Initially allocate smaller local IRT

Introduce a separate small object allocator to allocate tables for
the initial local indirect reference tables, so they don't each
occupy a full page. This seemed to be easier than using linear_alloc,
since these allocations are done from multiple threads. This also
has the advantage that GC roots are concentrated on separate
pages, that could be protected as before, but there are many fewer of
then than before.

As discussed with Lokesh, it might eventually be better to allocate
these in the Java heap. But doing that cleanly seems to require a
major refactoring to split IrtEntrys into two separate components,
which complicates iteration, etc. And that has locality disadvantages
during lookup. Or we need to either drop the serial number of merge
it into the GcRoot, neither of which is ideal either.

Drive-by-fix: When trimming, don't call madvise on empty address ranges.

Test: Build and boot AOSP.
Test: art/test/testrunner/ --host -b --64
Bug: 184847225
Change-Id: I297646acbdd9dbeab4af47461849fffa2fee23b1
diff --git a/runtime/gc/ b/runtime/gc/
index fe60ad7..cb2a648 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/
+++ b/runtime/gc/
@@ -1556,6 +1556,7 @@
   // Trim globals indirect reference table.
   // Trim locals indirect reference tables.
+  // TODO: May also want to look for entirely empty pages maintained by SmallIrtAllocator.
   Barrier barrier(0);
   TrimIndirectReferenceTableClosure closure(&barrier);
   ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kWaitingForCheckPointsToRun);
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index f263b93..4a06b2f 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -66,11 +66,59 @@
+// Mmap an "indirect ref table region. Table_bytes is a multiple of a page size.
+static inline MemMap NewIRTMap(size_t table_bytes, std::string* error_msg) {
+  MemMap result = MemMap::MapAnonymous("indirect ref table",
+                                       table_bytes,
+                                       PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                                       /*low_4gb=*/ false,
+                                       error_msg);
+  if (!result.IsValid() && error_msg->empty()) {
+      *error_msg = "Unable to map memory for indirect ref table";
+  }
+  return result;
+    : small_irt_freelist_(nullptr), lock_("Small IRT table lock") {
+// Allocate an IRT table for kSmallIrtEntries.
+IrtEntry* SmallIrtAllocator::Allocate(std::string* error_msg) {
+  MutexLock lock(Thread::Current(), lock_);
+  if (small_irt_freelist_ == nullptr) {
+    // Refill.
+    MemMap map = NewIRTMap(kPageSize, error_msg);
+    if (map.IsValid()) {
+      small_irt_freelist_ = reinterpret_cast<IrtEntry*>(map.Begin());
+      for (uint8_t* p = map.Begin(); p + kInitialIrtBytes < map.End(); p += kInitialIrtBytes) {
+        *reinterpret_cast<IrtEntry**>(p) = reinterpret_cast<IrtEntry*>(p + kInitialIrtBytes);
+      }
+      shared_irt_maps_.emplace_back(std::move(map));
+    }
+  }
+  if (small_irt_freelist_ == nullptr) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  IrtEntry* result = small_irt_freelist_;
+  small_irt_freelist_ = *reinterpret_cast<IrtEntry**>(small_irt_freelist_);
+  // Clear pointer in first entry.
+  new(result) IrtEntry();
+  return result;
+void SmallIrtAllocator::Deallocate(IrtEntry* unneeded) {
+  MutexLock lock(Thread::Current(), lock_);
+  *reinterpret_cast<IrtEntry**>(unneeded) = small_irt_freelist_;
+  small_irt_freelist_ = unneeded;
 IndirectReferenceTable::IndirectReferenceTable(size_t max_count,
                                                IndirectRefKind desired_kind,
                                                ResizableCapacity resizable,
                                                std::string* error_msg)
     : segment_state_(kIRTFirstSegment),
+      table_(nullptr),
@@ -81,28 +129,36 @@
   // Overflow and maximum check.
   CHECK_LE(max_count, kMaxTableSizeInBytes / sizeof(IrtEntry));
-  const size_t table_bytes = RoundUp(max_count * sizeof(IrtEntry), kPageSize);
-  table_mem_map_ = MemMap::MapAnonymous("indirect ref table",
-                                        table_bytes,
-                                        PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
-                                        /*low_4gb=*/ false,
-                                        error_msg);
-  if (!table_mem_map_.IsValid() && error_msg->empty()) {
-    *error_msg = "Unable to map memory for indirect ref table";
+  if (max_entries_ <= kSmallIrtEntries) {
+    table_ = Runtime::Current()->GetSmallIrtAllocator()->Allocate(error_msg);
+    if (table_ != nullptr) {
+      max_entries_ = kSmallIrtEntries;
+      // table_mem_map_ remains invalid.
