1; }
: ${BUILD_NUMBER:=$(uuidgen)}
-# The extraction might fail for some source files, so run with -k
-OUT_DIR=$OUT_DIR build/soong/soong_ui.bash --build-mode --all-modules --dir=$PWD -k merge_zips xref_cxx xref_java
-# We build with -k, so check that we have generated at least 100K files
-# (the actual number is 180K+)
-declare -r kzip_count=$(find $OUT_DIR -name '*.kzip' | wc -l)
+# The extraction might fail for some source files, so run with -k and then check that
+# sufficiently many files were generated.
+build/soong/soong_ui.bash --build-mode --all-modules --dir=$PWD -k merge_zips xref_cxx xref_java
+declare -r out="${OUT_DIR:-out}"
+declare -r kzip_count=$(find "$out" -name '*.kzip' | wc -l)
(($kzip_count>100000)) || { printf "Too few kzip files were generated: %d\n" $kzip_count; exit 1; }
# Pack
# TODO(asmundak): this should be done by soong.
declare -r allkzip="$BUILD_NUMBER.kzip"
-"$OUT_DIR/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/merge_zips" "$DIST_DIR/$allkzip" @<(find $OUT_DIR -name '*.kzip')
+"$out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/merge_zips" "$DIST_DIR/$allkzip" @<(find "$out" -name '*.kzip')
diff --git a/cc/builder.go b/cc/builder.go
index b353814..c4f65da 100644
--- a/cc/builder.go
+++ b/cc/builder.go
@@ -224,12 +224,13 @@
_ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("cxxExtractor",
+ _ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("kytheVnames", "build/soong/vnames.json")
_ = pctx.VariableFunc("kytheCorpus",
func(ctx android.PackageVarContext) string { return ctx.Config().XrefCorpusName() })
kytheExtract = pctx.StaticRule("kythe",
- Command: "rm -f $out && KYTHE_CORPUS=${kytheCorpus} KYTHE_OUTPUT_FILE=$out $cxxExtractor $cFlags $in ",
- CommandDeps: []string{"$cxxExtractor"},
+ Command: "rm -f $out && KYTHE_CORPUS=${kytheCorpus} KYTHE_OUTPUT_FILE=$out KYTHE_VNAMES=$kytheVnames $cxxExtractor $cFlags $in ",
+ CommandDeps: []string{"$cxxExtractor", "$kytheVnames"},
diff --git a/java/builder.go b/java/builder.go
index 9e068fa..0a5c79b 100644
--- a/java/builder.go
+++ b/java/builder.go
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
_ = pctx.VariableFunc("kytheCorpus",
func(ctx android.PackageVarContext) string { return ctx.Config().XrefCorpusName() })
+ _ = pctx.SourcePathVariable("kytheVnames", "build/soong/vnames.json")
// Run it with -add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED to avoid JDK9's warning about
// "Illegal reflective access by$UnsafeProcessor ...
// to field java.nio.Buffer.address"
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@
`( [ ! -s $srcJarDir/list -a ! -s $out.rsp ] || ` +
`KYTHE_CORPUS=${kytheCorpus} ` +
+ `KYTHE_VNAMES=${kytheVnames} ` +
`${config.SoongJavacWrapper} ${config.JavaCmd} ` +
`--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED ` +
`-jar ${config.JavaKytheExtractorJar} ` +
@@ -84,6 +86,7 @@
CommandDeps: []string{
+ "${kytheVnames}",
CommandOrderOnly: []string{"${config.SoongJavacWrapper}"},
diff --git a/vnames.json b/vnames.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b34c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vnames.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ {
+ "pattern": "out/(.*)",
+ "vname": {
+ "corpus": "CORPUS",
+ "root": "out",
+ "path": "@1@"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "pattern": "(.*)",
+ "vname": {
+ "corpus": "CORPUS",
+ "path": "@1@"
+ }
+ }