Check for product variant in addition to core variant.
It's possible that a module will have a product variant
but not a core variant. In that case, we still need to
apply the vendor suffix to the androidmk module name.
Bug: 188720375
Bug: 187963715
Test: Build vendor image using vendor snapshot.
Change-Id: I190fdd707ca23357d1c324c1b1f3318457625f03
diff --git a/cc/snapshot_prebuilt.go b/cc/snapshot_prebuilt.go
index 0b1147e..a7351a9 100644
--- a/cc/snapshot_prebuilt.go
+++ b/cc/snapshot_prebuilt.go
@@ -454,13 +454,30 @@
func (p *baseSnapshotDecorator) setSnapshotAndroidMkSuffix(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
- if ctx.OtherModuleDependencyVariantExists([]blueprint.Variation{
- {Mutator: "image", Variation: android.CoreVariation},
- }, ctx.Module().(*Module).BaseModuleName()) {
+ coreVariations := append(ctx.Target().Variations(), blueprint.Variation{
+ Mutator: "image",
+ Variation: android.CoreVariation})
+ if ctx.OtherModuleFarDependencyVariantExists(coreVariations, ctx.Module().(*Module).BaseModuleName()) {
p.baseProperties.Androidmk_suffix = p.image.moduleNameSuffix()
- } else {
- p.baseProperties.Androidmk_suffix = ""
+ return
+ // If there is no matching core variation, there could still be a
+ // product variation, for example if a module is product specific and
+ // vendor available. In that case, we also want to add the androidmk
+ // suffix.
+ productVariations := append(ctx.Target().Variations(), blueprint.Variation{
+ Mutator: "image",
+ Variation: ProductVariationPrefix + ctx.DeviceConfig().PlatformVndkVersion()})
+ if ctx.OtherModuleFarDependencyVariantExists(productVariations, ctx.Module().(*Module).BaseModuleName()) {
+ p.baseProperties.Androidmk_suffix = p.image.moduleNameSuffix()
+ return
+ }
+ p.baseProperties.Androidmk_suffix = ""
// Call this with a module suffix after creating a snapshot module, such as