ShellPkg: Update help output for correct alphabetical 

This updates help output to put dynamic commands in correct alphabetical location mixed into the other commands.

Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Jaben Carsey <>
Reviewed-by: Qiu Shumin <>
Reviewed-by: Tapan Shah <>

git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
diff --git a/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib/Help.c b/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib/Help.c
index aa315a0..c8d0e78 100644
--- a/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib/Help.c
+++ b/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellLevel3CommandsLib/Help.c
@@ -23,6 +23,175 @@
 #include <Protocol/EfiShellDynamicCommand.h>



+   function to insert string items into a list in the correct alphabetical place


+   the resultant list is a double NULL terminated list of NULL terminated strings.


+   upon successful return the memory must be caller freed (unless passed back in 

+   via a loop where it will get reallocated).


+   @param[in,out] DestList    double pointer to the list. may be NULL.

+   @param[in,out] DestSize    pointer to the size of list. may be 0, if DestList is NULL.

+   @param[in]     Item        the item to insert.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS        the operation was successful.





+  IN OUT   CHAR16 **DestList, 

+  IN OUT   UINTN  *DestSize,

+  IN CONST CHAR16 *Item

+  )


+  CHAR16                              *NewList;

+  INTN                                LexicalMatchValue;

+  CHAR16                              *LexicalSpot;

+  UINTN                               SizeOfAddedNameInBytes;


+  //

+  // If there are none, then just return with success

+  //

+  if (Item == NULL || *Item == CHAR_NULL || StrLen(Item)==0) {

+    return (EFI_SUCCESS);

+  }


+  NewList = *DestList;


+  SizeOfAddedNameInBytes = StrSize(Item);

+  NewList = ReallocatePool(*DestSize, (*DestSize) + SizeOfAddedNameInBytes, NewList);

+  (*DestSize) = (*DestSize) + SizeOfAddedNameInBytes;


+  //

+  // Find the correct spot in the list

+  //

+  for (LexicalSpot = NewList

+    ; LexicalSpot != NULL && LexicalSpot < NewList + (*DestSize)

+    ; LexicalSpot += StrLen(LexicalSpot) + 1

+    ) {

+    //

+    // Get Lexical Comparison Value between PrevCommand and Command list entry

+    //

+    LexicalMatchValue = gUnicodeCollation->StriColl (

+                                              gUnicodeCollation,

+                                              (CHAR16 *)LexicalSpot,

+                                              (CHAR16 *)Item

+                                              );

+    //

+    // The new item goes before this one.

+    //

+    if (LexicalMatchValue > 0 || StrLen(LexicalSpot) == 0) {

+      if (StrLen(LexicalSpot) != 0) {

+        //

+        // Move this and all other items out of the way

+        //

+        CopyMem(

+          LexicalSpot + (SizeOfAddedNameInBytes/sizeof(CHAR16)),

+          LexicalSpot,

+          (*DestSize) - SizeOfAddedNameInBytes - ((LexicalSpot - NewList) * sizeof(CHAR16))

+          );

+      }


+      //

+      // Stick this one in place

+      //

+      StrCpyS(LexicalSpot, SizeOfAddedNameInBytes/sizeof(CHAR16), Item);

+      break;

+    }

+  }


+  *DestList = NewList;

+  return (EFI_SUCCESS);




+   function to add each command name from the linked list to the string list.


+   the resultant list is a double NULL terminated list of NULL terminated strings.


+   @param[in,out] DestList    double pointer to the list. may be NULL.

+   @param[in,out] DestSize    pointer to the size of list. may be 0, if DestList is NULL.

+   @param[in]     SourceList  the double linked list of commands.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS        the operation was successful.





+  IN OUT   CHAR16       **DestList, 

+  IN OUT   UINTN        *DestSize,


+  )




+  for ( Node = (COMMAND_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&SourceList->Link)

+      ; SourceList != NULL && !IsListEmpty(&SourceList->Link) && !IsNull(&SourceList->Link, &Node->Link)

+      ; Node = (COMMAND_LIST*)GetNextNode(&SourceList->Link, &Node->Link)

+    ) {

+    LexicalInsertIntoList(DestList, DestSize, Node->CommandString);

+  }

+  return (EFI_SUCCESS);




+   function to add each dynamic command name to the string list.


+   the resultant list is a double NULL terminated list of NULL terminated strings.


+   @param[in,out] DestList    double pointer to the list. may be NULL.

+   @param[in,out] DestSize    pointer to the size of list. may be 0, if DestList is NULL.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS        the operation was successful.

+   @return an error from HandleProtocol






+  IN OUT  CHAR16** DestList, 

+  IN OUT  UINTN    *DestSize

+  )


+  EFI_HANDLE                          *CommandHandleList;

+  CONST EFI_HANDLE                    *NextCommand;


+  EFI_STATUS                          Status;


+  CommandHandleList = GetHandleListByProtocol(&gEfiShellDynamicCommandProtocolGuid);


+  //

+  // If there are none, then just return with success

+  //

+  if (CommandHandleList == NULL) {

+    return (EFI_SUCCESS);

+  }


+  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;


+  //

+  // Append those to the list.

+  //

+  for (NextCommand = CommandHandleList ; *NextCommand != NULL && !EFI_ERROR(Status) ; NextCommand++) {

+    Status = gBS->HandleProtocol(

+      *NextCommand,

+      &gEfiShellDynamicCommandProtocolGuid,

+      (VOID **)&DynamicCommand

+      );


+    if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {

+      continue;

+    }


+    Status = LexicalInsertIntoList(DestList, DestSize, DynamicCommand->CommandName);

+  }


+  SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(CommandHandleList);

+  return (Status);





   Attempt to print help from a dynamically added command.


