ART: Fix test 089

Another two lines of build failure output that need to be stripped.

Change-Id: I85c2a3b3e8553b2f5da8e043dd561ada380ef2fe
diff --git a/test/run-test b/test/run-test
index c4a6296..945abb1 100755
--- a/test/run-test
+++ b/test/run-test
@@ -528,10 +528,10 @@
         echo "Non-canonical tmpdir was ${noncanonical_tmp_dir}" >> "$output"
         echo "Args: ${args}" >> "$output"
         echo "build exit status: $build_exit" >> "$output"
-        echo "Max filename (NAME_MAX):" >> "$output"
-        getconf NAME_MAX ${tmp_dir} >> "$output"
-        echo "Max pathlength (PATH_MAX):" >> "$output"
-        getconf PATH_MAX ${tmp_dir} >> "$output"
+        max_name_length=$(getconf NAME_MAX ${tmp_dir})
+        echo "Max filename (NAME_MAX): ${max_name_length}" >> "$output"
+        max_path_length=$(getconf PATH_MAX ${tmp_dir})
+        echo "Max pathlength (PATH_MAX): ${max_path_lenght}" >> "$output"
     ./$check_cmd "$expected" "$output"
     if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then