Initial Contribution
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f6da4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+function help() {
+cat <<EOF
+Invoke "." from your shell to add the following functions to your environment:
+- croot:   Changes directory to the top of the tree.
+- m:       Makes from the top of the tree.
+- mm:      Builds all of the modules in the current directory.
+- mmm:     Builds all of the modules in the supplied directories.
+- cgrep:   Greps on all local C/C++ files.
+- jgrep:   Greps on all local Java files.
+- resgrep: Greps on all local res/*.xml files.
+Look at the source to view more functions. The complete list is:
+    T=$(gettop)
+    local A
+    A=""
+    for i in `cat $T/build/ | sed -n "/^function /s/function \([a-z_]*\).*/\1/p" | sort`; do
+      A="$A $i"
+    done
+    echo $A
+# Get the value of a build variable as an absolute path.
+function get_abs_build_var()
+    T=$(gettop)
+    if [ ! "$T" ]; then
+        echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree.  Try setting TOP." >&2
+        return
+    fi
+      make --no-print-directory -C "$T" -f build/core/ dumpvar-abs-$1
+# Get the exact value of a build variable.
+function get_build_var()
+    T=$(gettop)
+    if [ ! "$T" ]; then
+        echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree.  Try setting TOP." >&2
+        return
+    fi
+      make --no-print-directory -C "$T" -f build/core/ dumpvar-$1
+function setpaths()
+    T=$(gettop)
+    if [ ! "$T" ]; then
+        echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree.  Try setting TOP."
+        return
+    fi
+    ##################################################################
+    #                                                                #
+    #              Read me before you modify this code               #
+    #                                                                #
+    #   This function sets ANDROID_BUILD_PATHS to what it is adding  #
+    #   to PATH, and the next time it is run, it removes that from   #
+    #   PATH.  This is required so lunch can be run more than once   #
+    #   and still have working paths.                                #
+    #                                                                #
+    ##################################################################
+    # out with the old
+    if [ -n $ANDROID_BUILD_PATHS ] ; then
+        export PATH=${PATH/$ANDROID_BUILD_PATHS/}
+    fi
+    # and in with the new
+    prebuiltdir=$(getprebuilt)
+    export ANDROID_EABI_TOOLCHAIN=$prebuiltdir/toolchain-eabi-4.2.1/bin
+    export ANDROID_QTOOLS=$T/development/emulator/qtools
+    export ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=$(get_abs_build_var PRODUCT_OUT)
+    # needed for building linux on MacOS    
+    # TODO: fix the path
+    #export HOST_EXTRACFLAGS="-I "$T/system/kernel_headers/host_include
+function printconfig()
+    echo "=============================================="
+    echo "Build System Configuration"
+    echo
+    echo "=============================================="
+function set_stuff_for_environment()
+    then
+        settitle
+        printconfig
+        setpaths
+        set_sequence_number
+        # Don't try to do preoptimization until it works better on OSX.
+        export DISABLE_DEXPREOPT=true
+        export ANDROID_BUILD_TOP=$(gettop)
+    fi
+function set_sequence_number()
+function settitle()
+        if [ "$STAY_OFF_MY_LAWN" = "" ]; then
+                TARGET_PRODUCT=$(get_build_var TARGET_PRODUCT)
+                export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;[${TARGET_PRODUCT}] ${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
+        fi
+case `uname -s` in
+    Linux)
+        function choosesim()
+        {
+            echo "Build for the simulator or the device?"
+            echo "     1. Device"
+            echo "     2. Simulator"
+            echo
+            export TARGET_SIMULATOR=$1
+            while [ -z $TARGET_SIMULATOR ]
+            do
+                echo -n "Which would you like? [1] "
+                read ANSWER
+                case $ANSWER in
+                "")
+                    export TARGET_SIMULATOR=false
+                    ;;
+                1)
+                    export TARGET_SIMULATOR=false
+                    ;;
+                2)
+                    export TARGET_SIMULATOR=true
+                    ;;
+                *)
+                    echo
+                    echo "I didn't understand your response.  Please try again."
