Enable JVMTI GetOwnedMonitorInfo and GetOwnedMonitorStackDepthInfo

This enables the can_get_owned_monitor_info and
can_get_owned_monitor_stack_depth_info JVMTI capabilities and
implements all associated behaviors and functions.

Test: ./test.py --host -j50
Bug: 34415266
Bug: 62821960

Change-Id: Ia88d042259d5b15a4718f0b7698df7e7add87f1d
diff --git a/test/1922-owned-monitors-info/expected.txt b/test/1922-owned-monitors-info/expected.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f66d1d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/1922-owned-monitors-info/expected.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+owner-monitors, This thread
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Current thread test: owned-monitor")]
+owner-monitors, no suspend, Other thread
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-monitor")]
+owner-monitors, suspend, Other thread
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 1"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 2"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [NamedLock("Lock 3"), Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor"), class art.Test1922$Target]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-monitor")]
+owner-monitors-stack-depth, This thread
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Current thread test: owned-stack-depth")" }]
+owner-monitors-stack-depth, no suspend, other thread
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 3, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 5, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: false): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+owner-monitors-stack-depth, suspend, other thread
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockOther, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 1")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockExtra, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 2")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "NamedLock("Lock 3")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: -1, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockThisNative, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 4, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockClass, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }, { depth: 6, monitor: "class art.Test1922$Target" }]
+Running: [class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync, class art.Test1922$CallLockSync]
+Owned monitors: [{ depth: 2, monitor: "Target("Other thread test (suspend: true): owned-stack-depth")" }]