Support boot classpath checksum without image

Add special case to ImageSpace::GetBootClassPathChecksums to handle
empty image space. In that case, we skip the image space part of the
checksum completely and print only the boot classpath "tail", which here
are all the boot classpath dex files.

This fixes a DCHECK failure in 692-vdex-inmem-loader.

Test: ./art/test/testrunner/ \
Bug: 72131483

Change-Id: I3deb2c4704a010214c2f4287cc3010cb5fb450dd
diff --git a/runtime/gc/space/ b/runtime/gc/space/
index 2177676..f9c159f 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/space/
+++ b/runtime/gc/space/
@@ -2258,32 +2258,36 @@
 std::string ImageSpace::GetBootClassPathChecksums(
     const std::vector<ImageSpace*>& image_spaces,
     const std::vector<const DexFile*>& boot_class_path) {
-  DCHECK(!image_spaces.empty());
-  const ImageHeader& primary_header = image_spaces.front()->GetImageHeader();
-  uint32_t component_count = primary_header.GetComponentCount();
-  DCHECK_EQ(component_count, image_spaces.size());
-  std::string boot_image_checksum =
-      StringPrintf("i;%d/%08x", component_count, primary_header.GetImageChecksum());
   size_t pos = 0u;
-  for (const ImageSpace* space : image_spaces) {
-    size_t num_dex_files = space->oat_file_non_owned_->GetOatDexFiles().size();
-    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
-      CHECK_NE(num_dex_files, 0u);
-      CHECK_LE(space->oat_file_non_owned_->GetOatDexFiles().size(), boot_class_path.size() - pos);
-      for (size_t i = 0; i != num_dex_files; ++i) {
-        CHECK_EQ(space->oat_file_non_owned_->GetOatDexFiles()[i]->GetDexFileLocation(),
-                 boot_class_path[pos + i]->GetLocation());
+  std::string boot_image_checksum;
+  if (!image_spaces.empty()) {
+    const ImageHeader& primary_header = image_spaces.front()->GetImageHeader();
+    uint32_t component_count = primary_header.GetComponentCount();
+    DCHECK_EQ(component_count, image_spaces.size());
+    boot_image_checksum =
+        StringPrintf("i;%d/%08x", component_count, primary_header.GetImageChecksum());
+    for (const ImageSpace* space : image_spaces) {
+      size_t num_dex_files = space->oat_file_non_owned_->GetOatDexFiles().size();
+      if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+        CHECK_NE(num_dex_files, 0u);
+        CHECK_LE(space->oat_file_non_owned_->GetOatDexFiles().size(), boot_class_path.size() - pos);
+        for (size_t i = 0; i != num_dex_files; ++i) {
+          CHECK_EQ(space->oat_file_non_owned_->GetOatDexFiles()[i]->GetDexFileLocation(),
+                   boot_class_path[pos + i]->GetLocation());
+        }
+      pos += num_dex_files;
-    pos += num_dex_files;
   ArrayRef<const DexFile* const> boot_class_path_tail =
       ArrayRef<const DexFile* const>(boot_class_path).SubArray(pos);
   DCHECK(boot_class_path_tail.empty() ||
   for (const DexFile* dex_file : boot_class_path_tail) {
     if (!DexFileLoader::IsMultiDexLocation(dex_file->GetLocation().c_str())) {
-      StringAppendF(&boot_image_checksum, ":d");
+      StringAppendF(&boot_image_checksum, boot_image_checksum.empty() ? "d" : ":d");
     StringAppendF(&boot_image_checksum, "/%08x", dex_file->GetLocationChecksum());