CorebootModulePkg/CbParseLib: Coding style update

This patch update file CbParseLib.c to make it consistent with EDKII coding style:
1) Add function comments.
2) Add {} for if statement.
3) Compare with NULL for pointer and compare with 0 for integer instead of using them like a BOOLEAN.
4) For debug information only, use EFI_D_INFO instead of EFI_D_ERROR
5) Correct IN, OUT modifier

Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Guo Dong <>
Reviewed-by: Maurice Ma <>

git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
diff --git a/CorebootModulePkg/Library/CbParseLib/CbParseLib.c b/CorebootModulePkg/Library/CbParseLib/CbParseLib.c
index 8890629..df02e58 100644
--- a/CorebootModulePkg/Library/CbParseLib/CbParseLib.c
+++ b/CorebootModulePkg/Library/CbParseLib/CbParseLib.c
@@ -24,13 +24,34 @@

 #include "Coreboot.h"


-/* Helpful inlines */


-static UINT64 cb_unpack64(struct cbuint64 val)


+  Convert a packed value from cbuint64 to a UINT64 value.


+  @param  val      The pointer to packed data.


+  @return          the UNIT64 value after convertion.




+cb_unpack64 (

+  IN struct cbuint64 val

+  )


   return LShiftU64 (val.hi, 32) | val.lo;





+  Returns the sum of all elements in a buffer of 16-bit values.  During

+  calculation, the carry bits are also been added.


+  @param  Buffer      The pointer to the buffer to carry out the sum operation.

+  @param  Length      The size, in bytes, of Buffer.


+  @return Sum         The sum of Buffer with carry bits included during additions.




 CbCheckSum16 (

   IN UINT16   *Buffer,

@@ -60,9 +81,21 @@
   return (UINT16)((~Sum) & 0xFFFF);





+  Find coreboot record with given Tag from the memory Start in 4096

+  bytes range.


+  @param  Start              The start memory to be searched in

+  @param  Tag                The tag id to be found


+  @retval NULL              The Tag is not found.

+  @retval Others            The poiter to the record found.




 FindCbTag (

-  IN  VOID    *Start,

+  IN  VOID     *Start,

   IN  UINT32   Tag



@@ -76,17 +109,19 @@
   Header = NULL;

   TmpPtr = (UINT8 *)Start;

   for (Idx = 0; Idx < 4096; Idx += 16, TmpPtr += 16) {

-    Header = (struct cb_header   *)TmpPtr;

+    Header = (struct cb_header *)TmpPtr;

     if (Header->signature == CB_HEADER_SIGNATURE) {





-  if (Idx >= 4096)

+  if (Idx >= 4096) {

     return NULL;

+  }


-  if (Header == NULL || !Header->table_bytes)

+  if ((Header == NULL) || (Header->table_bytes == 0)) {

     return NULL;

+  }



   // Check the checksum of the coreboot table header

@@ -109,10 +144,11 @@
     Record = (struct cb_record *)TmpPtr;

     if (Record->tag == CB_TAG_FORWARD) {

       TmpPtr = (VOID *)(UINTN)((struct cb_forward *)(UINTN)Record)->forward;

-      if (Tag == CB_TAG_FORWARD)

+      if (Tag == CB_TAG_FORWARD) {

         return TmpPtr;

-      else

+      } else {

         return FindCbTag (TmpPtr, Tag);

+      }


     if (Record->tag == Tag) {

       TagPtr = TmpPtr;

@@ -124,6 +160,20 @@
   return TagPtr;





+  Find the given table with TableId from the given coreboot memory Root.


+  @param  Root               The coreboot memory table to be searched in

+  @param  TableId            Table id to be found

+  @param  pMemTable          To save the base address of the memory table found

+  @param  pMemTableSize      To save the size of memory table found


+  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            Successfully find out the memory table.

+  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER  Invalid input parameters.

+  @retval RETURN_NOT_FOUND          Failed to find the memory table.




 FindCbMemTable (

   IN  struct cbmem_root  *Root,

@@ -143,11 +193,11 @@
   // Check if the entry is CBMEM or IMD

   // and handle them separately


-  Entries    = Root->entries;

+  Entries = Root->entries;

   if (Entries[0].magic == CBMEM_ENTRY_MAGIC) {

     IsImdEntry = FALSE;

   } else {

-    Entries    = (struct cbmem_entry *)((struct imd_root *)Root)->entries;

+    Entries = (struct cbmem_entry *)((struct imd_root *)Root)->entries;

     if (Entries[0].magic == IMD_ENTRY_MAGIC) {

       IsImdEntry = TRUE;

     } else {

@@ -188,28 +238,31 @@


 CbParseMemoryInfo (

-  IN UINT64*    pLowMemorySize,

-  IN UINT64*    pHighMemorySize

+  OUT UINT64     *pLowMemorySize,

+  OUT UINT64     *pHighMemorySize



-  struct cb_memory*        rec;

-  struct cb_memory_range*  Range;

+  struct cb_memory         *rec;

+  struct cb_memory_range   *Range;

   UINT64                   Start;

   UINT64                   Size;

   UINTN                    Index;


-  if ((!pLowMemorySize) || (!pHighMemorySize))

+  if ((pLowMemorySize == NULL) || (pHighMemorySize == NULL)) {


+  }



   // Get the coreboot memory table


   rec = (struct cb_memory *)FindCbTag (0, CB_TAG_MEMORY);

-  if (!rec)

+  if (rec == NULL) {

     rec = (struct cb_memory *)FindCbTag ((VOID *)(UINTN)PcdGet32 (PcdCbHeaderPointer), CB_TAG_MEMORY);

+  }


-  if (!rec)

+  if (rec == NULL) {

     return RETURN_NOT_FOUND;

+  }


   *pLowMemorySize = 0;

   *pHighMemorySize = 0;

@@ -218,7 +271,7 @@
     Range = MEM_RANGE_PTR(rec, Index);

     Start = cb_unpack64(Range->start);

     Size = cb_unpack64(Range->size);

-    DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "%d. %016lx - %016lx [%02x]\n",

+    DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "%d. %016lx - %016lx [%02x]\n",

             Index, Start, Start + Size - 1, Range->type));


     if (Range->type != CB_MEM_RAM) {

@@ -232,7 +285,7 @@



-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Low memory 0x%lx, High Memory 0x%lx\n", *pLowMemorySize, *pHighMemorySize));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Low memory 0x%lx, High Memory 0x%lx\n", *pLowMemorySize, *pHighMemorySize));




@@ -252,31 +305,33 @@


 CbParseCbMemTable (

-  IN UINT32     TableId,

-  IN VOID**     pMemTable,

-  IN UINT32*    pMemTableSize

+  IN  UINT32     TableId,

+  OUT VOID       **pMemTable,

+  OUT UINT32     *pMemTableSize



-  struct cb_memory*        rec;

-  struct cb_memory_range*  Range;

+  struct cb_memory         *rec;

+  struct cb_memory_range   *Range;

   UINT64                   Start;

   UINT64                   Size;

   UINTN                    Index;


-  if (!pMemTable)

+  if (pMemTable == NULL) {



+  }

   *pMemTable = NULL;



   // Get the coreboot memory table


   rec = (struct cb_memory *)FindCbTag (0, CB_TAG_MEMORY);

-  if (!rec)

+  if (rec == NULL) {

     rec = (struct cb_memory *)FindCbTag ((VOID *)(UINTN)PcdGet32 (PcdCbHeaderPointer), CB_TAG_MEMORY);

+  }


-  if (!rec)

+  if (rec == NULL) {

     return RETURN_NOT_FOUND;

+  }


   for (Index = 0; Index < MEM_RANGE_COUNT(rec); Index++) {

     Range = MEM_RANGE_PTR(rec, Index);

@@ -306,8 +361,8 @@


 CbParseAcpiTable (

-  IN VOID       **pMemTable,

-  IN UINT32     *pMemTableSize

+  OUT VOID       **pMemTable,

+  OUT UINT32     *pMemTableSize



   return CbParseCbMemTable (SIGNATURE_32 ('I', 'P', 'C', 'A'), pMemTable, pMemTableSize);

