Implement RedefineClasses, also redefine multiple classes atomically.

We need to be able to redefine multiple classes atomically for JVMTI.
This implements that behavior. It also implements RedefineClasses
since until we have class transformation it is trivial.

Test: mma -j40 test-art-host

Change-Id: I80784f919a4366c465b93fede94f4bf763c0ee70
diff --git a/test/ti-agent/ b/test/ti-agent/
index 6f98f10..2c6d3ed 100644
--- a/test/ti-agent/
+++ b/test/ti-agent/
@@ -62,48 +62,64 @@
 namespace common_redefine {
-static void throwRedefinitionError(jvmtiEnv* jvmti, JNIEnv* env, jclass target, jvmtiError res) {
+static void throwRedefinitionError(jvmtiEnv* jvmti,
+                                   JNIEnv* env,
+                                   jint num_targets,
+                                   jclass* target,
+                                   jvmtiError res) {
   std::stringstream err;
-  char* signature = nullptr;
-  char* generic = nullptr;
-  jvmti->GetClassSignature(target, &signature, &generic);
   char* error = nullptr;
   jvmti->GetErrorName(res, &error);
-  err << "Failed to redefine class <" << signature << "> due to " << error;
+  err << "Failed to redefine class";
+  if (num_targets > 1) {
+    err << "es";
+  }
+  err << " <";
+  for (jint i = 0; i < num_targets; i++) {
+    char* signature = nullptr;
+    char* generic = nullptr;
+    jvmti->GetClassSignature(target[i], &signature, &generic);
+    if (i != 0) {
+      err << ", ";
+    }
+    err << signature;
+    jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(signature));
+    jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(generic));
+  }
+  err << "> due to " << error;
   std::string message = err.str();
-  jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(signature));
-  jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(generic));
   jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(error));
   env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"), message.c_str());
-using RedefineDirectFunction = jvmtiError (*)(jvmtiEnv*, jclass, jint, const unsigned char*);
-static void DoClassTransformation(jvmtiEnv* jvmti_env,
-                                  JNIEnv* env,
-                                  jclass target,
-                                  jbyteArray class_file_bytes,
-                                  jbyteArray dex_file_bytes) {
-  jbyteArray desired_array = IsJVM() ? class_file_bytes : dex_file_bytes;
-  jint len = static_cast<jint>(env->GetArrayLength(desired_array));
-  const unsigned char* redef_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(
-      env->GetByteArrayElements(desired_array, nullptr));
-  jvmtiError res;
-  if (IsJVM()) {
-    jvmtiClassDefinition def;
-    def.klass = target;
-    def.class_byte_count = static_cast<jint>(len);
-    def.class_bytes = redef_bytes;
-    res = jvmti_env->RedefineClasses(1, &def);
-  } else {
-    RedefineDirectFunction f =
-        reinterpret_cast<RedefineDirectFunction>(jvmti_env->functions->reserved3);
-    res = f(jvmti_env, target, len, redef_bytes);
+static void DoMultiClassRedefine(jvmtiEnv* jvmti_env,
+                                 JNIEnv* env,
+                                 jint num_redefines,
+                                 jclass* targets,
+                                 jbyteArray* class_file_bytes,
+                                 jbyteArray* dex_file_bytes) {
+  std::vector<jvmtiClassDefinition> defs;
+  for (jint i = 0; i < num_redefines; i++) {
+    jbyteArray desired_array = IsJVM() ? class_file_bytes[i] : dex_file_bytes[i];
+    jint len = static_cast<jint>(env->GetArrayLength(desired_array));
+    const unsigned char* redef_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(
+        env->GetByteArrayElements(desired_array, nullptr));
+    defs.push_back({targets[i], static_cast<jint>(len), redef_bytes});
+  jvmtiError res = jvmti_env->RedefineClasses(num_redefines,;
   if (res != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
-    throwRedefinitionError(jvmti_env, env, target, res);
+    throwRedefinitionError(jvmti_env, env, num_redefines, targets, res);
+static void DoClassRedefine(jvmtiEnv* jvmti_env,
+                            JNIEnv* env,
+                            jclass target,
+                            jbyteArray class_file_bytes,
+                            jbyteArray dex_file_bytes) {
+  return DoMultiClassRedefine(jvmti_env, env, 1, &target, &class_file_bytes, &dex_file_bytes);
 // Magic JNI export that classes can use for redefining classes.
 // To use classes should declare this as a native function with signature (Ljava/lang/Class;[B[B)V
 extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Main_doCommonClassRedefinition(JNIEnv* env,
@@ -111,7 +127,38 @@
                                                                       jclass target,
                                                                       jbyteArray class_file_bytes,
                                                                       jbyteArray dex_file_bytes) {
-  DoClassTransformation(jvmti_env, env, target, class_file_bytes, dex_file_bytes);
+  DoClassRedefine(jvmti_env, env, target, class_file_bytes, dex_file_bytes);
+// Magic JNI export that classes can use for redefining classes.
+// To use classes should declare this as a native function with signature
+// ([Ljava/lang/Class;[[B[[B)V
+extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Main_doCommonMultiClassRedefinition(
+    JNIEnv* env,
+    jclass,
+    jobjectArray targets,
+    jobjectArray class_file_bytes,
+    jobjectArray dex_file_bytes) {
+  std::vector<jclass> classes;
+  std::vector<jbyteArray> class_files;
+  std::vector<jbyteArray> dex_files;
+  jint len = env->GetArrayLength(targets);
+  if (len != env->GetArrayLength(class_file_bytes) || len != env->GetArrayLength(dex_file_bytes)) {
+    env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass("java/lang/IllegalArgumentException"),
+                  "the three array arguments passed to this function have different lengths!");
+    return;
+  }
+  for (jint i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+    classes.push_back(static_cast<jclass>(env->GetObjectArrayElement(targets, i)));
+    dex_files.push_back(static_cast<jbyteArray>(env->GetObjectArrayElement(dex_file_bytes, i)));
+    class_files.push_back(static_cast<jbyteArray>(env->GetObjectArrayElement(class_file_bytes, i)));
+  }
+  return DoMultiClassRedefine(jvmti_env,
+                              env,
+                              len,
+                    ,
+                    ,
+                    ;
 // Don't do anything
diff --git a/test/ti-agent/ b/test/ti-agent/
index 8abd063..521e672 100644
--- a/test/ti-agent/
+++ b/test/ti-agent/
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
   { "917-fields-transformation", common_redefine::OnLoad, nullptr },
   { "919-obsolete-fields", common_redefine::OnLoad, nullptr },
   { "921-hello-failure", common_redefine::OnLoad, nullptr },
+  { "926-multi-obsolescence", common_redefine::OnLoad, nullptr },
 static AgentLib* FindAgent(char* name) {