| This is EDK style package and the following steps can help to build the package: |
| 1. Download the newly EDK Shell project Efi-Shell-Dev-Snapshot-20090527.zip from the following URL and unzip it to |
| a local directory in workspace, for example, $(WORKSPACE)\Shell: |
| https://efi-shell.tianocore.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=46&expandFolder=46&folderID=53 |
| |
| Alternatively, the EDK Shell source directory can be retrieved from the following SVN address: |
| https://svn.code.sf.net/p/efi-shell/code/trunk/Shell |
| SVN Revision r33 corresponds to Efi-Shell-Dev-Snapshot-20090527.zip development snapshot. |
| |
| 2. Update EDK_SHELL_DIR macro in the [Defines] section in EdkShellPkg.dsc to point to |
| the directory containing the EDK Shell source directory, e.g. $(WORKSPACE)\Shell. |
| |
| 3. The EDK II style DSC file is used to validate build EDK Shell source & EDK compatibility package and can |
| generate the binaries in EdkShellBinPkg. |
| To use this file, execute the following command under workspace to build EDK Shell source: |
| build -a IA32 -a X64 -a IPF -p EdkShellPkg\EdkShellPkg.dsc |
| |
| 4. If you need to compile for GCC or ARM you will need to apply ShellR61.patch. |
| cd $(WORKSPACE)/Shell and execute patch -p1 < $(WORKSPACE)/EdkShellPkg/ShellR61.patch. |
| If you are using a case sensative file system there are a few case bugs that patch |
| would not fix. Just fix the case of the file to match its usage and you should be |
| able to compile. |
| |
| 5. If you need to use the binaries that are built from this package, be sure to update platform FDF file |
| to replace the binaries from EdkShellBinPkg. |