Use named options for verify_overlaps
Previously, verify_overlaps used positional arguments, the first was
the monolithi flags and the rest were the module flag pairs (filtered
flags file and signature patterns file). This change makes them use
named options to make the purpose of the arguments clearer on the
command line.
Bug: 194063708
Test: atest --host verify_overlaps_test
m out/soong/hiddenapi/hiddenapi-flags.csv
Change-Id: Ife0af0016eb0f91416e8330d5d98cb53c97d68a4
diff --git a/java/hiddenapi_modular.go b/java/hiddenapi_modular.go
index 95ded34..44cdfa5 100644
--- a/java/hiddenapi_modular.go
+++ b/java/hiddenapi_modular.go
@@ -994,10 +994,11 @@
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
command := rule.Command().
- Input(monolithicFilePath)
+ FlagWithInput("--monolithic-flags ", monolithicFilePath)
for _, subset := range csvSubsets {
+ Flag("--module-flags ").
Textf("%s:%s", subset.CsvFile, subset.SignaturePatternsFile).