Revert "runtest: Have gcstress tests skip 955-lambda-smali"

This reverts commit ef3119e6c75c431d9cf54e92dfe5b805597b1657.
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index ed1339a..3d5c483 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -288,10 +288,8 @@
 # Tests that are broken with GC stress.
 # 137-cfi needs to unwind a second forked process. We're using a primitive sleep to wait till we
 # hope the second process got into the expected state. The slowness of gcstress makes this bad.
-# 955-lambda-smali temporarily disabled b/22665783
-  137-cfi \
-  955-lambda-smali
+  137-cfi
 ifneq (,$(filter gcstress,$(GC_TYPES)))
   ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \