Bisection bug search tool
Bisection Bug Search is a tool for finding compiler optimization
bugs. It accepts a program which exposes a bug by producing incorrect
output and expected correct output for the program. The tool will
then attempt to narrow down the issue to a single method and
optimization pass.
Given methods in order M0..Mn finds smallest i such that compiling
Mi and interpreting all other methods produces incorrect output.
Then, given ordered optimization passes P0..Pl, finds smallest j
such that compiling Mi with passes P0..Pj-1 produces expected output
and compiling Mi with passes P0..Pj produces incorrect output.
Prints Mi and Pj.
Test: unit tests ./art/tools/bisection-search/
Manual testing:
./ -cp classes.dex --expected-output output Test
Change-Id: Ic40a82184975d42c9a403f697995e5c9654b8e52
4 files changed