@@ -326,8 +381,8 @@


 CbParseSmbiosTable (

-  IN VOID**     pMemTable,

-  IN UINT32*    pMemTableSize

+  OUT VOID       **pMemTable,

+  OUT UINT32     *pMemTableSize



   return CbParseCbMemTable (SIGNATURE_32 ('T', 'B', 'M', 'S'), pMemTable, pMemTableSize);

@@ -347,19 +402,19 @@


 CbParseFadtInfo (

-  IN UINTN*     pPmCtrlReg,

-  IN UINTN*     pPmTimerReg,

-  IN UINTN*     pResetReg,

-  IN UINTN*     pResetValue

+  OUT UINTN      *pPmCtrlReg,

+  OUT UINTN      *pPmTimerReg,

+  OUT UINTN      *pResetReg,

+  OUT UINTN      *pResetValue




-  EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER*                  Rsdt;

-  UINT32*                                       Entry32;


+  EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER                   *Rsdt;

+  UINT32                                        *Entry32;

   UINTN                                         Entry32Num;


-  EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER*                  Xsdt;

-  UINT64*                                       Entry64;


+  EFI_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_HEADER                   *Xsdt;

+  UINT64                                        *Entry64;

   UINTN                                         Entry64Num;

   UINTN                                         Idx;

   RETURN_STATUS                                 Status;

@@ -368,14 +423,16 @@


   Status = CbParseAcpiTable (&Rsdp, NULL);

-  if (RETURN_ERROR(Status))

+  if (RETURN_ERROR(Status)) {

     return Status;

+  }


-  if (!Rsdp)

+  if (Rsdp == NULL) {

     return RETURN_NOT_FOUND;

+  }


-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Find Rsdp at %p\n", Rsdp));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Find Rsdt 0x%x, Xsdt 0x%lx\n", Rsdp->RsdtAddress, Rsdp->XsdtAddress));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Find Rsdp at %p\n", Rsdp));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Find Rsdt 0x%x, Xsdt 0x%lx\n", Rsdp->RsdtAddress, Rsdp->XsdtAddress));



   // Search Rsdt First

@@ -387,21 +444,25 @@
     for (Idx = 0; Idx < Entry32Num; Idx++) {


         Fadt = (EFI_ACPI_3_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE *)(UINTN)(Entry32[Idx]);

-        if (pPmCtrlReg)

+        if (pPmCtrlReg != NULL) {

           *pPmCtrlReg = Fadt->Pm1aCntBlk;

-        DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "PmCtrl Reg 0x%x\n", Fadt->Pm1aCntBlk));

+        }

+        DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "PmCtrl Reg 0x%x\n", Fadt->Pm1aCntBlk));


-        if (pPmTimerReg)

+        if (pPmTimerReg != NULL) {

           *pPmTimerReg = Fadt->PmTmrBlk;

-        DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "PmTimer Reg 0x%x\n", Fadt->PmTmrBlk));

+        }

+        DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "PmTimer Reg 0x%x\n", Fadt->PmTmrBlk));


-        if (pResetReg)

+        if (pResetReg != NULL) {

           *pResetReg = (UINTN)Fadt->ResetReg.Address;

-        DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Reset Reg 0x%lx\n", Fadt->ResetReg.Address));

+        }

+        DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Reset Reg 0x%lx\n", Fadt->ResetReg.Address));


-        if (pResetValue)

+        if (pResetValue != NULL) {

           *pResetValue = Fadt->ResetValue;

-        DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Reset Value 0x%x\n", Fadt->ResetValue));

+        }

+        DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Reset Value 0x%x\n", Fadt->ResetValue));


         return RETURN_SUCCESS;


@@ -455,28 +516,33 @@


 CbParseSerialInfo (

-  IN UINT32*     pRegBase,

-  IN UINT32*     pRegAccessType,

-  IN UINT32*     pBaudrate

+  OUT UINT32      *pRegBase,

+  OUT UINT32      *pRegAccessType,

+  OUT UINT32      *pBaudrate



-  struct cb_serial*   CbSerial;

