Handle property structs and BpPropertySets as values to AddProperty.
Both will create a nested property set, that may be merged with an
existing one.
Test: m nothing
Bug: 151303681
Change-Id: I30696ba3eb8960ca6fa54c9ee2cf6229ab9f5da9
diff --git a/android/sdk.go b/android/sdk.go
index 9ea7ff4..f2cdc88 100644
--- a/android/sdk.go
+++ b/android/sdk.go
@@ -237,9 +237,25 @@
// * string
// * array of the above
// * bool
+ // For these types it is an error if multiple properties with the same name
+ // are added.
+ //
+ // * pointer to a struct
// * BpPropertySet
- // It is an error if multiple properties with the same name are added.
+ // A pointer to a Blueprint-style property struct is first converted into a
+ // BpPropertySet by traversing the fields and adding their values as
+ // properties in a BpPropertySet. A field with a struct value is itself
+ // converted into a BpPropertySet before adding.
+ //
+ // Adding a BpPropertySet is done as follows:
+ // * If no property with the name exists then the BpPropertySet is added
+ // directly to this property. Care must be taken to ensure that it does not
+ // introduce a cycle.
+ // * If a property exists with the name and the current value is a
+ // BpPropertySet then every property of the new BpPropertySet is added to
+ // the existing BpPropertySet.
+ // * Otherwise, if a property exists with the name then it is an error.
AddProperty(name string, value interface{})
// Add a property with an associated tag
diff --git a/sdk/bp.go b/sdk/bp.go
index 68fe7ab..11ec8c6 100644
--- a/sdk/bp.go
+++ b/sdk/bp.go
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
import (
+ "reflect"
+ "strings"
@@ -33,7 +35,82 @@
s.tags = make(map[string]android.BpPropertyTag)
+// Converts the given value, which is assumed to be a struct, to a
+// bpPropertySet.
+func convertToPropertySet(value reflect.Value) *bpPropertySet {
+ res := newPropertySet()
+ structType := value.Type()
+ for i := 0; i < structType.NumField(); i++ {
+ field := structType.Field(i)
+ fieldVal := value.Field(i)
+ switch fieldVal.Type().Kind() {
+ case reflect.Ptr:
+ if fieldVal.IsNil() {
+ continue // nil pointer means the property isn't set.
+ }
+ fieldVal = fieldVal.Elem()
+ case reflect.Slice:
+ if fieldVal.IsNil() {
+ continue // Ignore a nil slice (but not one with length zero).
+ }
+ }
+ if fieldVal.Type().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
+ fieldVal = fieldVal.Addr() // Avoid struct copy below.
+ }
+ res.AddProperty(strings.ToLower(field.Name), fieldVal.Interface())
+ }
+ return res
+// Converts the given value to something that can be set in a property.
+func coercePropertyValue(value interface{}) interface{} {
+ val := reflect.ValueOf(value)
+ switch val.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ // convertToPropertySet requires an addressable struct, and this is probably
+ // a mistake.
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Value is a struct, not a pointer to one: %v", value))
+ case reflect.Ptr:
+ if _, ok := value.(*bpPropertySet); !ok {
+ derefValue := reflect.Indirect(val)
+ if derefValue.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("A pointer must be to a struct, got: %v", value))
+ }
+ return convertToPropertySet(derefValue)
+ }
+ }
+ return value
+// Merges the fields of the given property set into s.
+func (s *bpPropertySet) mergePropertySet(propSet *bpPropertySet) {
+ for _, name := range propSet.order {
+ if tag, ok := propSet.tags[name]; ok {
+ s.AddPropertyWithTag(name, propSet.properties[name], tag)
+ } else {
+ s.AddProperty(name, propSet.properties[name])
+ }
+ }
func (s *bpPropertySet) AddProperty(name string, value interface{}) {
+ value = coercePropertyValue(value)
+ if propSetValue, ok := value.(*bpPropertySet); ok {
+ if curValue, ok := s.properties[name]; ok {
+ if curSet, ok := curValue.(*bpPropertySet); ok {
+ curSet.mergePropertySet(propSetValue)
+ return
+ }
+ // If the current value isn't a property set we got conflicting types.
+ // Continue down to the check below to complain about it.