   @param[in]  CommandToGetHelpOn  The unicode name of the command that help is

@@ -38,9 +207,9 @@



-  IN CHAR16  *CommandToGetHelpOn,

-  IN CHAR16  *SectionToGetHelpOn,

-  IN BOOLEAN  PrintCommandText

+  IN CONST CHAR16  *CommandToGetHelpOn,

+  IN CONST CHAR16  *SectionToGetHelpOn,

+  IN BOOLEAN       PrintCommandText



   EFI_STATUS                          Status;

@@ -80,7 +249,7 @@



-    if ((gUnicodeCollation->MetaiMatch (gUnicodeCollation, (CHAR16 *)DynamicCommand->CommandName, CommandToGetHelpOn)) ||

+    if ((gUnicodeCollation->MetaiMatch (gUnicodeCollation, (CHAR16 *)DynamicCommand->CommandName, (CHAR16*)CommandToGetHelpOn)) ||

       (gEfiShellProtocol->GetAlias (CommandToGetHelpOn, NULL) != NULL && (gUnicodeCollation->MetaiMatch (gUnicodeCollation, (CHAR16 *)DynamicCommand->CommandName, (CHAR16*)(gEfiShellProtocol->GetAlias(CommandToGetHelpOn, NULL)))))) {

       // Print as Shell Help if in ManPage format.

       Status = ShellPrintHelp (DynamicCommand->CommandName, SectionToGetHelpOn,

@@ -128,13 +297,14 @@
   LIST_ENTRY          *Package;

   CHAR16              *ProblemParam;

   SHELL_STATUS        ShellStatus;

-  CONST COMMAND_LIST  *CommandList;


+  CHAR16              *SortedCommandList;

+  CONST CHAR16        *CurrentCommand;

   CHAR16              *CommandToGetHelpOn;

   CHAR16              *SectionToGetHelpOn;

   CHAR16              *HiiString;

   BOOLEAN             Found;

   BOOLEAN             PrintCommandText;

+  UINTN               SortedCommandListSize;


   PrintCommandText    = TRUE;

   ProblemParam        = NULL;

@@ -224,28 +394,38 @@

         Found = TRUE;

       } else {

-        CommandList = ShellCommandGetCommandList(TRUE);

-        ASSERT(CommandList != NULL);

-        for ( Node = (COMMAND_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&CommandList->Link)

-            ; CommandList != NULL && !IsListEmpty(&CommandList->Link) && !IsNull(&CommandList->Link, &Node->Link)

-            ; Node = (COMMAND_LIST*)GetNextNode(&CommandList->Link, &Node->Link)

-           ){

+        SortedCommandList = NULL;

+        SortedCommandListSize = 0;

+        CopyListOfCommandNames(&SortedCommandList, &SortedCommandListSize, ShellCommandGetCommandList(TRUE));

+        CopyListOfCommandNamesWithDynamic(&SortedCommandList, &SortedCommandListSize);


+        for (CurrentCommand = SortedCommandList 

+          ; CurrentCommand != NULL && *CurrentCommand != CHAR_NULL && CurrentCommand < SortedCommandList + SortedCommandListSize/sizeof(CHAR16)

+          ; CurrentCommand += StrLen(CurrentCommand) + 1

+          ) {


           // Checking execution break flag when print multiple command help information.


           if (ShellGetExecutionBreakFlag ()) {



-          if ((gUnicodeCollation->MetaiMatch(gUnicodeCollation, Node->CommandString, CommandToGetHelpOn)) ||

-             (gEfiShellProtocol->GetAlias(CommandToGetHelpOn, NULL) != NULL && (gUnicodeCollation->MetaiMatch(gUnicodeCollation, Node->CommandString, (CHAR16*)(gEfiShellProtocol->GetAlias(CommandToGetHelpOn, NULL)))))) {


+          if ((gUnicodeCollation->MetaiMatch(gUnicodeCollation, (CHAR16*)CurrentCommand, CommandToGetHelpOn)) ||

+             (gEfiShellProtocol->GetAlias(CommandToGetHelpOn, NULL) != NULL && (gUnicodeCollation->MetaiMatch(gUnicodeCollation, (CHAR16*)CurrentCommand, (CHAR16*)(gEfiShellProtocol->GetAlias(CommandToGetHelpOn, NULL)))))) {


             // We have a command to look for help on.


-            Status = ShellPrintHelp(Node->CommandString, SectionToGetHelpOn, PrintCommandText);

+            Status = ShellPrintHelp(CurrentCommand, SectionToGetHelpOn, PrintCommandText);

+            if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {

+              //

+              // now try to match against the dynamic command list and print help

+              //

+              Status = PrintDynamicCommandHelp (CurrentCommand, SectionToGetHelpOn, PrintCommandText);

+            }

             if (Status == EFI_DEVICE_ERROR) {

-                ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_HELP_INV), gShellLevel3HiiHandle, Node->CommandString);

+                ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_HELP_INV), gShellLevel3HiiHandle, CurrentCommand);

             } else if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {

-                ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_HELP_NF), gShellLevel3HiiHandle, Node->CommandString);

+                ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_HELP_NF), gShellLevel3HiiHandle, CurrentCommand);

             } else {

                 Found = TRUE;


@@ -253,15 +433,6 @@



-        // now try to match against the dynamic command list and print help

-        //

-        Status = PrintDynamicCommandHelp (CommandToGetHelpOn, SectionToGetHelpOn,

-                                          PrintCommandText);

-        if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {

-          Found = TRUE;

-        }


-        //

         // Search the .man file for Shell applications (Shell external commands).


         if (!Found) {