Import translations. DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE

Auto-generated-cl: translation import
Change-Id: I681bb40cd81659cd790720d325eca43e2f7fa0df
diff --git a/res/values-en-rCA/strings.xml b/res/values-en-rCA/strings.xml
index 88977bb..bf9e38b 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rCA/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rCA/strings.xml
@@ -382,7 +382,6 @@
     <string name="security_settings_face_enroll_improve_face_alert_body" msgid="2670118180411127323">"Delete your current face model to set up Face Unlock again.\n\nYour face model will be permanently and securely deleted.\n\nAfter deletion, you will need your PIN, pattern or password to unlock your phone or for authentication in apps."</string>
     <string name="security_settings_face_enroll_improve_face_alert_body_fingerprint" msgid="2469599074650327489">"Delete your current face model to set up Face Unlock again.\n\nYour face model will be permanently and securely deleted.\n\nAfter deletion, you will need your fingerprint, PIN, pattern or password to unlock your phone or for authentication in apps."</string>
     <string name="security_settings_face_settings_use_face_category" msgid="1638314154119800188">"Use Face Unlock for"</string>
-    <string name="security_settings_face_settings_require_category" msgid="57974315752919587">"Requirements for Face Unlock"</string>
     <string name="security_settings_face_settings_preferences_category" msgid="7628929873407280453">"When using Face Unlock"</string>
     <string name="security_settings_face_settings_require_attention" msgid="4395309855914391104">"Require eyes to be open"</string>
     <string name="security_settings_face_settings_require_attention_details" msgid="2546230511769544074">"To unlock the phone, your eyes must be open"</string>
@@ -497,42 +496,42 @@
     <string name="security_settings_fingerprint_enroll_enrolling_skip" msgid="3004786457919122854">"Do it later"</string>
     <string name="setup_fingerprint_enroll_enrolling_skip_title" msgid="352947044008973812">"Skip fingerprint setup?"</string>
     <string name="setup_fingerprint_enroll_enrolling_skip_message" msgid="4876965433600560365">"You’ve chosen to use your fingerprint as one way to unlock your phone. If you skip now, you’ll need to set this up later. Setup takes only a minute or so."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_message" product="tablet" msgid="9195989505229595603">"A PIN protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_message" product="tablet" msgid="5795719350671856684">"A pattern protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_message" product="tablet" msgid="5761059676925588798">"A password protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_message" product="device" msgid="5908770694317903692">"A PIN protects your device if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_message" product="device" msgid="7809307154579816285">"A pattern protects your device if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_message" product="device" msgid="5882852659289437575">"A password protects your device if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_message" product="default" msgid="8723651130066134307">"A PIN protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_message" product="default" msgid="9051347407964208353">"A pattern protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_message" product="default" msgid="7866352587819826281">"A password protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_fingerprint_message" product="tablet" msgid="5614978271232428549">"A PIN is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_fingerprint_message" product="tablet" msgid="1534716773690760116">"A pattern is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_fingerprint_message" product="tablet" msgid="4403549482404707319">"A password is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_fingerprint_message" product="device" msgid="3044531417274778836">"A PIN is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects your device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_fingerprint_message" product="device" msgid="6951296689998068518">"A pattern is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects your device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_fingerprint_message" product="device" msgid="4373257500347847553">"A password is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects your device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_fingerprint_message" product="default" msgid="3333169324984189907">"A PIN is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_fingerprint_message" product="default" msgid="9199694568213289593">"A pattern is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_fingerprint_message" product="default" msgid="4655151300089161236">"A password is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_face_message" product="tablet" msgid="4887371059378527563">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_face_message" product="tablet" msgid="1609143235438236167">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_face_message" product="tablet" msgid="7407787214685786194">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA password protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_face_message" product="device" msgid="122973137827455767">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects your device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_face_message" product="device" msgid="7241517014796847076">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects your device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_face_message" product="device" msgid="3702145992391373080">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA password protects your device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_face_message" product="default" msgid="2066696762927428746">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_face_message" product="default" msgid="7838649522839312235">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_face_message" product="default" msgid="3798698398093181328">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA password protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_biometrics_message" product="tablet" msgid="3362798486974318857">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_biometrics_message" product="tablet" msgid="6322976802579649503">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_biometrics_message" product="tablet" msgid="3853247493008948022">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects your tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_biometrics_message" product="device" msgid="7457251905996372858">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects your device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_biometrics_message" product="device" msgid="1591285878799890757">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects your device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_biometrics_message" product="device" msgid="1184315894605608136">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects your device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_biometrics_message" product="default" msgid="7864459360216692930">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_biometrics_message" product="default" msgid="802091446777705967">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
-    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_biometrics_message" product="default" msgid="2161523108223289241">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects your phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_message" product="tablet" msgid="4938798234214623521">"A PIN protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_message" product="tablet" msgid="4359575348578515037">"A pattern protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_message" product="tablet" msgid="5420451292764062637">"A password protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_message" product="device" msgid="8841426051550671169">"A PIN protects the device if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_message" product="device" msgid="6296702954920045923">"A pattern protects the device if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_message" product="device" msgid="9186075211441188900">"A password protects the device if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_message" product="default" msgid="4301690296689572747">"A PIN protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_message" product="default" msgid="7387967847446084260">"A pattern protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_message" product="default" msgid="6415788841227543063">"A password protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen"</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_fingerprint_message" product="tablet" msgid="2350062798056164403">"A PIN is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_fingerprint_message" product="tablet" msgid="222574071926747300">"A pattern is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_fingerprint_message" product="tablet" msgid="7780323831330724644">"A password is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_fingerprint_message" product="device" msgid="7421096089691939451">"A PIN is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects the device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_fingerprint_message" product="device" msgid="6458468083711413617">"A pattern is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects the device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_fingerprint_message" product="device" msgid="1632249532665518954">"A password is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects the device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_fingerprint_message" product="default" msgid="3101384462491132314">"A PIN is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_fingerprint_message" product="default" msgid="382422778886929469">"A pattern is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_fingerprint_message" product="default" msgid="5515199168425229243">"A password is required to set up Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_face_message" product="tablet" msgid="2454239555320628731">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_face_message" product="tablet" msgid="4354138725903415816">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_face_message" product="tablet" msgid="719339718267952196">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA password protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_face_message" product="device" msgid="3729243407606881750">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects the device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_face_message" product="device" msgid="6966329744346503807">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects the device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_face_message" product="device" msgid="3020827854443297996">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA password protects the device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_face_message" product="default" msgid="2155678903559865476">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_face_message" product="default" msgid="473271568005748452">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_face_message" product="default" msgid="4319934862372116788">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock.\n\nA password protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_biometrics_message" product="tablet" msgid="647987565338402155">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_biometrics_message" product="tablet" msgid="5293609077890072841">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_biometrics_message" product="tablet" msgid="2660359318928684172">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects the tablet if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_biometrics_message" product="device" msgid="1278795063897397815">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects the device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_biometrics_message" product="device" msgid="8766169819759371801">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects the device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_biometrics_message" product="device" msgid="8611216039321306045">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects the device if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_biometrics_message" product="default" msgid="8796878521409329051">"A PIN is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA PIN protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_pattern_skip_biometrics_message" product="default" msgid="8423700958936341596">"A pattern is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA pattern protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