+ }
+ }
if s.properties[name] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Property %q already exists in property set", name))
@@ -48,9 +125,8 @@
func (s *bpPropertySet) AddPropertySet(name string) android.BpPropertySet {
- set := newPropertySet()
- s.AddProperty(name, set)
- return set
+ s.AddProperty(name, newPropertySet())
+ return s.properties[name].(android.BpPropertySet)
func (s *bpPropertySet) getValue(name string) interface{} {
diff --git a/sdk/bp_test.go b/sdk/bp_test.go
index c630c25..e1edc51 100644
--- a/sdk/bp_test.go
+++ b/sdk/bp_test.go
@@ -18,8 +18,142 @@
+ "github.com/google/blueprint/proptools"
+func propertySetFixture() interface{} {
+ set := newPropertySet()
+ set.AddProperty("x", "taxi")
+ set.AddPropertyWithTag("y", 1729, "tag_y")
+ subset := set.AddPropertySet("sub")
+ subset.AddPropertyWithTag("x", "taxi", "tag_x")
+ subset.AddProperty("y", 1729)
+ return set
+func intPtr(i int) *int { return &i }
+type propertyStruct struct {
+ X *string
+ Y *int
+ Unset *bool
+ Sub struct {
+ X *string
+ Y *int
+ Unset *bool
+ }
+func propertyStructFixture() interface{} {
+ str := &propertyStruct{}
+ str.X = proptools.StringPtr("taxi")
+ str.Y = intPtr(1729)
+ str.Sub.X = proptools.StringPtr("taxi")
+ str.Sub.Y = intPtr(1729)
+ return str
+func checkPropertySetFixture(h *TestHelper, val interface{}, hasTags bool) {
+ set := val.(*bpPropertySet)
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong x value", "taxi", set.getValue("x"))
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong y value", 1729, set.getValue("y"))
+ subset := set.getValue("sub").(*bpPropertySet)
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong sub.x value", "taxi", subset.getValue("x"))
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong sub.y value", 1729, subset.getValue("y"))
+ if hasTags {
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong y tag", "tag_y", set.getTag("y"))
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong sub.x tag", "tag_x", subset.getTag("x"))
+ } else {
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong y tag", nil, set.getTag("y"))
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong sub.x tag", nil, subset.getTag("x"))
+ }
+func TestAddPropertySimple(t *testing.T) {
+ h := &TestHelper{t}
+ set := newPropertySet()
+ for name, val := range map[string]interface{}{
+ "x": "taxi",
+ "y": 1729,
+ "t": true,
+ "f": false,
+ "arr": []string{"a", "b", "c"},
+ } {
+ set.AddProperty(name, val)
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong value", val, set.getValue(name))
+ }
+ h.AssertPanic("adding x again should panic",
+ func() { set.AddProperty("x", "taxi") })
+ h.AssertPanic("adding arr again should panic",
+ func() { set.AddProperty("arr", []string{"d"}) })
+func TestAddPropertySubset(t *testing.T) {
+ h := &TestHelper{t}
+ getFixtureMap := map[string]func() interface{}{
+ "property set": propertySetFixture,
+ "property struct": propertyStructFixture,
+ }
+ t.Run("add new subset", func(t *testing.T) {
+ for name, getFixture := range getFixtureMap {
+ t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ set := propertySetFixture().(*bpPropertySet)
+ set.AddProperty("new", getFixture())
+ checkPropertySetFixture(h, set, true)
+ checkPropertySetFixture(h, set.getValue("new"), name == "property set")
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ t.Run("merge existing subset", func(t *testing.T) {
+ for name, getFixture := range getFixtureMap {
+ t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ set := newPropertySet()
+ subset := set.AddPropertySet("sub")
+ subset.AddProperty("flag", false)
+ subset.AddPropertySet("sub")
+ set.AddProperty("sub", getFixture())
+ merged := set.getValue("sub").(*bpPropertySet)
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong flag value", false, merged.getValue("flag"))
+ checkPropertySetFixture(h, merged, name == "property set")
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ t.Run("add conflicting subset", func(t *testing.T) {
+ set := propertySetFixture().(*bpPropertySet)
+ h.AssertPanic("adding x again should panic",
+ func() { set.AddProperty("x", propertySetFixture()) })
+ })
+ t.Run("add non-pointer struct", func(t *testing.T) {
+ set := propertySetFixture().(*bpPropertySet)
+ str := propertyStructFixture().(*propertyStruct)
+ h.AssertPanic("adding a non-pointer struct should panic",
+ func() { set.AddProperty("new", *str) })
+ })
+func TestAddPropertySetNew(t *testing.T) {
+ h := &TestHelper{t}
+ set := newPropertySet()
+ subset := set.AddPropertySet("sub")
+ subset.AddProperty("new", "d^^b")
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong sub.new value", "d^^b", set.getValue("sub").(*bpPropertySet).getValue("new"))
+func TestAddPropertySetExisting(t *testing.T) {
+ h := &TestHelper{t}
+ set := propertySetFixture().(*bpPropertySet)
+ subset := set.AddPropertySet("sub")
+ subset.AddProperty("new", "d^^b")
+ h.AssertDeepEquals("wrong sub.new value", "d^^b", set.getValue("sub").(*bpPropertySet).getValue("new"))
type removeFredTransformation struct {
diff --git a/sdk/testing.go b/sdk/testing.go
index b53558d..68058ee 100644
--- a/sdk/testing.go
+++ b/sdk/testing.go
@@ -217,6 +217,22 @@
+func (h *TestHelper) AssertPanic(message string, funcThatShouldPanic func()) {
+ h.t.Helper()
+ panicked := false
+ func() {
+ defer func() {
+ if x := recover(); x != nil {
+ panicked = true
+ }
+ }()
+ funcThatShouldPanic()
+ }()
+ if !panicked {
+ h.t.Error(message)
+ }
// Encapsulates result of processing an SDK definition. Provides support for
// checking the state of the build structures.
type testSdkResult struct {