+                    echo
+                    continue
+                    ;;
+                esac
+            done
+            set_stuff_for_environment
+        }
+        ;;
+    *)
+        function choosesim()
+        {
+            echo "Only device builds are supported for" `uname -s`
+            echo "     Forcing TARGET_SIMULATOR=false"
+            echo
+            echo -n "Press enter: "
+            read
+            export TARGET_SIMULATOR=false
+            set_stuff_for_environment
+        }
+        ;;
+function choosetype()
+    echo "Build type choices are:"
+    echo "     1. release"
+    echo "     2. debug"
+    echo
+    if [ $TARGET_SIMULATOR = "false" ] ; then
+        DEFAULT_NUM=1
+        DEFAULT_VALUE=release
+    else
+        DEFAULT_NUM=2
+        DEFAULT_VALUE=debug
+    fi
+    export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=$1
+    while [ -z $TARGET_BUILD_TYPE ]
+    do
+        echo -n "Which would you like? ["$DEFAULT_NUM"] "
+        read ANSWER
+        case $ANSWER in
+        "")
+            ;;
+        1)
+            export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release
+            ;;
+        2)
+            export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=debug
+            ;;
+        *)
+            echo
+            echo "I didn't understand your response.  Please try again."
+            echo
+            continue
+            ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    set_stuff_for_environment
+function chooseproduct()
+    # Find the makefiles that must exist for a product.
+    # Send stderr to /dev/null in case partner isn't present.
+    choices=(`/bin/ls build/target/board/*/ vendor/*/*/ 2> /dev/null`)
+    count=${#choices[@]}
+    index=0
+    echo "Product choices are:"
+    while [ "$index" -lt "$count" ]
+    do
+        # The product name is the name of the directory containing
+        # the makefile we found, above.
+        choices[$index]=`dirname ${choices[$index]} | xargs basename`
+        echo "     $index. ${choices[$index]}"
+        let "index = $index + 1"
+    done
+    if [ "x$TARGET_PRODUCT" != x ] ; then
+        default_value=$TARGET_PRODUCT
+    else
+        if [ "$TARGET_SIMULATOR" = true ] ; then
+            default_value=sim
+        else
+            default_value=generic
+        fi
+    fi
+    export TARGET_PRODUCT=$1
+    while [ -z "$TARGET_PRODUCT" ]
+    do
+        echo -n "which would you like? [$default_value] "
+        read ANSWER
+        if [ -z "$ANSWER" ] ; then
+            export TARGET_PRODUCT=$default_value
+        elif [ "$ANSWER" -lt "$count" ] ; then
+            export TARGET_PRODUCT=${choices[$ANSWER]}
+        fi
+    done
+    set_stuff_for_environment
+function tapas()
+    choosecombo
+function choosecombo()
+    choosesim $1
+    echo
+    echo
+    choosetype $2
+    echo
+    echo
+    chooseproduct $3
+    echo
+    set_stuff_for_environment
+function print_lunch_menu()
+    local uname=$(uname)
+    echo
+    echo "You're building on" $uname
+    echo
+    echo "Lunch menu... pick a combo:"
+    echo "     1. device    release  generic"
+    if [ $uname = Linux ]
+    then
+        echo "     2. simulator debug    sim"
+    else
+        echo "     <no simulator on $uname>"
+    fi
+    echo
+function lunch()
+    if [ "$1" ] ; then
+        ANSWER=$1
+    else
+        print_lunch_menu
+        echo -n "Which would you like? "
+        read ANSWER
+    fi
+    if [ $ANSWER -eq 2 -a $(uname) != Linux ]
+    then
+        echo "Simulator builds are not supported on this platform"
+        ANSWER=0
+    fi
+    case $ANSWER in
+    1)
+        export TARGET_SIMULATOR=false
+        export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release
+        export TARGET_PRODUCT=generic
+        ;;
+    2)
+        export TARGET_SIMULATOR=true
+        export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=debug
+        export TARGET_PRODUCT=sim
+        ;;
+    *)
+        echo
+        if [ "$1" ] ; then
+            echo "I didn't understand your request.  Please try again"
+            print_lunch_menu
+        else
+            echo "I didn't understand your response.  Please try again."
+        fi
+        return
+        ;;
+    esac
+    echo
+    set_stuff_for_environment
+function partner_setup()
+   # Set up the various TARGET_ variables so that we can use
+   # the lunch helper functions to build the PATH.
+   #
+   if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
+       export TARGET_PRODUCT=generic
+       echo "Usage: partner_setup <product-name>" >&2
+       echo "    Defaulting to product \"$TARGET_PRODUCT\"" >&2
+   else
+       export TARGET_PRODUCT=$1
+   fi
+   if [ $TARGET_PRODUCT = "sim" ] ; then
+       export TARGET_SIMULATOR=true
+       export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=debug
+   else
+       export TARGET_SIMULATOR=false
+       export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release
+   fi
+   # setpaths will fix up the PATH to point to the tools, and will also
+   # set ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT.  set_sequence_number is necessary for
+   # certain consistency checks within the build system.
+   #
+   setpaths
+   set_sequence_number
+   # Clear the TARGET_ variables so that the build is based purely on
+   # and the commandline, except for sim
+   #
+   if [ $TARGET_PRODUCT != sim ] ; then
+       export TARGET_PRODUCT=
+       export TARGET_SIMULATOR=
+       export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=
+   fi
+   export ANDROID_BUILD_TOP=$(gettop)
+   # Don't try to do preoptimization until it works better on OSX.
+   export DISABLE_DEXPREOPT=true
+function gettop
+    TOPFILE=build/core/
+    if [ -n "$TOP" -a -f "$TOP/$TOPFILE" ] ; then
+        echo $TOP
+    else
+        if [ -f $TOPFILE ] ; then
+            echo $PWD
+        else
+            # We redirect cd to /dev/null in case it's aliased to
+            # a command that prints something as a side-effect
+            # (like pushd)
+            HERE=$PWD
+            T=
+            while [ \( ! \( -f $TOPFILE \) \) -a \( $PWD != "/" \) ]; do
+                cd .. > /dev/null
+                T=$PWD
+            done
+            cd $HERE > /dev/null
+            if [ -f "$T/$TOPFILE" ]; then
+                echo $T
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+function m()
+    T=$(gettop)
+    if [ "$T" ]; then
+        make -C $T $@
+    else
+        echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree.  Try setting TOP."
+    fi
+function findmakefile()
+    TOPFILE=build/core/
+    # We redirect cd to /dev/null in case it's aliased to
+    # a command that prints something as a side-effect
+    # (like pushd)
+    HERE=$PWD
+    T=
+    while [ \( ! \( -f $TOPFILE \) \) -a \( $PWD != "/" \) ]; do
+        T=$PWD
+        if [ -f "$T/" ]; then
+            echo $T/
+            cd $HERE > /dev/null
+            return
+        fi
+        cd .. > /dev/null
+    done
+    cd $HERE > /dev/null
+function mm()
+    # If we're sitting in the root of the build tree, just do a
+    # normal make.
+    if [ -f build/core/ -a -f Makefile ]; then
+        make $@
+    else
+        # Find the closest file.
+        T=$(gettop)
+        M=$(findmakefile)
+        if [ ! "$T" ]; then
+            echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree.  Try setting TOP."
+        elif [ ! "$M" ]; then
+            echo "Couldn't locate a makefile from the current directory."
+        else
+            ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE=$M make -C $T files $@
+        fi
+    fi
+function mmm()
+    T=$(gettop)
+    if [ "$T" ]; then
+        MAKEFILE=
+        ARGS=
+        for DIR in $@ ; do
+            DIR=`echo $DIR | sed -e 's:/$::'`
+            if [ -f $DIR/ ]; then
+                TO_CHOP=`echo $T | wc -c | tr -d ' '`
+                TO_CHOP=`expr $TO_CHOP + 1`
+                MFILE=`echo $PWD | cut -c${TO_CHOP}-`
+                if [ "$MFILE" = "" ] ; then
+                    MFILE=$DIR/
+                else
+                    MFILE=$MFILE/$DIR/
+                fi
+                MAKEFILE="$MAKEFILE $MFILE"
+            else
+                if [ "$DIR" = snod ]; then
+                    ARGS="$ARGS snod"
+                elif [ "$DIR" = showcommands ]; then
+                    ARGS="$ARGS showcommands"
+                else
+                    echo "No in $DIR."
+                fi
+            fi
+        done
+        ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE="$MAKEFILE" make -C $T files $ARGS
+    else
+        echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree.  Try setting TOP."