+    }
+  if (table_ == nullptr) {
+    const size_t table_bytes = RoundUp(max_count * sizeof(IrtEntry), kPageSize);
+    table_mem_map_ = NewIRTMap(table_bytes, error_msg);
+    if (!table_mem_map_.IsValid() && error_msg->empty()) {
+      *error_msg = "Unable to map memory for indirect ref table";
+    }
-  if (table_mem_map_.IsValid()) {
-    table_ = reinterpret_cast<IrtEntry*>(table_mem_map_.Begin());
-  } else {
-    table_ = nullptr;
+    if (table_mem_map_.IsValid()) {
+      table_ = reinterpret_cast<IrtEntry*>(table_mem_map_.Begin());
+    } else {
+      table_ = nullptr;
+    }
+    // Take into account the actual length.
+    max_entries_ = table_bytes / sizeof(IrtEntry);
   segment_state_ = kIRTFirstSegment;
   last_known_previous_state_ = kIRTFirstSegment;
-  // Take into account the actual length.
-  max_entries_ = table_bytes / sizeof(IrtEntry);
 IndirectReferenceTable::~IndirectReferenceTable() {
+  if (table_ != nullptr && !table_mem_map_.IsValid()) {
+    Runtime::Current()->GetSmallIrtAllocator()->Deallocate(table_);
+  }
 void IndirectReferenceTable::ConstexprChecks() {
@@ -134,7 +190,7 @@
 bool IndirectReferenceTable::IsValid() const {
-  return table_mem_map_.IsValid();
+  return table_ != nullptr;
 // Holes:
@@ -226,16 +282,17 @@
   // Note: the above check also ensures that there is no overflow below.
   const size_t table_bytes = RoundUp(new_size * sizeof(IrtEntry), kPageSize);
-  MemMap new_map = MemMap::MapAnonymous("indirect ref table",
-                                        table_bytes,
-                                        PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
-                                        /*low_4gb=*/ false,
-                                        error_msg);
+  MemMap new_map = NewIRTMap(table_bytes, error_msg);
   if (!new_map.IsValid()) {
     return false;
-  memcpy(new_map.Begin(), table_mem_map_.Begin(), table_mem_map_.Size());
+  memcpy(new_map.Begin(), table_, max_entries_ * sizeof(IrtEntry));
+  if (!table_mem_map_.IsValid()) {
+    // Didn't have its own map; deallocate old table.
+    Runtime::Current()->GetSmallIrtAllocator()->Deallocate(table_);
+  }
   table_mem_map_ = std::move(new_map);
   table_ = reinterpret_cast<IrtEntry*>(table_mem_map_.Begin());
   const size_t real_new_size = table_bytes / sizeof(IrtEntry);
@@ -455,13 +512,19 @@
 void IndirectReferenceTable::Trim() {
   ScopedTrace trace(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+  if (!table_mem_map_.IsValid()) {
+    // Small table; nothing to do here.
+    return;
+  }
   const size_t top_index = Capacity();
   uint8_t* release_start = AlignUp(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&table_[top_index]), kPageSize);
   uint8_t* release_end = static_cast<uint8_t*>(table_mem_map_.BaseEnd());
   DCHECK_GE(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(release_end), reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(release_start));
   DCHECK_ALIGNED(release_end, kPageSize);
   DCHECK_ALIGNED(release_end - release_start, kPageSize);
-  madvise(release_start, release_end - release_start, MADV_DONTNEED);
+  if (release_start != release_end) {
+    madvise(release_start, release_end - release_start, MADV_DONTNEED);
+  }
 void IndirectReferenceTable::VisitRoots(RootVisitor* visitor, const RootInfo& root_info) {
diff --git a/runtime/indirect_reference_table.h b/runtime/indirect_reference_table.h
index 97bd72d..34340e5 100644
--- a/runtime/indirect_reference_table.h
+++ b/runtime/indirect_reference_table.h
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "base/locks.h"
 #include "base/macros.h"
 #include "base/mem_map.h"
+#include "base/mutex.h"
 #include "gc_root.h"
 #include "obj_ptr.h"
 #include "offsets.h"
@@ -216,6 +217,39 @@
   return !lhs.equals(rhs);
+// We initially allocate local reference tables with a very small number of entries, packing
+// multiple tables into a single page. If we need to expand one, we allocate them in units of
+// pages.
+// TODO: We should allocate all IRT tables as nonmovable Java objects, That in turn works better
+// if we break up each table into 2 parallel arrays, one for the Java reference, and one for the
+// serial number. The current scheme page-aligns regions containing IRT tables, and so allows them
+// to be identified and page-protected in the future.
+constexpr size_t kInitialIrtBytes = 512;  // Number of bytes in an initial local table.
