Use libziparchive for art zip processing.

This is part of the effort to move all VM & framework
zip parsing to a common implementation. This also has
the side effect of fixing various TODOs related to
crc32 checking.

bug: 10193060

Change-Id: I407f9ad5a94fc91d96ff43556adde00a00df1f14
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 16f11c6..4e5afab 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -344,10 +344,10 @@
   LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += liblog libnativehelper
   LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libbacktrace # native stack trace support
   ifeq ($$(art_target_or_host),target)
-    LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libcutils libz libdl libselinux
+    LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libcutils libdl libselinux
+    LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libziparchive libz
   else # host
-    LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libcutils
-    LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libz-host
+    LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libcutils libziparchive-host libz
     LOCAL_LDLIBS += -ldl -lpthread
     ifeq ($(HOST_OS),linux)
       LOCAL_LDLIBS += -lrt