+    fi
+function croot()
+    T=$(gettop)
+    if [ "$T" ]; then
+        cd $(gettop)
+    else
+        echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree.  Try setting TOP."
+    fi
+function pid()
+   local EXE="$1"
+   if [ "$EXE" ] ; then
+       local PID=`adb shell ps | fgrep $1 | sed -e 's/[^ ]* *\([0-9]*\).*/\1/'`
+       echo "$PID"
+   else
+       echo "usage: pid name"
+   fi
+function gdbclient()
+   OUT_ROOT=$(get_abs_build_var PRODUCT_OUT)
+   OUT_SYMBOLS=$(get_abs_build_var TARGET_OUT_UNSTRIPPED)
+   PREBUILTS=$(get_abs_build_var ANDROID_PREBUILTS)
+   if [ "$OUT_ROOT" -a "$PREBUILTS" ]; then
+       local EXE="$1"
+       if [ "$EXE" ] ; then
+           EXE=$1
+       else
+           EXE="app_process"
+       fi
+       local PORT="$2"
+       if [ "$PORT" ] ; then
+           PORT=$2
+       else
+           PORT=":5039"
+       fi
+       local PID
+       local PROG="$3"
+       if [ "$PROG" ] ; then
+           PID=`pid $3`
+           adb forward "tcp$PORT" "tcp$PORT"
+           adb shell gdbserver $PORT --attach $PID &
+           sleep 2
+       else
+               echo ""
+               echo "If you haven't done so already, do this first on the device:"
+               echo "    gdbserver $PORT /system/bin/$EXE"
+                   echo " or"
+               echo "    gdbserver $PORT --attach $PID"
+               echo ""
+       fi
+       echo >|"$OUT_ROOT/gdbclient.cmds" "set solib-absolute-prefix $OUT_SYMBOLS"
+       echo >>"$OUT_ROOT/gdbclient.cmds" "set solib-search-path $OUT_SO_SYMBOLS"
+       echo >>"$OUT_ROOT/gdbclient.cmds" "target remote $PORT"
+       echo >>"$OUT_ROOT/gdbclient.cmds" ""
+       arm-eabi-gdb -x "$OUT_ROOT/gdbclient.cmds" "$OUT_EXE_SYMBOLS/$EXE"
+  else
+       echo "Unable to determine build system output dir."
+   fi
+case `uname -s` in
+    Darwin)
+        function sgrep()
+        {
+            find -E . -type f -iregex '.*\.(c|h|cpp|S|java|xml)' -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@"
+        }
+        ;;
+    *)
+        function sgrep()
+        {
+            find . -type f -iregex '.*\.\(c\|h\|cpp\|S\|java\|xml\)' -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@"
+        }
+        ;;
+function jgrep()
+    find . -type f -name "*\.java" -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@"
+function cgrep()
+    find . -type f -name "*\.c*" -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@"
+function resgrep()
+    for dir in `find . -name res -type d`; do find $dir -type f -name '*\.xml' -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@"; done;
+case `uname -s` in
+    Darwin)
+        function mgrep()
+        {
+            find -E . -type f -iregex '.*/(Makefile|Makefile\..*|.*\.make|.*\.mak|.*\.mk)' -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@"
+        }
+        function treegrep()
+        {
+            find -E . -type f -iregex '.*\.(c|h|cpp|S|java|xml)' -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n -i "$@"
+        }
+        ;;
+    *)
+        function mgrep()
+        {
+            find . -regextype posix-egrep -iregex '\(.*\/Makefile\|.*\/Makefile\..*\|.*\.make\|.*\.mak\|.*\.mk\)'  -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n "$@"
+        }
+        function treegrep()
+        {
+            find . -regextype posix-egrep -iregex '.*\.(c|h|cpp|S|java|xml)' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep --color -n -i "$@"
+        }
+        ;;
+function getprebuilt
+    get_abs_build_var ANDROID_PREBUILTS
+function tracedmdump()
+    T=$(gettop)
+    if [ ! "$T" ]; then
+        echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree.  Try setting TOP."
