Implement add_soong_namespace and add_soong_config_var_value functions

Bug: 193540681
Test: rbcrun build/make/tests/run.rbc
Change-Id: I129136e83d2d00ef5b64d3aab07b98719198dcfe
diff --git a/core/product_config.rbc b/core/product_config.rbc
index 8e85c4b..c7ec794 100644
--- a/core/product_config.rbc
+++ b/core/product_config.rbc
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 """Runtime functions."""
+_soong_config_namespaces_key = "$SOONG_CONFIG_NAMESPACES"
 def _global_init():
     """Returns dict created from the runtime environment."""
     globals = dict()
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
         globals[k] = getattr(rblf_cli, k)
     globals.setdefault("PRODUCT_SOONG_NAMESPACES", [])
+    globals.setdefault(_soong_config_namespaces_key, {})
     # Variables that should be defined.
@@ -74,7 +76,12 @@
     if _options.print_globals:
         for attr, val in sorted(globals.items()):
-            if attr not in _globals_base:
+            if attr == _soong_config_namespaces_key:
+                __print_attr("SOONG_CONFIG_NAMESPACES", val.keys())
+                for nsname, nsvars in sorted(val.items()):
+                    for var, val in sorted(nsvars.items()):
+                        __print_attr("SOONG_CONFIG_%s_%s" % (nsname, var), val)
+            elif attr not in _globals_base:
                 __print_attr(attr, val)
 def __printvars_rearrange_list(value_list):
@@ -268,6 +275,20 @@
     """Returns configuration item for the inherited module."""
     return (pcm_name,)
+def _add_soong_config_namespace(g, nsname):
+    """Adds given namespace."""
+    # A value cannot be updated, so we need to create a new dictionary
+    old = g[_soong_config_namespaces_key]
+    g[_soong_config_namespaces_key] = dict([(k,v) for k,v in old.items()] + [(nsname, {})])
+def _add_soong_config_var_value(g, nsname, var, value):
+    """Defines a variable and adds it to the given namespace."""
+    ns = g[_soong_config_namespaces_key].get(nsname)
+    if ns == None:
+        fail("no such namespace: " + nsname)
+    ns[var] = value
 def _addprefix(prefix, string_or_list):
     """Adds prefix and returns a list.
@@ -523,6 +544,8 @@
 # Settings used during debugging.
 _options = __get_options()
 rblf = struct(
+    add_soong_config_namespace = _add_soong_config_namespace,
+    add_soong_config_var_value = _add_soong_config_var_value,
     addprefix = _addprefix,
     addsuffix = _addsuffix,
     copy_if_exists = _copy_if_exists,
diff --git a/tests/device.rbc b/tests/device.rbc
index 5d4e70c..d9100fd 100644
--- a/tests/device.rbc
+++ b/tests/device.rbc
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
 ### include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
 ### PRODUCT_PACKAGES += dev_after
 ### PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += $(call find-copy-subdir-files,audio_platform_info*.xml,device/google/redfin/audio,$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR)/etc) xyz
+### $(call add_soong_namespace,NS1)
+### $(call add_soong_config_var_value,NS1,v1,abc)
+### $(call add_soong_config_var_value,NS1,v2,def)
+### $(call add_soong_namespace,NS2)
+### $(call add_soong_config_var_value,NS2,v3,abc)
+### $(call add_soong_config_var_value,NS2,v3,xyz)
 load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
 load(":part1.rbc", _part1_init = "init")
@@ -40,3 +46,10 @@
   cfg["PRODUCT_PACKAGES"] += ["dev_after"]
   cfg["PRODUCT_COPY_FILES"] += (rblf.find_and_copy("audio_platform_info*.xml", "device/google/redfin/audio", "||VENDOR-PATH-PH||/etc") +
+  rblf.add_soong_config_namespace(g, "NS1")
+  rblf.add_soong_config_var_value(g, "NS1", "v1", "abc")
+  rblf.add_soong_config_var_value(g, "NS1", "v2", "def")
+  rblf.add_soong_config_namespace(g, "NS2")
+  rblf.add_soong_config_var_value(g, "NS2", "v3", "abc")
+  rblf.add_soong_config_var_value(g, "NS2", "v3", "xyz")
diff --git a/tests/run.rbc b/tests/run.rbc
index 4cda180..da88886 100644
--- a/tests/run.rbc
+++ b/tests/run.rbc
@@ -63,3 +63,17 @@
     { k:v for k, v in sorted(config.items()) }
+    {
+        "NS1": {
+            "v1": "abc",
+            "v2": "def"
+        },
+        "NS2": {
+            "v3": "xyz"
+        }
+    },
+    {k:v for k, v in sorted(ns.items()) }