Performance and scale.

Defer edge creation.

Don't create edges until the count is known to avoid repeated allocate+
copy operatios.

Limit resolutions.

Allow only a single resolution condition set per target, and overwrite
intermediate results. Reduces memory and obviates allocations.

Propagate fewer conditions.

Instead of propagating notice conditions to parents in graph during
initial resolve, leave them on leaf node, and attach to ancestors in
the final walk. Reduces copies.

Parallelize resolutions.

Use goroutines, mutexes, and waitgroups to resolve branches of the
graph in parallel. Makes better use of available cores.

Don't accumulate resolutions inside non-containers.

During the final resolution walk, only attach actions to ancestors from
the root down until the 1st non-aggregate. Prevents an explosion of
copies in the lower levels of the graph.

Drop origin for scale.

Tracking the origin of every potential origin for every restricted
condition does not scale. By dropping origin, propagating from top
to bottom can prune many redundant paths avoiding an exponential

Conditions as bitmask.

Use bit masks for license conditions and condition sets. Reduces maps
and allocations.

Bug: 68860345
Bug: 151177513
Bug: 151953481

Test: m all
Test: m systemlicense
Test: m listshare; out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/listshare ...
Test: m checkshare; out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/checkshare ...
Test: m dumpgraph; out/soong/host/linux-x86/dumpgraph ...
Test: m dumpresolutions; out/soong/host/linux-x86/dumpresolutions ...

where ... is the path to the .meta_lic file for the system image. In my
case if

$ export PRODUCT=$(realpath $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT --relative-to=$PWD)

... can be expressed as:


Change-Id: Ia2ec1b818de6122c239fbd0824754f1d65daffd3
diff --git a/tools/compliance/condition.go b/tools/compliance/condition.go
index b5c8cec..26b91ca 100644
--- a/tools/compliance/condition.go
+++ b/tools/compliance/condition.go
@@ -16,150 +16,87 @@
 import (
-	"strings"
-// LicenseCondition describes an individual license condition or requirement
-// originating at a specific target node. (immutable)
-// e.g. A module licensed under GPL terms would originate a `restricted` condition.
-type LicenseCondition struct {
-	name   string
-	origin *TargetNode
+// LicenseCondition identifies a recognized license condition by setting the
+// corresponding bit.
+type LicenseCondition uint16
-// Name returns the name of the condition. e.g. "restricted" or "notice"
+// LicenseConditionMask is a bitmask for the recognized license conditions.
+const LicenseConditionMask = LicenseCondition(0x3ff)
+const (
+	// UnencumberedCondition identifies public domain or public domain-
+	// like license that disclaims copyright.
+	UnencumberedCondition = LicenseCondition(0x0001)
+	// PermissiveCondition identifies a license without notice or other
+	// significant requirements.
+	PermissiveCondition = LicenseCondition(0x0002)
+	// NoticeCondition identifies a typical open-source license with only
+	// notice or attribution requirements.
+	NoticeCondition = LicenseCondition(0x0004)
+	// ReciprocalCondition identifies a license with requirement to share
+	// the module's source only.
+	ReciprocalCondition = LicenseCondition(0x0008)
+	// RestrictedCondition identifies a license with requirement to share
+	// all source code linked to the module's source.
+	RestrictedCondition = LicenseCondition(0x0010)
+	// RestrictedClasspathExceptionCondition identifies RestrictedCondition
+	// waived for dynamic linking from independent modules.
+	RestrictedClasspathExceptionCondition = LicenseCondition(0x0020)
+	// WeaklyRestrictedCondition identifies a RestrictedCondition waived
+	// for dynamic linking.
+	WeaklyRestrictedCondition = LicenseCondition(0x0040)
+	// ProprietaryCondition identifies a license with source privacy
+	// requirements.
+	ProprietaryCondition = LicenseCondition(0x0080)
+	// ByExceptionOnly identifies a license where policy requires product
+	// counsel review prior to use.
+	ByExceptionOnlyCondition = LicenseCondition(0x0100)
+	// NotAllowedCondition identifies a license with onerous conditions
+	// where policy prohibits use.
+	NotAllowedCondition = LicenseCondition(0x0200)
+var (
+	// RecognizedConditionNames maps condition strings to LicenseCondition.
+	RecognizedConditionNames = map[string]LicenseCondition{
+		"unencumbered": UnencumberedCondition,
+		"permissive": PermissiveCondition,
+		"notice": NoticeCondition,
+		"reciprocal": ReciprocalCondition,
+		"restricted": RestrictedCondition,
+		"restricted_with_classpath_exception": RestrictedClasspathExceptionCondition,
+		"restricted_allows_dynamic_linking": WeaklyRestrictedCondition,
+		"proprietary": ProprietaryCondition,
+		"by_exception_only": ByExceptionOnlyCondition,
+		"not_allowed": NotAllowedCondition,
+	}
+// Name returns the condition string corresponding to the LicenseCondition.
 func (lc LicenseCondition) Name() string {
-	return
-// Origin identifies the TargetNode where the condition originates.
-func (lc LicenseCondition) Origin() *TargetNode {
-	return lc.origin
-// asString returns a string representation of a license condition:
-// origin+separator+condition.
-func (lc LicenseCondition) asString(separator string) string {
-	return + separator +
-// ConditionList implements introspection methods to arrays of LicenseCondition.
-type ConditionList []LicenseCondition
-// ConditionList orders arrays of LicenseCondition by Origin and Name.
-// Len returns the length of the list.
-func (l ConditionList) Len() int      { return len(l) }
-// Swap rearranges 2 elements in the list so each occupies the other's former position.
-func (l ConditionList) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
-// Less returns true when the `i`th element is lexicographically less than tht `j`th element.
-func (l ConditionList) Less(i, j int) bool {
-	if l[i] == l[j] {
-		return l[i].name < l[j].name
+	switch lc {
+	case UnencumberedCondition:
+		return "unencumbered"
+	case PermissiveCondition:
+		return "permissive"
+	case NoticeCondition:
+		return "notice"
+	case ReciprocalCondition:
+		return "reciprocal"
+	case RestrictedCondition:
+		return "restricted"
+	case RestrictedClasspathExceptionCondition:
+		return "restricted_with_classpath_exception"
+	case WeaklyRestrictedCondition:
+		return "restricted_allows_dynamic_linking"
+	case ProprietaryCondition:
+		return "proprietary"
+	case ByExceptionOnlyCondition:
+		return "by_exception_only"
+	case NotAllowedCondition:
+		return "not_allowed"
-	return l[i] < l[j]
-// String returns a string representation of the set.
-func (cl ConditionList) String() string {
-	var sb strings.Builder
-	fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "[")
-	sep := ""
-	for _, lc := range cl {
-		fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%s%s:%s", sep,,
-		sep = ", "
-	}
-	fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "]")
-	return sb.String()
-// Names returns the list of the conditions' names.
-func (cl ConditionList) Names() []string {
-	result := make([]string, 0, len(cl))
-	for _, lc := range cl {
-		result = append(result,
-	}
-	return result
-// HasByName returns true if the list contains any condition matching `name`.
-func (cl ConditionList) HasByName(name ConditionNames) bool {
-	for _, lc := range cl {
-		if name.Contains( {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-// ByName returns the sublist of conditions that match `name`.
-func (cl ConditionList) ByName(name ConditionNames) ConditionList {
-	result := make(ConditionList, 0, cl.CountByName(name))
-	for _, lc := range cl {
-		if name.Contains( {
-			result = append(result, lc)
-		}
-	}
-	return result
-// CountByName returns the size of the sublist of conditions that match `name`.
-func (cl ConditionList) CountByName(name ConditionNames) int {
-	size := 0
-	for _, lc := range cl {
-		if name.Contains( {
-			size++
-		}
-	}
-	return size
-// HasByOrigin returns true if the list contains any condition originating at `origin`.
-func (cl ConditionList) HasByOrigin(origin *TargetNode) bool {
-	for _, lc := range cl {
-		if == {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-// ByOrigin returns the sublist of conditions that originate at `origin`.
-func (cl ConditionList) ByOrigin(origin *TargetNode) ConditionList {
-	result := make(ConditionList, 0, cl.CountByOrigin(origin))
-	for _, lc := range cl {
-		if == {
-			result = append(result, lc)
-		}
-	}
-	return result
-// CountByOrigin returns the size of the sublist of conditions that originate at `origin`.
-func (cl ConditionList) CountByOrigin(origin *TargetNode) int {
-	size := 0
-	for _, lc := range cl {
-		if == {
-			size++
-		}
-	}
-	return size
-// ConditionNames implements the Contains predicate for slices of condition
-// name strings.
-type ConditionNames []string
-// Contains returns true if the name matches one of the ConditionNames.
-func (cn ConditionNames) Contains(name string) bool {
-	for _, cname := range cn {
-		if cname == name {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
+	panic(fmt.Errorf("unrecognized license condition: %04x", lc))