+        return
+    fi
+    prebuiltdir=$(getprebuilt)
+    KERNEL=$T/prebuilt/android-arm/vmlinux-qemu
+    TRACE=$1
+    if [ ! "$TRACE" ] ; then
+        echo "usage:  tracedmdump  tracename"
+        return
+    fi
+    BASETRACE=$(basename $TRACE)
+    if [ "$BASETRACE" = "$TRACE" ] ; then
+    fi
+    echo "post-processing traces..."
+    rm -f $TRACE/qtrace.dexlist
+    post_trace $TRACE
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "***"
+        echo "*** Error: malformed trace.  Did you remember to exit the emulator?"
+        echo "***"
+        return
+    fi
+    echo "generating dexlist output..."
+    /bin/ls $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/framework/*.jar $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/app/*.apk $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/data/app/*.apk 2>/dev/null | xargs dexlist > $TRACE/qtrace.dexlist
+    echo "generating dmtrace data..."
+    q2dm -r $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/symbols $TRACE $KERNEL $TRACE/dmtrace || return
+    echo "generating html file..."
+    dmtracedump -h $TRACE/dmtrace >| $TRACE/dmtrace.html || return
+    echo "done, see $TRACE/dmtrace.html for details"
+    echo "or run:"
+    echo "    traceview $TRACE/dmtrace"
+function runhat()
+    targetPid=$1
+    outputFile=$2
+    if [ "$targetPid" = "" ]; then
+        echo "Usage: runhat target-pid [output-file]"
+        return
+    fi
+    adb shell >/dev/null mkdir /data/misc
+    adb shell chmod 777 /data/misc
+    echo "Poking $targetPid and waiting for data..."
+    adb shell kill -10 $targetPid
+    echo "Press enter when logcat shows \"GC freed ## objects / ## bytes\""
+    echo -n "> "
+    read
+    availFiles=( $(adb shell ls /data/misc | grep '^heap-dump' | sed -e 's/.*heap-dump-/heap-dump-/' | sort -r | tr '[:space:][:cntrl:]' ' ') )
+    devHeadFile=/data/misc/${availFiles[0]}
+    devTailFile=/data/misc/${availFiles[1]}
+    localHeadFile=/tmp/$$-hprof-head
+    localTailFile=/tmp/$$-hprof-tail
+    echo "Retrieving file $devHeadFile..."
+    adb pull $devHeadFile $localHeadFile
+    echo "Retrieving file $devTailFile..."
+    adb pull $devTailFile $localTailFile
+    combinedFile=$outputFile
+    if [ "$combinedFile" = "" ]; then
+        combinedFile=/tmp/$$.hprof
+    fi
+    cat $localHeadFile $localTailFile >$combinedFile
+    adb shell rm $devHeadFile
+    adb shell rm $devTailFile
+    rm $localHeadFile
+    rm $localTailFile
+    echo "Running hat on $combinedFile"
+    echo "View the output by pointing your browser at http://localhost:7000/"
+    echo ""
+    hat $combinedFile
+function getbugreports()
+    reports=(`adb shell ls /sdcard/bugreports | tr -d '\r'`)
+    if [ ! "$reports" ]; then
+        echo "Could not locate any bugreports."
+        return
+    fi
+    count=${#reports[@]}
+    index=0
+    while [ "$index" -lt "$count" ]
+    do
+        echo "/sdcard/bugreports/${reports[$index]}"
+        adb pull /sdcard/bugreports/${reports[$index]} ${reports[$index]}
+        gunzip ${reports[$index]}
+        let "index = $index + 1"
+    done
+function startviewserver()
+    port=4939
+    if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
+            port=$1
+    fi
+    adb shell service call window 1 i32 $port
+function stopviewserver()
+    adb shell service call window 2
+function isviewserverstarted()
+    adb shell service call window 3
+function smoketest()
+    if [ ! "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" ]; then
+        echo "Couldn't locate output files.  Try running 'lunch' first." >&2
+        return
+    fi
+    T=$(gettop)
+    if [ ! "$T" ]; then
+        echo "Couldn't locate the top of the tree.  Try setting TOP." >&2
+        return
+    fi
+    (cd "$T" && mmm tests/SmokeTest) &&
+      adb uninstall > /dev/null &&
+      adb uninstall > /dev/null &&
+      adb install $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/data/app/SmokeTestApp.apk &&
+      adb install $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/data/app/SmokeTest.apk &&
+      adb shell am instrument -w