Use apexd_host for host-side APEX extraction

Host-side simulation of APEX activation is done by a new tool
'apexd_host'. This simplies checkvintf invocation for local builds and
for target-files.

For local builds, checkvintf no londer depends on $OUT/apex, a flattened
view of APEXes. In fact, the build system doesn't need to install
$OUT/apex. They are installed for now only for its side-effect of
installing symbol files. We'd better not rely on $OUT/apex.

For target-files, scanning/activating apexes are extracted and moved to
the new tool. Now check_target_files_vintf is not more efficient because
it doesn't copy .apex files to a temporary directory.

Bug: 260358957
Bug: 288826922
Test: m (running checkvintf) # for local builds
Test: m target-files-package && check_garget_files_vintf
Test: atest releasetools_test
Change-Id: Iba23f429d96f9ec31814196aa14bdbb800649218
diff --git a/core/Makefile b/core/Makefile
index 6dbbef1..cb5f4c4 100644
--- a/core/Makefile
+++ b/core/Makefile
@@ -4827,25 +4827,24 @@
 intermediates := $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,check_vintf_all)
 check_vintf_all_deps :=
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
-# Create apex-info-file.xml
+# Activate vendor APEXes for checkvintf
 apex_dirs := \
-  $(TARGET_OUT)/apex/% \
-  $(TARGET_OUT_SYSTEM_EXT)/apex/% \
   $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR)/apex/% \
-  $(TARGET_OUT_ODM)/apex/% \
-  $(TARGET_OUT_PRODUCT)/apex/% \
 apex_files := $(sort $(filter $(apex_dirs), $(INTERNAL_ALLIMAGES_FILES)))
+APEX_OUT := $(intermediates)/apex
 APEX_INFO_FILE := $(APEX_OUT)/apex-info-list.xml
-# dump_apex_info scans $(PRODUCT_OUT)/apex and writes apex-info-list.xml there.
-# This relies on the fact that rules for .apex files install the contents in $(PRODUCT_OUT)/apex.
-$(APEX_INFO_FILE): $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/dump_apex_info $(apex_files)
-	@echo "Creating apex-info-file in $(PRODUCT_OUT) "
-	$< --root_dir $(PRODUCT_OUT)
+# apexd_host scans/activates APEX files and writes /apex/apex-info-list.xml
+$(APEX_INFO_FILE): $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/apexd_host $(apex_files)
+	@echo "Extracting apexes..."
+	@rm -rf $(APEX_OUT)
+	@mkdir -p $(APEX_OUT)
+	$< --vendor_path $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR) \
+	   --apex_path $(APEX_OUT)
 apex_files :=
 apex_dirs :=
@@ -5299,7 +5298,6 @@
   apex_compression_tool \
   deapexer \
   debugfs_static \
-  dump_apex_info \
   fsck.erofs \
   make_erofs \
   merge_zips \