Tighten art::HNeg type constraints on its input.

Ensure art::HNeg is only passed a type having the kind of
its input.  For a boolean, byte, short, or char input, it
means HNeg's type should be int.

Bug: 27684275
Change-Id: Ic8442c62090a8ab65590754874a14a0deb7acd8d
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/graph_checker.cc b/compiler/optimizing/graph_checker.cc
index 11e3689..9c1ded2 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/graph_checker.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/graph_checker.cc
@@ -917,6 +917,19 @@
+void GraphChecker::VisitNeg(HNeg* instruction) {
+  VisitInstruction(instruction);
+  Primitive::Type input_type = instruction->InputAt(0)->GetType();
+  Primitive::Type result_type = instruction->GetType();
+  if (result_type != Primitive::PrimitiveKind(input_type)) {
+    AddError(StringPrintf("Binary operation %s %d has a result type different "
+                          "from its input kind: %s vs %s.",
+                          instruction->DebugName(), instruction->GetId(),
+                          Primitive::PrettyDescriptor(result_type),
+                          Primitive::PrettyDescriptor(input_type)));
+  }
 void GraphChecker::VisitBinaryOperation(HBinaryOperation* op) {
   Primitive::Type lhs_type = op->InputAt(0)->GetType();
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/graph_checker.h b/compiler/optimizing/graph_checker.h
index 52252cd..a835084 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/graph_checker.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/graph_checker.h
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
   void VisitInstanceOf(HInstanceOf* check) OVERRIDE;
   void VisitInvokeStaticOrDirect(HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke) OVERRIDE;
   void VisitLoadException(HLoadException* load) OVERRIDE;
+  void VisitNeg(HNeg* instruction) OVERRIDE;
   void VisitPackedSwitch(HPackedSwitch* instruction) OVERRIDE;
   void VisitReturn(HReturn* ret) OVERRIDE;
   void VisitReturnVoid(HReturnVoid* ret) OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc b/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc
index 4a8186a..820c696 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/instruction_simplifier.cc
@@ -1538,7 +1538,10 @@
   HInstruction* distance = invoke->InputAt(1);
   // Replace the invoke with an HRor.
   if (is_left) {
-    distance = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HNeg(distance->GetType(), distance);
+    // Unconditionally set the type of the negated distance to `int`,
+    // as shift and rotate operations expect a 32-bit (or narrower)
+    // value for their distance input.
+    distance = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HNeg(Primitive::kPrimInt, distance);
     invoke->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(distance, invoke);
   HRor* ror = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) HRor(type, value, distance);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index 46377ee..f63d661 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -4148,7 +4148,9 @@
 class HNeg : public HUnaryOperation {
   HNeg(Primitive::Type result_type, HInstruction* input, uint32_t dex_pc = kNoDexPc)
-      : HUnaryOperation(result_type, input, dex_pc) {}
+      : HUnaryOperation(result_type, input, dex_pc) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(result_type, Primitive::PrimitiveKind(input->GetType()));
+  }
   template <typename T> T Compute(T x) const { return -x; }
diff --git a/test/565-checker-rotate/src/Main.java b/test/565-checker-rotate/src/Main.java
index d7f57d8..aadb597 100644
--- a/test/565-checker-rotate/src/Main.java
+++ b/test/565-checker-rotate/src/Main.java
@@ -320,6 +320,48 @@
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateLeft
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<NegDist:i\d+>> Neg [<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<NegDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(int value, byte distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateLeft(value, distance);
+  }
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) intrinsics_recognition (after)
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Method:[ij]\d+>> CurrentMethod
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  InvokeStaticOrDirect [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>,<<Method>>] intrinsic:IntegerRotateRight
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgVal:i\d+>>  ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK:         <<ArgDist:b\d+>> ParameterValue
+  /// CHECK-DAG:     <<Result:i\d+>>  Ror [<<ArgVal>>,<<ArgDist>>]
+  /// CHECK-DAG:                      Return [<<Result>>]
+  /// CHECK-START: int Main.rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int, byte) instruction_simplifier (after)
+  /// CHECK-NOT:                      InvokeStaticOrDirect
+  private static int rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(int value, byte distance) {
+    return Integer.rotateRight(value, distance);
+  }
   public static void testRotateLeftBoolean() {
     for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
       int j = i & 31;
@@ -518,6 +560,45 @@
+  public static void testRotateLeftIntWithByteDistance() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000002, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, (byte)32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000003, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000006, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x23456781, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, (byte)4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xBCDEF09A, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x9ABCDEF0, (byte)8));
+    for (byte i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      byte j = (byte)(i & 31);
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0xFFFFFFFF, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(1 << j, rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x00000001, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x12345678 << j) | (0x12345678 >>> -j),
+                      rotateLeftIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, i));
+    }
+  }
+  public static void testRotateRightIntWithByteDistance() {
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)0));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x40000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x00000001, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)31));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x80000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, (byte)32));  // overshoot
+    expectEqualsInt(0xC0000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)1));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x60000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000001, (byte)2));
+    expectEqualsInt(0x81234567, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, (byte)4));
+    expectEqualsInt(0xF09ABCDE, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x9ABCDEF0, (byte)8));
+    for (byte i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // overshoot a bit
+      byte j = (byte)(i & 31);
+      expectEqualsInt(0x00000000, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x00000000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0xFFFFFFFF, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0xFFFFFFFF, i));
+      expectEqualsInt(0x80000000 >>> j, rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x80000000, i));
+      expectEqualsInt((0x12345678 >>> j) | (0x12345678 << -j),
+                      rotateRightIntWithByteDistance(0x12345678, i));
+    }
+  }
   public static void main(String args[]) {
@@ -533,6 +614,10 @@
+    // Also exercise distance values with types other than int.
+    testRotateLeftIntWithByteDistance();
+    testRotateRightIntWithByteDistance();