+  struct cb_serial    *CbSerial;


   CbSerial = FindCbTag (0, CB_TAG_SERIAL);

-  if (!CbSerial)

+  if (CbSerial == NULL) {

     CbSerial = FindCbTag ((VOID *)(UINTN)PcdGet32 (PcdCbHeaderPointer), CB_TAG_SERIAL);

+  }


-  if (!CbSerial)

+  if (CbSerial == NULL) {

     return RETURN_NOT_FOUND;

+  }


-  if (pRegBase)

+  if (pRegBase != NULL) {

     *pRegBase = CbSerial->baseaddr;

+  }


-  if (pRegAccessType)

+  if (pRegAccessType != NULL) {

     *pRegAccessType = CbSerial->type;

+  }


-  if (pBaudrate)

+  if (pBaudrate != NULL) {

     *pBaudrate = CbSerial->baud;

+  }




@@ -493,21 +559,23 @@


 CbParseGetCbHeader (

-  IN UINTN  Level,

-  IN VOID** HeaderPtr

+  IN  UINTN  Level,

+  OUT VOID   **HeaderPtr



   UINTN Index;

-  VOID* TempPtr;

+  VOID  *TempPtr;


-  if (!HeaderPtr)

+  if (HeaderPtr == NULL) {

     return RETURN_NOT_FOUND;

+  }


   TempPtr = NULL;

   for (Index = 0; Index < Level; Index++) {

     TempPtr = FindCbTag (TempPtr, CB_TAG_FORWARD);

-    if (!TempPtr)

+    if (TempPtr == NULL) {


+    }



   if ((Index >= Level) && (TempPtr != NULL)) {

@@ -529,36 +597,39 @@


 CbParseFbInfo (





-  struct cb_framebuffer*   CbFbRec;

+  struct cb_framebuffer       *CbFbRec;


-  if (!pFbInfo)

+  if (pFbInfo == NULL) {


+  }


   CbFbRec = FindCbTag (0, CB_TAG_FRAMEBUFFER);

-  if (!CbFbRec)

+  if (CbFbRec == NULL) {

     CbFbRec = FindCbTag ((VOID *)(UINTN)PcdGet32 (PcdCbHeaderPointer), CB_TAG_FRAMEBUFFER);

+  }


-  if (!CbFbRec)

+  if (CbFbRec == NULL) {

     return RETURN_NOT_FOUND;

+  }


-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Found coreboot video frame buffer information\n"));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "physical_address: 0x%lx\n", CbFbRec->physical_address));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "x_resolution: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->x_resolution));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "y_resolution: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->y_resolution));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "bits_per_pixel: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->bits_per_pixel));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "bytes_per_line: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->bytes_per_line));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Found coreboot video frame buffer information\n"));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "physical_address: 0x%lx\n", CbFbRec->physical_address));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "x_resolution: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->x_resolution));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "y_resolution: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->y_resolution));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "bits_per_pixel: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->bits_per_pixel));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "bytes_per_line: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->bytes_per_line));


-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "red_mask_size: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->red_mask_size));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "red_mask_pos: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->red_mask_pos));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "green_mask_size: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->green_mask_size));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "green_mask_pos: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->green_mask_pos));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "blue_mask_size: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->blue_mask_size));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "blue_mask_pos: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->blue_mask_pos));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "reserved_mask_size: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->reserved_mask_size));

-  DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "reserved_mask_pos: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->reserved_mask_pos));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "red_mask_size: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->red_mask_size));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "red_mask_pos: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->red_mask_pos));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "green_mask_size: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->green_mask_size));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "green_mask_pos: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->green_mask_pos));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "blue_mask_size: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->blue_mask_size));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "blue_mask_pos: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->blue_mask_pos));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "reserved_mask_size: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->reserved_mask_size));

+  DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "reserved_mask_pos: 0x%x\n", CbFbRec->reserved_mask_pos));


   pFbInfo->LinearFrameBuffer    = CbFbRec->physical_address;

   pFbInfo->HorizontalResolution = CbFbRec->x_resolution;