Updated Release Notes to clean up before release.
- Reordered some of the sections for cleaner appearance.
- Quick Start became Detailed starting instructions
- A new Quick Start was created with the minimum of the original Quick Start information.
- general clean up and clarification of document

git-svn-id: https://edk2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/edk2/trunk/edk2@923 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
diff --git a/ReleaseNotes.txt b/ReleaseNotes.txt
index fc1d46c..5d8c66e 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes.txt
+++ b/ReleaseNotes.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Intel(R) Platform Innovation Framework for EFI

 EFI Development Kit II (EDK II) 

 Root Package 1.00




 Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation


@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@

   EDK II C Coding Standards Specification v0.50

       (C_Coding_Standards_Specification_ 0_50.rtf)

+  EDK II Subversion Setup Guide

+      (edk2-subversion-setup.rtf)




@@ -100,17 +102,6 @@
 The URL of the EDK II repository is:




-Notes On Documentation


-The documents are being managed by the Subversion Source Control on

-Tianocore.org.  The document repository is "docs" and must be checked out

-separately from the EDK II source tree. Refer to the checkout procedures on

-the Tianocore.org website for EDK II.


-The URL of the document repository is:

-  https://edk2.tianocore.org/svn/edk2/trunk/docs




 Notes On Required Tools (With examples for Windows, OS X, and Linux) 

@@ -164,10 +155,92 @@
         set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%XMLBEANS_HOME%\bin

      Linux/OS X bash shell example:

         export PATH=$PATH:${ANT_HOME}/bin:${XMLBEANS_HOME}/bin



+A Word on Apache-ANT


+The Apache-ANT program is a build tool that uses XML-based project files.

+Similar to Makefiles, these project files may contain multiple targets.  Most

+build.xml files in EDK II are auto-generated; any edits performed on the

+build.xml files will be overwritten the next time build is executed.


+Pre-defined targets in the build.xml file include:

+    all      - This target builds binaries for defined architectures

+    clean    - This target removes object files generated by commands

+    cleanall - This target removes all generated files and directories.



+A Word on GCC tool chain


+EDK II will not compile with a standard Linux gcc tool chain. While Linux

+distributions are usually based on ELF, EDK II requires a version of gcc 

+that is configured to produce PE-COFF images. You will find a script in 

+edk2/Tools/gcc that will download, configure, compile, and install a gcc 

+4.X cross-compile tool chain for EDK II development. It has support for 

+the IA32 architecture. It can be built and run on Cygwin, Linux, and many 

+other POSIX compliant host operating environments. There are a few tools

+that you will need on your host computer in order to compile the tool 

+chain. Among them are bash, gcc, gmake, curl (or wget).




+Notes On Documentation


+The documents are being managed by the Subversion Source Control on

+Tianocore.org.  The document repository is "docs" and must be checked out

+separately from the EDK II source tree. Refer to the checkout procedures on

+the Tianocore.org website for EDK II.


+The URL of the document repository is:

+  https://edk2.tianocore.org/svn/edk2/trunk/docs




-Quick Start

+Quick Start 


+(assumes Microsoft Tools and OS Environment, for GCC Tools or Unix, please see 

+"Detailed Starting Instructions" below)


+Follow the instructions at https://edk2.tianocore.org/servlets/ProjectSource to

+checkout the entire EDK II source tree.


+In a command window, change to the top level directory of the Edk II sources.


+To test your tool chain setup and to build the Supplied Tools, execute:

+    c:\MyWork\edkii\> edksetup ForceBuild


+(The edksetup command will be referred to as the setup command throughout the 

+rest of this document.)

+      NOTE: You should run the setup command at the start of every session.

+            This configures the environment to include the TianoTools and the

+            Java applications and libraries.


+You will need to set the WORKSPACE environment variable, or run the edksetup

+script (without any arguments) any time you want to build.


+  Set the WORKSPACE environment variable, e.g.:


+    c:\> set WORKSPACE=C:\MyWork\edkii


+You may need to edit the text files, Tools/Conf/target.txt and

+Tools/Conf/tools_def.txt (created by edksetup,) using your favorite 

+text editor to ensure that the paths to the tools you want to use 

+to build EDK II binaries are correct.  These files contain the default 

+paths (as per the default installation of the tools), so a customized 

+install may require this manual process.


+Once this is completed, you are ready to test the Build, by executing:

+    c:\MyWork\edkii\> build


+This command builds active platform specified in text file target.txt. If 

+active platform is not specified, go to sub-directory which contains FPD files and

+type build. More information about active platform policy reference to specification

+<<EDK II Build and Packaging Architecture Specification>>.



+Detailed Start Instructions



 Follow the instructions at https://edk2.tianocore.org/servlets/ProjectSource to

 checkout the entire EDK II source tree.


@@ -185,8 +258,8 @@

     . edksetup.sh # Note the dot.


-(This command will be referred to as the setup command throughout the rest of

-this document.)

+The edksetup command will be referred to as the setup command throughout the 

+rest of this document.)

       NOTE: You should run the setup command at the start of every session.

             This configures the environment to include the TianoTools and the

             Java applications and libraries.

@@ -202,9 +275,12 @@

     c:\> set WORKSPACE=C:\MyWork\edkii


-You may need to edit the text files, Tools/Conf/target.txt and/or

+You may need to edit the text files, Tools/Conf/target.txt and

 Tools/Conf/tools_def.txt (created by edksetup,) using your favorite 

-text editor to point to the tools you want to use to build EDK II binaries.

+text editor to ensure that the paths to the tools you want to use 

+to build EDK II binaries are correct.  These files contain the default 

+paths (as per the default installation of the tools), so a customized 

+tool installation may require this manual process.


 Once this is completed, you are ready to test the Build, by executing:

     c:\MyWork\edkii\> build

@@ -246,31 +322,6 @@
   Note active platform must be set for individual module build. 



-A Word on Apache-ANT


-The Apache-ANT program is a build tool that uses XML-based project files.

-Similar to Makefiles, these project files may contain multiple targets.  Most

-build.xml files in EDK II are auto-generated; any edits performed on the

-build.xml files will be overwritten the next time build is executed.


-Pre-defined targets in the build.xml file include:

-    all      - This target builds binaries for defined architectures

-    clean    - This target removes object files generated by commands

-    cleanall - This target removes all generated files and directories.


-A Word on GCC tool chain


-EDK II will not compile with a standard Linux gcc tool chain. While Linux

-distributions are usually based on ELF, EDK II requires a version of gcc 

-that is configured to produce PE-COFF images. You will find a script in 

-edk2/Tools/gcc that will download, configure, compile, and install a gcc 

-4.X cross-compile tool chain for EDK II development. It has support for 

-the IA32 architecture. It can be built and run on Cygwin, Linux, and many 

-other POSIX compliant host operating environments. There are a few tools

-that you will need on your host computer in order to compile the tool 

-chain. Among them are bash, gcc, gmake, curl (or wget).




 General Information:
