Not maintained.

git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
diff --git a/MdeModulePkg/ChangeLog.txt b/MdeModulePkg/ChangeLog.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ff6510..0000000
--- a/MdeModulePkg/ChangeLog.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@

-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!               Notes for this ChangeLog.txt             !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-This log file is used to record two kinds of important information:

- a) "Non-Compatible Changes": all non-compatible changes should be recorded. These info

-    will help the package user to merge this package; and some non-compatible changes

-    can also be added into release notes as news features when we release this package.

-    Normally Non-Compatible Changes contains the following types:

-      1) Package's external services were changed/updated

-      2) Package's common .h file is renamed, deleted, or the file path is changed.

-      3) The definition of package's common data structure is changed

-      ...


- b) "Important Compatible Changes": some important compatible changes can aslo be recorded

-    in this file, and we can add these updating into release notes when we release this

-    package.


-Non-Compatible and Compatible example format:


-EDK_0010: Non-Compatible: owner


-	  Class_HFile: PPI A of MdePkg has been removed.


-		Code Change :

-		1) Removed the .h file: MdePkg\Include\Ppi\A.h


-		Possible Impacts:

-		1) All modules that used this PPI A should be updated.



-EDK_0000: Compatible: owner


-	  Class_BuildTool: with the EDK_0000 build.exe, the build performance is enhanced great.


-		Code Change :

-		1) BaseTools\Bin\Win32\build.exe


-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                     End of Notes                     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




-EDK_4310:  Non-Compatible: qhuang8

-  Class_ModuleRemove[0]:  Remove AtapiPassThru module from MdeModulePkg.  AtapiPassThru

-      module is only used for testing. We already have a driver in OptionRomPkg to

-      produce ScsiPassThru and ExtScsiPassThru based on PCD setting. We can remove it

-      from MdeModulePkg.


-      Code Change :

-      1) Remove module MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/AtapiPassThruDxe/AtapiPassThru.inf 


-      Impact to platform code:

-      If a platform happens to refer to this module in their dsc file, please use the

-      counterpart module in OptionRomPkg.



-EDK_4067:  Non-Compatible: qwang12

-  Class_PIEnable[6]:  PEI core does not build FV HOB upon notification of a EFI_PEI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_INFO_PPI automatically.


-      Code Change :

-      1) MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei/FwVol/FwVol.c 


-      Impact to platform code:

-      1) If platform module want to inform both PEI core and DXE core about the existance of new FV 

-         it must both install EFI_PEI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_INFO_PPI and FV HOB. 


-          A example is given belows:


-            PiLibInstallFvInfoPpi (

-              NULL,

-              Buffer,

-              (UINT32) FvHeader->FvLength,

-              NULL,

-              NULL

-              );


-            BuildFvHob (

-              (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) (UINTN) Buffer,

-              (UINT32) FvHeader->FvLength

-              );


-            PEI core does not automatically build FV HOB upon notification of a EFI_PEI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_INFO_PPI. 

-            The description in Item 2 in Section in Vol 1 of PI spec will be updated to remove the 

-            "Create a new firmware volume HOB" wording.




-EDK_4000-4006: Compatible: qhuang8


-           Class_UefiEnable[0]: Uefi feature -Add component name 2 protocol support for

-                                all drivers that support component name protocol



-    Code Change :

-    1) Update MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/*

-    2) Update MdeModulePkg/Bus/Scsi/*

-    3) Update MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/*

-    4) Update MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/*

-    5) Update MdeModulePkg/Universal/DebugPortDxe/*

-    6) Update MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/*

-    7) Update MdeModulePkg/Universal/Network/*


-    possible impact:

-    1) To produce the component name 2 protocol, platform DSC file needs to set feature

-       flag 'PcdComponentName2Disable' to 'FALSE'



-EDK_3967:  Non-Compatible: lgao4


-	  Class_Library:  Remove PeCoffLoader library class and its instances.


-		Code Change :

-		1) Remove MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/PeCoffLoaderLib.h

-		2) Remove MdeModulePkg/Library/DxePeCoffLoaderFromHobLib and PeiDxePeCoffLoaderLib instance

-		3) Modify PeiCore, DxeIpl and DxeCore to use PeCoffLib in place of PeCoffLoaderLib.


-		Possible Impacts:

-		1) All modules don't use PeCoffloader library class any longer to load PeImage. 

-		   If necessary, they should use PeCoffLib of MdePkg to load PeImage.



-EDK_3931: Non-Compatible: klu2


-	Class_PIEnable[5]: New library class for S3Resume and Recovery for DxeIpl PEIM.


-	Code Change:

-	1) Add new library class 

-	   a) MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/S3Lib.h

-	   b) MdeModulePkg/Include/Library/RecoveryLib.h

-	2) Add NULL library instances for MdeModulePkg:

-	   a) MdeModulePkg/Library/PeiS3LibNull/PeiS3LibNull.inf.