+    <string name="lock_screen_password_skip_biometrics_message" product="default" msgid="5411689248299854172">"A password is required to set up Face Unlock and Fingerprint Unlock.\n\nA password protects the phone if it’s lost or stolen."</string>
     <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_title" msgid="6853866579893458111">"Skip PIN setup?"</string>
     <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_face_title" msgid="8810770395309512358">"Skip setup for PIN and face?"</string>
     <string name="lock_screen_pin_skip_fingerprint_title" msgid="371214283158750976">"Skip setup for PIN and fingerprint?"</string>
@@ -557,7 +556,7 @@
     <string name="security_settings_fingerprint_enroll_disclaimer" msgid="7875826823637114097">"In addition to unlocking your phone, you can also use your fingerprint to authorize purchases and app access. "<annotation id="url">"Learn more"</annotation></string>
     <string name="security_settings_fingerprint_enroll_disclaimer_lockscreen_disabled" msgid="4260983700868889294">" The screen lock option is disabled. To learn more, contact your organization\'s admin. "<annotation id="admin_details">"More details"</annotation>\n\n"You can still use your fingerprint to authorize purchases and app access. "<annotation id="url">"Learn more"</annotation></string>
     <string name="security_settings_fingerprint_enroll_lift_touch_again" msgid="2590665137265458789">"Lift finger, then touch sensor again"</string>
-    <string name="security_settings_fingerprint_bad_calibration" msgid="7383361161604438407">"Please recalibrate the fingerprint sensor."</string>
+    <string name="security_settings_fingerprint_bad_calibration" msgid="2193097225615229726">"Device repaired improperly. Fingerprint disabled."</string>
     <string name="fingerprint_add_max" msgid="8639321019299347447">"You can add up to <xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> fingerprints"</string>
     <string name="fingerprint_intro_error_max" msgid="4431784409732135610">"You’ve added the maximum number of fingerprints"</string>
     <string name="fingerprint_intro_error_unknown" msgid="877005321503793963">"Can’t add more fingerprints"</string>
@@ -2353,7 +2352,7 @@
     <string name="accessibility_button_gesture_title" msgid="3573456209050374139">"Accessibility button &amp; gesture"</string>
     <string name="accessibility_button_intro" msgid="2601976470525277903">"Using the accessibility button. The gesture isn’t available with 3-button navigation."</string>
     <string name="accessibility_button_summary" msgid="8510939012631455831">"Quickly access accessibility features"</string>
-    <string name="accessibility_button_gesture_description" msgid="2717632658372117656">"Quickly access accessibility features from any screen. \n\nTo get started, go to accessibility settings and select a feature. Tap on the shortcut and select the Accessibility button or gesture."</string>
+    <string name="accessibility_button_gesture_description" msgid="2516420653060025670">"Quickly access accessibility features from any screen.\n\nTo get started, go to accessibility settings and select a feature. Tap on the shortcut and select the accessibility button.\n\nTo use the accessibility button in the navigation bar instead, switch to 2-button navigation or 3-button navigation."</string>
     <string name="accessibility_button_description" msgid="7372405202698400339">"Quickly access accessibility features from any screen. \n\nTo get started, go to accessibility settings and select a feature. Tap on the shortcut and select the Accessibility button."</string>
     <string name="accessibility_button_or_gesture_title" msgid="3510075963401163529">"Use button or gesture"</string>
     <string name="accessibility_button_location_title" msgid="7182107846092304942">"Location"</string>
@@ -2961,7 +2960,7 @@
     <string name="user_certificate" msgid="6897024598058566466">"VPN and app user certificate"</string>
     <string name="wifi_certificate" msgid="8461905432409380387">"Wi‑Fi certificate"</string>
     <string name="ca_certificate_warning_title" msgid="7951148441028692619">"Your data won’t be private"</string>
-    <string name="ca_certificate_warning_description" msgid="3386740654961466569">"CA certificates are used by websites, apps and VPNs for encryption. Only install CA certificates from organisations that you trust. \n\n If you install a CA certificate, the certificate owner could access your data, such as passwords or credit card details, from websites that you visit or apps that you use, even if your data is encrypted."</string>
+    <string name="ca_certificate_warning_description" msgid="8409850109551028774">"CA certificates are used by websites, apps and VPNs for encryption. Only install CA certificates from organisations that you trust. \n\nIf you install a CA certificate, the certificate owner could access your data, such as passwords or credit card details, from websites that you visit or apps that you use – even if your data is encrypted."</string>
     <string name="certificate_warning_dont_install" msgid="3794366420884560605">"Don’t install"</string>
     <string name="certificate_warning_install_anyway" msgid="4633118283407228740">"Install anyway"</string>
     <string name="cert_not_installed" msgid="6725137773549974522">"Certificate not installed"</string>
@@ -4396,7 +4395,10 @@
     <string name="usb_use_file_transfers" msgid="483915710802018503">"File transfer"</string>
     <string name="usb_use_file_transfers_desc" msgid="1020257823387107336">"Transfer files to another device"</string>
     <string name="usb_use_photo_transfers" msgid="4641181628966036093">"PTP"</string>
-    <string name="usb_transcode_files" msgid="5999760694155541693">"Transcode exported media"</string>
+    <!-- no translation found for usb_transcode_files (2441954752105119109) -->
+    <skip />
+    <!-- no translation found for usb_transcode_files_summary (307102635711961513) -->
+    <skip />
     <string name="usb_use_photo_transfers_desc" msgid="7490250033610745765">"Transfer photos or files if MTP is not supported (PTP)"</string>
     <string name="usb_use_tethering" msgid="2897063414491670531">"USB tethering"</string>
     <string name="usb_use_MIDI" msgid="8621338227628859789">"MIDI"</string>