Remove unnecessary branch for BOARD_HAS_EXT4_RESERVED_BLOCKS.

The branch exist for file based OTA, but it is deprecated in O.
Test: m dist

Change-Id: I24275b550f89c2541ef8893fdeffc06f5da01f6e
diff --git a/core/Makefile b/core/Makefile
index 002e955..e9454f9 100644
--- a/core/Makefile
+++ b/core/Makefile
@@ -1578,12 +1578,7 @@
       $(TARGET_OUT) $(systemimage_intermediates)/system_image_info.txt $(1) $(TARGET_OUT) \
       || ( echo "Out of space? the tree size of $(TARGET_OUT) is (MB): " 1>&2 ;\
            du -sm $(TARGET_OUT) 1>&2;\
-           if [ "$(INTERNAL_USERIMAGES_EXT_VARIANT)" == "ext4" ]; then \
-               maxsize=$(BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE); \
-               echo "The max is $$(( maxsize / 1048576 )) MB." 1>&2 ;\
-           else \
-               echo "The max is $$(( $(BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE) / 1048576 )) MB." 1>&2 ;\
-           fi; \
+           echo "The max is $$(( $(BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE) / 1048576 )) MB." 1>&2 ;\
            mkdir -p $(DIST_DIR); cp $(INSTALLED_FILES_FILE) $(DIST_DIR)/installed-files-rescued.txt; \
            exit 1 )