-	   b) MdeModulePkg/Library/PeiRecoveryLibNull/PeiRecoveryLibNull.inf

-	3) Add framework implement library instances:

-	   a) IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Library/PeiS3Lib/PeiS3Lib.inf

-	   b) IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Library/PeiRecovery/PeiRecovery.inf


-	Possible Impacts:

-	1) In DSC file, real platform should select:

-	   S3Lib library class       -> IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Library/PeiS3Lib/PeiS3Lib.inf

-	   RecoveryLib library class -> IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Library/PeiRecovery/PeiRecovery.inf


-	   Nt32 platform should select:

-	   S3Lib library class       -> MdeModulePkg/Library/PeiS3LibNull/PeiS3LibNull.inf.

-	   RecoveryLib library class -> MdeModulePkg/Library/PeiRecoveryLibNull/PeiRecoveryLibNull.inf



-EDK_3922:  Non-Compatible: qwang12, klu2

-  Class_PIEnable[2]:  Update PEI core to only consume EFI_PEI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_INFO_PPI


-  Code Change :

-  1) Update PEI core to consume EFI_PEI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_INFO_PPI to get the location of new FVs other than BFV

-     reported by PEIMs . 


-  Possible Impacts:

-  1) Platform code that is going to inform PEI core about the new FVs other than BFV should install 

-     EFI_PEI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_INFO_PPI. A library function named PeiPiLibBuildPiFvInfoPpi() defined in 

-     MdePkg\Include\Library\PeiPiLib.h can be used to install the PPI. 

-     There are two notes worth mentioning:

-     1) Platform PEIMs should report at least FVs containing DXE_CORE and all other PEIM to PEI Core if they

-        are not in the BFV. 

-     2) PEI core will dispatch PEIMs in the FV reported by PeiPiLibBuildPiFvInfoPpi() and invoke BuildFvHob () to build the 

-        FV HOB for this FV (see Section of Vol 1 named Multiple Firmware Volume Support for details). 

-        If PEIM only want to inform DXE core about the existance of the new FV, it should call BuildFvHob instead.



-  Class_PIEnable[3]:  Update PEI core to support RegisterForShadow feature introduced by PI spec


-     Code Change :

-     1) DXEIPL no longer produce EFI_PEI_FV_FILE_LOADER_PPI defined in Framework PEI CIS.


-     Possible Impacts:


-     1)All PEIMs that need to shadow itself into memory and rerun the entry point should be updated to call RegisterForShadow

-     (PeiServicesLibRegisterForShadow () is a helper function).

-     2)The depex of PEIMs that including EFI_PEI_FV_FILE_LOADER_PPI (or gEfiPeiFvFileLoaderPpiGuid) should be removed.



-  Class_PIEnable[4]:  Update PEI core to produce other new features defined in PI spec


-      Code Change :

-      1) Add the following services: FfsGetFileInfo, FfsFindFileByName and FfsGetVolumeInfo


-      Possible Impacts:


-      1) Platform code is recommended to make use of these new PI features. The functions in MdePkg/Include/Library/PeiServicesLib.h are 

-         recommended as PeiServices is saved for every PEI Services API invokation.



-EDK_3871: Non-Compatible: klu2


-	Class_PIEnable[1]: Use new entry point for PeiCore defined in PI specification.


-	Code Change:

-	1) PeiMain module use PeiCoreEntryPoint library class but *not* original OldPeiCoreEntryPoint.

-	2) The memory service in PeiMain module get temporary memory base and size from parameter of PeiCore's

-	   Entry point directly but *not* computed from stack's base.


-	Possible Impacts:

-	1) Platform should select MdePkg/Library/PeiCoreEntryPoint/PeiCoreEntryPoint.inf for 

-	   PeiMain module.

-	2) The SecCore module should provide parameters for new entry point defined in 

-	   MdePkg\Include\Library\PeiCoreEntryPoint.h



-EDK_3866:  Compatible: qhuang8


-	  Class_UefiEnable[0]:  Uefi2.1 feature - Add Hardware Error Record Persistence Support 

-		Code Change :

-		1) Modify MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/RuntimeDxe

-                2) Modify MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/EmuRuntimeDxe



-EDK_3773:  Non-Compatible: qwang12


-	  Class_PIEnable[0]:  Enable DXE Core to produce EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME2_PROTOCOL only.


-		Code Change :

-		1) Modify MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/DxeMain.inf module to produce only


-		   is produced by Dxe Core.


-		Possible Impacts:

-		1) All modules that references EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_PROTOCOL must be updated to use


-		2) All modules that references gEfiFirmwareVolumeProtocolGuid must be updated to

-		   use gEfiFirmwareVolume2ProtocolGuid.

-		3) The gEfiFirmwareVolumeProtocolGuid in [Depex] section of INF file should updated.

-		   And the package dependency should also be changed if needed due to this protocol

-		   GUID change.