Per gmtime manpage, tm_mon is the number of months since January
while MonthNo is the month of the year, so tm_mon should be MonthNo-1.
Similarly, tm_mday is the day of the month, and DayNo is the number
of days since the first day of the month. Assigning DayNo+1 to
tm_mday to fit the definition.
This commit also corrected miscalculated MonthNo and DayNo for the
first day of the month. (Thanks to Laszlo Ersek!)
Contributed-under: TianoCore Contribution Agreement 1.0
Signed-off-by: Gary Ching-Pang Lin <>
Reviewed-by: Laszlo Ersek <>
Reviewed-by: Long Qin <>
Reviewed-by: Ye Ting <>
git-svn-id: 6f19259b-4bc3-4df7-8a09-765794883524
1 file changed