Remove lazy dequickening.

We removed quickening. Also one should not do that much work in a handler.

Bug: 196414062
Change-Id: I6f88af8472ed4cd4fe313ef0a82b7d580b4d53c3
diff --git a/openjdkjvmti/ b/openjdkjvmti/
index a480ac0..3d9d9e7 100644
--- a/openjdkjvmti/
+++ b/openjdkjvmti/
@@ -47,32 +47,6 @@
 namespace openjdkjvmti {
-void ArtClassDefinition::InitializeMemory() const {
-  DCHECK(art::MemMap::kCanReplaceMapping);
-  VLOG(signals) << "Initializing de-quickened memory for dex file of " << name_;
-  CHECK(dex_data_mmap_.IsValid());
-  CHECK(temp_mmap_.IsValid());
-  CHECK_EQ(dex_data_mmap_.GetProtect(), PROT_NONE);
-  CHECK_EQ(temp_mmap_.GetProtect(), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
-  std::string desc = std::string("L") + name_ + ";";
-  std::unique_ptr<FixedUpDexFile>
-      fixed_dex_file(FixedUpDexFile::Create(*initial_dex_file_unquickened_, desc.c_str()));
-  CHECK(fixed_dex_file.get() != nullptr);
-  CHECK_LE(fixed_dex_file->Size(), temp_mmap_.Size());
-  CHECK_EQ(temp_mmap_.Size(), dex_data_mmap_.Size());
-  // Copy the data to the temp mmap.
-  memcpy(temp_mmap_.Begin(), fixed_dex_file->Begin(), fixed_dex_file->Size());
-  // Move the mmap atomically.
-  art::MemMap source;
-  source.swap(temp_mmap_);
-  std::string error;
-  CHECK(dex_data_mmap_.ReplaceWith(&source, &error)) << "Failed to replace mmap for "
-                                                     << name_ << " because " << error;
-  CHECK(dex_data_mmap_.Protect(PROT_READ));
 bool ArtClassDefinition::IsModified() const {
   // RedefineClasses calls always are 'modified' since they need to change the current_dex_file of
   // the class.
@@ -86,27 +60,6 @@
     return false;
-  // The dex_data_ was never touched by the agents.
-  if (dex_data_mmap_.IsValid() && dex_data_mmap_.GetProtect() == PROT_NONE) {
-    if ( == dex_data_mmap_.Begin()) {
-      // the dex_data_ looks like it changed (not equal to current_dex_file_) but we never
-      // initialized the dex_data_mmap_. This means the new_dex_data was filled in without looking
-      // at the initial dex_data_.
-      return true;
-    } else if ( == dex_data_mmap_.Begin()) {
-      // The dex file used to have modifications but they were not added again.
-      return true;
-    } else {
-      // It's not clear what happened. It's possible that the agent got the current dex file data
-      // from some other source so we need to initialize everything to see if it is the same.
-      VLOG(signals) << "Lazy dex file for " << name_ << " was never touched but the dex_data_ is "
-                    << "changed! Need to initialize the memory to see if anything changed";
-      InitializeMemory();
-    }
-  }
-  // We can definitely read current_dex_file_ and dex_file_ without causing page faults.
   // Check if the dex file we want to set is the same as the current one.
   // Unfortunately we need to do this check even if no modifications have been done since it could
   // be that agents were removed in the mean-time so we still have a different dex file. The dex
@@ -241,44 +194,6 @@
                                      const art::DexFile* quick_dex) {
   art::Thread* self = art::Thread::Current();
   DCHECK(quick_dex != nullptr);
-  if (art::MemMap::kCanReplaceMapping && kEnableOnDemandDexDequicken) {
-    size_t dequick_size = quick_dex->GetDequickenedSize();
-    std::string mmap_name("anon-mmap-for-redefine: ");
-    mmap_name += name_;
-    std::string error;
-    dex_data_mmap_ = art::MemMap::MapAnonymous(mmap_name.c_str(),
-                                               dequick_size,
-                                               PROT_NONE,
-                                               /*low_4gb=*/ false,
-                                               &error);
-    mmap_name += "-TEMP";
-    temp_mmap_ = art::MemMap::MapAnonymous(mmap_name.c_str(),
-                                           dequick_size,
-                                           PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
-                                           /*low_4gb=*/ false,
-                                           &error);
-    if (UNLIKELY(dex_data_mmap_.IsValid() && temp_mmap_.IsValid())) {
-      // Need to save the initial dexfile so we don't need to search for it in the fault-handler.
-      initial_dex_file_unquickened_ = quick_dex;
-      dex_data_ = art::ArrayRef<const unsigned char>(dex_data_mmap_.Begin(),
-                                                     dex_data_mmap_.Size());
-      if (from_class_ext_) {
-        // We got initial from class_ext so the current one must have undergone redefinition so no
-        // cdex or quickening stuff.
-        // We can only do this if it's not a first load.
-        DCHECK(klass_ != nullptr);
-        const art::DexFile& cur_dex = self->DecodeJObject(klass_)->AsClass()->GetDexFile();
-        current_dex_file_ = art::ArrayRef<const unsigned char>(cur_dex.Begin(), cur_dex.Size());
-      } else {
-        // This class hasn't been redefined before. The dequickened current data is the same as the
-        // dex_data_mmap_ when it's filled it. We don't need to copy anything because the mmap will
-        // not be cleared until after everything is done.
-        current_dex_file_ = art::ArrayRef<const unsigned char>(dex_data_mmap_.Begin(),
-                                                               dequick_size);
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-  }
   // Failed to mmap a large enough area (or on-demand dequickening was disabled). This is
diff --git a/openjdkjvmti/ti_class_definition.h b/openjdkjvmti/ti_class_definition.h
index cb0853b..a914ec2 100644
--- a/openjdkjvmti/ti_class_definition.h
+++ b/openjdkjvmti/ti_class_definition.h
@@ -49,9 +49,6 @@
 // redefinition/retransformation function that created it.
 class ArtClassDefinition {
-  // If we support doing a on-demand dex-dequickening using signal handlers.
-  static constexpr bool kEnableOnDemandDexDequicken = true;
       : klass_(nullptr),
@@ -135,13 +132,6 @@
     return name_;
-  bool IsLazyDefinition() const {
-    DCHECK(IsInitialized());
-    return dex_data_mmap_.IsValid() &&
- == dex_data_mmap_.Begin() &&
-        dex_data_mmap_.GetProtect() == PROT_NONE;
-  }
   jobject GetProtectionDomain() const {
     return protection_domain_;
@@ -166,8 +156,7 @@
   std::string name_;
   jobject protection_domain_;
-  // Mmap that will be filled with the original-dex-file lazily if it needs to be de-quickened or
-  // de-compact-dex'd
+  // Mmap that will be filled with the original-dex-file lazily if it needs to be de-compact-dex'd
   mutable art::MemMap dex_data_mmap_;
   // This is a temporary mmap we will use to be able to fill the dex file data atomically.
   mutable art::MemMap temp_mmap_;
diff --git a/openjdkjvmti/ b/openjdkjvmti/
index 9c440ef..753697d 100644
--- a/openjdkjvmti/
+++ b/openjdkjvmti/
@@ -70,185 +70,13 @@
 namespace openjdkjvmti {
-// A FaultHandler that will deal with initializing ClassDefinitions when they are actually needed.
-class TransformationFaultHandler final : public art::FaultHandler {
- public:
-  explicit TransformationFaultHandler(art::FaultManager* manager)
-      : art::FaultHandler(manager),
-        uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_("JVMTI Initialized class definitions lock",
-                                              art::LockLevel::kSignalHandlingLock),
-        class_definition_initialized_cond_("JVMTI Initialized class definitions condition",
-                                           uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_) {
-    manager->AddHandler(this, /* generated_code= */ false);
-  }
-  ~TransformationFaultHandler() {
-    art::MutexLock mu(art::Thread::Current(), uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_);
-    uninitialized_class_definitions_.clear();
-  }
-  bool Action(int sig, siginfo_t* siginfo, void* context ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) override {
-    art::Thread* self = art::Thread::Current();
-    uintptr_t ptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(siginfo->si_addr);
-    if (UNLIKELY(uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_.IsExclusiveHeld(self))) {
-      // It's possible this is just some other unrelated segv that should be
-      // handled separately, continue to later handlers. This is likely due to
-      // running out of memory somewhere along the FixedUpDexFile pipeline and
-      // is likely unrecoverable. By returning false here though we will get a
-      // better, more accurate, stack-trace later that points to the actual
-      // issue.
-      LOG(WARNING) << "Recursive SEGV occurred during Transformation dequickening at 0x" << std::hex
-                   << ptr;
-      return false;
-    }
-    ArtClassDefinition* res = nullptr;
-    {
-      // NB Technically using a mutex and condition variables here is non-posix compliant but
-      // everything should be fine since both glibc and bionic implementations of mutexs and
-      // condition variables work fine so long as the thread was not interrupted during a
-      // lock/unlock (which it wasn't) on all architectures we care about.
-      art::MutexLock mu(self, uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_);
-      auto it = std::find_if(uninitialized_class_definitions_.begin(),
-                             uninitialized_class_definitions_.end(),
-                             [&](const auto op) { return op->ContainsAddress(ptr); });
-      if (it != uninitialized_class_definitions_.end()) {
-        res = *it;
-        // Remove the class definition.
-        uninitialized_class_definitions_.erase(it);
-        // Put it in the initializing list
-        initializing_class_definitions_.push_back(res);
-      } else {
-        // Wait for the ptr to be initialized (if it is currently initializing).
-        while (DefinitionIsInitializing(ptr)) {
-          WaitForClassInitializationToFinish();
-        }
-        // Return true (continue with user code) if we find that the definition has been
-        // initialized. Return false (continue on to next signal handler) if the definition is not
-        // initialized or found.
