FastbootCmds: oem device-info: check if user public key is set

It is possible to flash to a virtual partition `avb_custom_key` to
set a custom AVB key.

1) generate a custom avb private key

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA \
  -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096 \
  -outform PEM \
  -out key_rsa4096.pem

2) Extract public key usingprivate key
  - avbtool extract_public_key --key key_rsa4096.pem --output

The resulting `` can be flashed using fastboot:
  - fastboot flash avb_custom_key

Afterwards verify that the custom AVB key is set using:
  - fastboot oem device-info

You can also use the official AVB repo as reference:

Change-Id: I6f65c58dd7f7cbdacfa02464d94815e5e3e6918f
Signed-off-by: Alexander Martinz <>
3 files changed