+constexpr size_t kSmallIrtEntries = kInitialIrtBytes / sizeof(IrtEntry);
+static_assert(kPageSize % kInitialIrtBytes == 0);
+static_assert(kInitialIrtBytes % sizeof(IrtEntry) == 0);
+static_assert(kInitialIrtBytes % sizeof(void *) == 0);
+// A minimal stopgap allocator for initial small local IRT tables.
+class SmallIrtAllocator {
+ public:
+  SmallIrtAllocator();
+  // Allocate an IRT table for kSmallIrtEntries.
+  IrtEntry* Allocate(std::string* error_msg) REQUIRES(!lock_);
+  void Deallocate(IrtEntry* unneeded) REQUIRES(!lock_);
+ private:
+  // A free list of kInitialIrtBytes chunks linked through the first word.
+  IrtEntry* small_irt_freelist_;
+  // Repository of MemMaps used for small IRT tables.
+  std::vector<MemMap> shared_irt_maps_;
+  Mutex lock_;
 class IndirectReferenceTable {
   enum class ResizableCapacity {
@@ -228,6 +262,8 @@
   // construction has failed and the IndirectReferenceTable will be in an
   // invalid state. Use IsValid to check whether the object is in an invalid
   // state.
+  // Max_count is the minimum initial capacity (resizable), or minimum total capacity
+  // (not resizable). A value of 1 indicates an implementation-convenient small size.
   IndirectReferenceTable(size_t max_count,
                          IndirectRefKind kind,
                          ResizableCapacity resizable,
@@ -407,7 +443,8 @@
   /// semi-public - read/write by jni down calls.
   IRTSegmentState segment_state_;
-  // Mem map where we store the indirect refs.
+  // Mem map where we store the indirect refs. If it's invalid, and table_ is non-null, then
+  // table_ is valid, but was allocated via allocSmallIRT();
   MemMap table_mem_map_;
   // bottom of the stack. Do not directly access the object references
   // in this as they are roots. Use Get() that has a read barrier.
diff --git a/runtime/jni/ b/runtime/jni/
index 4b77145..4510b37 100644
--- a/runtime/jni/
+++ b/runtime/jni/
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
     : self_(self_in),
-      locals_(kLocalsInitial, kLocal, IndirectReferenceTable::ResizableCapacity::kYes, error_msg),
+      locals_(1, kLocal, IndirectReferenceTable::ResizableCapacity::kYes, error_msg),
       monitors_("monitors", kMonitorsInitial, kMonitorsMax),
diff --git a/runtime/jni/jni_env_ext.h b/runtime/jni/jni_env_ext.h
index 4abb454..bdde5f8 100644
--- a/runtime/jni/jni_env_ext.h
+++ b/runtime/jni/jni_env_ext.h
@@ -37,10 +37,6 @@
 class Object;
 }  // namespace mirror
-// Number of local references in the indirect reference table. The value is arbitrary but
-// low enough that it forces integrity checks.
-static constexpr size_t kLocalsInitial = 512;
 class JNIEnvExt : public JNIEnv {
   // Creates a new JNIEnvExt. Returns null on error, in which case error_msg
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index ccd5443..0f6b521 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
 #include "handle_scope-inl.h"
 #include "hidden_api.h"
 #include "image-inl.h"
+#include "indirect_reference_table.h"
 #include "instrumentation.h"
 #include "intern_table-inl.h"
 #include "interpreter/interpreter.h"
@@ -497,6 +498,8 @@
   monitor_pool_ = nullptr;
   delete class_linker_;
   class_linker_ = nullptr;
+  delete small_irt_allocator_;
+  small_irt_allocator_ = nullptr;
   delete heap_;
   heap_ = nullptr;
   delete intern_table_;
@@ -1658,6 +1661,8 @@
+  small_irt_allocator_ = new SmallIrtAllocator();
diff --git a/runtime/runtime.h b/runtime/runtime.h
index 2dd022e..0c99cf9 100644
--- a/runtime/runtime.h
+++ b/runtime/runtime.h
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
 struct RuntimeArgumentMap;
 class RuntimeCallbacks;
 class SignalCatcher;
+class SmallIrtAllocator;
 class StackOverflowHandler;
 class SuspensionHandler;
 class ThreadList;
@@ -324,6 +325,10 @@
     return class_linker_;
+  SmallIrtAllocator* GetSmallIrtAllocator() const {
+    return small_irt_allocator_;
+  }
   jni::JniIdManager* GetJniIdManager() const {
     return jni_id_manager_.get();
@@ -1198,6 +1203,8 @@
   SignalCatcher* signal_catcher_;
+  SmallIrtAllocator* small_irt_allocator_;
   std::unique_ptr<jni::JniIdManager> jni_id_manager_;
   std::unique_ptr<JavaVMExt> java_vm_;