-        return std::find_if(initialized_class_definitions_.begin(),
-                            initialized_class_definitions_.end(),
-                            [&](const auto op) { return op->ContainsAddress(ptr); }) !=
-            initialized_class_definitions_.end();
-      }
-    }
-    if (LIKELY(self != nullptr)) {
-      CHECK_EQ(self->GetState(), art::ThreadState::kNative)
-          << "Transformation fault handler occurred outside of native mode";
-    }
-    VLOG(signals) << "Lazy initialization of dex file for transformation of " << res->GetName()
-                  << " during SEGV";
-    res->InitializeMemory();
-    {
-      art::MutexLock mu(self, uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_);
-      // Move to initialized state and notify waiters.
-      initializing_class_definitions_.erase(std::find(initializing_class_definitions_.begin(),
-                                                      initializing_class_definitions_.end(),
-                                                      res));
-      initialized_class_definitions_.push_back(res);
-      class_definition_initialized_cond_.Broadcast(self);
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  void RemoveDefinition(ArtClassDefinition* def) REQUIRES(!uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_) {
-    art::MutexLock mu(art::Thread::Current(), uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_);
-    auto it = std::find(uninitialized_class_definitions_.begin(),
-                        uninitialized_class_definitions_.end(),
-                        def);
-    if (it != uninitialized_class_definitions_.end()) {
-      uninitialized_class_definitions_.erase(it);
-      return;
-    }
-    while (std::find(initializing_class_definitions_.begin(),
-                     initializing_class_definitions_.end(),
-                     def) != initializing_class_definitions_.end()) {
-      WaitForClassInitializationToFinish();
-    }
-    it = std::find(initialized_class_definitions_.begin(),
-                   initialized_class_definitions_.end(),
-                   def);
-    CHECK(it != initialized_class_definitions_.end()) << "Could not find class definition for "
-                                                      << def->GetName();
-    initialized_class_definitions_.erase(it);
-  }
-  void AddArtDefinition(ArtClassDefinition* def) REQUIRES(!uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_) {
-    DCHECK(def->IsLazyDefinition());
-    art::MutexLock mu(art::Thread::Current(), uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_);
-    uninitialized_class_definitions_.push_back(def);
-  }
- private:
-  bool DefinitionIsInitializing(uintptr_t ptr) REQUIRES(uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_) {
-    return std::find_if(initializing_class_definitions_.begin(),
-                        initializing_class_definitions_.end(),
-                        [&](const auto op) { return op->ContainsAddress(ptr); }) !=
-        initializing_class_definitions_.end();
-  }
-  void WaitForClassInitializationToFinish() REQUIRES(uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_) {
-    class_definition_initialized_cond_.Wait(art::Thread::Current());
-  }
-  art::Mutex uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_ ACQUIRED_BEFORE(art::Locks::abort_lock_);
-  art::ConditionVariable class_definition_initialized_cond_
-      GUARDED_BY(uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_);
-  // A list of the class definitions that have a non-readable map.
-  std::vector<ArtClassDefinition*> uninitialized_class_definitions_
-      GUARDED_BY(uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_);
-  // A list of class definitions that are currently undergoing unquickening. Threads should wait
-  // until the definition is no longer in this before returning.
-  std::vector<ArtClassDefinition*> initializing_class_definitions_
-      GUARDED_BY(uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_);
-  // A list of class definitions that are already unquickened. Threads should immediately return if
-  // it is here.
-  std::vector<ArtClassDefinition*> initialized_class_definitions_
-      GUARDED_BY(uninitialized_class_definitions_lock_);
-static TransformationFaultHandler* gTransformFaultHandler = nullptr;
 static EventHandler* gEventHandler = nullptr;
 void Transformer::Register(EventHandler* eh) {
-  // Although we create this the fault handler is actually owned by the 'art::fault_manager' which
-  // will take care of destroying it.
-  if (art::MemMap::kCanReplaceMapping && ArtClassDefinition::kEnableOnDemandDexDequicken) {
-    gTransformFaultHandler = new TransformationFaultHandler(&art::fault_manager);
-  }
   gEventHandler = eh;
-// Simple helper to add and remove the class definition from the fault handler.
-class ScopedDefinitionHandler {
- public:
-  explicit ScopedDefinitionHandler(ArtClassDefinition* def)
-      : def_(def), is_lazy_(def_->IsLazyDefinition()) {
-    if (is_lazy_) {
-      gTransformFaultHandler->AddArtDefinition(def_);
-    }
-  }
-  ~ScopedDefinitionHandler() {
-    if (is_lazy_) {
-      gTransformFaultHandler->RemoveDefinition(def_);
-    }
-  }
- private:
-  ArtClassDefinition* def_;
-  bool is_lazy_;
 // Initialize templates.
 void Transformer::TransformSingleClassDirect<ArtJvmtiEvent::kClassFileLoadHookNonRetransformable>(
@@ -272,7 +100,6 @@
   // native state early. This also avoids any problems that the FaultHandler might have in
   // determining if an access to the dex_data is from generated code or not.
   art::ScopedThreadStateChange stsc(self, art::ThreadState::kNative);
-  ScopedDefinitionHandler handler(def);
   jint new_len = -1;
   unsigned char* new_data = nullptr;
   art::ArrayRef<const unsigned char> dex_data = def->GetDexData();