Send the GC's SIGQUIT output to the right ostream.

I'm not convinced the GC should be quite as verbose as it is for SIGQUIT,
but it should definitely send the output to the correct destination.

Change-Id: I7095cf8255540fc4a5014f53d7dfc0bc38c51843
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 468e800..e6d3a81 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -377,9 +377,9 @@
-void Heap::DumpGcPerformanceInfo() {
+void Heap::DumpGcPerformanceInfo(std::ostream& os) {
   // Dump cumulative timings.
-  LOG(INFO) << "Dumping cumulative Gc timings";
+  os << "Dumping cumulative Gc timings\n";
   uint64_t total_duration = 0;
   // Dump cumulative loggers for each GC type.
@@ -390,19 +390,18 @@
     MarkSweep* collector = *it;
     CumulativeLogger& logger = collector->GetCumulativeTimings();
     if (logger.GetTotalNs() != 0) {
-      LOG(INFO) << Dumpable<CumulativeLogger>(logger);
+      os << Dumpable<CumulativeLogger>(logger);
       const uint64_t total_ns = logger.GetTotalNs();
       const uint64_t total_pause_ns = (*it)->GetTotalPausedTime();
       double seconds = NsToMs(logger.GetTotalNs()) / 1000.0;
       const uint64_t freed_bytes = collector->GetTotalFreedBytes();
       const uint64_t freed_objects = collector->GetTotalFreedObjects();
-      LOG(INFO)
-          << collector->GetName() << " total time: " << PrettyDuration(total_ns) << "\n"
-          << collector->GetName() << " paused time: " << PrettyDuration(total_pause_ns) << "\n"
-          << collector->GetName() << " freed: " << freed_objects
-          << " objects with total size " << PrettySize(freed_bytes) << "\n"
-          << collector->GetName() << " throughput: " << freed_objects / seconds << "/s / "
-          << PrettySize(freed_bytes / seconds) << "/s\n";
+      os << collector->GetName() << " total time: " << PrettyDuration(total_ns) << "\n"
+         << collector->GetName() << " paused time: " << PrettyDuration(total_pause_ns) << "\n"
+         << collector->GetName() << " freed: " << freed_objects
+         << " objects with total size " << PrettySize(freed_bytes) << "\n"
+         << collector->GetName() << " throughput: " << freed_objects / seconds << "/s / "
+         << PrettySize(freed_bytes / seconds) << "/s\n";
       total_duration += total_ns;
       total_paused_time += total_pause_ns;
@@ -412,26 +411,26 @@
   size_t total_bytes_allocated = GetTotalBytesAllocated();
   if (total_duration != 0) {
     const double total_seconds = double(total_duration / 1000) / 1000000.0;
-    LOG(INFO) << "Total time spent in GC: " << PrettyDuration(total_duration);
-    LOG(INFO) << "Mean GC size throughput: "
-              << PrettySize(GetTotalBytesFreed() / total_seconds) << "/s";
-    LOG(INFO) << "Mean GC object throughput: "
-              << (GetTotalObjectsFreed() / total_seconds) << " objects/s";
+    os << "Total time spent in GC: " << PrettyDuration(total_duration) << "\n";
+    os << "Mean GC size throughput: "
+       << PrettySize(GetTotalBytesFreed() / total_seconds) << "/s\n";
+    os << "Mean GC object throughput: "
+       << (GetTotalObjectsFreed() / total_seconds) << " objects/s\n";
-  LOG(INFO) << "Total number of allocations: " << total_objects_allocated;
-  LOG(INFO) << "Total bytes allocated " << PrettySize(total_bytes_allocated);
+  os << "Total number of allocations: " << total_objects_allocated << "\n";
+  os << "Total bytes allocated " << PrettySize(total_bytes_allocated) << "\n";
   if (measure_allocation_time_) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Total time spent allocating: " << PrettyDuration(allocation_time);
-    LOG(INFO) << "Mean allocation time: "
-              << PrettyDuration(allocation_time / total_objects_allocated);
+    os << "Total time spent allocating: " << PrettyDuration(allocation_time) << "\n";
+    os << "Mean allocation time: " << PrettyDuration(allocation_time / total_objects_allocated)
+       << "\n";
-  LOG(INFO) << "Total mutator paused time: " << PrettyDuration(total_paused_time);
-  LOG(INFO) << "Total time waiting for GC to complete: " << PrettyDuration(total_wait_time_);
+  os << "Total mutator paused time: " << PrettyDuration(total_paused_time) << "\n";
+  os << "Total time waiting for GC to complete: " << PrettyDuration(total_wait_time_) << "\n";
 Heap::~Heap() {
   if (kDumpGcPerformanceOnShutdown) {
-    DumpGcPerformanceInfo();
+    DumpGcPerformanceInfo(LOG(INFO));
@@ -1586,7 +1585,7 @@
 void Heap::DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) {
   os << "Heap: " << GetPercentFree() << "% free, " << PrettySize(GetUsedMemorySize()) << "/"
      << PrettySize(GetTotalMemory()) << "; " << GetObjectsAllocated() << " objects\n";
-  DumpGcPerformanceInfo();
+  DumpGcPerformanceInfo(os);
 size_t Heap::GetPercentFree() {