Add TestBasicSdkWithBootImage

Added to reproduce the conditions that lead to the error reported in
the bug so they can be fixed. There were a number of issues that were
fixed in previous changes and this test verifies that they have been

Bug: 182992071
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: I2197899b284a99973e698db314b15812f602b141
diff --git a/sdk/boot_image_sdk_test.go b/sdk/boot_image_sdk_test.go
index bc09bbc..5a03e34 100644
--- a/sdk/boot_image_sdk_test.go
+++ b/sdk/boot_image_sdk_test.go
@@ -67,3 +67,39 @@
+// Test that boot_image works with sdk.
+func TestBasicSdkWithBootImage(t *testing.T) {
+	android.GroupFixturePreparers(
+		prepareForSdkTestWithApex,
+		prepareForSdkTestWithJava,
+		android.FixtureWithRootAndroidBp(`
+		sdk {
+			name: "mysdk",
+			boot_images: ["mybootimage"],
+		}
+		boot_image {
+			name: "mybootimage",
+			image_name: "art",
+			apex_available: ["myapex"],
+		}
+		sdk_snapshot {
+			name: "mysdk@1",
+			boot_images: ["mybootimage_mysdk_1"],
+		}
+		prebuilt_boot_image {
+			name: "mybootimage_mysdk_1",
+			sdk_member_name: "mybootimage",
+			prefer: false,
+			visibility: ["//visibility:public"],
+			apex_available: [
+				"myapex",
+			],
+			image_name: "art",
+		}
+	`),
+	).RunTest(t)