Optimize method linking

Added more inlining, removed imt array allocation and replaced it
with a handle scope. Removed some un-necessary handle scopes.

Added logic to base interface method tables from the superclass so
that we dont need to reconstruct for every interface (large win).

Facebook launch Dalvik KK MR2:
TotalTime: 3165
TotalTime: 3652
TotalTime: 3143
TotalTime: 3298
TotalTime: 3212
TotalTime: 3211

Facebook launch TOT before:
WaitTime: 3702
WaitTime: 3616
WaitTime: 3616
WaitTime: 3687
WaitTime: 3742
WaitTime: 3767

After optimizations:
WaitTime: 2903
WaitTime: 2953
WaitTime: 2918
WaitTime: 2940
WaitTime: 2879
WaitTime: 2792

LinkInterfaceMethods no longer one of the hottest methods, new list:
4.73% art::ClassLinker::LinkVirtualMethods(art::Thread*, art::Handle<art::mirror::Class>)
3.07% art::DexFile::FindClassDef(char const*) const
2.94% art::mirror::Class::FindDeclaredStaticField(art::mirror::DexCache const*, unsigned int)
2.90% art::DexFile::FindStringId(char const*) const

Bug: 18054905
Bug: 16828525

Change-Id: I27cc70178fd3655fbe5a3178887fcba189d21321
27 files changed