Merge "Remove the prebuilt tools cleanstep logic."
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
index 7885644..06ceecb 100644
--- a/core/
+++ b/core/
@@ -301,48 +301,6 @@
 force_objclean :=
-# Clean build tools when swithcing between prebuilt host tools (such as in
-# apps_only build) and tools built from source (platform build).
-previous_prebuilt_tools_config_file := $(HOST_OUT)/
-ifneq (,$(TARGET_BUILD_APPS)$(filter true,$(TARGET_BUILD_PDK)))
-current_prebuilt_tools := true
-current_prebuilt_tools := false
--include $(previous_prebuilt_tools_config_file)
-force_tools_clean :=
-ifneq ($(PREVIOUS_PREBUILT_TOOLS),$(current_prebuilt_tools))
-force_tools_clean := true
-endif # else, this is the first build, so no need to clean.
-# Write the new state to the file.
-ifneq ($(PREVIOUS_PREBUILT_TOOLS),$(current_prebuilt_tools))
-$(shell \
-  mkdir -p $(dir $(previous_prebuilt_tools_config_file)) && \
-  echo "PREVIOUS_PREBUILT_TOOLS:=$(current_prebuilt_tools)" > \
-    $(previous_prebuilt_tools_config_file))
-ifeq ($(force_tools_clean),true)
-# For this list of prebuilt tools, see prebuilts/sdk/tools/
-tools_clean_files := \
-  $(HOST_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/JAVA_LIBRARIES/shrinkedAndroid_intermediates \
-  $(HOST_OUT)/obj*/EXECUTABLES/aapt_intermediates \
-  $(HOST_OUT)/obj*/EXECUTABLES/aidl_intermediates \
-  $(HOST_OUT)/obj*/EXECUTABLES/zipalign_intermediates \
-  $(HOST_OUT)/obj*/lib/libc++$(HOST_SHLIB_SUFFIX) \
-$(info *** build type changed, clean host tools...)
-$(info *** rm -rf $(tools_clean_files))
-$(shell rm -rf $(tools_clean_files))
 .PHONY: clean-jack-files
 clean-jack-files: clean-dex-files