Extract Node superclass of Leaf and InteriorNode

Adds a Node superclass to declare and documented the methods that need
to be implemented by Leaf and InteriorNode. Also uses @dataclasses to
make it easy to declare and document the properties of each class.

This refactoring is in preparation for future changes that will need to
add common behavior to both Leaf and InteriorNode so having a
superclass will make that easier.

Bug: 202154151
Test: m out/soong/hiddenapi/hiddenapi-flags.csv
      atest --host signature_trie_test verify_overlaps_test
      pyformat -s 4 --force_quote_type double -i scripts/hiddenapi/signature_trie*
      /usr/bin/pylint --rcfile $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/tools/repohooks/tools/pylintrc scripts/hiddenapi/signature_trie*
Change-Id: If660855f6b1f45a8ea5b90b3cc0236da9e07d090
diff --git a/scripts/hiddenapi/signature_trie.py b/scripts/hiddenapi/signature_trie.py
index f2176f5..2ea8c49 100644
--- a/scripts/hiddenapi/signature_trie.py
+++ b/scripts/hiddenapi/signature_trie.py
@@ -14,12 +14,44 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
 """Verify that one set of hidden API flags is a subset of another."""
+import dataclasses
+import typing
 from itertools import chain
+class Node:
+    def values(self, selector):
+        """Get the values from a set of selected nodes.
+        :param selector: a function that can be applied to a key in the nodes
+            attribute to determine whether to return its values.
+        :return: A list of iterables of all the values associated with
+            this node and its children.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method")
+    def append_values(self, values, selector):
+        """Append the values associated with this node and its children.
+        For each item (key, child) in nodes the child node's values are returned
+        if and only if the selector returns True when called on its key. A child
+        node's values are all the values associated with it and all its
+        descendant nodes.
+        :param selector: a function that can be applied to a key in the nodes
+        attribute to determine whether to return its values.
+        :param values: a list of a iterables of values.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method")
 # pylint: disable=line-too-long
-class InteriorNode:
+class InteriorNode(Node):
     """An interior node in a trie.
     Each interior node has a dict that maps from an element of a signature to
@@ -45,16 +77,13 @@
               ^- class:UnicodeScript -> Node()
                  ^- member:of(I)Ljava/lang/Character$UnicodeScript;
                     -> Leaf([blocked,core-platform-api])
-    Attributes:
-        nodes: a dict from an element of the signature to the Node/Leaf
-          containing the next element/value.
     # pylint: enable=line-too-long
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.nodes = {}
+    # A dict from an element of the signature to the Node/Leaf containing the
+    # next element/value.
+    nodes: typing.Dict[str, Node] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
     # pylint: disable=line-too-long
@@ -198,53 +227,28 @@
         return chain.from_iterable(node.values(selector))
     def values(self, selector):
-        """:param selector: a function that can be applied to a key in the nodes
-        attribute to determine whether to return its values.
-        :return: A list of iterables of all the values associated with
-        this node and its children.
-        """
         values = []
         self.append_values(values, selector)
         return values
     def append_values(self, values, selector):
-        """Append the values associated with this node and its children.
-        For each item (key, child) in nodes the child node's values are returned
-        if and only if the selector returns True when called on its key. A child
-        node's values are all the values associated with it and all its
-        descendant nodes.
-        :param selector: a function that can be applied to a key in the nodes
-        attribute to determine whether to return its values.
-        :param values: a list of a iterables of values.
-        """
         for key, node in self.nodes.items():
             if selector(key):
                 node.append_values(values, lambda x: True)
-class Leaf:
-    """A leaf of the trie
-    Attributes:
-        value: the value associated with this leaf.
-    """
+class Leaf(Node):
+    """A leaf of the trie"""
-    def __init__(self, value):
-        self.value = value
+    # The value associated with this leaf.
+    value: typing.Any
-    def values(self, selector):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-        """:return: A list of a list of the value associated with this node."""
+    def values(self, selector):
         return [[self.value]]
-    def append_values(self, values, selector):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-        """Appends a list of the value associated with this node to the list.
-        :param values: a list of a iterables of values.
-        """
+    def append_values(self, values, selector):