Disable packed relocations for NDK builds

Bug: http://b/20537715
Change-Id: I1289a88d5eb694980b026b695cb25edd8ba76ed5
diff --git a/core/binary.mk b/core/binary.mk
index 8eefa76..d3d050e 100644
--- a/core/binary.mk
+++ b/core/binary.mk
@@ -77,10 +77,12 @@
     my_ndk_sysroot_lib := $(my_ndk_sysroot)/usr/lib
-  # The bionic linker now has support for gnu style hashes (which are much
-  # faster!), but shipping to older devices requires the old style hash.
+  # The bionic linker now has support for packed relocations and gnu style
+  # hashes (which are much faster!), but shipping to older devices requires
+  # the old style hash and disabling packed relocations.
   #ifeq ($(shell expr $(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION) >= FIRST_SUPPORTED_VERSION),0)
     my_ldflags += -Wl,--hash-style=sysv
   # Set up the NDK stl variant. Starting from NDK-r5 the c++ stl resides in a separate location.