1. 948cecf Clean up MtrrLib to remove unnecessary package dependency by qhuang8 · 15 years ago
  2. e643315 Add generic CpuIoPei module that produces the CPU I/O PPU using the services of the MdePkg IoLib by mdkinney · 15 years ago
  3. 3ea1d3e Update CpuIo2Dxe to also support IPF by mdkinney · 15 years ago
  4. 173eeac Add module that produces the SMM CPU I/O 2 Protocol by mdkinney · 15 years ago
  5. 3ca55ed Check in driver to produce CPU I/O 2 Protocol for IA32 and X64 architecture. by xli24 · 15 years ago
  6. 989322c Introduce UefiCpuLib library class in UefiCpuPkg and add one instance of BaseUefiCpuLib. The major purpose of this library class / instance is to provide some routines that are generic for IA32 family CPU by qhuang8 · 15 years ago
  7. 9e7864e Add UefiCpuPkg.dsc and UefiCpuPkg.dec for UefiCpuPkg. by jljusten · 16 years ago